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Sec. Kerry warns of "negative consequences" for Israel if peace talks fail, during a meeting with leaders of the American Jewish community, telling them that Muslim Brotherhoods will not return to power in Egypt. (Ha'aretz/Jerusalem Post) 
The US denounces Israeli plans to construct 800 new homes in Jewish settlements in the occupiedWest Bank land as negotiations are set to continue on August 14. (Reuters/LA Times/AP/NYTimes) 
In a letter to Sec. Kerry, Chief Negotiator Erekat warns that the new Israeli settlement could derail the peace talks. (Ha'aretz/AP)
Kerry is testing a new path toward the Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations, insisting on discussing all the most difficult core issues now. (Bloomberg)
Pres. Abbas says Palestinian values will not be conceded during negotiations with Israel. (Ma’an News) 
Israel defies EU ban on funding any entity in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, stressing it will not sign any agreement with the EU inapplicable on these territories. (Xinhau/AP)
Hamas plans to crackdown on political activists amid fears that Gaza could experience mass protests like those that toppled the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. (The Telegraph)
Amnesty International urges Hamas to stop executions planned for after the Muslim Eid al-Fitr holiday. (Ma’an News) 
Forced marriages of teenage Palestinian girls in Gaza remain frequent, despite laws prohibiting the marriage of those under 17. (Al-Monitor)
Israel releases a 60-year-old Palestinian prisoner after detaining him for 34 months without charge or trial. (Ma’an News) 
Israeli police officer caught on film shooting at Palestinian in East Jerusalem gas station. (Ha'aretz)
6000-homes project "Rawabi" in Ramallah faces cost overruns, construction delays, lackluster government support and disputes with Israel over roads and water that still threaten to delay its opening in 2020. (LA Times) 
Mohammed Assaf's move from Gaza creates controversy. (The Media Line)
Miriam Awadallah says she is "Palestinian and Proud." (Huff Post) 
Roger Cohen outlines Israel's split personality, citing Netanyahu's engagement in peace talks combined with an urge to build more settlements. (The New York Times)
Alan Elsner asks if Netanyahu is serious about peace talks, arguing that new settlement plans will weaken the Palestinian negotiating partner, and limit his ability to make concessions. (The Daily Beast/Open Zion)
Dov Weisglass asserts that Israel’s obsession of settlements in Palestinian territories makes a mockery of the Israeli governments peace rhetoric. (Ynet News) 
Lolita Brayman suggests relocating 100,000 settlers living outside the settlement blocks into Israel proper to boost prospects of peace talks. (Ha'aretz)
Alan Philps argues that European countries should be prepared to play a larger role in Palestine if peace talks fail. (The National) 
Matt Duss highlights the four steps that Kerry is taking to create movement on a range of fronts. (The Daily Beast/Open Zion)
Gulf News says Palestinians are cautious about peace talks because of Israel’s continued expansionist mindset in the West Bank. (Gulf News) 
Avi Meyerstein says a public peace process involving NGOs would yield more successful results for peace as opposed to the past top-down negotiations. (The Times of Israel) 
Ari Shavit highlights the new Knesset bills targeting Arabs and Haredim Jews, calling for their integration into an egalitarian, pluralistic, Israeli society. (Ha'aretz) 
Yoel Marcus explains why the Palestinian anthem was the only anthem to be played during the FC Barcelona "Peace Tour" to Israel and the West Bank. (Ha'aretz)
Bakr Oweida reflects on Palestine’s situation since the signing of the Oslo Accords. (Asharq Al-Awsat) 
Noam Gilboord addresses Roger Waters' labeling of Israel as being an apartheid state. (Ha'aretz)
Adnan Abu Amer says Hamas is keen to improve its ties with Hezbollah. (Al-Monitor)


Israel gives preliminary approval for 800 new settler homes in the occupied West Bank, awaiting a green light from the government to commence the construction. (Reuters)
Chief Palestinian Negotiator Erekat calls on the international community to punish Israel over new settlement plans in southern Jerusalem. (PNN)
Netanyahu does not believe in the diplomatic process, Instead, he is focused on the negotiations themselves, according to the Israeli MK and leader of the ultra-Orthodox Shas party Deri. (Al-Monitor) 
The Israeli government sets a timetable to release the 104 Palestinian detainees, starting next week. (International Middle East Media Center)
Israeli soldiers clash with Palestinians in the West Bank city of Jenin after the arrest of an Islamic Jihad leader, and arrest a Palestinian journalist in Nablus. (Times of Israel/Ma'an)
The four Israeli soldiers who were injured Tuesday entered 400 meters inside a heavily mined area in Lebanon, according to Lebanon's army and one UN peacekeeping officer. (Ma'an) 
The Palestinian cabinet emphasizes the neutrality of the Palestinian factions in the Syrian conflict, and welcomes the departure of the militants from the refugee camps there. (PNN)
Egypt says Sinai patrols killed 60 militants since Morsi's ouster, and destroyed 102 Gaza tunnels. (Jerusalem Post/Ynet)
Rep. Hoyer threatens to cut US funding of PA schools after Erekat admits unfair portrayal of Jews in curriculum, during a week-long visit to Israel and the West Bank. (Jerusalem Post)
Rep. Cantor will lead 26 GOP lawmakers on a tour of Israel funded by AIPAC’s educational affiliate. (JTA)
PM Netanyahu says new Iranian Pres. Rohani’s call for serious negotiations over his country’s nuclear program is a ploy to continue enriching uranium. (JTA)
Gazans turn to satirical writings to express discontent with religious and political movements. (Al-Monitor) 
Millions of Muslims begin celebrating the end of the fasting month of Ramadan on Thursday. (Statesman)
Nicola Nasser thinks the Palestinian-Israeli peace talks are doomed to fail unless the issue of settlements is addressed. (PNN)
Mira Sucharov says the latest Israeli poll raises some troubling questions about the state of Israeli democracy. (The Daily Beast/Open Zion)
Dahlia Scheindlin disagrees with those who read the latest poll as a dramatic shift in the Israeli public's attitude toward a peace deal with the Palestinians. (+972 Mag)
Shawan Jabarin says the Israeli occupation has no future. (PNN) 
Sherwin Pomerant questions the timing of release of 104 Palestinian prisoners. (Jerusalem Post)
David Harel expresses skepticism of Netanyahu's intentions on starting peace talks, however, cheers for him to press on. (Ynet)
Hagai Segal says Israelis expect more pro-settlement policies to translate their votes. (Ynet)
Ekiva Eldar says Netanyahu must mobilize the media, the education system and other influencers to prepare Jewish public for peace. (Al-Monitor)
Brent Sasley recommends participating in academic Israel programs, and notes the accusations that it promote pro-Israel propaganda. (The Daily Beast/Open Zion)
Pres. Abbas cancels a scheduled PLO meeting in Ramallah on Tuesday for a surprise visit to Saudi Arabia. (Jerusalem Post) 
The UK says achieving peace in the Middle East remains its a top priority, and expresses concern about Israeli settlements. (PNN)

France strongly denounces Israel's new settlement plans in the occupied West Bank, saying it damages the prospects for peace. (PNN)

Israel will soon resume construction on new Jewish neighborhood in East Jerusalem. (Ha'aretz)

A new poll shows a majority of Palestinians support resumption of peace talks, and the return of former PM Fayyad. (Jerusalem Post)

The population of the Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank is growing rapidly, says the Israeli interior ministry. (AFP)

Israel's settlers believe they will always be part of Israel, and talk about coexistence with Palestinians. (The Media Line)

Israeli forces detain six Palestinians from the occupied West Bank. (Ma'an) 

An explosion injures four Israeli soldiers, and Lebanese media reports they where inside Lebanon' s territory. (Ma'an/Xinhau)

The Israeli army establishes a new brigade for emergencies. (Xinhau)

Hamas accuses Fatah of fabricating claims of smuggling weapons to Muslim Brotherhoods groups in Sinai, but the PA denies those accusations. (Ma'an/Al-Monitor)

Israeli scientists reject economy minister Bennett's call to cut ties with EU, warning of irreversible damage to Israeli research. (Ha'aretz) 

German cartoon depicts PM Netanyahu as toxic to the peace process. (YNet)

Gaza marks Eid al-Fitr holiday amid economic hardship. (Xinhau)

Thomas Friedman says Abbas and Netanyahu have to help each other overcome extremists. (New York Times)
Martin Raffel cites the joint advocacy by ATFP and JCPA for peace, and urges Israelis and Palestinians to understan each other side’s interests. (The Jewish Week) 
Eric Yoffie says US Jews should back Netanyahu's fight against Israeli hawks. (Ha'aretz)
Shlomi Eldar says the Netanyahu government has no interest in the peace process. (Al-Monitor)
Ha'aretz calls Bennett a nuisance who should be kicked out of government.(Ha'aretz)
Micah Stein asks what's wrong in throwing rocks at the Israeli soldiers. (The Daily Beast/Open Zion)
Abraham Katsman gives three possibilities for Netanyahu's release of 104 Palestinian prisoners. (The Daily Beast/Open Zion) 
Zvi Bar'el highlights the issue of racism in Israel, mostly against Arabs and Mizrahi Jews. (Ha'aretz) 

Haim Baram urges Jews to save Israel's democracy by voting for Arab candidates in response to new, anti-democratic Knesset bill. (Ha'aretz)

Alon Ben David says Netanyahu has one only one option if he wants to deal with Iran's nuclear threat: make peace with the Palestinians. (Ha'aretz) 

Ron Kampeas warns of the rising influence of Israeli settlers leaders on the US Congress, particularly Republicans, who denounce peace talks with the Palestinians. (Times of Israel)

Mahmoud Jaraba and Lihi Ben Shitrit say former Pres. Morsi's downfall was a blow to Hamas. (The Daily Star) 

Terror threat: The US urges its citizens in Yemen to depart immediately, and maintains closure of 19 embassies in the Mideast, but reopens its diplomatic mission in Israel after a daylong closure. (New York Times/JTA)
PA leaders are expected to meet in Ramallah Tuesday to discuss the 2nd round of talks with Israel, scheduled for August 14 in Jerusalem. (Jerusalem Post)
Netanyahu is ready for agreement with Palestinians, according to an Israeli MK. (Al Monitor) 
Palestinian Minister warns possible deaths among hunger-striking prisoners in Israel could derail US efforts to restart peace negotiations between the Palestinians and Israel. (Ma'an)
Ashrawi says there will never be a contiguous Palestinian state as long as settlements remain intact. (PNN)
Poll: 79% of Israeli Jews don't believe new peace talks will succeed. (Jerusalem Post)
Bennett urges Israeli government to cut ties with EU over settlement guidelines, while a retired Israeli diplomat warns of deteriorating ties with EU.
(Ha'aretz/Al Monitor)
Hamas operatives in Sinai reportedly plotted to assassinate DM Alsisi and VP El-Baradei in Egypt. Terrorists killed one Egyptian officer, and injured two in Sinai on Monday. (Ynet/Ma’an) 
Scores of Syrian casualties have been discreetly spirited across Golan border for lifesaving treatment in Israel. (New York Times)
FM al-Maliki visits Tehran and delivers congratulations on behalf of President Mahmoud Abbas to the newly sworn-in president of Iran Hassan Rohani.  (Ma’an)
Iran arrests man on charges of spying for Israel. (AP story in The National)
Palestinian actors make fun of reconciliation talks between Fatah and Hamas in a new popular satirical television program. (Ynet)
Netanyahu urges Arab Christians to serve in the IDF, but the Greek Orthodox council says the purpose is to divide Arab Palestinian society in Israel. (Ha'aretz)
Four Israeli policemen lightly wounded in Silwan neighborhood after pursuing two Palestinian stone throwers. (Jerusalem Post) 
Canadian Jews demand probe of Palestinian activist reportedly proposed shooting Israelis. (Times of Israel)
Mohammed Assaf is expected to move from Gaza to the West Bank in order to further his musical career. (Ynet) 
Yousef Munayyer wants the US to credibly and resolutely pressure Israel to comply with international law to achieve a just settlement. (The Daily Beast)
Mira Sucharov asks who cares about the Green Line? (The Daily Beast)
Muki Nejaer says it’s the occupation, not boredom or poverty, that drives Palestinian youth to throw rocks on Israeli soldiers. (PNN)
Sefi Rachlevsky says Netanyahu is serious about attacking Iran. (Ha'aretz)
Kobi Niv wants Palestinians and Israelis to use the power of imagination as a precursor for peace. (Ha'aretz)
Faisal J. Abbas says be positive about a two-state solution. (Gulf News)
James J. Zogby says Israeli-Palestinian negotiations will require public support. (Jordan Times)
Giora Eiland argues that “land swaps” must include Egypt and Jordan. (Ynet)
Simcha Jacobovici thinks FC Barcelona’s “Peace Tour” in Israel and West Bank makes peace harder to achieve, but Shlomi Eldar argues it teaches lesson of coexistence. (Times of Israel/Al Monitor)
Ali Gharib comments on the Israel Project’s attack against New York Times Times' Iran Correspondent. (The Daily Beast)
Israeli officials say the next round of peace talks is scheduled for mid-August. (Xinhua)
Palestinians say Israel's prisoner release will be conducted in four stages. (Ma'an/YNet/Times of Israel)
The prisoner release is not prompting less pessimism among Palestinians. (NBC)
The US extends embassy closures for a second day across much of the Middle East and Africa, but not in Israel and the occupied territories. (Reuters/YNet)
Israel announces wide-ranging new subsidies for settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories as "national priority areas." (AP/Xinhua/AFP)
The record number of subsidized settlements includes four formerly regarded as "illegal" and "unauthorized" outposts. (YNet)
Palestinians say Israel's announcement prioritizing development of settlement areas will harm peace talks. (New York Times/Ma'an)
Egypt reportedly cancels PM Erdogan's long anticipated visit to Gaza. (Ma'an/Times of Israel)
Hamas's complaints about Egyptian restrictions are falling on deaf ears in Cairo. (AP)
US military Chief of Staff Martin Dempsey visits Israel. (Xinhua)
For many young Palestinian boys living under occupation, throwing stones at Israeli soldiers is a rite of passage. (New York Times)
FC Barcelona begins its "peace tour" of Israel and the occupied territories in Bethlehem and ends it in Tel Aviv. (Los Angeles Times/AP)
Palestinian Soccer Association head Rajoub welcomes Barcelona's trip and condemns Israel's policies that impede Palestinian sports. (Times of Israel)
An Israeli occupation soldier is filmed kicking a Palestinian child. (YNet)
Arab MKs strongly protest new Israeli electoral laws. (Al Monitor)
Palestinians fleeing Syria for Lebanon find little support, even from other Palestinians. (Christian Science Monitor)
Two Muslim shrines are damaged in attacks by extremists in Sinai. (Reuters)
Archaeologists find the remains of an ancient Jewish village in the Galilee. (AP)
The Washington Post interviews Egyptian Gen. Abdel Fatah al-Sissi. (Washington Post)
Quartet envoy Tony Blair says there is hope for peace in the Middle East's turmoil. (The Observer)
NPR interviews Marwan Muasher on prospects for a two-state solution. (NPR)
Crispian Balmer says the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is no longer the central focus of Middle East strategic relations. (Reuters)
Trudy Rubin says Sec. Kerry is pushing peace talks now because he understands how dangerous the status quo truly is. (Philadelphia Inquirer)
Jonathan Freedman says no one should be cynical about peace. (The Guardian)
Harriet Sherwood samples a mix of Israeli and Palestinian opinion on the new negotiations. (The Observer)
Jay Michaelson says Israelis just don't feel any pressing need to make peace. (The Forward)
Ha'aretz says Israel needs to stop heavily incentivizing settlement activity with generous subsidies. (Ha'aretz)
Amira Hass suggests four guarantees American negotiators should offer Israelis and Palestinians in the next round of talks. (Ha'aretz)
Jesse Rosenfeld says drawnout negotiations will only increase Palestinian misery. (The National)
Leonard Fein says peace talks can only succeed when all issues are negotiated and resolved. (The Forward)
The Deseret News says even long-shot negotiations are preferable to none. (Deseret News)
The South Florida Sun-Sentinel says any willingness to talk is a step forward. (South Florida Sun-Sentinel)
George Friedman says imagination, not past paradigms, could open the door for peace. (EurActiv.com)
Brent Sasley says peace negotiations poll well and seem popular among Israelis. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)
Avraham Burg suggests a vertical metaphor for Israeli-Palestinian coexistence. (Ha'aretz)
Danielle Spiegel Feld dismisses comparisons between PM Netanyahu and the late PM Rabin. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)
Oudeh Basharat says the expulsion of Arabs in Israel begins in the Knesset. (Ha'aretz)
Herb Keinon says the controversies over the Barcelona visit show how hard peace will be to achieve. (Jerusalem Post)
The National says Barcelona's tour is a helpful reminder of what people have in common. (The National)
Nathan Jeffay says Jewish Israeli attitudes towards Arabs are starting to soften, but the feeling is not reciprocated. (The Forward)
Nathan Guttman asks if US generals have a "pro-Arab" bias. (The Forward)
Geoffrey Aronson says Israel and Hamas are being forced to cooperate because of intensified Egyptian restrictions. (Al Monitor)
Omar Karmi says newly released British documents point to an even larger Israeli role in the Sabra and Shatila massacre than previously thought. (The National)

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