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France calls for an international Israeli-Palestinian peace conference and says it will recognize a Palestinian state if peace efforts fail. (Reuters/Ha’aretz/Times of Israel/Jerusalem Post)

Danish lawmakers say, too, will vote on recognizing the State of Palestine. (Ha’aretz/Times of Israel) 

Pres. Abbas tells a group of South African Jews that he is committed to a two-state solution. (JTA/Jerusalem Post)

FM Lieberman says Palestinian citizens of Israel should be offered financial incentives toleave the country. (Reuters/AP/Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post)

Former Pres. Peres says the “Jewish nation-state” bill risks generating a religious conflagration. (JTA)

Israeli occupation forces shoot an Italian man during protests near Nablus. (Ma’an)

Israel says a Hamas ring plotted attacks in the West Bank. (New York Times/JTA)

Turkey denies allowing Hamas to operate in its territory. (Times of Israel/Ynet)

Israeli police arrest a Palestinian teenager in Hebron for allegedly planning a stabbing attack. (Ha’aretz)

Egypt is reportedly considering re-opening the Rafah crossing next week. (Ma’an)

UNRWA declares a state of emergency in Gaza amid severe flooding. (Ma’an/JTA/Ynet)

Conflicting policies on Syria and ISIS erode US standing in the Middle East. (New York Times)

ISIS extremists block all mobile phone networks in Mosul. (The National)

The Syrian regime denies targeting civilians. (Reuters)

In Syria, desperate residents see little hope in the UN Aleppo peace plan. (Reuters)

Moderate Syrian rebels push forward in Southern Syria. (AP)

The rise of young Sunni extremists pose a new threat to Lebanon. (Washington Post)

Egyptians are bracing for potential violence ahead of a planned major Islamist protest. (AP)

Pope Francis begins a visit to Turkey. (Reuters/AP/Ynet) 


Amir Tibon looks at the “secret negotiations” between Netanyahu Rep. Molcho and Abbas’ representative. (New Republic)

Former Mossad Chief Shabtai Shavit says, for the first time, he fears for the future of Zionism. (Ha’aretz)

Oudeh Basharat says Palestinians from occupied East Jerusalem are born into a reality of occupation. (Ha’aretz)

Avi Issacharoff looks at why residents of Balata refugee camp feel abandoned by both Abbas and the UN. (Times of Israel)

Ha’aretz says increasing Israel’s police power is a dangerous step. (Ha’aretz)

David Horovitz says PM Netanyahu knows that he’s the best leader Israel can call on. (Times of Israel)

Ben Sales looks at why Pres. Rivlin opposed Netanyahu’s “Jewish nation-state” bill. (Jewish Daily Forward)

George Hishmeh looks at Netanyahu’s “Jewish nation-state” bill. (Jordan Times)

Raphael Ahren says international criticism of the proposed “Jewish nation-state” bill is exacerbated by the lack of peace talks. (Times of Israel)

Michael Brenner says neither Theodor Herzl nor Ze’ev Jabotinsky would have approved of the proposed Israeli "Jewish State" law. (Times of Israel)

Atef Abu Saif looks at the “other Gaza.” (Ynet)

Robert Casey says the American plan to destroy ISIS extremists must also include taking down Pres. Assad. (Washington Post)

Noah Bonsey says current American policy against ISIS is doomed to failure if its not revised. (Foreign Policy)

The National says ISIS must be fought in youth forums. (The National)

Michael Herzog says Israel views the extension of Iran talks as the lesser of two evils. (Al-Monitor)

Michael Young says the US is “crippled” in the Middle East. (Daily Star)

Eyad Abu Shakra asks what Iran’s future regional role might be. (Asharq al-Awsat)


Pres. Abbas and Pres. Rivlin both say they oppose Israel’s pending “Jewish nation-state” bill. (AP/Ynet/Reuters)

The EU urges Israel to uphold democracy in any “Jewish nation-state” law. (Times of Israel)

Egypt opens the Rafah crossing to stranded Palestinians bound for Gaza. (Reuters/Ma’an/Ynet/The National)

An Israeli lawmaker submits an eight-point counterterrorism plan to PM Netanyahu. (Ha’aretz/Times of Israel/Ynet)

Israeli Police Commissioner Danino says right-wing lawmakers who want to change the status quo on the Al Aqsa/Temple Mount should not be allowed to visit the site. (JTA)

UNGA passes five resolutions in favor of Palestinians. (PNN)

The Israeli Ministry of Interior will revoke the citizenship of Nadia Abu Jamal, wife of one of the Jerusalem Synagogue attackers. (Jerusalem Post/The Media Line)  

Israel moves to outlaw Muslim guards at the Al-Aqsa mosque. (Ha’aretz)

Israel’s shift to the right dims the prospects of the two-state solution. (Reuters)

group of Israelis assault a Palestinian worker in West Jerusalem. (Ma’an)

Israeli occupation forces detain 13 Palestinians in overnight raids across the West Bank. (Ma’an)

Hamas’ “Ministry of Agriculture” in Gaza says it will stop importing Israeli fruit. (Ma’an)

Some Palestinian citizens of Israel label their Facebook photos with the term “second-class citizens.” (Ha’aretz)

Former Pres. Sarkozy says he opposes French recognition of the State of Palestine. (Times of Israel/Ynet/Jerusalem Post)

NATO Gen. Nicholson says a “no-fly zone” in Syria is not being considered. (Reuters)

The Washington Post looks at the conditions inside Iraq’s hospitals run by ISIS extremists. (Washington Post)

The impoverished city of Tripoli in Lebanon is a target for ISIS extremists. (AP)

Ayatollah Khamenei approves further nuclear negotiations. (AP/New York Times)

The IMF says Egypt’s economy is starting to recover. (AP)


Yaron Friedman looks at Pres. Sisi’s peace plan. (Ynet)

Sabrien Amrov and Alaa Tartir say Palestinian security forces have become a “tool of the occupation.” (New York Times)

Peter Beinart looks at what the conflicts in Ferguson and Israel have in common. (Ha’aretz)

Moshe Arens says the “Jewish nation-state” bill is “useless and harmful.” (Ha’aretz)

Yossi Mekelberg says demolishing homes is just one form of collective punishment inflicted on the Palestinians by Israel. (Al Arabiya)

Chemi Shalev says Israel is the sorriest to see Def. Sec. Hagel go. (Ha’aretz)

Hussein Ibish says Hagel was right that the US needs a clear position opposing Assad, and his dismissal won’t alter that. (Now)

Michael Young says the White House's lack of an intelligent policy on Pres. Assad and ISIS will not be solved by changing Hagel. (The National)

David Ignatius looks at the impasse in the P5+1 nuclear talks. (Washington Post)

Rami Khouri looks at the lessons learned from P5+1 nuclear talks. (Daily Star)


UNSG Ban urges Israelis and Palestinians to “step back from the brink” and return to peace talks. (AFP/AP)

The EU Parliament postpones a vote on recognition of the State of Palestine. (Ma’an)

The Obama administration expresses reservations about Israel’s proposed “Jewish state” law. (JTA/Times of Israel)

Economy Minister Bennett says the US should not interfere in Israel’s internal affairs. (Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)

Three Palestinians are arrested for allegedly stabbing two Jewish Israelis inJerusalem. (New York Times/JTA/Times of Israel)

Extremist Jewish settlers attack a Palestinian in occupied East Jerusalem. (Ma’an)

A video shows a disabled Palestinian man beaten up by extremist Jewish settlers. (Ha’aretz)

An analysis of the video of the May shooting of a Palestinian teenager in the occupied West Bank suggests that the Israeli officer is to blame. (New York Times/JTA)

Israeli occupation forces detain 10 Palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem. (Ma’an)

Israeli forces raid the headquarters of the Palestinian Football Association in Jerusalem. (Ma’an/AP)

Pres. Rivlin cancels the appearance of a local pop star at an event following the star's release of a new racist song against Arabs. (AP/Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)

The UN says ISIS received $35-45 million in ransom payments. (The National)

Saudi Arabia says ISIS extremists ordered the attacks on Shi’ites in al-Ahsa. (Reuters)

Turkey and the US ease strains on ISIS, but differences still remain. (Reuters)

The P5+1 nuclear talks are extended for seven months after failing to meet the deadline. (Reuters/AP/New York Times/Washington Post)

FM Fabius says P5+1 talks progressed on key issues including enrichment. (Reuters)

Ayatollah Khamenei says West will not defeat Iran. (AP/New York Times)

The collapse of a building in Cairo, kills at least 17 people. (AP/The National)

Pres. Sisi meets with Pope Francis and Italian PM Renzi. (AP)


The New York Times says PM Netanyahu’s “Jewish nation-state bill” should be defeated. (New York Times)

Ha’aretz says the “Jewish nation-state” bill only weakens Israel’s democratic foundations. (Ha’aretz)

Mohammed Wattad says Israel is already a “Jewish nation-state.” (Ha’aretz)

Brent Sasley identifies four problems with Israel’s “Jewish nation-state” bill. (Jewish Daily Forward)

The Jordan Times says giving the Palestinian struggle a religious dimension only complicates it more. (Jordan Times)

Khaled Almaeena asks when the oppression of Palestinians will end. (Al Arabiya)

Nahum Barnea looks at Israeli incitement. (Ynet)

Jonathan Cook looks at why Netanyahu’s efforts to undermine Abbas and the PA are “self-destructive.” (The National)

Ron Kampeas says the US wants to keep Abbas as President of the PA. (JTA)

Roger Cohen says the US should keep pushing for an Iran deal. (New York Times)

The National says an Iranian deal would also benefit the UAE. (The National)

Raphael Ahren asks if Netanyahu failed in calling for the full dismantling of Iran’s nuclear program. (Times of Israel)


FM al-Maliki says the PLO has postponed submitting a draft resolution to the UNSC demanding an end to Israel's occupation. (Ma’an/JTA/Times of Israel/Jerusalem Post)
Palestinian Chief Negotiator Erekat says Palestinians have not yet delayed a UNSC bid. (Ha’aretz)
AP looks at Israel’s policy of demolishing Palestinian homes. (AP)
The Israeli Cabinet approves a bill to legally define the country as the “nation-state of the Jewish people.” (AP/New York Times/AFP/PNN/JTA)
Israel’s Justice Minister Livni says PM Netanyahu’s nationality law could break up thegovernment. (AP/PNN/Times of Israel)
Finance Minister Lapid says he will not support the “Jewish nation-state bill.” (Ha’aretz/Ynet)
Pres. Sisi says Egypt is willing to send forces to secure a Palestinian state. (AFP)
Europe is reportedly taking stronger measures to condemn Israeli policies. (New York Times/Ynet)
A former Israeli attorney general Michael Ben Yair urges the EU Parliament to recognize the State of Palestine. (Times of Israel)
Tensions at holy sites in occupied East Jerusalem threaten Jordanian-Israeli ties. (Washington Post)
An Israeli policeman is charged with manslaughter for killing a Palestinian teenager in May. (AFP/Ha’aretz)
Three Jewish Israelis attack a Palestinian teengaer in Jerusalem. (Ma’an/Ha’aretz/AP)
Ashkelon mayor reversed his ban on Palestinian workers. (JTA/Ynet)
Palestinian workers fear for their jobs in Israel. (The Media Line)
Israeli occupation forces detain 11 Palestinians in the West Bank. (Ma’an)
The Middle East Studies Association will vote on a proposal to support an academic boycott and end cooperation with Israeli academic institutions. (Ha’aretz)
Iran and the P5+1 will meet again next month after missing a deadline to clinch a final deal. (Reuters/AP/New York Times)
British Foreign Sec. Hammond says negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 will be extended until June 30, 2015. (Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)
Chinese FM Yi says Iran and the P5+6 will "eventually reach" a deal, even if talks may have to be postponed. (Reuters) 
Pres. Rouhani will address the Iranian people later today. (Reuters)
Reuters looks at Iran’s “plan B” if nuclear talks fail. (Reuters)
Iran grants bail to a woman from Britain held for five months. (New York Times/The National)
Iraqi government forces retake two towns north of Baghdad from ISIS extremists. (Reuters/AP)
The New York Times looks at the corruption plaguing Iraq’s army. (New York Times)
ISIS extremists recruit and exploit children. (AP)
Sen. Rand Paul calls for a formal declaration of war against ISIS. (New York Times)
VP Biden announces new aid for Syrian refugees. (AP)
Egypt will host a major economic conference in March. (AP)
Hussein Ibish says some Israeli leaders are trying to turn Pres. Abbas into the new “Arafat.” (The National)
Ori Nir says “violence, incitement and racist hatred” plague Israeli and Palestinian societies. (Ha’aretz)
Faisal Al Yafai says Israel’s “nation-state” bill will end Israel’s already “flawed democracy.” (The National)
Aeyal Gross says Netanyahu's “nation-state” bill undermines the notion that Palestinian citizens of Israel are entitled to collective rights. (Ha’aretz)
Lara Friedman says the crisis in Jerusalem, like the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict, is not grounded in religion. (Jewish Daily Forward)
Rami Khouri says violence will not achieve anything in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. (Daily Star)
Dalia Hatuqa says sadness, mistrust, and house demolitions in occupied East Jerusalem  gave birth to two terrorists. (Foreign Policy)
Eetta Prince Gibson says Jerusalem needs a common urban infrastructure that allows people and goods to flow freely. (New York Times)
Amira Hass says access to the Al-Aqsa mosque is only one reason for unrest in occupied East Jerusalem. (Ha’aretz)
The Jordan Times says Israel’s collective punishment measures against Palestinians must be stopped. (Jordan Times)
The New York Times says ISIS continues to exercise an almost surreal appeal to fighters with non-Muslim backgrounds. (New York Times)
Jackson Diehl says the Kurds have been abandoned in their fight against ISIS. (Washington Post)
The Daily Star says an extension of the P5+1 negotiations will not be an encouraging sign for the future. (Daily Star)
Tariq Alhomayed says the GCC should invite Sisi to their next summit in Doha. (Asharq al-Awsat) 
H.A. Hellyer says Tunisia stands at a very good chance of proving that Islamists and non-Islamists can work together. (Al Arabiya)



JTA profiles ATFP’s “downsizing” and reorganization. (JTA)


Israeli occupation forces disperse a Palestinian demonstration in Hebron. (AP/Ma’an/Times of Israel/Jerusalem Post)


Hamas calls for a “Day of Rage” in the occupied West Bank. (Ma’an)


Pres. Sisi says he urged PM Netanyahu to restart the peace process with the Palestinians. (AFP)


Israel rejects an appeal by the EU not to raze the homes of Palestinians  suspected of attacks in Jerusalem. (Reuters/Ha’aretz)


Israel says Hamas planned to assassinate FM Lieberman. (Reuters/AFP/JTA/Ha’aretz)


Hamas says Israeli leaders are legitimate targets for assassination. (Times of Israel/Jerusalem Post)


The partial ban on Arab workers by an Israeli mayor is widely criticized. (AP/Washington Post)


Israeli police say they do not plan to bar young Muslim worshippers from Friday prayers at the Al-Aqsa mosque. (AFP)


Pres. Erdogan says an Israeli attack on the Al-Aqsa Mosque is an attack on Turkey.  (Today’s Zaman)


Members of Congress warn Pres. Abbas on incitement. (JTA/Jerusalem Post)


An increase in anti-Palestinian attacks have been reported in northern Israel and Jerusalem. (Ma’an/Ha’aretz)


Jewish extremists vandalize the car of an imam in Acre. (Ha’aretz/Times of Israel/Jerusalem Post)


Israel confiscates weapons allegedly bound for Palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem. (New York Times)


An American court gives the go-ahead for a $1 billion lawsuit against the PLO/PA for terror attacks during the second intifada. (Ha’aretz/Ynet)


Egypt closes schools in two border towns in Sinai. (Reuters)


Jordan arrests the deputy head of the country’s Muslim Brotherhood for criticizing the UAE. (Reuters)


VP Biden will visit Turkey. (AP)


ISIS extremists shoot at an Iraqi government building in Ramadi. (Reuters)


Tunisia is increasingly alarmed at the wave of its nationals joining ISIS and other violent extremist groups. (Reuters/New York Times)


Tunisia prepares for its first post-dictatorship presidential election. (The National)


Lebanese Gen. Kahwaji says Islamist militants have drawn the country into a civil war. (Reuters)


Sec. Kerry and FM Zarif leave the Iran-P5+1 nuclear talks. (AP/Reuters/New York Times/JTA)


Arab states are voicing their concerns over the Houthi takeover of Yemen’s capital, Sana’a. (Wall Street Journal)




Avi Issacharoff says an “intifada” has already started in Jerusalem, and its only going to get worse. (Times of Israel)


Ben Caspit says the Israeli security establishment keeps on defending Abbas. (Al-Monitor)


Nehemia Shtrasler says the Israeli policy of demolishing Palestinian homes in occupied East Jerusalem actually proves that Netanyahu has succeeded in dividing the city. (Ha’aretz)


Ha’aretz says Israelis must counter right-wing racism. (Ha’aretz)


Jeffrey Goldberg looks at Hamas’ support for terrorism and “genocidal intentions.” (The Atlantic)


David Ignatius says ISIS’s campaign of intimidating Sunni tribes in Iraq is thwarting Pres. Obama’s “Awakening” strategy. (Washington Post)


Alan Philps says youthful recklessness can explain jihad’s allure. (The National)


H.A. Hellyer says the recent video posted by ISIS is a sign of desperation. (The National)


Simon Cottee says ISIS has transmuted the shock of intimate killing into a “mythical aura.” (The Atlantic)


Keith Johnson says the Iraqi government and the Kurds are finally making progress on an agreement on oil revenues. (Foreign Policy)


The Jordan Times says Jordan is “shouldering a big responsibility” because of the number of Syrian refugees. (Jordan Times)


Majid Rafizadeh asks what will happen if Iranian nuclear talks fail. (Al Arabiya)

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