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NEWS: Israel's relations with Europe are at a low point in many decades, but experts believe this is unlikely to lead to a widespread boycott of settlement goods. PM Netanyahu visits Germany as ties are strained over lack of progress on peace. Israel bars a dissident Jewish Israeli academic from a diplomatic event in Germany. Jordan's King Abdullah II visits the West Bank. Israel and the Palestinians both harden their position on proposed settlement expansions. Hamas leader Meshaal may visit Gaza on Friday, as speculation grows Israel may increasingly try to talk to him. In retaliation against the Tunisian Foreign Minister's visit to Gaza, Israel bars a Tunisian diplomat from resuming his post in Ramallah. Palestinians say Israel must be held accountable for settlement activity by the international community. Ordinary Palestinians quickly find the UN upgrade hasn't changed anything on the ground. Hamas says it wants to establish the first ever Palestinian "Defense Ministry." COMMENTARY: ATFP Executive Director Ghaith Al-Omari and David Makovsky of WINEP discuss Israel's settlement expansion on PBS' NewsHour. The LA Times says Israel's retaliation against the Palestinians, especially building the E1 settlement, only hurts itself. Ma'an interviews FM al-Maliki. Ari Shavit says the political right is becoming so extreme it is dangerous to Israel. Yossi Verter says Deputy FM Ayalon has been thrown off of his party list because he would not obey commands to keep quiet. Shaul Arieli says Ben Gurion and other early Israeli leaders understood an Israeli state is only possible next to a Palestinian one. Ami Ayalon says Palestine's UN upgrade presents an opportunity to revive peace talks. Shimon Shiffer says ordinary Israelis will pay the price for a collapse in relations with Europe. Shlomo Ben-Ami says Israel needs to launch a vigorous new peace initiative. Noam Sheizaf says Israel is addicted to the status quo. Lara Friedman outlines ways Pres. Obama can "get tough" with Netanyahu. Akiva Eldar says Israel's settlement expansion plans are meant to "punish" the US as well as the Palestinians.
NEWS: Jewish congregations experience controversy in embracing the Palestinian UN upgrade. Israel says it's moving forward with controversial building plans in near occupied East Jerusalem. Pres. Abas says the plans cross a Palestinian and international red line. Palestinians would face many obstacles in trying to bring international criminal prosecution against Israeli officials. Palestinians say Israeli settlement construction is leading to the creation of a single, unequal state. PM Netanyahu says Israel is still committed to a two-state solution. Deputy FM Ayalon is dumped from his party's election list. The UK downplays the prospect of European economic sanctions against Israel. Palestinians say European states are considering ways of reviving peace negotiations. Israel's high court is hearing a case about a law that allows the targets of boycotts to sue boycotters. Chancellor Merkel is reportedly warning Netanyahu that Israel faces further isolation without a meaningful peace process in place. Hamas says it wants to reopen the airport in southern Gaza. Efforts to include retaliatory measures against the Palestinians for their UN upgrade fail in the US Senate. COMMENTARY: Tom Friedman says missile defense systems and walls are not enough to protect Israel. Carlo Strenger says Netanyahu is leading Israel into an abyss.Yossi Alpher says the UN may have set the stage for a rebirth of the peace process. The Jerusalem Post argues that it's completely reasonable for Israel to be excluded from the NPT and nuclear nonproliferation regimes. Jill Jacobs says the silence of Jewish-American groups over Israel's planned expansion of the E1 settlement block is shocking. The Forward condemns the plan. Osama Al Sharif says the UN vote upgrading Palestine has transformed the legal and diplomatic context of the issue. Ian Buruma says history shows the kind of rule Israel is conducting in the occupied Palestinian territories is very fragile. Khaled al-Houroub says Abbas should go to Gaza. Danny Rubinstein says Israeli-Palestinian economic ties have declined and are unlikely to improve under the current circumstances. Saree Makdisi says that if Israel will not agree to two-state solution, it must accept a single, equitable state.
NEWS: Israel's plans to expand the highly sensitive and controversial E1 settlement area threatens to cut off East Jerusalem from the rest of the occupied West Bank, and reportedly "shocked" the United States. Israeli officials reportedly say they only improved planning, not building, in E1, but commitments not to build in the area made to the US are nonetheless "no longer relevant." Israel also says it will "retaliate" by withholding millions of dollars in Palestinian tax revenues. The Israeli announcement poses a familiar challenge to Pres. Obama. EU states, including Britain and France, voice extreme displeasure over the move and may take additional diplomatic action. UNSG Ban says the plans could be a "fatal blow" to a two-state solution. PM Netanyahu dismisses international criticism. Despite euphoria over the UN vote, Palestinians still face the same challenges. Suspected collaborators in Gaza face a grisly fate. Gaza fishermen struggle despite slightly eased restrictions. A Palestinian man attacks occupation forces in the West Bank. Gaza smuggling tunnels are operating effectively again in the aftermath of the conflict with Israel. Israeli settlers in occupied East Jerusalem seize control of a five-story house. The World Bank announces a $6.4 million effort to save the water system in Gaza. A surge of support for Hamas in Gaza following the conflict with Israel is already beginning to fade. COMMENTARY: B'Tselem looks at the E1 settlement expansion plan and its implications for human rights in the occupied West Bank. The Jerusalem Post defends the plan. Meir Javedanfar says the E1 plan creates the very diplomatic crisis for Israel that Iran failed to create. Barak Ravid says punitive measures aimed at the Palestinians also hurt Israel. A.B. Yehoshua says it's time for Israel to talk to Hamas. Yehuda Ben Meir says the recent UN vote was mainly an international protest against Israel's settlement policies. Mouin Rabbani says Palestinians will have to work hard to make sure the UN vote is not purely symbolic. Raghida Dergham looks at the strategy behind the Palestinian UN initiative. William Saletan says Israel is losing friends by insulting everyone's intelligence. John Bell says after the Gaza war, Palestine has again become a central Arab concern. Matt Duss looks at a recent Washington event featuring PM Fayyad. Mark Baker looks at why Australia abstained at the UN. Hussein Ibish explains how Israel lost almost all European support at the UN. David Remnick describes his interview with Fayyad.
NEWS: The UN General Assembly votes overwhelmingly to grant Palestine "nonmember observer state" status. 138 countries voted yes, 9 no, and 41 abstained. Palestinians react with euphoria. The US strongly opposes the resolution.Israel and the Palestinians now both consider their next moves. Palestinians could try to seek access to global courts. PM Netanyahu is visiting Germany in the wake of its unexpected abstention, and condemns Pres. Abbas UN speech as "hostile and poisonous." Abbas says he will soon visit Gaza. Many Palestinians see the UN success as the possible prelude to national reconciliation. Israel is marketing its antimissile defense system. A Hamas militant is killed as war remnant ordinance explodes in Gaza. Israel says it will "retaliate" against the Palestinians by building 3,000 new settlement units, including in the highly sensitive E-1 corridor between East Jerusalem and the West Bank. COMMENTARY: Hussein Ibish says the PLO UN upgrade was entirely re-contextualized by the Gaza conflict. Barak Ravid looks at how Israel lost almost all European votes. Avi Issacharoff says Israel did Abbas a huge favor by hyping his UN initiative as "state terror." Abbas' UN speech is published in full. Hamas leader Meshaal says the Gaza war and the UN upgrade are complementary. Hassan Haidar says the UN victory is a win for Palestinian realism. The Daily Star says the UN vote was necessary and overdue. Ahmad Majdoubeh says Britain's abstention is a big disappointment. Imad Mrammel says Hezbollah learned important lessons by looking at the recent Israel-Hamas conflict. Raphael Ahren says the lopsided UN vote shows even some of Israel's allies blame it for the peace process impasse. Meir Javedanfar explains why he and some other Israelis supported the PLO UN initiative.
NEWS: The US and Israel are trying to limit the impact of the PLO's mission status upgrade at the UN. Palestinians are certain of victory in today's vote, and will get support from at least 13 European states. Surprisingly, Germany and Australia indicate both will probably abstain rather than voting no. Israeli officials are quoted as saying, "we lost Europe." PM Netanyahu says the vote will make it more difficult for Palestinians to achieve statehood. Former PM Olmert says is no reason for Israel to oppose the resolution. Settlers call for massive annexation of occupied territories in "retaliation." Republican senators issue language calling for further aid cuts to the PA in "retaliation." Hamas revives calls for a restructured PLO in which it can play a leading role. Israeli naval forces seize to fishing vessels off the coast of Gaza, throwing claims of eased fishing limitations into doubt. Palestinians executed as "collaborators" with Israel during the recent conflict were reportedly in custody before the violence began. Pro-Israel advocates are facing new setbacks at several American universities. COMMENTARY: ATFP executive director Ghaith Al-Omari and David Makovsky of WINEP analyze the repercussions of the PLO UN bid. The New York Times says it won't bring Palestinians any closer to statehood and resumption of negotiations is urgently required. The Washington Post says Palestinians may achieve an empty triumph at the UN. Nabil Sha'ath appeals to the international community to support the Palestinian initiative. Hanan Ashrawi says a vote for the resolution is a vote for peace. The Guardian says the resolution gives the UN a chance for a fresh start. Israeli Amb. Oren says Hamas deliberately tries to maximize civilian casualties. J.J. Goldberg says the Palestinians are sounding increasingly reasonable but Israel isn't. Leonard Fein says the resolution defends the two-state solution and should be supported by Jews. The National says the UN bid shows Israel increasingly isolated. Ephraim Sneh says the initiative is good for Israel and the United States. Mark Leon Goldberg says Israel needn't fear charges against its officials at the ICC.

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