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Roger Cohen says a settlement freeze is a test of Israel's character. A majority of Palestinians support peace talks. Pres. Obama tells the UN Palestine can be a new member state, Arab governments should support the PA and Israel should extend the settlement moratorium. The Israeli delegation is not present. Jordan's King Abdullah warns about the dangers of not achieving a peace agreement. Parts of Jerusalem are closed in anticipation of protests. Pres. Abbas speaks to Palestinian Americans in New York. The Israeli Navy kills a Gaza fisherman. Settlers say they are ready for a burst of construction, but the Israeli government says it will be restrained. Israelis condemn remarks by Bill Clinton about Russian immigrants. Ha'aretz says the Israeli government should stop funding zealots in Jerusalem. Libby Lenkinski Friedlander praises Palestinian nonviolent protests. Former PM Olmert urges international trusteeship for holy places in Jerusalem. A Likud minister says Israel should give the PA control of more of the West Bank. The Independent interviews Gideon Levy. The National says now is the time for peace.
Roger Cohen says a settlement freeze is a test of Israel's character. A majority of Palestinians support peace talks. Pres. Obama tells the UN Palestine can be a new member state, Arab governments should support the PA and Israel should extend the settlement moratorium. The Israeli delegation is not present. Jordan's King Abdullah warns about the dangers of not achieving a peace agreement. Parts of Jerusalem are closed in anticipation of protests. Pres. Abbas speaks to Palestinian Americans in New York. The Israeli Navy kills a Gaza fisherman. Settlers say they are ready for a burst of construction, but the Israeli government says it will be restrained. Israelis condemn remarks by Bill Clinton about Russian immigrants. Ha'aretz says the Israeli government should stop funding zealots in Jerusalem. Libby Lenkinski Friedlander praises Palestinian nonviolent protests. Former PM Olmert urges international trusteeship for holy places in Jerusalem. A Likud minister says Israel should give the PA control of more of the West Bank. The Independent interviews Gideon Levy. The National says now is the time for peace.
The UN says both Israel's and Hamas' accounts of the Gaza war are unacceptable. Sec. Clinton pressures Arab states to aid the PA. Controversy surrounds the assassination of a Hamas operative by Israel in the West Bank. At least one Palestinian is killed by Israelis in the Silwan area of occupied East Jerusalem. The PA announces a boycott against Israeli shops selling settlement goods. Israel's flotilla inquiry is wrapping up. Hamas' hunt for collaborators spreads panic in Gaza. Pres. Abbas hints at a compromise on settlements. Palestinians continue to work on Israeli settlement construction. A meeting between PM Fayyad and Deputy FM Ayalon reportedly ends badly. Aluf Benn says PM Netanyahu should freeze settlements. Settlers complain about the moratorium. The Israeli government is preparing for the aftermath of failed talks. Omar Rahman says it's unreasonable to ask Palestinians to recognize Israel as a Jewish state. Ali Ibrahim says Hamas has no credibility. Rami Khouri says the Palestinians need to regroup. Hussein Ibish analyzes Netanyahu's demand Palestinians recognize Israel as “the nation-state of the Jewish people.” Hussein Ibish analyzes Netanyahu's demand Palestinians recognize Israel as “the nation-state of the Jewish people,” and rejects both optimism and pessimism about the negotiations.
The Israeli NGO Peace Now highlights settlements with West Bank flights and its American affiliate APN issues an iPhone settlements app. Israeli officials reportedly offer to exchange a settlement freeze for Jonathan Pollard. John Hughes says Syria may be the key to peace. Pres. Abbas meets with Pres. Peres. The EU contributes €3.5 million to Gaza reconstruction. PM Netanyahu says Israel wants to keep troops on the eastern border of a Palestinian state. A Palestinian citizen of Israel accused of espionage accepts a plea agreement. The Quartet urges Israel to extend its partial settlement moratorium. US officials are concerned talks may collapse over the issue. Hanan Ashrawi says Hamas is trying to replace the PLO. Interior Minister Yishai calls negotiations “completely pointless.” Israeli and Palestinian chief negotiators will meet soon. Abbas says Israel is free to define itself. The controversy over a book authorizing the killing of non-Jews continues. A Gaza water park temporarily shut by Hamas is torched. Linda Heard says Arabs must get involved in the negotiations.
Sec. Clinton leads US Middle East peace efforts. Palestinian youth campaign for good governance. Israel allows the importation of 20 cars into Gaza. FM Lieberman again proposes stripping Israeli citizenship from some Palestinians. Former PM Olmert describes peace offers he claims to have made. A senior Hamas official is arrested in Egypt, and others arrested by the PA. A PA court suggests Palestinians who sell land to Israelis may face the death penalty, and Hamas imposes it on drug dealers. Hamas says it told the US it would accept a state on the 1967 borders. Ha'aretz describes the Palestinian plight in the face of settler violence and the occupation. Manuel Hassassian and Edward Edy Kaufman say Israeli-Palestinian peace may be a key to dealing with Iran's nuclear ambitions. Jacqueline Rose reviews a new book by David Grossman. The Netherlands cancels a visit by Israeli mayors because some are settlement leaders. Adel Safty says peace must do justice to the Palestinians. Joel Beinin looks at the struggle over Silwan. Nathan Thrall looks at Palestinian state building and the new security forces.

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