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The CSM looks at implications of Egyptian unrest for Hamas. PM Fayyad says the Israeli occupation is a source of regional instability. Rights groups say the PA is blocking freedom of expression. A donor conference for Palestine is scheduled for June. Palestinians wrangle over local elections. PM Netanyahu says he will offer "gestures" to the Palestinians. Israel blocks access to Jerusalem. Gideon Levy says Israel now sees how much of an asset its treaty with Egypt is. Chaos in Egypt complicates calculations by the Quartet. Palestinians in a border town face divided identities. The BBC looks at extremist Jewish settlers. The JTA profiles Israeli activist Uri Avnery. The Forward profiles J Street. George Hishmeh looks at implications for Israel of unrest in Egypt. Oraib al-Rantawi stresses the importance to Jordan of Palestinian-Israeli peace.
Palestinian leaders and media are largely quiet about events in Egypt. A Fatah official calls for a revolt in Gaza. Police in Ramallah suppress a rally. The PA insists it will set a date for local elections soon, but Hamas rejects the idea. Unrest in Egypt may pose new challenges to the peace process. Israel conducts military maneuvers in the occupied Golan Heights. Pres. Abbas repeats he will run for re-election. Ha'aretz looks at the remains of a Palestinian village from 1948. Arye Carmon, Mordechai Kremnitzer and Yedidia Stern say Israel's democracy is under threat. Asher Susser says shared fears about Palestinian demographics are driving Israel and Jordan apart. Mohammad K. Shiyyab says peace is essential for Jordan.
Thomas Friedman says events in Egypt make Israeli-Palestinian peace more urgent than ever. Yossi Klein Halevi says Israelis fear a Muslim Brotherhood take-over of Egypt. Michael Weiss criticizes the Guardian’s handling of the “Palestine papers.” Palestinians are not allowed to rally on Egypt anywhere as Hamas brakes up a pro-Egyptian protesters rally in Gaza. The PA says it intends to hold local elections soon. Palestinians urge the Quartet to back statehood. Mike Huckabee says there should be no Palestinian state. The Arab League postpones a conference on Jerusalem due to unrest in Arab states. Israel urges the West to ensure that any new Egyptian government honors the peace treaty. Hamas is worried unrest will spill over into Gaza. Muslim leaders visit Auschwitz. The Knesset decides to investigate NGOs. An Israeli soldier criticizes his country’s occupation policies. American supporters of Israel face a dilemma on Egyptian protests. Guyana and Suriname are the latest South American states to recognize Palestine in its 1967 borders.
Ziad Asali applauds the Arab citizen standing up for his dignity and says that as Egypt goes, so will most of the rest of the Arab world. The New York Times hosts a debate on Pres. Mubarak’s role in the peace process. Palestinian groups and media are largely silent on events in Egypt. Roger Cohen says the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is no longer an excuse for lack of Arab reform. Israel approves the first military deployment in Sinai since 1979. Israelis wonder if the US position on Egypt is a warning to Israel. The PA accuses Hamas of selling donated medicine, and says Israel’s destruction of water resources must stop. The PA says it will hold local elections as soon as possible. Two rockets fired from Gaza land in Israel. Palestinian citizens of Israel use dance in quest for tolerance. Israel denies sending riot control equipment to Egypt. Janan Abdu says her husband and other Palestinian prisoners are being abused by Israel. The Chronicle of Higher Education profiles Sari Nusseibeh.
Israel expresses anxiety about developments in Egypt. The Gaza-Egypt border is sealed indefinitely, and Gazans worry about a vital lifeline. A senior Fatah official says Pres. Abbas is seriously considering holding elections. A Palestinian citizen of Israel is sentenced to nine years in prison for spying for Hezbollah. A Turkish action film is likely to increase tensions with Israel. Palestinians clash with occupation forces following the funeral of a Palestinian. Four settlers have been arrested on suspicion of involvement. Amira Hass says Egypt notwithstanding, Palestinians have lost their faith in uprisings. Cyprus reportedly recognizes Palestine in its 1967 borders. Herb Keinon says unrest in Egypt will only reinforce PM Netanyahu's core positions on security. The Obama administration may veto a possible UN resolution on Israeli settlement built.

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