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Israel names a commission of inquiry into the Gaza flotilla attack including international observers, but Turkey says it has no confidence in it. Uri Avnery lists the questions a real investigation would ask. Ethan Bronner looks at everyday life In Gaza and the LA Times examines the humanitarian crisis. The PA denies Pres. Abbas supports maintaining the blockade. The Red Cross says the blockade is illegal, and the EU is expecting Israel to soften it. An Israeli policeman is killed in the West Bank. Palestinians continued to be denied access to West Bank highways. A Gaza visit by the Arab League head bolsters Hamas. DM Barak called off a trip to Paris over arrest fears. Amira Hass looks at Israel's abuse of Palestinian prisoners. B'Tselem says 83 Palestinians have been killed since the Gaza war. Ha'aretz interviews Robert Wexler. The Jerusalem Post profiles Israeli-Palestinian security cooperation. An alleged Mossad agent is arrested in Poland in connection with the Dubai assassination.
Pres. Abbas continues his Washington trip with a speech at Brookings. Under international pressure, Israel is looking for new Gaza policy. Roger Cohen says Israel is retreating into an uncompromising “rump Zionism.” Controversy continues over the PA decision to postpone municipal elections, but Hamas welcomes the move. PM Fayyad says the Gaza crossings should be opened according to the 2005 agreement. Special Envoy Mitchell is set to lead another round of proximity talks. New footage of the flotilla attack bolsters aspects of both narratives. Israel says the captain of the ship tried to prevent violence. Ephraim Sneh says the solution is an end to Hamas rule in Gaza. BBC reporter Tim Franks talks about his experiences. Chris Patten says the EU must be more assertive. Israelis push back against the PA settlement goods boycott. At a meeting with US Jewish leaders, Abbas recognizes Jewish ties to the land of Israel. Osman Mirghani says Pres. Obama's Cairo speech was another victim of the flotilla attack. Patrick Seale says Israel is facing a formidable coalition of Iran, Turkey and Syria. Hussein Ibish asks where Israel is taking the occupation.
Pres. Obama meets with Pres. Abbas at the White House, presses for direct negotiations, pledges $400 million in new aid and says there must be a new formula for handling Gaza. Abbas is interviewed by Charlie Rose. Tony Judt interrogates clichés about Israel. Israel eases some aspects of the blockade, but ignores global criticism of the flotilla attack, which Walter Rodgers says has deepened the rift with the United States. Bret Stephens asks if liberals have their own double standard. Turkey is attempting to broker Palestinian reconciliation. A new report outlines how the conflict is damaging Israel's economy. An Israeli government document says the blockade is not about security, but is “economic warfare” against Hamas. The Israeli Foreign Ministry warned the Navy not to raid the flotilla in international waters. Abbas reportedly acknowledges Jewish rights in Israel. Israel is considering expanding PA security control in the occupied territories. A UN Summer school in Gaza opens in spite of threats from Palestinian extremists. Michael Young and Joseph Kechichian worry that core Arab issues are being dominated by Iran and Turkey. The National says Israel's current vulnerability presents opportunities to advance peace.
Pres. Abbas arrives in Washington to meet with Pres. Obama, and says leadership and courage are now required. Daniel Williams profiles the PA settlement goods boycott. Flotilla activists continue to strongly contradict Israel's narrative. The CSM asks if Israel's blockade is legal. Ron Grossman says Israel finds itself in a similar position as Britain did in 1947. Pres. Obama may offer more Gaza aid. Many Gazans are leaving the territory through the reopened crossing with Egypt. Flotilla leaders say they will return with more ships. The Palestine Investment Conference garners $940 million in new projects. Britain denies a Daily Telegraph report that Israel has agreed to ease the siege of Gaza in exchange for a watered down investigation. Israeli police describe violent clashes with settlers. Elias Harfoush says the rise of Turkish PM Erdogan in the region is a symptom of Arab decline. Osama Al Sharif says Turkey is being bold while the Arabs are being “muted and shy.” Michael Weiss says the emergence of PM Fayyad is “the best thing to happen in the Middle East in ages.”
The Washington Post says the Gaza blockade must be eased without strengthening Hamas. Jonah Goldberg says the blockade is working, but Gershon Baskin says it strengthens Hamas. VP Biden says the US is looking for new ways of managing the problem. The CSM profiles the American killed in the flotilla attack. The PA welcomes international calls for ending the blockade, and may present a joint plan with the EU. Flotilla passengers strongly contradict Israel's narrative of the attack. The Palestinian Economy Minister explains the settlement goods boycott at a Tel Aviv event. UN criticism of Israel marks a subtle shift in US policy. Turkey seeks to mobilize regional pressure on Israel. Israeli security forces clash with settlers. The Israeli military is investigating the flotilla attack, and Israel is seeking a US green light for an independent panel. Nahum Barnea says Israel has no leadership. The flotilla crisis may lead Kadima back into the government. Egypt says it will keep its Gaza border open indefinitely. Tariq Alhomayed asks when the Arabs are going to realize the games being played by Iran and others. Abdul Rahman Al-Rashid asks whether Turkey's actions make it part of an Iranian axis or a rival. Ghassan Khatib says the world must confront Israel's behavior. Women are urged to get involved in Palestinian security efforts.

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