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The Forward profiles ATFP. Israeli trade with Egypt may buffer strains. UN officials meet prisoner families in Gaza. Israel demolishes a Bedouin village for the 16th time, and six are wounded in the incident. Unrest in Egypt impacts peace talks. Palestinians deny negotiations are being resumed. Israeli intelligence talks of a security "earthquake" in 2011. Anshel Pfeffer says the Israeli religious right is like the Muslim Brotherhood. Israel is removing a checkpoint between Nablus and Ramallah. Israelis are warned not to travel internationally. Nechama Duek says Arab democracy would be good for Israel. 70 rabbis rally behind an extremist colleague. Deputy PM Meridor says Israel seeks alliances beyond the US. Harriet Sherwood recounts the ordeal of entering Gaza from Israel. George Hishmeh says despite complicating factors, Israel won't find a more forthcoming Palestinian leadership to deal with.
Sallai Meridor looks at Israeli concerns about unrest in Egypt. Gazans rally in support of the protests. NATO says it would provide peacekeepers if Israel and the Palestinians want that. Pres. Peres inaugurates a hi-tech recruitment program for Palestinian citizens of Israel. Pres. Abbas calls Israel's policies "dangerous." FM Lieberman says he may leave the Netanyahu coalition. A Jewish Israeli woman gives birth in a Palestinian hospital. Occupation forces demolish both settler and Palestinian structures in the West Bank. US officials reaffirm the American commitment to Israel's security. Local elections may deepen the Palestinian divide. FM Hauge says the peace process is at risk. Daoud Kuttab asks why Americans seem to be boycotting Bethlehem's mayor. Michael Young says Israel's fears about Egypt are the consequences of its own short-sightedness. George Hishmeh says PM Netanyahu should worry about peace with the Palestinians, not events in Egypt.
The CSM says Israel has a stake in the emergence of a democratic Egypt, but analysts say Israel fears an Islamist takeover. 10 Palestinians in Gaza are injured by Israeli airstrikes. Aaron David Miller says now is not the time for major diplomacy, but Leonard Fein says it is. Israel's military spokesman visited the UK incognito. The Knesset moves forward a bill to strip Azmi Bishara of his pension. Israelis worry about not having a UN ambassador. Israeli occupation forces in Hebron close a station to settlers. The head of NATO says the organization has a role to play in peace. Criminal charges are filed against UC Irvine students who heckled Israeli Amb. Oren, and the LA Times calls this "overkill." The New York City transit system is now host of competing ad campaigns. Ghassan Khatib looks at Palestinian views of unrest in Egypt. Smadar Perry says Israel needs to move fast on peace with the Palestinians.
The PA says local elections will be held on July 9, but Hamas rejects the plan. PM Fayyad calls for international pressure to end settler violence. Hebron seeks UNESCO recognition. Bernard Avishai says Israeli-Palestinian peace is still possible. Jonah Goldberg says Middle Eastern politicians are exploiting the conflict. PM Netanyahu says peace treaties can be canceled. Palestinians launch their first private equity fund.Spain's FM visits Hebron and settlers call her a "Nazi" and "anti-Semite." Israeli soldiers shoot a Palestinian man in the Gaza border area. Ha'aretz says Netanyahu must advance peace if he wants a stable Middle East. An extremist rabbi insists he's not a racist. Four projectiles land in southern Israel. Hamas is working with disgruntled bedouin tribes in Sinai. Gaza is facing a fuel crisis due to unrest in Egypt. Abdulateef al-Mulhim says Arabs believe in non-existent Israeli conspiracies. Hussein Ibish says Jewish and Arab Americans need to find common ground on peace.
Time examines PA concerns about events in Egypt. Aaron David Miller looks at Israeli anxieties. Palestinians rally in Ramallah, but PA security forces are accused of suppressing demonstrations. Pres. Abbas meets with Jordan's King Abdullah. Contractors say the PA owes them money. The UK says a peace agreement is essential to curbing Iranian influence. A former Israeli official says talks with Syria in 2008 were very close. Palestinians welcome the Quartet's role. A Hamas militant escapes prison in Egypt and returns to Gaza. Israeli authorities in occupied East Jerusalem go forward with plans that will lead to more Palestinian evictions. Pres. Peres says unrest in Egypt shows how urgently peace with the Palestinians is needed. Jessica Brandt says both Israeli and Palestinian leaders need to do more to prepare their peoples for peace. Israel rejects an Egyptian request to increase its forces in Sinai. Uri Avnery looks at implications of a new Egypt for Israel.

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