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ATFP President Ziad Asali concludes his week-long guest spot in Rosner’s Domain (1). MJ Rosenberg discusses the tragedy of the Holocaust and its relation to the current conflict (2). Kim Sengupta of the Independent offers an glimpse into Gaza City (3). ATFP Senior Fellow Ghaith al-Omari dissects the question of engaging Hamas (4). YNet News reports on a new deployment of Palestinian Policemen in Jenin (8). Haaretz’s Akiva Eldar questions the authenticity of Israeli-Syrian negotiations (10).
ATFP President fields a question on the nuances between Palestinian and U.S. positions on the peace process (1). Reuters previews U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice return trip to the Middle East (4) as the Daily Star opines on the fading credibility of the peace process (10). The British Government urges Israel to lift the Gaza Blockade (9). ATFP Board Member George Hishmeh pens a column on the current state of the negotiations (5). Finally, Gershom Gorenber looks at the online war of words to define narrative in the American Prospect.
ATFP President Ziad Asali fields another question at Shmuel Rosner’s blog (1). Dominique Moisi reflects on Israel’s anniversary (3) while Sarah Kreimer discusses Zionism in the Jerusalem Post (10). United Nations Secretary General Bam Ki Moon emphasizes the need for a viable and just solution to the Palestinian refugee issue (7). Finally, Rami Khouri writes about how current negotiations continue despite U.S. Involvement (8).
In Haaretz Shmuel Rosner asks ATFP President Ziad Asali about bolstering Palestinian Moderates (1). Jeffrey Goldberg discusses the relationship between Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Dan Grossman in The Atlantic (2). The Associated Press details US President George W. Bush’s upcoming May trip to the Middle East (4). An editorial in the Daily Star implicates ‘those who look the other way’ as accomplices to ‘Israel’s crimes in Gaza’ (9). The King of Jordan and President of Egypt warn against ‘lack of enthusiasm’ for peace, reports the Jordan Times (11). YNET News covers a joint statement released by Israeli and Palestinian organization claiming Israel is violating international law (12).
ATFP President Dr. Ziad Asali begins a week long guest slot on Shmuel Rosner’s blog (1). You can submit questions regarding the Israeli Palestinian Peace Process by email at rosnersdomain@haaretz.co.il. Hamas places conditions on accepting the 1967 borders (2) as Israel continues to decline the conversation (4). Tariq Alhomayed discuses the global political context of the Israeli-Syrian negotiations (6). Israeli settlers arrive in Ras al-Amud (9) and MK Uri Ariel asks the Israeli government to encourage Israeli Arabs to “willingly emigrate” from the country(10).

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