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Secretary of State Clinton's visit to Israel and the West Bank prompts speculation on the future of the peace process and the American role under a new Administration (1) (2) (3) (4) (14). A senior Palestinian Authority official warns that if a right-wing government forms in Israel and abandons the two-state solution, the peace process may crumble (6), while Likud party leader Benjamin Netanyahu continues to avoid taking a clear public stance on the issue (9). In an op-ed for The Weekly Standard, former Deputy National Security Advisor Elliot Abrams, argues that institution building in Palestine is key for establishing a lasting peace (11). The Christian Science Monitor looks at how the Gaza war has made coexistence harder for Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel (14).
U.S. Secretary of State Clinton pledges $300 million in aid for Gaza at the international donors conference being held today in Sharm el-Sheik, Egypt (1) (2), while Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas warns the conference that reconstruction and aid funds alone are insufficient without a political solution (4) (5). In an op-ed for the Gulf News, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon pledges to pursue a lasting peace for Palestine and Israel (9). The Israeli NGO Peace Now reports that Israel is planning to build 73,300 new housing units for settlers in the West Bank (10), a move which would significantly expand the size of the settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories (14).
The following special Saturday ATFP Middle East News: World Press Roundup focuses entirely on announced new major Israeli settlement expansion plans in the occupied West Bank. It includes ATFP's press release on the subject from Friday, Feb. 27.
An op-ed by ATFP President Ziad Asali in The Daily Star urges swift action on all sides to rebuild Gaza and preserve the potential for peace in the Middle East (1). In The Nation, ATFP Senior Fellow Hussein Ibish (psycho)analyzes the Israeli film "Waltz With Bashir"(2). After meeting in Cairo, Palestinian rivals Fatah and Hamas announce that first steps towards a unity government have been taken (3) (7) (8). The New York Times profiles US efforts to fund and train Palestinian Security Forces in the West Bank (4). Secretary of State Clinton faces criticism from some Jewish Americans as she pressures Israel to speed up the delivery of aid to Gaza (5). Israel's Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu meets with US Mideast Envoy George Mitchell (6).
US diplomacy in the Middle East continues as Israel moves to form a new government (1), (9), (11), (14). Palestinians explore possibilities for a “National Accord” government or other forms of political reunification (3), (5), (12). Israel’s new cabinet seems poised to take a sharp turn to the right (2) (8), while more Palestinians are being pushed out of their homes in Jerusalem (10). Palestinian Prime Minister Fayyad continues to seek reconstruction aid for Gaza (4), (6).

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