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Israeli soldiers are convicted of using a nine-year-old boy as a human shield. Palestinians say peace talks depend on a settlement freeze extension. The Washington Post looks at the definition of “Jewish state.” Aaron David Miller identifies five myths about Middle East peace. The LA Times looks at one of the largest Israeli settlements, and at a major West Bank highway, and says FM Lieberman should go. The Arab League will meet on Friday to discuss negotiations. Israeli forces kill a Palestinian man in Jerusalem. An Irish Nobel laureate is challenging Israel's decision to prevent her entry. Since peace talks began in 1991 settlements have continued to expand. Palestinians and Israelis are blaming each other for threats to continued negotiations. FM Lieberman is a key cabinet vote on settlements as pressure mounts on PM Netanyahu to reject American offers. Palestinians say they plan to invest $2 billion in Jericho. Ha'aretz looks at the possibility of a third intifada. Leonard Fein looks at David Grossman's new book. Uri Avnery says former PM Olmert's views on peace should be taken seriously.
The US uses pressure and inducements to try to shift Israel on settlements. A key settler leader is not himself a settler. An Israeli school principal is disciplined for including Palestinian perspectives. Courtney Martin remembers the killing of Rachel Corrie. Arnaud de Borchgrave derides “instant diplomacy.” Four unauthorized outposts are reportedly being built in Hebron. The World Bank is providing $40 million to the PA. Ha'aretz says FM Lieberman must be fired. The Arab League may take the settlement issue to the UN. Dutch officials complain about Israeli ads depicting the occupied territories as part of Israel. Palestinian citizens of Israel commemorate the killing of 13 by Israeli forces in 2000. Seth Freedman looks at lessons from the second intifada. The Independent profiles a leader of Palestinian nonviolent protests. George Hishmeh says Pres. Obama must confront Israel over settlements.
The UN Human Rights Council endorses a report on the Gaza flotilla attack accusing Israeli troops of summary executions. Japan calls for a settlement freeze. The PA vows to support olive farmers. Baroness Ashton will join Mideast peace efforts. Palestinians reiterate their position on settlements. Analysts think another intifada is unlikely even if talks fail. Yossi Verter calls FM Lieberman's UN speech “petty politics.” Shlomo Sand says insecurity about identity is the heart of PM Netanyahu's demands on Palestinians to recognize Israel as a Jewish state. The US is pushing for a two-month moratorium extension. Netanyahu affirms that he is in charge of Israeli policy. Palestinians say Israel will be to blame if talks collapse over settlements. Jewish activists on a Gaza a boat claim they were abused by Israeli troops. Abdul Rahman Al-Rashid calls Pres. Abbas "the world's worst negotiator." Randa Takieddine looks at the French role in negotiations. Daoud Kuttab says international “disappointment” with Israel's policies is not enough.
ATFP Advocacy Director Ghaith Al-Omari discusses negotiations on PBS' Newshour. The international onus is now on Pres. Abbas not to leave negotiations, but he is under heavy regional and domestic pressure to do so. Construction has resumed in many settlements, to a barrage of international and American criticism. Richard Cohen says all parties have miscalculated on the settlement issue. Some Palestinian refugees in Lebanon continue to support armed struggle, and the Lebanese government hopes recent reforms will stem radicalism. A Fatah official claims serious progress in reconciliation talks with Hamas. Three Palestinians are killed in Israeli air strikes in Gaza. Gaza's tunnel economy is collapsing. Israel's navy seizes a Gaza-bound boat without violence. Dror Etkes points out that settlement construction barely slowed during the moratorium. Dozens of Palestinian families are threatened with eviction in occupied East Jerusalem. Special Envoy Mitchell is returning to the region. Gershon Baskin says Israel should stop wasting resources on settlements. Gabrielle Rifkind says there are many ways of dealing with the settler issue. Many Israelis have a financial stake in the settlement project.
Negotiations are in question as Israel's settlement moratorium expires, and settlers begin new construction projects. Palestinians have not quit the talks. The Washington Post says Pres. Abbas has the most to lose from a breakdown, but he says with settlement activity talks are futile. The CSM says Abbas and PM Netanyahu should match Pres. Obama's risk-taking. An Israeli settler is injured in another drive-by shooting. Reuters looks at occupied Hebron. Settlers claim God gave them the West Bank. An AP photographer is injured by Israeli troops. PLO officials say they believe Israel will restrain settlement activity. Sec. Clinton asks Arab leaders to support Abbas. Nahum Barnea says all three leaders have miscalculated on the settlement issue. B'tselem says 6,371 Palestinians and 1,083 Israelis have died in armed conflict in the past 10 years. Israelis are still being induced to become settlers with heavy subsidies. Asharq Al-Awsat interviews Deputy PM Meridor. Raghida Dergham analyzes Palestinian state building.

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