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Fatah and Hamas say they have reached an agreement over the terms of areconciliation deal. (Ma’an/Xinhua/Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post/Ynet)
PM Netanyahu tells Pres. Abbas to choose between peace with Israel or reconcilationwith Hamas. (Reuters/Xinhua/Jerusalem Post/Times of Israel)
Abbas renews his threat to dissolve the PA if peace talks fail. (New York Times)
An Israeli Minister reports progress in talks with Palestinians. (Times of Israel)
Jewish “price tag” extremists vandalize Muslim cemetery in Jerusalem. (PNN/Jerusalem Post/JTA/Times of Israel)
Palestinian citizens of Israel condemn a plan to recruit Christians in the Israeli military. (Ma’an)
Israeli occupation forces arrest 17 Palestinians in the West Bank. (Ma’an)
A short American film questions the ways Israelis and Palestinians see each other as a result of the conflict. (AP)
France will unveil a plan to prevent young Muslims from going to fight in Syria and becoming radicalized. (Reuters)
The UN says aid efforts for Syria have failed. (New York Times/AP)
Former PM Blair says the world must take a stand against Muslim extremists. (Ha’aretz)
The US will deliver 10 Apache helicopters to Egypt. (Reuters)
Lebanon’s Parliament fails to elect a new President. (AP/Xinhua/Daily Star)
PM Erdogan calls the killing of Armenians during World War I “our shared pain.”(AP/Jerusalem Post)
An Amnesty International report says Qatar is failing to protect domestic workers from exploitation. (AP)
Rami Khouri says more people are realizing Israel is slowly turning into an “apartheid-like state.” (Daily Star)
Salman Mashalha says the PA should hold new elections and get rid of the “corrupt old guard.” (Ha’aretz)
Ha’aretz says Israel continues to undermine the principle of “non-refoulement.” (Ha’aretz)
The Washington Post says Pres. Assad is feeling confident enough to call for elections. (Washington Post)
The National says Assad’s election plan is “farcical and surreal.” (The National)
Osama Al Sharif says Jordan will likely tighten control of its borders with Syria due to the fear of infiltration. (Jordan Times)
Michael Young says Lebanese may not know who will be their next president, but this uncertainty is a “refreshing rarity” in the Middle East. (The National)
The New Yorks Times says neither the closing of Abu Ghraib nor the passage of time can erase the stain created by the brutalization of inmates. (New York Times)
Abdel Monem Said says bringing down the Mehleb government because of the electricity crisis in Egypt will serve nothing. (Al Arabiya)
Ali Ibrahim says if the current situation in Libya persists, the most plausible scenario is international intervention. (Asharq al-Awsat)
Faisal Abbas asks if Qatar will live up to its commitments and normalize its relations with the other GCC states. (Al Arabiya)
Hassan Hassan outlines the details of Qatar’s reported deal with other GCC states.(Foreign Policy)


Palestinian and Israeli negotiators will meet in Jerusalem. (Xinhua/PNN/Times of Israel)

The US warns dissolution of the PA would have “grave implications.” (PNN/Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)

A Palestinian official dismisses US threats to cut aid if Pres. Abbas dissolves the PA. (Jerusalem Post)

FM Lieberman says the PA should not come up with “new threats” every day. (Jerusalem Post/Ynet)

Hamas and Fatah are reportedly discussing reconciliation. (Ha’aretz)

Jordan summons the Israeli Ambassador over the recent clashes at the Al-Aqsa Mosque. (Xinhua/PNN/Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post/Jordan Times)

Israel says it is willing to treat Palestinian-Americans equally if it joins the US visa waiver program.
(Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)

The US Supreme Court will review the identification of Jerusalem on American passports. (Ha’aretz/AP/JTA)

The Israeli army will begin “actively recruiting” Christian Palestinian citizens of Israel. (Ma’an/Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post/Times of Israel)

Palestinian citizens of Israel in Umm al-Fahm protest against “price tag” attacks. (Ma’an)

A Fatah official says Yarmouk residents are planning to organize a peaceful rally against the militant groups. (Ma’an)

The US says it has indications that a toxic chemical was used in Syria in the past month. (Reuters/AP)

Syrian rebels are making their last stand in Homs against government forces. (AP)

Militants attack a balloting center in Iraq, killing 10. (AP)

Iran will start cutting gasoline subsidies this week. (Reuters/Xinhua)

US drones and Yemeni forces kill 40 al-Qaeda-linked fighters. (New York Times/The National)


Hussein Ibish says the US Supreme Court must uphold the Constitution, international law, and established US policy in its ruling on Jerusalem. (Now)

Seth Lipsky says if the US Supreme Court decides to list “Israel” as country of birth of an American born in Jerusalem, the consequences would be “huge.” (Ha’aretz)

Ha’aretz says the recent confrontation on the Temple Mount/Al Aqsa mosque serve as a reminder that the site must be handled with “wisdom and sensitivity.” (Ha’aretz)

Peter Beinart says South Africa has important lessons for Israel. (Ha’aretz)

Jonathan Cook says Israel has no weapons to defeat a campaign of popular non-violent resistance by Palestinians. (The National)

Faisal Al Yafai says Saudi Prince Bandar did not fail in Syria. (The National)

Brooklyn Middleton says Syria will be “reelecting” a “mass murderer.” (Al Arabiya)

Mustafa Akyol says Turkey and the US should discuss new ways to end the “disastrous civil war” in Syria. (New York TImes)

Khairallah Khairallah asks if Egypt has overcome the “Muslim Brotherhood complex.” (Al Arabiya)

Pres. Abbas reportedly threatens to dissolve the PA and disband Palestinian security forces. (Times of Israel/JTA)
Economy Minister Bennett says Israel will not stop Abbas from dismantling the PA.(Ha’aretz/Ynet)
A Palestinian official says Special Envoy Indyk has not proposed new ideas to salvage the peace talks. (PNN/Jerusalem Post)
Fatah and Hamas leaders will meet in Gaza for reconciliation talks.(AP/Ma’an/Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post)
Hamas releases 10 Fatah-affiliated prisoners. (Ma’an)
Israeli and Palestinian minors accused of crimes in the occupied West Bank are subject to two different sets of laws. (AP/Times of Israel)
Gaza militants fire rockets at Israel.(AP/Reuters/Ma’an/Ha’aretz)
Israeli airstrikes target central Gaza, injuring two. (Ma’an/PNN/Ynet)
Many officials in the US intelligence community object to visa waivers for Israelis.(Ha’aretz)
Israeli police prevent UN Middle East Envoy Serry from celebrating the Holy Fire ceremony in Jerusalem. (Ma’an/Reuters)
A senior Palestinian cleric accuses Israel of throwing stun grenades into al-Aqsa mosque. (Reuters)
Extremist settlers uproot more than 100 olive trees in the occupied West Bank. (Ma’an)
Jewish “price tag” extremists vandalize a car in northern Israel. (Times of Israel)
An Israeli journalist says only Palestinian citizens of Israel are prosecuted for going to “enemy countries.” (Ha’aretz)
Syria will hold presidential elections on June 3rd. (AP/The National)
Four french journalists are freed in Syria. (New York Times)
Pres. Assad visits a Syrian Christian village recaptured from rebels. (The National)
In Homs deadly battles continue between the Assad regime and the Syrian opposition. (New York Times)
Egypt’s electoral commission says only two presidential candidates have submitted their papers. (AP/Reuters)
Many young Egyptians feel excluded by the government. (Washington Post)
A kidnaped Tunisian diplomat urges his government to negotiate with his Libyan kidnappers. (Reuters)
Rami Khouri says Israeli-Palestinian peace talks lack realism, reciprocity, reasonableness and respect. (Daily Star)
Monique Jaques says many women in Gaza dream of leaving the strip, to explore the world. (New York Times)
Gideon Levy says a Palestinian and an Israeli were “needlessly killed,” yet the Israeli government and media only seek justice for the latter. (Ha’aretz)
Nahum Barnea says the Palestinian threat to dissolve the PA could have “serious repercussions” for Israel. (Ynet)
Ha’aretz says the arrest of a journalist, who is a Palestinian citizen of Israel, is only because he is an Arab. (Ha’aretz)
Taylor Luck says the politics of the Zaatari refugee camp threaten Jordan’s stability. (Jordan Times)
The Daily Star says the Lebanese presidential elections alienate the public from the process and from their own political leaders. (Daily Star)
Mshari Al-Zaydi asks if Egypt can reconcile with the Muslim Brotherhood. (Asharq al-Awsat)
Brian Katulis, Mokhtar Awad and Hardin Lang say a Jordanian cleric is sending young men to fight and die in Syria’s civil war. (Foreign Policy)
Sharif Nashashibi says elections in the Arab world will not produce democracy. (Al Arabiya)
Amal Mousa says Arab constitutions are in need of fundamental revisions to bring them in line with international standards. (Asharq al-Awsat)
Andrew Bacevich says the closing of Abu Ghraib indicates the full magnitude of the US failure in Iraq. (Los Angeles Times)
Abdul Rahman Al Rashed says extremist groups have “infiltrated the west” through charities. (Al Arabiya)
Hamad Al-Majid says the British government needs to work with moderates within Islamic institutions and among the Muslim community’s leaders. (Asharq al-Awsat)


Israeli and Palestinian negotiators meet in Jerusalem. (Reuters/PNN/JTA)

Israeli and Palestinian negotiators will hold separate talks today with Special Envoy Indyk. (Times of Israel)

Jewish “price tag” extremists vandalize a mosque in northern Israel. (AP/Ma’an/PNN/Ha’aretz/JTA)

A journalist, who is a Palestinian citizen of Israel, is moved to house arrest in a case involving hisrecent visit to Lebanon. (New York Times/AFP/Ha’aretz)

Newly appointed Commissioner-General of UNRWA Krähenbühl vows to help end the blockade of Gaza. (PNN)

Sec. Kerry wants to ease restrictions for visa-seeking young Israelis. (Ha’aretz/JTA/Jerusalem Post) 

Tensions in Jerusalem are reflected in ugly rivalries over the Ras Khamis neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem. (New York Times)

Hamas says Egyptian authorities have kept the Rafah crossing with Gaza closed for 81 days in 2014. (Ma’an)

Gaza’s Zayed city provides much needed housing for Palestinians. (The National)

Gaza’s population keeps on growing. (Al Monitor)

A right-wing Israeli organization is trying to block Arab Idol winner Assaf from entering Israel. (Ha’aretz)

Christians mark Good Friday in Jerusalem. (AP/Ma’an)

Gunmen kidnap a Tunisian diplomat in Libya. (Reuters)

Turkish Pres. Gul rules out exchanging government positions with PM Ergodan. (Reuters)

Pursuant to a report by the IAEA, the US releases $450 million of frozen Iranian funds. (Reuters/Jerusalem Post)


ATFP Pres. Ziad Asali says Arab men have to play a major role in the battle for women’s rights. (Huffington Post)

Ha’aretz says the frustration over the absence of progress in peace talks could lead Pres. Abbas to dismantle the PA. (Ha’aretz)

Ahmad Majdoubeh says if FM Lieberman wants to build good relations with “moderate Arab countries” then he should make peace with the Palestinians first. (Jordan Times)

Bakir Oweida says Israeli politicians must overcome the “fear of peace.” (Asharq al-Awsat)

Ben Caspit says Middle East turmoil has prompted an “Israeli military revolution.” (Al Monitor)

Avichai Stollar says a recently approved settlement in Hebron will exact an “unimaginable toll” on Palestinians living in the city. (Ha’aretz)

Zvi Gabbay says Israelis must wait for Palestinian unity to achieve peace. (Ha’aretz)

Aaron David Miller says the Israeli-Palestinian peace process is delaying a “day of reckoning.” (Foreign Policy)

Zeev Sternhell says Israel’s road to becoming like apartheid-era South Africa “has been paved.” (Ha’aretz)

The National says Pres. Assad must acknowledge that his regime survived because of Iran. (The National)

Raed Omari says Jordan is becoming increasingly impatient with Syria. (Al Arabiya)

The National says its time for young Algerians to form political parties and cultivate grass roots support. (The National)

The New York Times says Twitter should not comply with Erdogan’s demands. (New York Times)

Robert Zaretsky says the Algerian presidential election will maintain the country’s status quo. (Los Angeles Times)

Israeli and Palestinian negotiators will hold a meeting about peace talks with Special Envoy Indyk. (AFP/Jerusalem Post)
Pres. Abbas says he is willing to extend peace talks, but the first three months of them should focus on borders. (Ha’aretz/Ynet/Times of Israel)
The PA says communications with Israeli officials is at an all time low. (Ma’an)
The PLO says 800,000 Palestinians have been detained by the Israeli military since the 1967. (Ma’an/PNN)
Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza rally for prisoners. (Ynet/AFP)
A blast in Gaza kills three Hamas militants. (New York Times/DPA)
Activists in Gaza are pushing for a two-state solution. (New York Times)
An overland aid convoy is due to arrive in Gaza next week. (Ha’aretz)
Israel arrests a journalist, who is a Palestinian citizen of Israel for travelling to Lebanon. (AP/Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post)
Hamas is attempting to rebuild its regional alliances. (Al Monitor)
Israelis curious about Palestine are increasingly visiting Ramallah. (AP/Times of Israel)
The Committee to Protect Journalists says there is a rise in the assassination of journalists in Syria. (AP)
The Syrian opposition accuses the Assad regime of yet another poison gas attack. (Reuters)
The Syrian war is taking a heavy toll on Syrian culture, archeology and history. (New York Times)
Omani FM bin Alawi says the Gulf rift has been resolved. (Al Arabiya/Gulf News)
http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2014/04/17/Report-Oman-FM-says-Gulf-rift-has-ended.htmlTerrorism in Egypt is spreading from Sinai to Cairo. (Al Monitor)
Arab bankers blame regional unrest for economic deterioration. (Jordan Times)
The IAEA says Iran has begun to cut its most highly-enriched nuclear stockpile. (Reuters/AP)
David Landau says the late Pres. Arafat showed how religious Jews can, like him, accept a two-state solution. (Ha’aretz)
Akiva Eldar examines Israel’s latest move to secure control over key areas in the occupied territories. (Al-Monitor)
Ha’aretz says Israelis must make the effort to learn Arabic. (Ha’aretz)
Joyce Karam says as Hezbollah is widening its mission in Syria, its softening its positions in  Lebanon. (Al Arabiya)
Eyad Abu Shakra says Arabs typiclally do not read history, and even those who do fail to adequately comprehend it. (Asharq al Awsat)
The Jordan Times says Jordan will do all it can to free its ambassador from a Libyan militia. (Jordan Times)
Charlotte Keenan says governments must start treating education as a security asset in combating extremism. (Jordan Times)
Alaa Al Aswany says soccer in Egypt is a mirror reflecting the “fierce struggle” between the old ways of the “ancien regime” and those who dream of a better future. (New York Times)

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