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Israel approves the construction of 2,500 settlement housing units in occupied East Jerusalem. (AP/AFP/Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)
The White House says Israel’s new settlement activity would “poison the atmosphere” and distance Israel from “even its closest allies.” (JTA/Times of Israel/Jerusalem Post)
The Palestinians may ask the UNSC to set a deadline of November 2016 for an Israeliwithdrawal from all occupied territories. (AP/Reuters/JTA/Times of Israel)
PM Netanyahu tells Pres. Obama a new Arab alliance could resuscitate Israel’s peace talks with the Palestinians. (New York Times/Washington Post/AFP/Ha’aretz)
Economy Minister Bennett criticizes Netanyahu for his commitment to the 2-state solution. (Ynet)
Sec. Kerry is reportedly planning new Israeli-Palestinian peace talks under the auspices of regional Arab powers. (Times of Israel)
Netanyahu clashes with UNSG Ban about postponing probe into shelling of UN facilities in Gaza. (Ha’aretz)
IDF Chief Gantz says long-term calm in Gaza requires economic incentives. (Times of Israel)
The first cabinet meeting of the Palestinian unity government will be held in Gaza afterEid al-Adha. (Ma’an)
Israel has agreed to allow Palestinians to export vegetables and fish from Gaza to the occupied West Bank. (Ma’an)
Egypt will close the Rafah crossing for Eid al-Adha. (Ma’an)
Palestinian landlords in Gaza refuse to rent to families targeted by Israel in the recent war. (Al-Monitor)
A Palestinian-born candidate, Raed Salah, is running for Berlin mayor. (AP)
Turkey’s parliament is considering giving the government power to launch military incursions into Syria and Iraq. (AP/Washington Post) 
Kurdish fighters say ISIS is closing in on the town of Kobani along the Syria-Turkey border. (AP/Reuters)
A UN report says ISIS extremists are committing “staggering crimes” in Iraq. (Reuters)
Egypt seizes a private newspaper to censor an article. (New York Times) \
The GCC demands the restoration of government authority in Yemen. (The National)
The Jordan Times says Netanyahu refuses to see that only peace with the Palestinians can bring about reconciliation with the rest of the Arab world. (Jordan Times)
Dana Milbank looks at the recent Obama-Netanyahu meeting. (Washington Post)
Ha’aretz asks how can Netanyahu speak of regional peace and at the same time expand Jewish settlements in East Jerusalem. (Ha’aretz)
Raphael Ahren says Netanyahu would never actually agree to the establishment of a Palestinian state. (Times of Israel)
Michael Young says Obama’s reference to his administration’s “underestimation” of the ISIS threat was embarrassing. (The National)
Hassan Hassan says the US-led coalition against ISIS risks losing support if it does not clarify its aims. (The National)
The National welcomes the alliance between Sunni and Kurds against ISIS on both sides of the Syria-Iraq border. (The National)
Roger Cohen says Obama’s war against ISIS makes war with Iran even more unthinkable. (New York Times)
Faisal Abbas explains how the world can win the ideological war against ISIS. (Al Arabiya)
Nicholas Kristof says extremists like ISIS recognize that their greatest strategic threat comes not from a drone but from a girl with a book. (New York Times)
Joyce Karam looks at how losing the Senate could affect Obama’s foreign policy in the Middle East. (Al Arabiya)
Pres. Obama will meet with PM Netanyahu in Washington. (AP/Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)

An Israeli official says Netanyahu would still meet with Pres. Abbas, despite UNGAspeech. (Times of Israel)

An Israeli official allegedly holds “secret talks” with PM Hamdallah. (Ynet)

Abbas is threatening to reevaluate the PA’s security ties with Israel. (Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post)

Hamas criticizes Netanyahu’s recent speech at the UNGA. (Xinhua) 

Israel will grant 500 Palestinians from Gaza three-day permits to visit Jerusalem over the Eid al-Adha holiday. (Ma’an)

Displaced Palestinians from Gaza receive 100 mobile homes. (Ma’an)

Israeli occupation forces arrest 21 Palestinians in the West Bank. (Ma’an/PNN)

A survey indicates 24 percent of Jewish-Israeli consumers are boycotting Arab businesses in the wake of the summer’s Gaza conflict. (JTA/Jerusalem Post)

Three Israeli soldiers who fought in the recent Gaza war have committed suicide. (Ha’aretz/Ynet)

Israel’s population authority left Muhammad off the annual “Top 10” list of baby names, even though it was number one. (New York Times)

ISIS says it will expand into southern Syria within days. (The National)

US-led forces launch airstrikes on ISIS extremists who are besieging a Syrian Kurdish town near the Turkish border. (Reuters)

Turkey may send troops into Syria and Iraq and let allies use Turkish bases to fight ISIS. (Reuters/Washington Post)

Syrian Kurds continue their exodus to Turkey. (Washington Post)

PM Abbott says Australian aircraft will join the US-led coalition in air strikes against ISIS in Iraq. (Reuters)  

A Syrian official says 17 people, including 10 children, have been killed in explosions near a school in Homs. (AP)

The UN says at least 1119 Iraqis have been killed in September. (AP) 

Egypt is offering to train pro-government forces battling rival armed groups in Libya. (Reuters)

The Kuwaiti government is fighting dissent by revoking citizenships. (New York Times)

King Abdullah of Jordan will meet with Pres. Putin in Moscow to discuss terrorism. (Jordan Times)

Jordan and the US sign four grant agreements worth $633 million. (Jordan Times)

AP looks at Mecca’s transformation. (AP)


Thomas Friedman says Israel is adopting a strategy of containment toward Gaza. (New York Times)

Rami Khouri says Netanyahu’s UNGA speech signals how out of touch he is with the rest of the world. (Daily Star)

The National says Israel has the primary role in ending the occupation. (The National)

Amira Hass explains why Abbas was distressed at the UNGA. (Ha’aretz)

Peter Beinart says Netanyahu is wrong to conflate the Palestinian issue with “militant Islam.” (Ha’aretz)

Ben Caspit says Netanyahu’s UNGA speech did not identify opportunities or make any historic decisions. (Al-Monitor)

Nathan Brown looks at Netanyahu’s lies about ISIS and Hamas. (Jewish Daily Forward)

Avi Issacharoff says Jordan and Israel enjoy close security and political cooperation. (Times of Israel)

Smadar Perry asks if Egypt will suspend Israeli-Palestinian talks after UNGA accusations. (Ynet)

David Ignatius says unifying the moderate Syrian opposition is the biggest challenge in Syria. (Washington Post)

Andrew Thompson and Jeremy Suri say ISIS extremists are neither new nor unfamiliar to the US. (New York Times)

The Daily Star says FM al-Moallem’s speech at UNGA smacked of “delusion and detachment” from reality. (Daily Star)

Aaron David Miller says the US is facing a conundrum in Syria. (Foreign Policy)

Tariq Alhomayed asks if US intelligence truly underestimated the ISIS threat. (Asharq al-Awsat)

Diana Moukalled says the Lebanese army is committing abuses against Syrian refugees with impunity. (Al Arabiya)

Elizabeth Dickinson looks at  which groups Qatar funds and how that complicates its relationship with the US. (Foreign Policy)

Ziauddin Sardar says Saudi Arabia has bulldozed centuries of beauty and diversity in Mecca. (New York Times)
PM Netanyahu says Hamas and ISIS are "branches of the same poisonous tree."(AP/Reuters/Ma’an/JTA/Ha’aretz/The National)
The PLO says Netanyahu’s UNGA address was a “blatant manipulation of facts.”(AFP/Ha’aretz) 
The US says Hamas and ISIS pose different terror threats. (Ha’aretz/The Media Line)
Pres. Abbas seems to be winning public opinion abroad but losing at home. (The Media Line)
A new Palestinian poll indicates popular support for Hamas is dropping among Palestinians a month after the end of the Gaza war. (Times of Israel) 
FM Lieberman accuses Abbas of losing “all touch with reality.” (Times of Israel)
DM Ya’alon says Israel destroyed some 80 percent of Palestinian rockets and mortars in Gaza during “Operation Protective Edge.” (JTA/Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)
Jewish extremist settlers occupy 23 homes in a neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem. (Ma’an/Times of Israel)
Israeli occupation forces detain 10 Palestinians in the West Bank. (Ma’an)
Saudi Arabia transfers $60 million to the PA. (Ma’an)
Gaza sweet potatoes are exported to Europe for the first time since the beginning of the Israeli blockade. (Ma’an)
US-led airstrikes hit ISIS targets in Syria near the Turkish border. (AP)
France says number of French radicals in Syria and Iraq has grown 74 percent this year, to about 1,000 people. (AP)
Iraqi Kurdish forces capture a strategic border crossing and several villages from ISIS extremists in northern Iraq. (Reuters)
The decision by Saudi Arabia and the UAE to strike ISIS in Syria reflects their ambition to extend regional influence. (Reuters)
The New York Times looks at the Obama administration’s missteps in assessing the ISIS threat. (New York Times)
The Syrian opposition is skeptical about US airstrikes. (New York Times)
Qatar’s FM al-Attiya denies paying ransoms to militant groups. (Reuters)
Iran will give a military grant to the Lebanese army. (Reuters)
The World Economic Forum says youth unemployment is spurring the spread of violent extremism across the region. (The National)
Nahum Barnea says Netanyahu’s UNGA speech was all talk and no action. (Ynet)
Barak Ravid says Netanyahu’s speech lacked any strategy or a detailed diplomatic program. (Ha’aretz)
Akiva Eldar says Abbas’ UNGA speech reflects the Palestinians' despair of any hope for peace with the current Israeli leadership. (Al-Monitor)
Grant Rumley looks at the recent Hamas-Fatah unity agreement. (Foreign Policy)
Jeffrey White looks at the combat performance of Hamas in the recent Gaza war. (Washington Institute)
Joel Braunold says “peace” doesn’t belong solely to Israelis, nor “justice” to Palestinians. (Ha’aretz)
AP interviews FM al-Moallem. (AP)
Faisal Al Yafai says the Syrian regime is the problem not the solution in the fight against ISIS. (The National)
Jenna Krajeski and Sebastian Meyer say how Iraq’s Kurds deal with sectarian tensions will show whether they can truly govern an inclusive, independent state. (New York Times)
Joseph Lieberman and Mark Wallace say the fight against “brutal extremists” can and will be won. (The National)
David Ignatius says young entrepreneurs are seeking change in the Middle East. (Daily Star)


Pres. Abbas urges the UN to press for a deadline to end the Israeli occupation. (New York Times/Ha’aretz/The National)
The US, Britain and Australia will reportedly not support a Palestinian bid forstatehood at the UN. (Ha’aretz)
PLO officials were reportedly divided on the approach Abbas should take before his UNGA speech. (Ma’an/Times of Israel)
PM Netanyahu says he will refute “all of the lies” directed at Israel with regard to Israel's recent war in Gaza in his UNGA address. (AP/JTA/Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)
Israeli opposition leader Herzog blames Netanyahu’s government for deteriorating relations with Palestinians. (Ynet)
FM Shukri says demilitarizing Gaza is not open for discussion now. (Times of Israel)
Hamas is reportedly ready to accept PA forces at Gaza crossings. (Times of Israel)
The Washington Post looks at Hamas’ radio station in Gaza. (Washington Post)
An Israeli NGO says about 25 percent of new Israeli homes in Jerusalem in the first half of the year were in the occupied east. (AFP)
Israeli occupation forces demolish a 5-story residential building in Abu Dis. (Ma’an/PNN)
The war in Gaza delivers a serious blow to Israel’s tourism industry. (AP)
Pres. Obama acknowledges that “contradictory” Syria policies helps Pres. Assad. (AP/New York Times/The National)
US-led airstrikes target ISIS positions in four Syrian provinces. (AP/Reuters)
The Al-Nusra Front says militants will attack the West in retaliation for US-led airstrikes in Syria and Iraq. (Reuters/AP/New York Times)
The Iraqi military has begun a campaign to re-enlist soldiers and officers who abandoned their units. (New York Times)
Germany has begun training 32 peshmerga fighters. (AP)
Turkey is reportedly moving toward an alliance with the US on Syria. (New York Times/AFP)
Syrian children in refugee camps suffer from mental health issues. (Washington Post)
A White House official says a nuclear deal with Iran could initiate a possible resumption of ties. (JTA)
A resolution proposed by Arab states regarding Israel's nuclear arsenal isdefeated at an IAEA meeting. (AFP)
ATFP Pres. Ziad Asali says as the US assembles a coalition against ISIS, now is the time to begin planning for the "day after." (The Hill)
Hussein Ibish says Abbas’ conundrum in his UNGA speech is also an American problem. (The National)
Nahum Barnea says peace talks are off the table and what’s next for Israel and the Palestinians is completely unclear. (Ynet)
Pierre Krahenbuhl says the world and Israel must understand that the status quo is unsustainable in Gaza. (Foreign Policy)
Rami Khouri says Abbas should rely on international law. (Daily Star)
Ha’aretz says Netanyahu has a policy to keep the occupation going. (Ha’aretz)
Michael Oren says Abbas’ strategies could be more dangerous to Israel than Hamas. (Ynet)
The Jordan Times says Palestinians are frustrated by futile talks with Israel. (Jordan Times)
Uri Savir says future Egypt-Israel ties could depend on the Palestinian issue. (Al-Monitor)
Aaron Zelin asks if Gaza will be the global jihadists' next ”ground zero.” (Ha’aretz)
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid says military containment is only a partial solution to ISIS’s evils. (The National)
The National says restoring hope is key to beating the extremists. (The National)
Roger Cohen says for ISIS, slaughter is an end in itself. (New York Times)
Abdul Rahman Al Rashed says the slaughter of James Foley was a direct cause of the anti-ISIS alliance. (Al Arabiya)
Jackson Diehl says ignoring Assad has consequences in Syria. (Washington Post)
Salman Aldossary says Turkey is damaging its reputation and losing respect due to its unending provocations. (Asharq al-Awsat)
Marwan Muasher and Kim Ghattas say Lebanon can provide a template for managing diversity and rejecting radicalism under difficult circumstances. (Jordan Times)


The text of the recent Fatah-Hamas agreement is released. (Jerusalem Post)

Pres. Abbas will ask the UN to set a timeline for the end of the Israeli occupation. (Ma’an/Times of Israel/Ynet)

Palestinians in Gaza displaced by Israel’s military offensive are still waiting for solutions. (Ma’an) 

Israeli occupation forces impose restrictions on the entry of Palestinian worshipers to the Al-Aqsa Mosque. (Ma’an)

The PA tourism ministry encourages more travel to Palestine. (Ma’an)

OneVoice Palestine launches "the land is ours" campaign to promote the role of young Palestinians. (PNN)

For the second day, US-led air strikes hit oil installations held by ISIS in Syria. (AP/Reuters/New York Times/Washington Post)

PM Cameron urges the British parliament to approve "years" of air strikes against ISIS in Iraq. (Reuters)

Denmark joins the fight against ISIS. (AP/Ha’aretz)

PM al-Abadi expresses support for American-led airstrikes in Syria against ISIS, with some reservations. (New York Times)

ISIS advances towards a strategic town on northern Syria's border with Turkey. (Reuters) 

Members of the Al-Nusra Front are pushing their group to cooperate with ISIS in the face of US-led airstrikes. (Reuters)

The FBI says there are about 12 Americans fighting in Syria, not 100. (AP)

The FBI says they have identified the ISIS extremist who appeared on two videos in which American journalists were beheaded. (New York Times)

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says more than 200 fighters have joined ISIS since Pres. Obama said he would strike the group in Syria. (Reuters)

woman in Raqqa is filming life under ISIS rule by concealing a camera in the folds of her cloak. (New York Times)

Pres. Obama says Egypt is crucial to US security in the Middle East. (AP/Times of Israel)

The US is reportedly considering presenting a new offer to Iran for the P5+1 negotations. (AP) 

Pres. Rouhani says the west’s “blunders” aided the rise of ISIS. (New York Times/Washington Post/The National) 


Asmaa al-Ghoul says Islamic Jihad’s popularity is growing after the Gaza war. (Al-Monitor)

The National says Obama’s UN General Assembly speech lacked harsh words for Israel. (The National)

Alan Philps says after the air strikes, Iraq will require a political solution. (The National)

David Ignatius looks at the jihadist manual that foreshadowed ISIS. (Washington Post)

Fareed Zakaria says the fight against ISIS must include Iran. (Washington Post)

H.A. Hellyer says the battle against ISIS cannot “blind the world” to Pres. Assad’s sins.  (The National)

The Daily Star says, without a concerted effort to remove Assad from power, the ongoing bloodshed in Syria will continue unabated. (Daily Star)

David Kenner looks at Turkey’s welcoming of Syrian Kurdish refugees. (Foreign Policy)

Abdallah Schleifer says solar energy is the solution to Egypt’s power cuts and pollution. (Al Arabiya)

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