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Peace Now says settlement construction is up 70% compared to last year. (AFP)

Pres. Peres says "the status quo with the Palestinians cannot go on." (Xinhua/Times of Israel)

Israel's chief negotiator Livni urges the Labor Party to join the Netanyahu government for the sake of peace. (Jerusalem Post)

Arms supplies to Gaza are being severely disrupted by the Egyptian blockade. (Al Monitor)

Despite economic hardships and blockades, Palestinians in Gaza find joy in the Eid al-Adhaholiday. (Al Monitor)

Palestinians seems set to continue boycotting Jerusalem elections. (Ha'aretz)

Settlers attack Palestinian vehicles near Nablus. (Ma'an)

sensory room for stress relief, especially for disabled children, is being built in Gaza. (The Media Line)

An ambulance dispatch center for Israeli settlers faces cutbacks. (YNet)

Protesters opposing the Israeli military-designated "Firing Zone 918" in the occupied West Bank promote nonviolent resistance. (PNN)

Hezbollah reportedly captures an Israeli "spy eagle" in Lebanon. (Jerusalem Post)

The Egyptian army destroys another smuggling tunnel in Rafah. (Ma'an)

Syria's deputy PM says a Geneva peace conference is planned for Nov. 23-24. (Reuters/AP)

More Syrian armed rebels say they have split with the mainstream exiled political opposition. (AP/Los Angeles times)

Amnesty International urges Egypt to end its policy of detaining and deporting Syrian refugees. (AP)

Pres. Obama plans to host Iraq's PM at the White House on Nov. 1. (AP)

Egypt's FM says his country's relationship with the US is "in turmoil" and "disruption."(AP/Xinhua/Los Angeles Times)

Egypt's new government pledges to protect Coptic Christians from attacks and preserve their heritage. (Times of Israel)

Britain and Iran are moving to restore diplomatic relations. (Times of Israel)


Eyad Abu Shakra asks if the apparent US decline in the Middle East is a matter of declining will or a real loss of power. (Asharq Al Awsat)

The Jerusalem Post interviews academic Sami Miaari on how Palestinians vote in Israeli municipal elections. (Jerusalem Post)

Jonathan Rosen says an agreement with Palestinians on borders would be a success for Israel and PM Netanyahu. (Jerusalem Post)

Kathleen Peratis says BDS can promote a two-state solution. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

Amos Harel says Netanyahu wants the West to pressure Iran, but will compromise if necessary. (Ha'aretz)

Akiva Eldar asks how long Israel will be able to keep its own nuclear weapons off the table. (Al Monitor)

Ari Shavit describes a grand bargain involving a freeze on settlements, Iran's nuclear program and talk of bi-nationalism. (Ha'aretz)

Gideon Levy says Iran is starting to get the better of Israel internationally. (Ha'aretz)

Amira Hass claims Hamas has the right to build smuggling tunnels. (Ha'aretz)

Gilad Kariv says in addition to his work on peace, the late PM Rabin wanted to promote equal rights for Arab citizens. (YNet)

Eitan Haber says Rabin admitted he didn't know everything and wasn't always right, unlike Israel's present leaders. (YNet)

Yonah Jeremy Bob asks if Israel should redefine war crimes. (Jerusalem Post)

David Ignatius says Turkey revealed the names of Israeli spies to Iran last year. (Washington Post)

Michael Young says Syrian opposition divisions and rejection of Geneva only help Pres. Assad. (The National)

The National says Assad is using hunger as a weapon of war against his own people. (The National)

Ursula Lindsey looks at the plight of Syrian refugees in Egypt. (New York Times)

Douglas Bloomfield says the government shutdown will keep Jewish-American solidly in the Democratic camp for many years. (Jerusalem Post)

Asharq Al-Awsat interviews the foreign policy chief of the Iraqi KRG, Falah Mustafa, on federalism and more. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

George Semaan asks if Libya is going back to the 50s, or even earlier. (Al Hayat)


Settlers attack Palestinians harvesting olives in Hebron. (Ma'an)

Leaders of Fatah and Hamas speak via telephone on the eve of Eid al-Adha. (AFP)

Hamas says Palestinian refugees fleeing Syria should come to Gaza. (Jerusalem Post)

The Times of Israel profiles a Muslim Brotherhood family in Gaza. (Times of Israel)

Younger Palestinians seem to be having fewer children. (Al Monitor)

PM Netanyahu says he "needs a partner" to make peace, and that Iran is the primary obstacle. (Jerusalem Post/Times of Israel)

A former Shin Bet director warns Jewish "price tag" violence could lead to another Israeli political assassination. (YNet)

Bedouin citizens of Israel are continuing to resist forced relocation plans. (Al Monitor)

US officials praise an Iranian proposal after a rare private meeting on the eve of renewed nuclear negotiations. (Washington Post/Los Angeles Times)

Iran is reportedly ready to discuss snap inspections of its nuclear facilities. (Ha'aretz/Jerusalem Post)

Israel and some Arab states may be quietly working together to counter Iran. (YNet)

Russia denies issuing any conclusions regarding the death of the late Pres. Arafat as controversy continues to swirl over the issue. (AFP/Los Angeles Times)

Facebook acquires the mobile Israeli startup Onavo. (Xinhua)

Pres. Peres awards $1 million to US scientists for technology allowing disabled to get up from wheelchairs. (Xinhua)

Texas Gov. Perry is going to London and Israel. (AP)

Saudi Arabia and the UAE are seeking $10.8 billion in US arms sales. (AP)

A new study estimates that 500,000 Iraqis died during the conflict over the past decade. (Los Angeles Times)

A Jordanian band is being criticized by some fans for touring Israel. (Christian Science Monitor)


B'Tselem says disruptions at the Rafah Crossing highlight Israel’s duty to enable Gazans’ travel. (B'Tselem)

Raji Sourani and Shawan Jabarin say it's time for the ICC to act on Palestine. (Al Jazeera)

Ha'aretz says an unauthorized settlement is symptomatic of Israel's "march toward a messianic, anti-Zionist dream." (Ha'aretz)

Uri Avnery says the political left in Israel today is defined largely by attitudes towards the occupation. (Ha'aretz)

Yechiam Weitz says Netanyahu sees himself as Churchill, but all they have in common is a taste for good cigars. (YNet)

Ben Caspit says Netanyahu is playing for political time in Israel with hackneyed positions. (Al Monitor)

Mitch Ginsberg tries to explain how Hamas built a tunnel into Israel and how Israel detected it. (Times of Israel)

Shlomi Eldar says Hamas has little else to do but try to dig tunnels. (Al Monitor)

David Kirshenbaum says Jews have rights at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount. (Jerusalem Post)

David Newman receives an OBE and explains it's possible to be a liberal Zionist. (Times of Israel)

Avi Issacharoff says US Middle East allies are bewildered by its policies, especially on the eve of talks with Iran. (Times of Israel)

Frederic Wehrey examines strained relations between the US and Gulf states, especially Saudi Arabia. (Carnegie)

Ma'an interviews PLO leader Hanan Ashrawi and Prof. Beshara Doumani. (Ma'an)

Zvi Bar'el says Iran has to choose between pursuing its nuclear program and maintaining regional influence. (Ha'aretz)

Reuters looks at China's growing influence in the Middle East. (Reuters)

Asharq Al-Awsat interviews Gen. Salim Idris, head of the FSA's Supreme Military Council. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Ali Mamouri laments the "crisis of moral decline in Iraqi society." (Al Monitor)

Talal Alyan says the politics of self-defeat will ultimately be overcome in Arab societies. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

Karl Sharro parodies armed gangs at a fictional "Annual Conference for Arab Militias." (karlremarks.com)


PM Netanyahu stakes out tough positions for negotiations with Palestinians. (AP)

An Israeli newspaper reports negotiations are on the brink of collapse. (Xinhua)

British press reports say about €1 billion in aid to the Palestinians has been either "wasted" or lost to corruption. (PNN)

Israel says it has found tunnels running from Gaza into southern Israel, and destroyed them. (New York Times/AP/Times of Israel)

Israel says it's going to test new methods of arresting children after a damning UN report. (AFP)

30 settlers attack a Palestinian car near Nablus. (Ma'an)

Israel cancels the evacuation of 75 Palestinians from their homes in the Jordan Valley. (Ma'an)

A report is issued reiterating traces of polonium on articles of clothing belonging to the late Pres. Arafat, but Palestinian officials say there's nothing new revealed. (AFP/Xinhua)

Russian officials say they don't believe Arafat died from polonium poisoning. (Ha'aretz)

Nazareth is bracing for a hotly contested mayoral election. (Jerusalem Post)

Prices are soaring and the economy is collapsing in Gaza as the area's blockade intensifies. (The Guardian)

Tony Blair says he is optimistic about the economic plan for developing the occupied West Bank. (Financial Times)

The first Palestinian baby is born with sperm smuggled from a Palestinian prisoner held by Israel. (The Guardian)

10 Jewish men are arrested at a holy area in occupied East Jerusalem. (New York Times)

A US citizen is found dead in his Egyptian prison cellcausing alarm among other Americans in Egypt. (AP/BBC/The Media Line)

New negotiations begin between Iran, which presents a proposal, and the West on nuclear issues. (Ha'aretz)

Israel says it is opposed to a "partial deal" with Iran. (New York Times)

Israel asks Europe for support regarding Iran and urges no easing of sanctions. (AP/Xinhua/Los Angeles Times)

Israel conducts a massive Air Force drill. (Times of Israel)

Archaeology in Jerusalem and beyond continues to attract historic and religious controversy. (Christian Science Monitor)

A bomb is found in a Hezbollah stronghold in Lebanon. (Jerusalem Post)

A new Pew study finds broader criticism of Israel has entered the Jewish mainstream. (The Forward)

The new Palestinian nonprofit hybrid "Visualizing Palestine" unites activism and entrepreneurship. (Wamda)


Roger Cohen says there is a brighter future for the Middle East, as long as it can break from past attitudes. (New York Times)

Shimon Shiffer says PM Netanyahu's hard-line positions are leading to a bloody dead-end. (YNet)

J.J. Goldberg asks if Netanyahu's positions on Jerusalem are actually softening. (The Forward)

Hassan Barari says Netanyahu is becoming increasingly isolated. (Jordan Times)

Qadura Fares says Netanyahu's "extreme positions" are intensifying hopelessness and frustration among Palestinians. (Al Monitor)

Yuval Steinitz claims "Palestinian hate" is preventing Israeli-Palestinian peace. (New York Times)

Bruce Stokes asks if Jewish Americans think Israeli-Palestinian peace is possible. (Foreign Policy)

Mona Chalabi looks at how Palestine's economy functions under occupation. (The Guardian)

Emily Harris looks at how Palestinians are dealing with Israel's separation barrier. (NPR)

Richard Forer says compassion is essential to peace. (Ma'an)

Mazal Mualem says Israelis have lost interest in peace talks since the murder of the late PM Rabin. (Al Monitor)

Yair Tzaban says anti-democratic legislation pending in the Knesset must be blocked. (YNet)

Jane Arraf asks if Syrian refugees will transform or threaten Jordan's economy. (Christian Science Monitor)

Bradley Burston says that the Jewish students at UC Berkeley need to be open to different points of view. (Ha'aretz)

Salman Masalha says Pres. Assad will never willingly relinquish power. (Ha'aretz)

Hussein Ibish looks at the unfolding process of state fragmentation in Syria. (The National)

Jenny Cuffe looks at British "Jihadists" fighting in Syria. (BBC)

Asharq Al-Awsat interviews the head of the Syrian National Coalition, Ahmad Tomeh. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Barak Barfi says the United States needs to identify and promote a plausible alternative Syrian leader. (Jordan Times)

Diana Moukalled asks why Hezbollah is remaining silent about a video apparently showing it killing wounded Syrian prisoners. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Khalaf Al Habtoor says Gulf states need to unite against the possibility of a US-Iranian rapprochement. (Gulf News)

Mohammad Salah says the new Egyptian government should appoint people based on qualifications, not an anti-MB quota. (Al Hayat)

Matt Surrusco talks with Palestinian film director Hany Abu-Assad about his new movie "Omar." (The Indypendent)


Palestinians say Pres. Abbas is prepared to meet with PM Netanyahu. (Jerusalem Post)

Israeli Finance Minister Lapid calls for an "endgame" between Israel and the Palestinians. (Al Monitor)

Israeli police say an Israeli settler was killed by Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. (AP/Reuters/Xinhua)

Five suspects are arrested regarding the murder. (Ha'aretz/Times of Israel/BBC)

Extremist settlers are accused of defacing a mosque in the occupied West Bank. (Reuters)

A tiny Palestinian village is about to be destroyed for the fourth time by Israeli forces. (Ha'aretz)

Some Palestinians want to resettle refugees in the occupied West Bank outside of refugee camps. (The Economist)

Another Palestinian is killed in the conflict in Syria. (Ma’an)

An Israeli court says Palestinian parents can attend the interrogation of young children detainees. (Ma’an)

A new study shows Jewish Americans have strong ties to Israel but increasingly divergent views. (Washington Post)

A poll shows most Israelis think the US is projecting weakness regarding Syria and Iran. (Jerusalem Post)

Gaza's ancient archaeology is being lost to neglect, looting and war. (Al Monitor)

Human Rights Watch says it can, for the first time, document a massacre of Alawite civilians in Syriaby Al Qaeda-style rebels. (New York Times/Human Rights Watch/Washington Post)

A fifth suspect is indicted by the tribunal investigating the murder of former Lebanese PM Hariri. (New York Times)

Iran cancels an anti-Israel conference as part of its outreach to the West. (AP)

Civilians in Sinai are caught in the battle between the Egyptian military and extremists. (BBC)

Abbas receives a phone call from Pres. Obama wishing all a happy Eid al-Adha. (PNN)


Alan Phillips says the destiny of "Area C" in the occupied West Bank holds the key to peace. (The National)

Ari Shavit says Israelis should remember 1974 as the year they "failed to repair the country." (Ha'aretz)

Uri Savir says without normalizing relations with each other, Israeli-Palestinian relationships will be abnormal by definition. (Jerusalem Post)

Leigh Cuen thinks "women's brains" may hold the key to Middle East peace. (Your Middle East)

Arad Nir says Israeli ties with Greece are no substitute for its strained alliance with Turkey. (Al Monitor)

Israeli extremist Dani Dayan explains his annexationist perspective. (Los Angeles Times)

Letty Cottin Pogrebin looks at the plight of Israel's Bedouins. (Moment)

Mazal Mualem interviews Israeli sociologist and one-state advocate Yehouda Shenhav. (Al Monitor)

Michael Young says the international community's reaction to killing in Syria and Lebanon reveals "humanitarian indifference." (The Daily Star)

Daniel DePetris says Syria cannot be trusted to deal honestly with its CW commitments. (Christian Science Monitor)

Rami Khouri says US-Iranian negotiations should be based on "respect and reciprocity." (Jordan Times)

George Hishmeh says Israel's nuclear weapons should also be an issue on the table. (Jordan Times)

H. A. Hellyer says the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood has to ask itself how it got into its crisis and what to do about it. (The National)

Osama Al Sharif says Tunisia may provide a better model than Egypt of how to incorporate Islamists into a democratic process. (Gulf News)

Nervana Mahmoud lists four reasons why the US shouldn't reduce aid to Egypt. (Al Monitor)

The New York Times says the US should help build a viable army and government in Libya. (New York Times)


The PA and Syrian government agree to cooperate to protect Palestinian refugees remaining in Syria. (Ma'an)

Some experts say Israeli claims about Palestinian incitement are distorted or exaggerated. (JTA)

rampage by masked settlers in the occupied West Bank forces a Palestinian school lockdown. (AP/Ma'an)

Settlers torch three Palestinian cars near Bethlehem. (Ma'an)

The PA asks UNESCO to probe Israeli measures in occupied East Jerusalem. (Xinhua)

A PLO official says Palestinians are seriously considering declaring peace talks with Israel a failure. (Jerusalem Post)

The "Tamarod" movement in Gaza calls for Nov. 11 rallies to oust Hamas rule. (Al Monitor/Azzaman)

Hamas asks to meet with Fatah to discuss Israel's policies in occupied East Jerusalem. (Jerusalem Post)

There is an outcry in Gaza over reductions in food aid due to an UNRWA budget shortfall. (New York Times)

Hamas supporters rally in Gaza in defense of the death penalty. (AFP)

Israel says a soldier was lightly wounded by shrapnel from ordinance fired from Syria. (New York Times)

Israeli forces destroy a Syrian canon post in response. (Xinhua)

Israeli military leaders foresee the potential for multi-front conflicts. (Xinhua)

Hamas says it has gotten jihadist groups in Gaza to agree to stop attacks against Israel. (Xinhua)

In Turkey, Hamas leader Mishaal calls for an end to negotiations with Israel and more armed struggle. (Ha'aretz)

The US announces a temporary suspension of some aid to Egypt. (New York Times)

Egypt criticizes the move. (Reuters)

Israel expresses dismay at the aid cut back to Egypt, and frets about its impact on the peace treaty. (New York Times)

A suicide bomb in Sinai kills three Egyptian soldiers and one policeman. (AP)

Libya's PM Zeidan is kidnapped and then released by a group of armed men. (France 24)

UNIFIL commends the prevailing calm on the Lebanese-Israeli border. (Xinhua)

The Palestinian consumer price index rose slightly in September. (PNN)

In an impoverished Arab town in Israel, women are learning literacy and leadership. (Ha'aretz)


Yigal Kipnis says newly released Israeli documents show the 1973 war was certainly avoidable. (Los Angeles Times)

Kifah Ziboun looks at the Hamas-Salafist rapprochement in Gaza. (Asharq Al Awsat)

Asmaa al-Ghoul says, despite all the rhetoric, the Egypt-Gaza border remains quiet for now. (Al Monitor)

Elias Harfoush says Arabs are paying the price for "Pres. Obama's deals." (Al Hayat)

Aviad Kleinberg says PM Netanyahu's deterministic approach to Mideast conflict breeds diplomatic blindness. (YNet)

Ilene Prusher interviews Aryeh King, a leading force behind Israel's push to colonize Palestinian areas in occupied East Jerusalem. (Ha'aretz)

Gershon Baskin insists that the Al-Aqsa Mosque is not in any danger, and that Palestinians have gone a long way towards independence. (Ma'an/Jerusalem Post)

Amos Harel says Israeli lobbying in Washington on Iran is walking a fine line with the Obama administration. (Ha'aretz)

Ron Kampeas says AIPAC's rhetoric about Iran echoes but does not mimic Netanyahu's. (JTA)

Linda Gradstein says Israel is nervous Iran wants a fake nuclear agreement with the West. (The Media Line)

Or Kashti says Israel can't really claim credit for Nobel prizes won by scientists who left the country 40 years ago. (Ha'aretz)

The Daily Star is alarmed by the cutback of US aid to Egypt, seeing it as symptomatic of a deeper Middle East policy malaise. (The Daily Star)

The Jerusalem Post says the future of Egypt's peace treaty with Israel is largely independent of US aid. (Jerusalem Post)

Asma Alsharif and Yasmine Saleh say Egypt's MOI, not army, was the main force behind the ouster of former Pres. Morsi. (Reuters)

Itamar Rabinovich says Israel benefits from the agreement on Syrian chemical weapons but worries about rising Russian influence in the region. (Al Monitor)

Hania Mourtada says there is no place for minorities in the Syrian opposition anymore. (Foreign Policy)

Osama Al Sharif says the Assad regime has managed to gain undeserved legitimacy of late. (Arab News)

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