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NEWS: The former head of Israeli intelligence urges caution towards Iran, and calls Mitt Romney's rhetoric on the subject “irresponsible.” The Israeli public seems to be very wary of any military action against Iran. Hamas officials blame the PA for stalled unity talks. Hamas forces attack journalists in Gaza. A new study finds Palestinian women very vulnerable to violence from their husbands. Hamas apparently sends mixed messages on whether it would stay neutral in a conflict involving Iran. The PA steps up security measures at a holy site near Nablus. Israeli authorities say they're investigating the killing of a Palestinian man yesterday. Palestinian women detainees say they were severely abused in Israeli custody. Palestinian elections scheduled for May are unlikely to be held due to bickering between Hamas and Fatah. COMMENTARY: The New York Times hosts a debate between a range of Israeli commentators on whether Israel should accept a nuclear-free Middle East. Charles Krauthammer condemns Pres. Obama's policies towards Israel. Ha'aretz says Israel should distance itself from PM Netanyahu's “vulgar” language on Iran. Uri Savir says Israel needs to reevaluate its security posture due to regional changes. The BBC looks at Netanyahu's persistent “duck analogies.” The Forward says the Obama-Netanyahu conversations on Iran were a win-win for the two leaders. Alexander Joffe and Asaf Romirowsky say Israel should move quickly to bolster the Palestinian institution-building lead by PM Fayyad. Morgan Strong says Israel seems trapped in a cycle of endless conflicts.
NEWS: A Palestinian man is shot and killed after reportedly stabbing an Israeli soldier near Hebron. Between concerns about the Arab uprisings and the Iranian nuclear program, Palestinian issues are being pushed to the sidelines. Hamas is continuing to distance itself from Iran. Israeli troops confront Palestinian protesters regarding another hunger-striking Palestinian prisoner. Israel says it's preparing its troops to fight in tunnels. Some Israelis are uncomfortable with PM Netanyahu's use of Holocaust analogies. Palestinian officials reportedly tell Jordanian officials that they will not resume negotiations without a settlement freeze. Fatah officials say talks with Hamas will not resume until their organization can operate freely in Gaza. The PLO calls on the Palestinian Election Commission to prepare to hold voting. Palestinian satirists are turning to the stage after being banned from TV. The presence of religious Orthodox Jews in the Israeli military is growing. Despite the hardships of occupation, Palestinians in both the West Bank and Gaza are training for the Olympics. COMMENTARY: Gideon Levy says Netanyahu is a "fear-monger." Bradley Burstyn asks if Netanyahu will be in real trouble if Pres. Obama is reelected in November. Jonathan Rosen says Obama has proven his commitment to Israel. Tareq Baconi says Hamas is trying to appeal to the Arab grassroots by identifying more with Arab Islamist movements rather than Iran. Hassan Haidar asks if Israel is more afraid of Iran or peace. Barry Rubin says the present Palestinian leadership is unlikely to want another intifada.
NEWS: Pro-Israel activists are having a significant impact on the Washington conversation regarding Iran. PLO officials say the Middle East does not need more wars. The UN says exports from Gaza are still greatly inhibited. A top US military officer says the stalemate in Middle East peace talks endangers American interests. Israeli NGOs demand a probe into alleged abuse of a Palestinian woman by Israeli internal security. Palestinian citizens of Israel say the state is investing in their sector, but not enough. Senior Israeli rabbis warn against provocative actions by Jewish extremists at Jerusalem holy sites. Asharq Al-Awsat profiles Palestinian diplomat Nasser al-Kidwa, who will serve as deputy as to Kofi Annan, the joint UN-Arab League special envoy to Syria. Palestinian unity talks remain deadlocked. Palestinian officials say they're going to give Israel a deadline for resuming negotiations. COMMENTARY Aaron David Miller looks at the roles of Israel and Iran in the US election-year politics. David Sanger looks at divisions between the US and Israel regarding Iran. The LA Times says Pres. Obama has made a convincing case on continued diplomacy with Iran. Thomas Friedman says Obama may be the best friend Israel has ever had in the White House. Shmuel Rosner says a one-state arrangement would be a recipe for bloodshed. George Bisharat says Israeli courts don't provide justice for Palestinians. Ha'aretz says PM Netanyahu returned from Washington empty-handed. Elias Harfoush says Israel has ensured that the Iran issue is a major one in the US presidential campaign. Yossi Alpher sees worrying precursors of a possible third intifada, and Ghassan Khatib says the situation is volatile and unpredictable. Saleh Abdel Jawad says no one can know if another intifada is developing, but the issue raises important questions
NEWS: The Sinai gas pipeline is again attacked. PM Netanyahu meets Pres. Obama at the White House, and Israeli officials say they are “disappointed” with the meeting. Palestinians say they are also “disappointed but not surprised” by the tenor of the meetings. PA officials warn new austerity measures may not offset the financial crisis. A Palestinian Constitutional Court postpones a hearing on whether the PA president can also serve as prime minister. Two Palestinian children are killed by abandoned Israeli ordnance in the West Bank. Gazans turn to generators given constant electricity outages. A Hamas leader says the organization would not get dragged into any conflict involving Iran. COMMENTARY: The New York Times says neither Israel nor Iran should doubt Obama's resolve. Bruce Ackerman says there is an important legal case against any attack on Iran. Robert Malley and Aaron David Miller say a unilateral Israeli pullback from parts of the West Bank could be useful. The CSM asks if Israel is formally an "ally" of the United States at all. Merav Michaeli says Palestinian women in Israel face a double-discrimination. Gershon Baskin says something must be done urgently to save the two-state solution. Emad El Din Adeeb says Israel believes another intifada may be imminent, and if it does emerge, it must be peaceful. Linda Heard agrees another intifada may be coming. Musa Keilani says many Israelis think a destabilized, disintegrated Syria is in their interests. Connie Bruck explains how those quoted in an ad by the Emergency Committee for Israel strongly objected to the advertisement.
NEWS: In Israel there is both support and condemnation of a Palestinian citizen of Israel judge who stayed silent during the national anthem. Israeli officials cast a wary eye on the Sinai. Some supporters of Israel pressure Pres. Obama on the issue of Iran. Speculation grows that Israel may be considering special forces actions in Iran. Palestinian officials say they will give Israel a new deadline to agree ground rules for another round of talks. Former PM Olmert will address the next J Street conference. A new poll suggests that most Americans still have more positive views of Israel than the Palestinians. Palestinians find it hard to sell food products in Israel. Pres. Abbas may be preparing to send PM Netanyahu a letter asking about Israel's position regarding peace talks. In spite of turning against the Syrian regime, Hamas has not made any progress with the United States. Divisions in Hamas are threatening the primacy of its Politburo leader. Relations between Egypt and Hamas grow warmer, but are still distant. COMMENTARY: Colin Kahl says advocates of an attack on Iranian nuclear facilities should recall the outcome of the attack on Iraq's nuclear program. Doyle McManus says the US should not let itself be compromised by Israeli brinksmanship. Ha'aretz says Israel should heed Obama's advice on Iran. Chemi Shalev says Obama's hard-core detractors won't be swayed no matter what he says. Ron Kampeas looks at the upcoming Obama-Netanyahu meeting. Mostafa Zein says all US administrations look at the Middle East only through the Israeli lens. Rami Khouri says Hamas' break with Syria signals the end of the “resistance axis.” Oudeh Basharat says the time has come for Palestinians to speak out against atrocities in Syria. David Remnick says Israel's democracy is imperiled by extremism. Daniel Levy says Israeli domestic politics make it less likely that there would be any attack against Iran.

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