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Daniel Shapiro is appointed new US ambassador to Israel. The Palestinian national soccer team loses its first home game, which is still a political victory. Denmark upgrades the status of the PLO mission. An Israeli court allows settlers to seize part of a Palestinian home in occupied East Jerusalem. The Palestinian Election Commission opens voter registration for July local elections. A Hamas national unity plan is rejected by all rivals. PM Netanyahu condemns settler violence and appoints a hawkish new security adviser, who Israeli leftists call a “fascist.” Hamas reshuffles its cabinet in Gaza. Israel says Gaza smuggling has increased. Pres. Abbas urges the Quartet to endorse a new European statement. Ha'aretz says Israel's future depends on the removal of unauthorized outposts. Alon Idan condemns Israeli military policies in Hebron. Bradley Burston wonders if Pres. Obama might gamble on a new Netanyahu peace proposal. The UK ambassador Israel says the next six months are crucial for the resumption of negotiations. D. Bloomfield asks if Israeli negotiations with Syria are an opportunity or a diversion. The BBC looks at how Arab unrest might affect the peace process. Daoud Kuttab says the Palestinian leadership is recalibrating its national strategy.
Pres. Abbas hints at resignation. PM Fayyad affirms that there can be no Palestinian state or peace with Israel retaining the Jordan Valley, but PM Netanyahu insists it must. Hamas says Gazans will turn the Knesset into Tahrir Square. Palestinian women still face marginalization. Analysts look at whether Israel's pledge to dismantle unauthorized outposts could revamp peace talks. A radio station promotes Palestinian women's rights. Niva Lanir says the world is looking at Israel the way it looked at South Africa. Israel's military predicts it could not contain a West Bank uprising. Palestinian citizens of Israel say they are being pushed into a corner. Settlers say they will resume work on unauthorized structures. Amr Mousa says that if he is President of Egypt, he will maintain the treaty with Israel. The UK is upgrading the status of the PLO mission but says it's still not ready to recognize a Palestinian state. Gershon Baskin says Netanyahu should commit Israel to peace, and Leonard Fein says Pres. Obama should tell them that too. Hamas is criticized for a media crackdown. The Palestinian national soccer team will play its first home match.
Seven Palestinians are wounded in clashes with settlers, and Palestinian officials hold the Israeli government responsible. Palestinians launch a new diplomatic initiative for statehood. Aaron David Miller says the US will not be abandoning Israel. Israel is still considering proposing a provisional Palestinian state. Hamas says it will reshuffle its cabinet. Israel says it will demolish unauthorized outposts by the end of the year. DM Barak says Israel may ask the US for $20 billion in additional military aid. The former Dutch PM says European leaders can’t trust PM Netanyahu. Menachem Klein says Israel won’t be able to use force against the next Palestinian uprising. An extremist Rabbi calls on settlers to use violence against Israeli soldiers. Israel worries about gas supplies from Sinai. A Palestinian woman launches a successful café chain in the West Bank. Jewish students at Berkeley talk about Israel activism. Ghassan Khatib says Palestinians see a win-win scenario for peace. Yossi Alpher says weak leaders are reacting poorly across the board.
ATFP Board member Saliba Sarsar says Sari Nusseibeh is right that only a two-state solution can provide peace. Egypt’s new FM is likely to take a tougher line with Israel. The Israel-Lebanon border is quiet. Pres. Abbas gives PM Fayyad, whose national unity plan has divided Fatah, more time to form a cabinet. Food shortages grow in Gaza. Israel denies visas to an Anglican Bishop and to a Palestinian man married to a Jewish Israeli woman. PM Netanyahu says the world automatically sides with the Palestinians. Abbas says he won’t accept a state with temporary borders. A Palestinian worker is killed in a tunnel collapse. Jordan’s King says Israeli-Palestinian peace is the key to regional security. Israel plans work at a contested Jerusalem holy site. DM Barak says peace does not contradict Israeli security. Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters joins a cultural boycott of Israel. Israel is one of the least popular countries in the world. The Jordan Times says peace is urgently needed. Uri Avnery says Israel is placing itself on the wrong side of history.
ATFP president Ziad Asali says Arab uprisings are about accountability and corruption. Philip Wilcox says UNRWA is a good investment for American taxpayers. Hamas steals $500,000 from a bank in Gaza, and banks close in protest. Palestinians reject Israeli proposals for an interim agreement. Israel bombs Gaza. Hamas proposes its own reconciliation plan. Palestinian citizens of Israel are criticized for having visited Libya. Israel seems to have concluded that no deal with the Palestinians is possible under present circumstances, and DM Barak says it's because of the makeup of the Israeli cabinet. Some Fatah leaders demand the ouster of PM Fayyad. Palestinians want international pressure to halt settler violence. PM Netanyahu says a binational state would be a disaster. Jonathan Schachter says Palestinians are looking for diplomatic options beyond Washington. Aluf Benn says Netanyahu may be moving to the center. An 11 year old Palestinian boy says he was beaten by Israeli police. Militant settlers plan for confrontations. Israel may seek to retain 40% of the West Bank. Elias Samo says the Arab Peace Initiative is the right basis for ending the conflict, but Yossi Alpher says it needs to be clarified.

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