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Pres. Abbas vows not to withdraw from peace talks with Israel. (Xinhua)

Pres. Obama urges PM Netanyahu to speed up peace talks with the Palestinians. (Ha'aretz)

VP Biden tells the J Street conference regional instability presents opportunities for peace. (JTA)

Obama and Netanyahu express unity on Iran and other issues. (New York Times)

Netanyahu urges the continuation of sanctions against Iran. (Los Angeles Times)

Iran's FM calls Netanyahu "a liar." (AP)

Iranians are caught between dueling narratives about their overtures to the United States. (New York Times)

Gulf states are carefully watching the development of Iran-related issues. (The Media Line)

Palestinians say Israeli soldiers killed a man near the Gaza border area. (AP/Xinhua)

Israel's military confirms the man it killed was unarmed. (Ha'aretz)

Palestinians are going to petition Israel's High Court to reclaim Jordan Valley land from settlers. (Ha'aretz)

Israeli police say there has been a surge of "price tag" hate crime vandalism in Jerusalem. (Xinhua)

GDP at constant prices in Palestine increased during the 2nd quarter of 2013 compared to last year's parallel quarter. (PNN)

Following a month-long student strike over tuition hikes, Birzeit University will commence classes. (PNN)


Barak Ravid says, despite deep differences, Netanyahu got what he wanted from Obama. (Ha'aretz)

Hassan Barari says Iranian reconciliation with the West and its neighbors will take more than just a moderate leader. (Jordan Times)

Peter Galbraith says Obama may prove a triple-winner on Iran, Syria and Russia. (The Daily Star)

Ha'aretz urges Netanyahu to stop "sowing fear" diplomatically. (Ha'aretz)

Hagai Segal says Netanyahu has no choice but to be a "constant nagger" about the threat of Iran. (YNet)

Kevin Connolly questions whether Israel will be able to keep the West skeptical about Iran. (BBC)

Alon Pinkas says Netanyahu is making a big mistake by turning Iran into "Israel's issue." (Ha'aretz)

Doyle McManus asks how long Iran's charm offensive can be effective. (Los Angeles Times)

Russell Sticklor suggests ways of dealing with what he thinks is an upcoming Middle East region-wide water crisis. (Christian Science Monitor)

Amira Hass says the Middle East Quartet needs to push Israel to lift restrictions on Palestinians. (Ha'aretz)

Paul Gross says the US is indispensable to the Middle East. (Jerusalem Post)

David Newman says right-wing extremist groups are hijacking Zionism. (Jerusalem Post)

Neve Gordon says Israelis and Palestinians could consider "consociational government" as another model to the traditional two-state solution. (Los Angeles Times)

Shmuel Rosner complains European diplomats keep provoking Israeli soldiers in the occupied territories. (Al Monitor)

Naela Khalil explains how a Hamas leader is embroiled in a scandal over an "honor killing" in the West Bank. (Al Monitor)

Anna Lekas Miller says Congress should not be facilitating Israeli discrimination against Americans. (The Nation)

Sandy Tolan remembers Edward Said. (PNN)


Diplomats say Israeli-Palestinian talks are stuck over the issue of boundaries. (Xinhua)

Israel is reportedly increasing the pace of the demolition of Palestinian homes. (Christian Science Monitor)

The PA says it will not permit another intifada in the occupied West Bank, as violent protests mark the anniversary of the second intifada. (PNN/Los Angeles Times)

Grenada and Haiti become the latest countries to recognize the State of Palestine. (Ma'an)

President Obama and PM Netanyahu will meet on Monday. (AP)

Israel and other American allies in the Middle East view Iranian diplomatic overtures with suspicion. (New York Times/AP/Xinhua)

Israel reportedly arrests an Iranian nuclear spy. (New York Times/Reuters)

Netanyahu says he's going to "tell the truth" about Iran. (Los Angeles Times)

Pres. Peres says "all options" are open on Iran, and criticizes Netanyahu's "scornful" approach. (AP/Xinhua)

Five Egyptian policemen are killed by extremists in Sinai. (Ma'an)

Four Jewish extremists are arrested for allegedly smashing Christian gravestones in Jerusalem. (Xinhua/AFP)

Israel's Navy will soon receive three "next-generation fast patrol boats." (Xinhua/YNet)

Israel declares a demolished village in the Jordan Valley a "closed military area." (Ma'an)

Likud MK Hanegbi says Jerusalem is negotiable, but the right of return for Palestinian refugees is not. (Ha'aretz)

Israel's Holocaust museum is naming an Egyptian physician as its first Arab "righteous Gentile."(YNet)

National Security Advisor Rice says sanctions against Iran won't be lifted until it "proves" it doesn't have a nuclear weapons program. (AP/Times of Israel)

J Street launches a $1 million campaign for Jewish Americans to promote Israeli-Palestinian peace. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

PBS looks at Rawabi, the first "planned Palestinian city" in the occupied West Bank. (PBS)

Arab Idol winner Mohammed Assaf performs at the Hague. (AFP)


El Hassan bin Talal says Israel can be a partner in the birth of a new Middle East. (The Daily Star)

Shlomi Eldar says only an interim agreement between Israel and the PLO is achievable at present. (Al Monitor)

Ariela Ringel-Hoffman says there is no alternative to peace negotiations. (YNet)

Amos Harel outlines what he thinks Israel has learned from the Kenya mall terrorist attack. (Ha'aretz)

Raphael Ahren says Netanyahu's mission in Washington will be to set parameters for US-Iranian negotiations. (Times of Israel)

The Jerusalem Post says "trust but verify" should be the standard for dealing with Iran's nuclear program. (Jerusalem Post)

Chemi Shalev says Iran's duplicity on Holocaust denial suggests it is not being honest about its nuclear program. (Ha'aretz)

Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed asks if we are seeing a "new Obama" dealing with Iran. (Asharq Al- Awsat)

Orly Azoulay says Obama knows what he's doing when it comes to Iran. (YNet)

Aaron David Miller says Obama is not going to sell out Israel in a nuclear deal with Iran. (Foreign Policy)

Niv Horesh says Israel should build stronger relations with China. (Ha'aretz)

Susan Hattis Rolef says Danny Danon's bellicose, annexationist rhetoric only does harm to Israel. (Jerusalem Post)

Lisa Goldman looks at a Palestinian play that was performed in Arabic in New York. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

Mojtaba Mousavi says a collapse in US-Iranian negotiations would strengthen hardliners in Tehran. (Al Monitor)

Gitit Ginat says the new film "Bethlehem" is credible but too soft on the Israeli side. (Al Monitor)

Sophie Cousins looks at the "cruel exile" awaiting Palestinian refugees fleeing Syria. (Al Jazeera)


The UN releases the full text of Pres. Abbas' address to the UNGA this year. (UN)

Abbas criticizes Israeli policies, but says Palestinians are committed to peace with Israel in the next nine months. (Washington Post/AP)

Abbas insists any agreement must be permanent, not interim. (AFP/Ha'aretz)

An Israeli cabinet minister denounces Abbas' speech. (Times of Israel)

Egypt launches a major military campaign in Sinai just south of the crossing with Gaza. (Ma'an)

Hamas detains members of a Fatah-related armed group. (Ma'an)

Human Rights Watch urges Israel to stop displacing its Bedouin citizens. (YNet)

Palestinians say Israeli destruction of groves has resulted in a 60% deficit in olive production this year. (PNN)

The permanent members of the UN Security Council agree on a resolution on Syria's chemical weapons. (New York Times/Reuters)

Israel's Home Defense Minister urges an intensification of sanctions on Iran. (Jerusalem Post)

Ha'aretz profiles a planned large Israeli settlement in the occupied Golan Heights that never really got going. (Ha'aretz)

Self-described "Christian Zionists" are particularly interested in visiting and supporting Israeli settlements. (Christian Science Monitor)

UNSG Ban urges support as the UN agency aiding Palestinians faces "unprecedented" challenges. (UN)

Gaza students are among the most effected by the closing of the Egyptian border. (Al Monitor)

Israel and China establish a joint research center. (Al Monitor)


George Hishmeh says the US should be held to its commitment to a two-state solution. (Jordan Times)

Al-Sayed Amin Shalabi says the US will make sure Israeli-Palestinian talks are a success, one way or another. (Al-Ahram Weekly)

The Jerusalem Post condemns Pres. Obama for making Israeli-Palestinian peace a centerpiece of his policy. (Jerusalem Post)

Shimon Koffler Fogel says if Israelis and Palestinians are going to get it right this time, they must learn the lessons of Oslo. (Toronto Star)

Rebecca Shimoni Stoil looks at the way Israelis and Palestinians sit at the UN. (Times of Israel)

Roger Cohen says the US and Iran should seize a rare opportunity for diplomatic progress. (New York Times)

The New York Times sees the UN agreement on Syria as a sign of limited progress. (New York Times)

Ari Shavit says PM Netanyahu should push for a total suspension of uranium enrichment by Iran. (Ha'aretz)

Mazal Mualem says Netanyahu seems incapable of adapting his position towards Iran. (Al Monitor)

Shlomi Eldar says Israel needs to put Pres. Rouhani to the test. (Al Monitor)

Lior Akerman says Israel's internal security is largely successful at thwarting planned attacks. (Jerusalem Post)

Avi Issacharoff says "lone wolf" killers in the occupied territories present an impossible challenge to Israeli security. (Times of Israel)

J.J. Goldberg says the recent "lone wolf" killings of two Israeli soldiers were isolated incidents. (The Forward)

Stephen Holden and  Susan King separately review "Out in the Dark," a new film about a gay relationship between an Israeli and a Palestinian. (New York Times/Los Angeles Times)

Hicham Yezza remembers Edward Said on the 10th anniversary of his death. (Open Democracy)


Sec. Kerry says Israelis and Palestinians agreed to intensify talks aimed at a final status agreement. (AP)

100 prominent Jewish Americans call on Pres. Abbas to push for peace in his UN speech. (Ha'aretz)

Egypt allows "no leniency" to those who would violate its borders, implicitly Hamas. (Ma’an)

Hamas leaders promise not to cause any problems for Egypt, but calls the remarks a "dangerous escalation." (Xinhua/Ahram Online)

A Hamas court sentences a man to death for murdering his wife in Gaza. (Ma’an)

Israeli occupation forces detain six Palestinians in Hebron. (Ma’an)

Israel says it plans unspecified easing of restrictions on Palestinians. (AFP)

Aid requirements for Syrian refugees are cutting into those for Palestinians in a competition for support. (AP)

Iran tries to raise the issue of Israel's nuclear arsenal. (AP)

PM Netanyahu slams Pres. Rouhani's UN speech. (Xinhua)

Israel's warnings about Iran and Rouhani are apparently being ignored internationally. (Christian Science Monitor)

Turkey says Israel hasn't met all the conditions for normalizing relations following the deadly flotilla incident. (AP)

Western diplomats say the UN is nearing a consensus on a Syria resolution. (New York Times)

Egypt's FM calls relations with the US "unsettled." (AP)

Reuters looks at Hezbollah's role in the Syrian conflict. (Reuters)

Hezbollah denies receiving chemical weapons from Syria. (Asharq Al-Awsat)


Shahdi Alkashif observes a murder trial in Gaza firsthand. (BBC)

Jihad el-Khazen says a continuation to the occupation will lead to another intifada or horrible terrorism. (Al Hayat)

George Hishmeh says Obama's UN speech dealt another blow to Israel. (Gulf News)

Naela Khalil asks if armed elements within Fatah are making a comeback. (Al Monitor)

Mitch Ginsberg looks at a new movie about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, "Bethlehem." (Times of Israel)

David Ignatius says Rouhani is seeking a nuclear deal within three months. (Washington Post)

Lally Weymouth interviews Russian FM Lavrov on Syria and other matters. (Washington Post)

Edward Haley lists four reasons why critics of Pres. Obama's Syria policies are wrong. (Christian Science Monitor)

Chemi Shalev says Obama and Rouhani presented complementary perspectives at the UN. (Ha'aretz)


At this year's UN meeting, Pres. Abbas is honoring his commitment not to pursue further multilateral efforts. (AP)

Abbas condemns the killing of Israelis and calls on Israel to condemn the killing of Palestinians. (Times of Israel/PNN/Jerusalem Post)

Abbas says he is still hopeful peace is possible. (Ma'an)

Abbas meets with Jewish-American leaders. (The Forward)

The UNHRC is due to discuss conditions in the occupied Palestinian territories during the UN meeting. (Jerusalem Post)

Palestinian and Israeli negotiators are bickering, but talks continue nonetheless. (Jerusalem Post)

Israel may be preparing to offer the Palestinians a package of financial incentives. (Financial Times)

A new poll shows Palestinians are pessimistic about the prospects for peace with Israel. (Los Angeles Times)

The PA ambassador to Egypt says the crossing with Gaza is closed because of the security situation in Sinai. (Ma'an)

Iran may be starting to increase its level of support for Hamas again. (Times of Israel)

The World Bank grants $10 Million in direct assistance to Palestinian families in need. (PNN)

Israeli occupation forces and Palestinians clash in Hebron. (Ma'an/Los Angeles Times)

Amnesty International calls on the PA to end "a pattern of abuse" against demonstrators. (Ma'an)

Israel has threatened to take action against a French diplomat following a scuffle in the occupied Palestinian territories. (BBC)

People of Arab descent and others face long detention at Israeli airports. (Ha'aretz)

Israel dispatches experts to advise on resolving the Kenya mall attack crisis. (AP)

An Egyptian court orders the disbanding of the Muslim Brotherhood and the seizure of its assets. (New York Times/Washington Post)

Iran says UN nuclear talks signal the beginning of a new era with the West. (AP)

FIFA is continuing to try to mediate between the Israeli and Palestinian soccer federations. (Reuters)

Palestinians are planning to launch a new online radio network. (The Media Line)

Sec. Kerry thanks the UAE Foreign Minister for his support. (The National)

Jordan's King Abdallah meets world leaders in New York. (Jordan Times)

rift within Fatah in Lebanon threatens the organization's unity there. (The Daily Star)


Asmaa al-Ghoul says now only Abbas can rescue Hamas. (Al Monitor)

Joel Strauss warns that a weakened Hamas may become more violent. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

Gershom Gorenberg compares the Syrian refugee crisis with the Palestinian Nakba of 1948. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

Barak Ravid says PM Netanyahu's response to the death of Israeli soldiers by promoting more West Bank settlement is a return to bad habits. (Ha'aretz)

Ha'aretz says Netanyahu's response looks like an official government "price tag" gesture. (Ha'aretz)

David Schenker asks what would happen if insurgents in Sinai close down the Suez Canal. (Los Angeles Times)

Hussein Ibish says a US-Iran nuclear deal suddenly seems possible, but it will only buy the parties more time. (NOW)

Rami Khouri agrees US-Iranian negotiations could produce a win-win scenario. (The Daily Star)

Nechama Duek says Israel is strong enough to withstand a US-Iran nuclear deal. (YNet)

Nahum Barnea says Israel's life is made more difficult by the fact that Pres. Putin is more loyal to his allies than Pres. Obama. (YNet)

Raphael Ahren says Israel is likely to find itself isolated on the question of Iran this year at the UN. (Times of Israel)

Joschka Fischer says Syria faces a "Balkan tragedy" if the chemical weapons negotiations fail. (Gulf News)

Moshe Elad says Hamas is under Egyptian blockade and internal political pressure. (Ha'aretz)

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