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In their first meeting yesterday Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu tells President Obama that he wants to restart peace talks, but refrains from endorsing a Palestinian state (1). While President Obama addresses the Prime Minister’s major concern s regarding Iran (2) (4). Palestinian officials voice disappointment in the lack of progress produced by this first meeting (3), and other commentators speculate on the future of the peace process (7) (8) (9) (10). Fatah and Hamas end Egyptian mediated talks in Cairo without an agreement (6).
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is in Washington today for his first meeting with President Obama (1), while speculation abounds regarding the substance of their discussions (5) (7) (10) (12) (15). A new Israeli settlement is slated for construction in the Jordan Valley (8). According to Haaretz, Israel and the Palestinian Authority have recently made discreet contacts regarding the resumption of peace negotiations (9). Fatah and Hamas reportedly reach an agreement on the establishment of a joint security force for Gaza (13).
In a meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu, Jordan’s King Abdullah urges Israeli commitment to a peace based on two states (1), while Netanyahu explains to the Pope his reservations regarding a Palestinian state (2). The first meeting between Netanyahu and President Obama is set for Monday in Washington (3) (11) (9). Four former Mideast ambassadors sign a letter to President Obama urging an ‘active U.S. role’ in seeking peace based on two states (4). Quartet envoy Tony Blair urges urgent action towards such an agreement in testimony before the U.S. Congress (5). Hamas boycotts the visit of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to Syria (7). Egyptian security forces discover a significant weapons cache on the Gaza border (13). An op-ed in Ynet News scoffs at Israeli President Shimon Peres’ ‘natural growth’ explanation for settlement expansion (14).
The Pope visits Bethlehem and Nazareth, criticizing Israel's separation barrier and continuing his calls for the creation of a Palestinian state (1) (2) (4) (5) (12) Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu meets with King Abdullah II in Jordan (6). Speculation continues about the first meeting of President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu, set to take place on Monday (3) (7) (11). A poll shows 58% of Jewish Israelis support a peace based on two states (16). Objections delay the swearing-in of a new Palestinian government (17).
Continuing his Mideast tour, the Pope visits Bethlehem, where he calls for a sovereign Palestinian state and urges the lifting of the Gaza embargo (1) (3) (6) (12). The White House announces dates for upcoming visits of Israeli, Egyptian, and Palestinian leaders (2). Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak says that progress in peace negotiations must come before broader Arab recognition of Israel (5). Religious tension mounts in the Arab city of Nazareth in Israel, just ahead of the Pope's visit (9). The leader of the Palestinian "Islamic Jihad" organization argues against any recognition of Israel (13). 1,500 settlers rally in the evacuated West Bank Israeli settlement of "Homesh" (14).

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