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Hopes are dim for the next round of Egyptian-mediated Palestinian accord government talks (1) (4). Speculation continues about the state of US-Israel relations following the installation of the new Netanyahu government (2) (3). Hamas agrees to investigate the deaths in custody of two men it accused of being collaborators with Israel (5). US Mideast Envoy George Mitchell plans to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss Israel's stance regarding a two-state solution (8) (9). Al-Ahram Weekly features an interview with UNRWA Commissioner General Karen Abu-Zayd (10).
New Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman says that peace talks with the Palestinians are “deadlocked” (1), while Prime Minister Netanyahu pledges that the talks will continue (10). In an article for Foreign Policy, Professor Stephen Walt examines the American-Israeli political relationship (2). In an op-ed for the New York Times Paul McGeough discusses the change in attitude of Hamas’ senior leadership (3). The BBC reports on the state of affairs in postwar Gaza (5). The once-notorious West Bank town of Jenin shows serious improvement since the introduction of Palestinian Security Forces (6). An unmanned fishing boat explodes off the Gaza coast (7). U.S. Mideast Envoy George Mitchell returns to the region (11).
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas tells the Quartet that continued peace talks with Israel are conditioned on its acceptance of previous agreements and the freezing of settlement growth (1). British Foreign Secretary David Miliband affirms that Jerusalem should be the capital of both Israel and a Palestinian state (2). A Jordanian sponsored summit of Arab foreign ministers meets to discuss a unified Arab position towards peace (3). A recently released poll shows that a majority of American Jews show strong support for a more assertive U.S. role in Mideast peace efforts (6). Reema Ali gives her perspective on the issue of a settlement freeze (7) In the New York Review of Books David Hare examines the development and significance of the West Bank separation barrier (8). MJ Rosenberg urges President Obama to endorse the Arab Peace Initiative (9).
Following Avigdor Lieberman’s recent controversial statements, President Obama reaffirms the importance of the Annapolis meeting in his speech before the Turkish parliament (1), while the Jewish Telegraphic Agency discusses potential clashes between the Netanyahu and Obama governments (2). A planned exhibit of the Dead Sea Scrolls in Toronto inflames tensions over ownership of the historic documents (4). According to negotiators, Palestinian accord government talks have hit a deadlock (6) (9). A recently released report shows that record numbers of Israeli Arab students are leaving Israel to complete their higher education in Jordan (10). Hamas calls on the Palestinian Authority to cut security ties with Israel (13).
The Los Angeles Times profiles the South African judge picked to head the U.N.'s fact finding mission on the Gaza war (1). Middle East Progress features an interview with Robert Drumheller, vice-president of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, about the work being done to help build the Palestinian economy (2). Elliot Abrams argues against an Israeli settlement freeze (3), while Abbas Al Lawati thinks that new Israeli Foreign Minister Lieberman's extreme views will be good for the Arabs (8). 16 Palestinians are injured in a clash with settlers in the West Bank village of Khirbat Safa (10). Following Lieberman's recent controversial remarks, the U.S. State Department reaffirms its commitment to a two-state solution (11).

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