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PM Fayyad is hospitalized with a stomach ailment. (Foreign Policy/AP)

Hamas leaks the fact that it has reelected Khaled Mishaal as head of its Politburo. (AP)

Hamas imposes a new law enforcing rigid gender segregation in schools and prohibiting any interaction with Israelis. (New York Times/Xinhua)

Palestinian prisoners in Israeli detention protest following the death of one of their colleagues due to cancer, allegedly due to insufficient care. (AP)

Pres. Abbas says there is no need for a minisummit on reconciliation with Hamas in Cairo. (Xinhua)

Israel's Navy prepares to defend offshore natural gas deposits it is exploiting. (Reuters)

A Palestinian researcher says Israel has arrested over 1000 Palestinians, and over 200 children, since the beginning of the year. (PNN)

Israeli police arrest five settlers in connection with the near-fatal shooting of a Palestinian a few weeks ago. (+972)

A new poll suggests most Palestinians still support a two-state solution and that Jailed Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti is their most popular politician. (Jerusalem Post)

Millions allegedly embezzled from the PA by former official Muhammad Rashid may have ended up in Canada. (Globe and Mail)

Cancer rates are increasing in Gaza. (Al Monitor)

The Israel Project is being transformed by its new leadership. (The Forward)


Hussein Ibish says by reconfirming Mishaal as its leader, Hamas is once again avoiding change. (Now)

Amira Hass explains that Israeli restrictions on Palestinian movement in the occupied territories long preceded the emergence of suicide bombings. (Ha'aretz)

Chaim Levinson asks what the settlers learned from the first intifada 25 years ago. (Ha'aretz)

The National says Abbas must end his campaign against his critics. (The National)

Shaul Rosenfeld says Pres. Obama doesn't understand the risks Israel has taken for peace. (YNet)

Zalman Shoval says the argument that "peace is the best security" isn't very convincing to many Israelis. (Jerusalem Post)

J.J. Goldberg says Israel's new government has no clear position on a two-state solution and is badly divided. (The Forward)

Writer William Sutcliffe says the Israeli occupation was "so much more brutal than I thought it could be." (The Guardian)

Alan Eisner says AIPAC's new strategy of reaching out to liberals is bound to fail. (The Forward)

Ali Ibrahim looks at the many different roles played by smuggling tunnels on the Gaza-Egypt border. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Ahmed Othman says the United States and Israel now have a simple choice: allow Iran to go nuclear or take military action to prevent that. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

APN interviews Yossi Alpher on the latest developments regarding Israel. (APN)



Pres. Abbas approves the new PA budget as submitted by PM Fayyad. (Xinhua)

Abbas and Jordan's King Abdallah agree to cooperate to protect Arab and Islamic sites inoccupied Jerusalem. (Xinhua/Ma'an)

Hamas leader Haniyyeh meets with the chief of Egypt's intelligence services. (AP)

Hamas accuses Fatah of blocking reconciliation talks. (Xinhua)

Settlers attack Palestinian school buses. (Ma'an)

Israeli occupation forces clash with Palestinians during "Land Day" commemorations. (AP)

Palestinians say seven children are injured when settlers stoned school buses in the occupied West Bank. (Ma'an)

Abbas is accused of clamping down on critics in civil society. (AP)

Israel begins to exploit offshore natural gas reserves. (New York Times)

The Israeli military says it could withstand an attack from Syrian chemical weapons. (Reuters)

Christians in the Middle East and Palestine celebrate Easter weekend. (AP)

Hamas officials say Pres. Obama's visit to the region was counterproductive for Palestinian reconciliation. (Xinhua)

Israel's military is dealing with complications arising from having women and ultra-Orthodox male service members. (LA Times)

Palestinian Americans continue to face grave difficulties under the Israeli occupation. (The National)

A short documentary by Just Vision Media about the Palestinian neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah in occupied East Jerusalem wins a Peabody award. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

Suzanne Nossel asks why it took so long for Israel to apologize to Turkey over the flotilla affair. (Foreign Policy)

Gideon Levy says Israeli cruelty reached the point of no return in the 2008-2009 Gaza war. (Ha'aretz)

Amira Hass says a new PA budget shows its dependence on Israel and the United States. (Ha'aretz)

Shoula Romano Horing says Obama still Be trusted by Israelis. (YNet)

Ha'aretz says the Israeli military should stop arresting Palestinian children. (Ha'aretz

Asharq Al-Awsat says Abbas refuses to take part in any Arab League summit which Hamas also attends. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Joseph Dana says natural gas is the key to Israeli-Turkish reconciliation. (The National)

Abdullah Al Shayji says Obama has achieved nothing with Iraq to Syria or the two-state solution. (Gulf News)

Shlomi Eldar interviews Yara Mashour, editor of the Israeli Arabic-language magazine Lilac. (Al Monitor)


Pres. Abbas approves the new PA budget as submitted by PM Fayyad. (Xinhua)

Abbas and Jordan's King Abdallah agree to cooperate to protect Arab and Islamic sites inoccupied Jerusalem. (Xinhua/Ma'an)

Hamas leader Haniyyeh meets with the chief of Egypt's intelligence services. (AP)

Hamas accuses Fatah of blocking reconciliation talks. (Xinhua)

Settlers attack Palestinian school buses. (Ma'an)

Israeli occupation forces clash with Palestinians during "Land Day" commemorations. (AP)

Palestinians say seven children are injured when settlers stoned school buses in the occupied West Bank. (Ma'an)

Abbas is accused of clamping down on critics in civil society. (AP)

Israel begins to exploit offshore natural gas reserves. (New York Times)

The Israeli military says it could withstand an attack from Syrian chemical weapons. (Reuters)

Christians in the Middle East and Palestine celebrate Easter weekend. (AP)

Hamas officials say Pres. Obama's visit to the region was counterproductive for Palestinian reconciliation. (Xinhua)

Israel's military is dealing with complications arising from having women and ultra-Orthodox male service members. (LA Times)

Palestinian Americans continue to face grave difficulties under the Israeli occupation. (The National)

A short documentary by Just Vision Media about the Palestinian neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah in occupied East Jerusalem wins a Peabody award. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

Suzanne Nossel asks why it took so long for Israel to apologize to Turkey over the flotilla affair. (Foreign Policy)

Gideon Levy says Israeli cruelty reached the point of no return in the 2008-2009 Gaza war. (Ha'aretz)

Amira Hass says the new PA budget shows its dependence on Israel and the United States. (Ha'aretz)

Shoula Romano Horing says Obama still can't be trusted by Israelis. (YNet)

Ha'aretz says the Israeli military should stop arresting Palestinian children. (Ha'aretz

Asharq Al-Awsat says Abbas refuses to take part in any Arab League summit which Hamas also attends. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Joseph Dana says natural gas is the key to Israeli-Turkish reconciliation. (The National)

Abdullah Al Shayji says Obama has achieved nothing with regard to Iraq and Syria or the two-state solution. (Gulf News)

Shlomi Eldar interviews Yara Mashour, editor of the Israeli Arabic-language magazine Lilac. (Al Monitor)

The PA cabinet approves PM Fayyad's new budget, passing the matter for approval to Pres. Abbas. (Ha'aretz)

Abbas pardons a Palestinian journalist for allegedly "insulting" him on Facebook, after one-year prison term was yesterday upheld by a Palestinian court. (Ma'an/New York Times/AP)

Israel is using archaic Ottoman laws to give "state lands" in the occupied West Bank to settlers and Israeli companies. (The National)

Christians in Jerusalem mark Good Friday. (AP)

Israel's military beefs up its presence in the occupied territories in preparation for Land Day. (Ma'an)

Occupation forces have detained over 50 Palestinians suspected of being members of a "terror cell" in the past two months. (Ha'aretz)

Israel deploys more military medical officers on the border between Syria and the occupied Golan Heights. (AP)

Israel reopens the border crossings with Gaza. (Xinhua)

Palestinians are having to confront the fact that dependence on foreign aid makes them vulnerable to unreliable sources. (CSM)

Two pro-Palestinian activists are allegedly gang raped in Libya. (Ma'an)

An Israeli soldier held captive by Hamas recounts the details of his capture and captivity. (Jerusalem Post)

Israel's Foreign Ministry is investigating who leaked cables about how to deal with the film "The Gatekeepers." (Ha'aretz)

A new poll shows a drop in the number of Jewish Israelis who view Pres. Obama as hostile. (Jerusalem Post)

Egypt is resuming efforts to promote Palestinian national unity. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Hussein Ibish looks at the complexities facing any potential Palestinian effort to get the ICC to investigate Israel's actions in the occupied territories. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

Dalia Hatuqa looks at the continued significance for Palestinians of Land Day. (Al Monitor)

Anna Lekas Miller looks at the impact of the release of long-withheld US aid to the PA. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

The Washington Post says Israeli-Turkish rapprochement is a ray of hope in an otherwise dismal Middle East. (Washington Post)

Eddie Boxx looks at the need for the United States to work with its Gulf partners to create a missile defense system, especially with Iran in mind. (WINEP)

Yoel Marcus says Obama didn't just go to Israel to reiterate friendship, but also the need for a peace agreement with the Palestinians and reconciliation with Turkey. (Ha'aretz)

Trudy Rubin says Obama gave a great speech in Jerusalem, but probably didn't mean a lot of what he said. (Jerusalem Post)

Charles Krauthammer says Obama's visit exposed Palestinian recalcitrance. (Washington Post)

Zeev Sternhell says Israel can get into wars by its own choice but has to be coerced into peace agreements, usually by the United States. (Ha'aretz)

Avraham Burg asks what comes next now that the Oslo process is "dead." (Ha'aretz)

The Jerusalem Post joins the chorus of Israelis demanding the government "get tough" with rock-throwing Palestinians. (Jerusalem Post)

Leonard Fein says the late New York Times columnist Anthony Lewis cared about Israel more than his critics. (The Forward)

The Forward says Jewish Israelis and other Jews are torn between fear and empathy. (The Forward)

George Hishmeh says Israel is becoming more isolated. (Jordan Times)

Pres. Obama's Middle East trip renews the debate over Israeli-Palestinian peace. (VOA)

Israel admits that less than 1% of what it deems "state lands" in the occupied West Bank have been allocated to Palestinian use. (Ha'aretz)

Turkey is reportedly now pushing for accelerated Palestinian unity talks. (Ha'aretz)

The PA reportedly opposes a visit to Gaza by PM Erdogan. (Jerusalem Post)

The World Bank is planning a "microwork" project in the occupied West Bank to try to create 55,000 new part-time Palestinian jobs. (Jerusalem Post)

Hamas leader Misha'al accuses Obama of retreating on the issue of settlements. (Ma'an)

Hamas leader Zahar pledges the organization will not interfere in Egyptian affairs, and claims other Palestinians are spreading false rumors about this. (Ma'an/Ahram Online)

Israel reopens Gaza border crossings. (AP/AFP)

One man is killed, and three are injured, as a Gaza smuggling tunnel collapses. (Xinhua/Ma'an)

A Palestinian court rejects an appeal from Mohammed Dahlan against lifting his immunity from prosecution on serious charges. (Xinhua)

Ex-prisoners from the West Bank now expelled to Gaza our finding a local taste for a dessert from back home. (New York Times)

A new cookbook showcases Gaza cuisine. (AP)

Hebrew study is growing among Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. (The Media Line)

Palestinian NGOs face political pressure and scrutiny in both the West Bank and Gaza. (Al Monitor)

Palestinian refugees fleeing the war in Syria are facing major obstacles entering Egypt, along with other Arab states. (PNN)

An Israeli-Palestinian business arbitration center is established. (YNet)


The New York Times hosts a wide-ranging debate on what Obama can accomplish on Israeli-Palestinian peace. (New York Times)

Raja Shehadeh remembers the late New York Times columnist Anthony Lewis' fairness on the Middle East. (New York Times)

Farid Zakaria says Obama's strategy of appealing to Israel's conscience on the occupation is the best strategy for creating a Palestinian state. (Washington Post)

Ziv Lenchner
says the Israeli public is oblivious and will not "budge until things go up in flames." (YNet)

David Ignatius says his trip shows Obama is again ready to lead in the Middle East. (Washington Post)

Douglas Bloomfield says Sec. Kerry is now positioned to pick up where Obama left off. (Jerusalem Post)

David Andrew Weinberg agrees that the ball is now in Kerry's court. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Harry Hagopian says Obama's trip fail to lay the basis for real hopes for peace. (Now)

Aluf Benn says Israel is moving away from tacit support for the Assad regime in Damascus. (Ha'aretz)

Nader Bakkar doubts Hamas was involved in attacks on Egyptian soldiers. (Ahram Online)

Akiva Eldar and Daniel Bar-Tal
say the campaign against the film "The Gatekeepers" by Israeli officials is part of a trend to silence all effective dissent. (Ha'aretz)

Noam Sheizaf interviews former Israeli negotiator Shaul Arieli, who insists a two-state solution is still possible. (+972)

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