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NEWS: The New York Times explains the grave issues involved in Israel's E1 settlement expansion plan. Israel insists it's pushing ahead with various settlement projects. The Syrian government warns Palestinian refugees not to aid rebels, as opposition forces seize control of the largest refugee camp in the country. The US expresses "deep concern"over the deaths of dozens of Palestinians in Syria. The Israeli Embassy in Ireland deletes a "Christmas" Facebook posting saying Palestinians would have lynched Jesus. Pres. Abbas meets with Pope Benedict XVI and the Vatican says it hopes the recent UN vote will lead to a peace agreement. The Israeli Navy shoots and arrests a Palestinian fisherman off the Gaza coast. Palestinian public employees are planning strikes due to nonpayment of salaries. A new poll suggests a majority of "centrist" Israelis would not back a party that willing to divide Jerusalem. A new Palestinian poll suggests Hamas leader Hanniyeh would beat Abbas in an election held at the moment. A Palestinian journalist claims she was discriminated against by her West Bank TV station for wearing a headscarf. The American Jewish Committee says it's going to focus less on domestic issues and more on supporting Israel. Both Jordanians and Palestinians express unease at talk of a possible confederation. COMMENTARY: Aluf Benn says that during this election season, PM Netanyahu is pandering to the religious right. Amira Hass says a Palestinian boycott of Israeli goods won't hurt Israel at all. Sami El-Ali says Palestinian citizens of Israel have a right to express opinions Jewish citizens find obnoxious. Nahum Barnea says FM Lieberman is a damaging political figure but his case is being mishandled by prosecutors. Gershon Baskin emphasizes it takes time, effort and hard work to build partnerships for peace. Dalia Hatuqa says Hamas and Fatah are no closer to resolving their differences. Lara Friedman condemns disingenuous defenses of Israel's settlement expansion plans. Hussein Ibish says all parties involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are facing a set of crucial choices in the coming months.
NEWS: Syrian government forces kill at least 25 Palestinian refugees, as PFLP-GC leader Jibril flees the Yarmouk camp outside Damascus. Pres. Abbas calls on waring factions in Syria to avoid attacking Palestinian refugees. PM Fayyad urges Palestinians to boycott Israeli goods in protest of Israel's withholding of Palestinian tax revenues. FM Lieberman resignes after being charged with "breach of trust" and other criminal indictments. Palestinian issues are playing almost no role in the unfolding Israeli election. Two Palestinian journalists working for Reuters are beaten and abused by Israeli soldiers. A Palestinian film wins two awards at the Dubai film festival. Israel allows a small shipment of agricultural products to be exported from Gaza. The Emir of Qatar may visit the occupied West Bank and meet with Abbas soon. Abbas sends condolences to Pres. Obama on the massacre at a school in Connecticut. Israeli occupation forces kill a Palestinian man in southern Gaza. Hamas resumes a public presence in the West Bank. A Palestinian official criticizes the Middle East Quartet and its representative Tony Blair as "useless." COMMENTARY: Qantara interviews Sari Nusseibeh. Aner Shalev says a vote for PM Netanyahu amounts to a vote for Hamas. Chris McGreal says the new potential for Palestinian action on Israeli settlement activity at the ICC could help re-start peace talks. The Forward looks at a new theatrical production by Miriam Said and Vanessa Redgrave. Nermeen Murad says it may be time to start looking more carefully at a potential confederation between Jordan and Palestine. Omar Wehbeh looks at the security plight of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.
NEWS: Hamas' appeal rises in Gaza but it still faces financial woes. Hamas holds an unusual public rally in the West Bank that continues for second day. Israel says in spite of its jubilation, Hamas has been daunted by its losses in the recent conflict. The end of conflict is bringing some life back to Gaza markets. FM Lieberman faces indictment on lesser charges, Including breach of trust, that may allow him to continue his political career. Israeli soldiers assault two Reuters cameramen. An Israeli court urges the rerouting of parts of the West Bank separation barrier. An Israeli border police officer who killed a Palestinian youth is "wanted for murder" on Facebook pages. Israel will equip its military reservists with a new generation of rifle. The Arab League calls on donors to meet pledges to the PA. Reports say PA officials may be studying the possibility of a confederation with Jordan. Gaza fishermen continue to tentatively explore whether Israel has in fact expanded the area in which they are permitted to fish following the cease-fire. COMMENTARY: Adam Gonn says Lieberman's indictment will have little political impact. Oded Carmeli says both Israelis and Palestinians are having fewer children. Sara Hirschhorn says extremist Israeli politician Feiglin poses a clear and present danger to Israel. Salman Masalha says a little-known Israeli "park project" is as dangerous to peace as the E1 settlement expansion plan. Arsen Ostrovsky says Israel is "winning" in Europe by removing the conflict as the central issue in bilateral relations. Uri Savir says the Middle East needs a coalition of young progressives. Raja Shehadeh reflects on recent events. Gil Troy says Pres. Obama's attitude towards Israel reminds him of the late Sen.Moynihan. Amy Ayalon says constructive unilateral moves can help the situation. Jonathan Schanzer asks who or what can succeed Pres. Abbas.Henry Siegman calls Hamas leader Mishaal's Gaza speech "reckless incitement."
NEWS: FM Lieberman invokes the specter of Nazi-ism in criticizing Europe's stance towards Israel's settlement expansion policies. Israeli occupation forces clash with Palestinian protesters near Hebron, with a Palestinian youth killed. Sales of a perfume named after a rocket soar in Gaza. An extremist party is banned from campaigning in Israel on the grounds that it is too racist against Arabs. A senior PLO official says there won't be any new peace initiative until after the Israeli election. Pres. Abbas and Hamas leader Mishaal discuss reconciliation in a phone call. Abbas criticizes Hamas for not recognizing Israel and reminds them this was part of an earlier PLO-Hamas agreement. Palestinian labor leaders shut down UNRWA offices following layoffs and reduction of services. Hamas says it is going to start rebuilding its ministries and headquarters destroyed by Israel in the recent conflict. Palestinians in the occupied West Bank are developing rooftop gardens to grow food. Palestine's anti-corruption commission hopes to use international legal mechanisms in future prosecutions. The Gaza conflict is deterring Christmas religious tourism in Bethlehem. COMMENTARY: Carlo Strenger joins the chorus of voices saying Mishaal's Gaza speech played directly into the hands of PM Netanyahu. Douglas Bloomfield says while Mishaal openly opposes peace, Netanyahu and Abbas have policies that also undermine it. Abdullah Iskandar says Israel is deliberately keeping both Hamas and the PA weak and divided in order to rule over them. Yaron Ezrahi says the recent UN vote was an important turning point, reminiscent of what Israelis achieved in 1947. Yaakov Livne says Israel desperately needs better diplomacy. Rob Eshman says he's joined those who tire of hearing about a two-state solution. Jerome Segal says a more effective Arab Peace Initiative would center on the Israeli and Arab peoples, rather than their governments.
NEWS: Israeli occupation forces raid three Palestinian NGOs in the West Bank. Gaza tunnel smuggling is recovering from the recent conflict. FM Lieberman strongly attacks European criticism of Israel's settlement expansion plans. Extremists target a Jerusalem monastery and Palestinian cars in "price tag" attacks. Jordan says it plans to hold Israeli-Palestinian talks in February. Israel says it plans to withhold Palestinian revenues until at least March. In yet another reversal, a Hamas official insists Mishaal will not run for reelection as Politburo chief. The US plans to give Israel thousands of "bunker buster" bombs. Jordan's Prince Hassan is accused of "normalization" with Israel. The incoming Congress will be without several key members who were both supporters of Israel and advocates of peace. Pres. Abbas is visiting Turkey. Palestinians say they may consider international legal action if Israel persists with settlement expansion plans. Israeli occupation forces are preparing for an anticipated upsurge of violence in the West Bank. COMMENTARY: Harriet Sherwood says, despite Hamas' rhetoric and political gains, there is little to celebrate for the long-suffering people of Gaza. Natasha Mozgovaya says Jewish-American groups are divided on defending Israel's settlement plans. Ha'aretz says too many Israeli election laws invalidate Arab parties and candidates. Sefi Rachlevsky says the "messianic racist revolution that swallowed up Israeli Orthodoxy has now swallowed Likud." Amira Hass says Europe has a final opportunity to impact the course of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Yitzhak Benhorin says Israel's policies are alienating increasing numbers of Jewish Americans. Elias Harfoush says Mishaal's Gaza speech should be regarded as popular pandering, and Hamas needs a real strategy to move forward. Raphael Ahren says Palestinians will play a huge role in determining whether or not they develop an independent state.

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