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Secretary of State Hillary Clinton discusses Palestine in her address to the Council on Foreign Relations yesterday (1). Former U.S. diplomat Thomas Pickering meets with Hamas officials in Switzerland (2). The group of U.S. Jewish leaders that met with President Obama on Monday report that the meeting has allayed their concerns about his approach to Israel and Mideast peace (3). The Palestinian Authority shuts down the Al Jazeera television network in the West Bank (5) (12). Prime Minister Netanyahu is reportedly considering attending and speaking at the UN General Assembly meeting in September (15). Quartet envoy Tony Blair lauds improvements made by the Palestinian Security Forces in the West Bank (18).
An interview with Bassem Khoury, Palestinian Minister of National Economy lays out the PA economic policies (1). A group of Israeli soldiers speak out about widespread abuses they allege took place during the Gaza war (3) (7), while Defense Minister Ehud Barak says that any criticism of the IDF should be directed at him (12). The International Monetary Fund says the Palestinian economy is showing strong signs of growth (6). The World Bank pledges $33.5 million for Palestinian infrastructure initiatives (15). President Obama meets with U.S. Jewish leaders to discuss his approach to Israel and Mideast peace (16).
The American Charities for Palestine reports on the progress of a major public works project in the West Bank village of Beit ur al Tahta (1). Middle East Progress features a piece by Ian Bomberg examining the importance of economic growth in the West Bank (2). The Christian Science Monitor looks at visits being made by locally based U.S. diplomats to Israeli settlements (3). Quartet envoy Tony Blair praises recent steps taken by the Israeli government to ease the quality of life in the West Bank (6). The World Bank pledges $12.5 million for Palestinian Authority reconstruction operations in Gaza (7). Haaretz speculates on the slowed construction of the West Bank barrier wall (12).
The European Union’s foreign policy chief calls on the UN Security Council to recognize a Palestinian state (1). Britain revokes several arms exporting licenses from companies selling weapons parts to Israel (2). An article in the Jordan Times looks at how Palestinian children are being paid to work in the dangerous Gaza smuggling tunnels (6). Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas reiterates his refusal to resume peace talks until Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu accepts the two-state solution and halts settlement activity (9). A series of opinion articles examine the ongoing issue of a proposed Israeli settlement freeze (3) (10) (11) (12).
The West Bank city of Nablus sees signs of renewed economic growth (1) as Israel begins to relax restrictions on movement for Palestinians (9)(13). Tensions between the EU and Israel continue during a visit by the German foreign minister (2). Six months after the cessation of the war in Gaza, the outlook for the area remains grim (3)(7). Israeli National Security Adviser Uzi Arad rules out a total withdrawal from the Golan Heights during a discussion about possible talks with Syria (4). Egypt claims progress in negotiations for the release of captive IDF soldier Gilad Shalit (8)(10). Israel may permit a specially trained Palestinian counterterrorism unit to operate in the West Bank (12).

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