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No resolution is imminent in the Rachel Corrie civil trial. Israelis show less interest in military service. Pres. Abbas says Palestinians will decide their future. Israeli police and Bedouins clash at a mosque demolition. The PA says Israel raided thousands of Palestinian homes in October. Stressed-out Gazans suffer from emotional trauma. Israeli artists boycott settlement theaters. Anger at Israel flares during Jordan's election campaign. PLO and Egyptian officials stress the need to end Israeli settlement activity. Israel's wanted list in the West Bank is down to almost zero. Thomas Friedman warns Israelis they are losing American support. VP Biden stresses US support for Israel and opposition to unilateral moves. A Nazareth imam is charged with incitement to terrorism. PLO officials say they will ask the US to recognize a Palestinian state if talks fail. An Israeli filmmaker discovers her Palestinian forebears. Raghida Dergham predicts Pres. Obama will now focus on domestic policies. The Arab News says Israeli officials should be subject to possible arrest in the UK and Rami Khouri says Israel is right to fear international scrutiny. The undertaker (“gravedigger”), an article about Jeffery Feltman, appeared in the Syrian Daily Tishreen.
Saudi Arabia says it will not cooperate with Israel until the occupation ends. PM Rabin¹s murder may have marked the death of the Israeli peace camp. Hamas and Fatah are due to resume unity talks but the rise of the Hamas military complicates the issue and Hamas says Pres. Abbas is uncooperative. Israeli occupation forces raid the homes of Palestinian nonviolent protest leaders. The PLO says settler violence is on the rise. Palestinians give the US more time on peace talks. Israel considers leaving settlers in a Palestinian state. A Ha¹aretz investigation shows the Israeli government has summarily given land in occupied East Jerusalem to settlers. Lara Friedman looks at the impact of the midterm elections on US Mideast policy. UN officials in Gaza are given weapons for protection. Settlers develop a new lexicon of abuse. Abbas says Israel is ³building ferociously² in Jerusalem. Orly Azoulay says Pres. Obama still wants peace. The PA cracks down on settlement goods. The UK FM says time is running out for a two-state solution. The National profiles the incoming head of the House International Relations Committee, Rep. Ros-Lehtinen.
Israel kills a leader of an Al Qaeda-inspired organization in Gaza, and hints the US approved the strike. Former Pres. Clinton remembers the late PM Rabin and says peace is still possible. The first settlement goods case comes before a Palestinian court. Pres. Abbas says the US is trying to restart peace talks and denounces Israel's "aggressive policies." A new poll says 56% of Palestinians oppose resuming talks in the face of ongoing settlement activity. Sec. Clinton plans to meet PM Netanyahu and says the US is working nonstop on peace. Israel says it will officially monitor Palestinian “incitement.” Israel cuts off special dialogue with Britain and cooperation with UNESCO. US midterm elections may impact Mideast policy. Israel may introduce civil marriage. Israel is blocking Palestinian officials from crossing the Allenby Bridge. Another poll shows a sharp drop in support for Hamas in Gaza. Britain's FM backs nonviolent Palestinian protests. George Hishmeh looks at tensions between Israel and the Vatican. Daoud Kuttab says education is a key to successful Palestinian statehood.
Defying Israeli restrictions, Palestinians renovate and rededicate schools in occupied East Jerusalem. Egypt¹s intelligence chief arrives in Israel. Israeli soldiers shoot a mentally disabled Palestinian in Gaza. PLO officials say dissolving the PA is an option. Jewish-Arab relations in Israel hit a new low. Xinhua interviews Nabil Shaath. Israeli tour guides once again are operating in Palestinian-controlled areas. Gaza children work to support their families. Ha¹aretz looks at how the GOP win in the House will impact Middle East policies, though the State Department insists there will be no change. Yossi Sarid says Israel has no answer to PM Fayyad¹s moderate policies. The UK Foreign Secretary will break protocol and meet Palestinian leaders in Jerusalem. An Israeli town moves to restrict home sales to Palestinians. DM Barak says negotiations will restart after the US elections. Yonatan Preminger says Israel does not want peace. Israel¹s outgoing military intelligence chief says its next wars will be more difficult. The Independent profiles FM Lieberman.
Israeli right-wingers create their own tea parties. There are more signs of revival in Nablus. Palestinians and Israeli human rights groups accuse Israel of abusing Palestinian prisoners. Israel bans PM Fayyad from Jerusalem ceremonies. Fateh and Hamas officials will meet soon in Damascus. Egypt is reportedly pressing Palestinians to present a comprehensive peace plan. Amir Oren says the US is subtlety linking settlements and Israel¹s nuclear arsenal for the first time. Deputy PM Meridor cancels a UK trip for fear of arrest. PM Netanyahu says the settlement issue is on hold. Israel pressures the PA to prosecute Palestinian suspects. Gaza businesses are suffering due to an export ban. The Forward looks at controversy over Ahava cosmetics manufactured in the occupied territories. Hassan Barari concludes that prospects for a peace agreement are bleak.

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