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Israeli Prime Minister denies claims that he demanded recognition of Israel as a Jewish state as a precondition for peace talks (1). A wiretap on U.S. Representative Jane Harman allegedly reveals her interceding in an investigation of two pro-Israel lobbyists facing trial on espionage charges (2), though the Congresswoman denies involvement (3). New York Times columnist Richard Cohen comments on the recently released Human Rights Watch report on Hamas’ treatment of political opponents during the Gaza War (4) Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s remarks yesterday at the Durban conference spark controversy (5) (6) (13). Israel and Egypt are set to discuss a new Gaza cease-fire this week (9).
Mideast Envoy George Mitchell wraps up his trip to the region by reiterating U.S. support for the Arab Peace Initiative (1) (7). The Jewish Daily Forward examines the controversy over Israeli-operated West Bank quarries (2). A report issued by Human Rights Watch accuses Hamas of killing at least 32 Palestinian political rivals during the Gaza War (4). Analysts warn of a potential increase in West Bank violence (9). The United States reportedly rejects Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s demand that the Palestinians recognize Israel as the state of the Jewish people (11). A World Bank report published today finds that, in the West Bank, Israeli settlers get four times more water than Palestinians (13). ATFP Senior Fellow Hussein Ibish condemns anti-Semitic rhetoric in the Khaleej Times (16) and from a speaker at a California University (5).
Mideast envoy George Mitchell continues his meetings with Israeli leadership (1) (2), and is set to meet with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas today (7). The Washington Post profiles the first-year accomplishments of new Jewish lobby J Street (3), while the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports on J Street's new campus initiative (5). Rahm Emmanuel is reported to have told a Jewish leader that President Obama is determined to see a Palestinian state created in his first term (4). A Palestinian man is shot dead after allegedly trying to stab residents of a West Bank settlement (6), while The Yesha Council of Settlements blames the attack on Israeli cooperation in the efforts to create a Palestinian state (13). A Palestinian protestor in Bilin is killed by the IDF (14).
Special Mideast Envoy George Mitchell meets with the new Israeli leadership (1) (4) (5) (10) (14). In the New Statesman, Edward Platt examines the options for peace (2). The Jewish Daily Forward evaluates Egypt's recent showdown with Iranian-backed groups (3). Al-Hayat discusses the state of the stalled Palestinian national accord talks (7). Palestinian activists plan a massive graffiti protest on the West Bank separation barrier (12). The two Palestinian men detained by Egypt yesterday reportedly confess to planning potential attacks in Israel (13).
An original ATFP translation of an article by Hassan Khader in Al-Ayyam discusses the implications of Hezbollah’s recent announcement of its involvement in Gaza smuggling networks (1); the issue is also discussed in an analysis by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (4). An Israeli government official tells the Associated Press that Israel is ‘unlikely’ to assist with the UN war crimes probe of the Gaza war (2). Egypt detains three Gazan men entering Egypt and finds explosives near the border (3). IPS reports on the thousands of tons of food aid that is not being allowed to enter Gaza (7). Special Mideast Envoy George Mitchell is set to arrive in Israel today (10).

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