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On the 5th anniversary of the International Court of Justice decision declaring the Israeli barrier in the West Bank to be in violation of international law (1)(7), the Israeli Defense Ministry reveals that further construction has been relatively nonexistent in the past 15 months (8). The U.S. plans to welcome 1,350 Iraqi Palestinian immigrants in Southern California (2). Allegations of espionage heighten tensions between Fatah and Hamas (3). The State Department denies reports of an agreement on settlement construction (5). The European Commission backs away from earlier criticism of continued Israeli occupation (9). Debate in Israel continues over Prime Minister Netanyahu’s performance in the first 100 days of his government (10)(11).
While the U.S. continues to engage Israel for a settlement freeze (1), American and European officials discuss the responsibilities of Arab countries in the dispute (6)(8). Polls reveal widespread discontent with Hamas in Gaza leading up to Palestinian reconciliation talks (2). Oxfam decries the Israeli barrier in the West Bank, calling for the ‘triumph of the rule of law’ (3). The UN war crimes investigation in Gaza concludes hearings on the recent conflict (4). Israel seeks to facilitate Palestinian economic growth by extending the hours of a vital crossing on the Jordanian border (7). Kadima leader Tzipi Livni criticizes the performance of the Netanyahu government in its first 100 days (13).
The Christian Science Monitor looks at the economic boom in the West Bank town of Nablus, after Israel relaxes surrounding checkpoints (1). BBC News interviews three Gaza residents about their views on Hamas (2). Israel has reportedly released former U.S. congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney, after detaining her and other activists on board a ship attempting to break the Gaza blockade (4). Israeli Defense Minister reports that progress was made in his second round of talks with Special Mideast Envoy George Mitchell (5) (12). A new poll shows that 61% of Israelis support Prime Minister Netanyahu’s policy of allowing “natural growth” in settlements (11).
Tensions continue over a proposed Israeli settlement freeze (1) (14). Israel pledges to compensate the UN for damage caused by shelling its facilities during the Gaza war (2). Israel’s Defense Minister approves the transfer of weapons to the Palestinian Security Forces in the West Bank (3). Israeli authorities plan to deport the activists who attempted to break the naval blockade of Gaza last week (4). Israeli President Shimon Peres is set to meet with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in Cairo this week (5). Hamas and Fatah trade accusations of misconduct (7) (8). At a conference in Aspen this weekend, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad says that Jews would be welcome as full citizens of a future Palestinian state (10).
ATFP provides two original translations, first Mohammad Daraghmeh’s piece on Prime Minister Salam Fayyad and Palestinian diplomacy (1), and second, Hassan Khader's article on the Palestinian Left (2). An agreement on a proposed Israeli settlement freeze remains elusive (8) (15) (16). A report issued yesterday by Amnesty International finds that Israel inflicted 'wanton destruction' on Gaza during the war in January (5) (7). Veteran peace negotiator Dennis Ross is appointed to the U.S. National Security Council (4). German Chancellor Angela Merkel demands Israel cease settlement construction in the West Bank (11). Tensions increase between Fatah and Hamas in the West Bank after President Abbas' allegation of an assassination plot by Hamas militants (12).

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