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Tax exempt US funds are used to support Israeli settlement activity. Israel outlines its new Gaza policies. Pres. Obama and PM Netanyahu meet to try to repair US-Israel relations. Israel bans Palestinian West Bank agricultural products from Jerusalem. PM Fayyad and DM Barak meet to discuss security. Robert Danin says time is running out for an agreement. The CSM says Netanyahu must offer concessions to Obama. A new report by B'Tselem says 42% of the West Bank is controlled by settlements, and Seth Freedman says many should be evacuated. The PA wraps up its store-to-store settlement goods boycott campaign. Ira Sharkansky dismisses diplomatic moves, but Hussein Ibish defends them. Palestinian officials call on the US to make decisive decisions. Akiva Eldar says Netanyahu will present unworkable “security borders” at the meeting. Numerous Gazans claim to have been used as human shields during the Gaza war. Orly Azoulay says Obama will politely tell Netanyahu the time is now for a Palestinian state. In These Times interviews Hussein Ibish. On the Ibishblog, Ibish says adroit Palestinian diplomacy has set the stage for the Netanyahu meeting.
Pres. Abbas reaches out directly to the Israeli public. Martin Indyk says Pres. Obama and PM Netanyahu are developing better working relations. Rights groups critique Israel's Gaza policies. A report from The Lancet confirms long-term health costs from the Gaza blockade. Israel proposes releasing 1000 Palestinian prisoners for Gilad Shalit. Abbas says direct talks depend on progress in indirect talks. Into the Gaza flotilla attack is likely to be more critical than expected. Obama is preparing to press Netanyahu on peace and settlements, and Israeli officials say the conversation will shape the future of the Middle East. PM Fayyad says direct negotiations are not imminent. Israel considers transferring authority over Gaza crossings to the PA. The Jerusalem Post says adroit Palestinian diplomacy has created a conundrum for Netanyahu. UK Methodists vote to boycott settlement products. Jeremy Ben-Ami and Debra DeLee say it's time for more honesty in pro-Israel advocacy. IPS profiles the new film “Budrus"about nonviolent Palestinian resistance.
Aid from the Turkish flotilla begins to arrive in Gaza. Turkish and Israeli officials resume high-level contacts. Nick Kristof says the occupation is morally repugnant. Special Envoy Mitchell welcomes the easing of the Gaza blockade. Tensions build in Silwan In occupied East Jerusalem where Palestinian homes are slated for demolition. Israel bombs three sites in Gaza. Power outages in Gaza are down to eight hours a day. Pres. Abbas gives a rare interview to Israeli media, reiterating that he is ready for direct talks if Israel clarifies its positions on borders and security. The IHH claims Gaza flotilla passengers were tortured. Larry Derfner says Israelis are not ready for peace. Ben White says Camp David proves one-on-one negotiations are hopeless and international pressure is required. A Gaza lawyer sues for the right to study in the West Bank. ATFP Pres. Ziad Asali says peace demands courage from both Palestinians and Israelis.
Tom Friedman says Palestinian economic growth in the West Bank is changing everything. Pres. Obama and the Saudi King discuss the peace process. A Hamas member who spied for Israel begs not to be deported from the United States. Under much criticism, Israel may extend the remit of the Gaza flotilla investigation. Pres. Abbas urges stronger efforts on peace. Disabled activists fight for rights in Gaza. A new poll shows Palestinians and Israelis are hopeful but cautious about peace. Projectiles fired from Gaza strike southern Israel. Bradley Burston says Israel has been taken over by tea party-like fanatics. Settlers announce an “aggressive campaign” against PM Netanyahu. The Hamas-Fatah divide is proving unbridgeable. A proposed Israeli law would outlaw all forms of boycott, including against settlement goods. DM Barak is acting more as Israel's Foreign Minister than FM Lieberman. PM Hariri calls for more rights for Palestinians in Lebanon, and Rami Khouri says the situation is shameful. Yossi Alpher says the Gaza blockade has been counterproductive.
Richard Cohen says Hamas is hurting the Palestinian cause. An Israeli court sentences a Palestinian to life in prison. 10 Jordan Valley families are given 24 hours before their homes will be demolished. Palestinian officials seek to build ties with Jewish American leaders. Palestinians say progress on security, borders and settlements are key to direct negotiations. Israeli shelling kills a Palestinian in eastern Gaza. Palestinians launch a shop-two-shop settlement goods boycott campaign. FM Lieberman says there is no chance for a Palestinian state before 2012. The US is reportedly frustrated with Israel's positions at proximity talks. Ha'aretz says the power plant issue shows Hamas does not have Gazan's best interests at heart. The Jerusalem Post profiles the head of the so-called “Islamic movement” in Israel. The Independent profiles a Palestinian man struggling to retain his Jerusalem residency. Emile Hokayem says Lebanon mistreats Palestinian refugees. PLO officials say disbanding the PA is a possibility. Ghassan Khatib and Omar Shaban both say the siege of Gaza must be lifted completely.

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