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Israel approves 186 new settlement units in the occupied East Jerusalem. (AFP/PNN/Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post)

DM Ya’alon comes under heavy criticism from American officials for his anti-American remarks. (Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post/JTA)

UNRWA resumes food distribution in the Yarmouk camp after a two-week halt. (AFP)

Israeli Chief Negotiator Livni says Pres. Abbas’ decisions on peace talks is key to a prisoner release. (AFP/JTA)

A Palestinian official threatens to resume UN initiatives if Israel calls off prisoner release. (AP/Ynet)

A growing generational divide among Palestinians about peace with Israel is reflected in Abbas’ family. (New York Times)

Former Fatah official Dahlan calls Abbas a “catastrophe” for the Palestinians. (Times of Israel)

Israel returns four bodies of Palestinians held for more than a decade. (Ha’aretz) 

Israeli occupation forces kill a Palestinian teeenager in the West Bank. (Xinhua/Ma’an/Jerusalem Post)

Extremist settlers uproot 50 olive trees in the occupied West Bank. (Ma’an)

The PA announces plans to drill for oil in the West Bank. (AP)

Hamas urges the international community to end the blockade of Gaza. (Xinhua)

PM Netanyahu orders the IDF to prepare for a possible strike on Iran during 2014. (Ha’aretz)

Israeli officials have been urging Washington to resume aid to Egypt. (Ha’aretz)

Israeli airstrikes reportedly kill one Syrian soldier and wound seven. (AP/New York Times/The National)

The US suspends operations of Syria’s embassy in Washington and its US consulates.(Reuters/New York Times)

Lebanese troops open the road to a Syrian border town. (AP/Daily Star)

Al-Qaeda is reportedly building its network in Lebanon. (Washington Post) 

government raid on a militant bomb factory in Egypt leaves two soldiers and five extremists dead.  (AP/Reuters)

The US signs a $165 million water assistance agreement with Jordan. (Jordan Times)


The Daily Star says Pres. Obama should make the “tough decisions’ on the peace talks. (Daily Star)

Jodi Rudoren says the Middle East peace process has its own coded language. (New York Times)

Salman Mashalha dismisses all notions of a binational state. (Ha’aretz)

Ha’aretz says Ya’alon is “endangering Israel’s security.” (Ha’aretz)

Yariv Oppenheimer says Israel’s peace camp has abandoned its “customary defensiveness,” especially online. (Ha’aretz)

Aaron Magid asks why Israel’s left opposes a peace referendum. (Ha’aretz)

Anat Saragusti says AIPAC’s version of Israel is not her’s. (Ha’aretz)

Hussain Abdul Hussain says the US should increase support for the Syrian opposition. (NOW)

Sharif Nashashibi says Hezbollah’s role in Syria is jeopardizing its position in Lebanon. (The National)

Osama al Sharif says the battle for Aleppo may decide the future of the conflict in Syria. (Jordan Times)

Rami Khouri says both the Egyptian military and the Muslim Brotherhood have proven illegitimate. (Daily Star)

Hussein Ibish says the saga of a rogue oil tanker is the latest evidence of Libyan state fragmentation. (NOW)

The National urges more official US delegation visits to GCC states. (The National)


Pres. Obama says the path to Middle East peace is “very challenging.” (AP/New York Times/AFP/Ha’aretz)

The EU opposes boycotts against Israel. (Ha’aretz/JTA)

DM Ya’alon says Israel cannot rely on the US to lead any action against Iran’s nuclear program. (AP/Reuters/Ha’aretz)

Palestinian official says peace will have to precede any recognition of Israel as a “Jewish state.” (Ynet/Times of Israel)

PM Netanyahu says Israel’s policy is to respond forcefully and immediately to all rocket attacks. (Jerusalem Post)

Pres. Peres apologizes to Jordan over the killing of a Jordanian judge. (Xinhua)

A new poll indicates 30% of settlers are willing to evacuate West Bank settlements in exchange for compensation. (PNN/JTA)

Economy Minister Bennett says a fourth Palestinian prisoner release is uncertain to happen.(Jerusalem Post)

Israel will extend a law that permits prohibition of the reunification of Palestinian families in Israel.(Ha’aretz)

Israeli occupation forces arrest eight Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. (Ma’an)

Israeli warships fire at Palestinian fisherman near the Gaza coast. (Ma’an)

A Palestinian woman is reportedly assaulted and humiliated by an Israeli soldier at a checkpoint. (Ma’an)

The UN says the list of suspected Syrian war criminals is growing on both sides. (Reuters)

Sec. Kerry names Daniel Rubinstein as new Special Envoy for Syria. (New York Times/JTA)

After three years of conflict the war in Syria is only intensifying. (New York Times)

The UN is concerned about violence in Lebanon. (Xinhua)

Egypt convicts four policemen for the killings of 37 Islamist detainees. (AP/Xinhua)

The al-Qaeda inspired Ansar al-Shariah Brigades claim responsibility for the killing of Egyptian policemen. (AP)

Qatar’s World Cup organizers distance themselves from corruption allegations. (AP)

Halabja residents remember those who died in gas attacks perpetrated by Saddam Hussein. (The National)


Uzi Baram says the occupation prevents Israel from being taken seriously by the world. (Ha’aretz)

Nahum Barnea says Abbas has fallen into Netanyahu’s trap. (Ynet)

Danny Ayalon questions whether NATO can guarantee peace in the Middle East. (Jerusalem Post)

Hassan Barari asks if the Jordanian government will expel the Israeli Ambassador. (Jordan Times)

The Daily Star says the fall of Yabroud indicates that the Syrian regime is intent on a military solution. (Daily Star)

Diana Moukalled says Pres. Assad’s meeting with displaced people  was a moment when the criminal met his victims. (Al Arabiya)

Octavia Nasr says the international community has failed Syria. (Al Arabiya)

Carol Nakhle says Lebanon’s gas and oil should be depoliticized. (Daily Star)

Yusuf Mansur says censorship and absolutist regimes are causes of hindered development in the Arab world. (Jordan Times)

Adnan Hussein and Rashid Al-Khayoun debate whether Iraq’s leaders have missed the chance to build a unified state. (Asharq al Awsat)

Mark Freeman says Tunisia is a model for bridging political and social divides. (Christian Science Monitor)


Pres. Obama will meet with Pres. Abbas to discuss peace talks. (AP/New York Times/AFP/Ha’aretz/The National)

Sec. Kerry urges Abbas to make “tough decisions” on peace. (Reuters/AFP) 

Pres. Peres says Abbas is a true partner for peace. (Jerusalem Post/Ynet)

DM Ya’alon says a peace agreement with Palestinians is unreachable unless they recognize Israel as a “Jewish state.” (Ha’aretz/Ynet)

Hamas prevents supporters of Fatah from holding a demonstration in Gaza in solidarity with Abbas. (New York Times/Ma’an)

Israeli occupation forces raid a Jerusalem neighborhood, detaining eight Palestinians. (Ma’an)

Extremist settlers uproot 55 olive trees in the occupied West Bank. (Ma’an)

Israeli occupation forces remove a Palestinian flag from a Hebron roof. (Ha’aretz)

Gaza’s power plant resumes operations after Israel allows fuel deliveries into the Gaza strip. (Ma’an/Ha’aretz)

Lebanon sends its army to the Syrian border as rebels flee Syria. (AP)

The Syrian army reportedly ousts rebels from the key city of Yabroud. (AP/Reuters/New York Times)

The Syrian opposition is reportedly willing to trade land in Golan for Israeli military support. (Ha’aretz)

Pres. Mansour says the Egyptian general public opposes the inclusion of the Muslim Brotherhood in the political process. (AP)

Gunmen kill six Egyptian soldiers at an army checkpoint in Cairo. (AP/The National)

US delivers Hellfire missiles and munitions to Iraq. (AP)

US Naval forces seize control of a rogue Libyan oil tanker. (BBC)


Aaron David Miller says Abbas and PM Netanyahu face five huge hurdles on peace with Israel. (CNN)

Jackson Diehl says Obama’s double standards could doom peace talks. (Washington Post)

Robert Satloff says by refusing to recognize Israel as a “Jewish state,” Abbas is denying something even Yasser Arafat was willing to accept. (Foreign Policy)

Ha’aretz says Kerry is right that Netanyahu’s “Jewish state” demand is “unnecessary.” (Ha’aretz)

Shlomo Ben-Ami says giving up on a “united Jerusalem” is the only way to secure the city’s eternal status. (Jordan Times)

Elliott Abrams and Uri Sadot say the significance of Israeli settlement activity depends on whether they are building inside or outside the major blocs. (Washington Post)

Jeff Barak says Labor Party leader Herzog is Israel’s man for the future. (Jerusalem Post)

Ami Gluska asks if there could be an Arab-Israeli president. (Ha’aretz)

Moshe Arens says the Iron Dome system will never be able to provide 100 percent protection. (Ha’aretz)

Hussein Ibish says, despite liberal foreign policy aspirations, force still trumps diplomacy. (The National)

H.A. Hellyer says the international community must choose whether to let Syria suffer for generations. (Al Arabiya)

Ahmed Jarba says the Syrian people will not give up on their dreams of freedom and dignity. (Al Arabiya)

Abdul Rahman al Rashed says the fall of Yabrud exemplifies Iran’s success in leading the war in Syria. (Al Arabiya)

Rami Khouri says Syria is a mirror in which the Arab world sees itself. (Daily Star)

The Daily Star asks why the Lebanese people are not jolted into action by the failure of their political system. (Daily Star)

David Hearst says there is now open diplomatic warfare between Saudi Arabia and Qatar. (Huffington Post)

Mustafa Hashem says Egyptian youth are growing more disillusioned. (Daily Star)

Haider Saeed and Majid Rafizadeh debate if Iraq can escape Iran’s sphere of influence. (Asharq al Awsat)


Sec. Kerry says Israel’s insistence on demanding the Palestinians recognize Israel as a “Jewish state” is a mistake. (PNN/Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post)

Pres. Abbas says the Palestinians were not asked to extend the peace talks. (Xinhua)

PM Cameron announces British investments in Palestinian businesses. (Jerusalem Post)

A poll indicates that Israelis consider peace with the Arab world more important than recognition as a “Jewish state.”(Ha’aretz)

Gaza rockets persist despite the truce with Israel. (Reuters/Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post/The National)

Egypt reportedly “intentionally” bypassed Hamas and negotiated directly with Islamic Jihad on the Gaza ceasefire. (Ma’an)

A three-year-old Palestinian child dies due to the closure of the Rafah crossing. (Ma’an)

Gaza is hit by the worst economic crisis since Hamas seized power. (AP)

Peace Now releases a satirical video of politicians and activists dressed up as “right wingers.” (Ha’aretz)

Bethlehem activists give Abbas money to help the Palestinian refugees in Yarmouk. (Ma’an)

“BDS” activists will release a smartphone app to help people boycott Israel. (Ha’aretz/Ynet)

FM al-Moallem is rushed to a Lebanese hospital. (AP)

The new Syrian presidential election law would exclude most opposition leaders. (Reuters)

UN Envoy Brahimi says an election in Syria will not help the peace talks. (Reuters/New York Times)

Former Gen. Shafik calls promise of free elections in Egypt a “farce.” (New York Times)

Egypt summons European envoys over human rights criticisms. (Xinhua)

An international meeting in Baghdad vows to fight terrorism. (Xinhua)


Hussein Ibish argues Israel’s “Jewish state”’ demand turns the clock back before the PLO’s 1993 recognition of Israel. (Ha’aretz)

Amos Harel asks if Israel will invade Gaza again. (Foreign Policy)

The Jerusalem Post says Hamas’s weakness presents unique opportunities for Israel. (Jerusalem Post)

The National says water has a key role in peace and stability in the Middle East. (The National)

Elliott Abrams and Uri Sadot say "the critical figure to monitor is the number of Israeli houses built outside such blocs in areas intended for the future state of Palestine." (Washington Post)

Ha’aretz says Israel’s real leader and navigator is Economy Minister Bennett. (Ha’aretz)

Joseph Nye says Pres. Obama faces a moral dilemma in Syria: prudence or indifference. (Daily Star)

Abdul Rahman Al Rashed asks why people are praising Jabhat Al-Nusra for releasing kidnaped nuns in Syria. (Al Arabiya)

David Ignatius says the US needs an alternate strategy for strengthening Syrian moderates. (Washington Post)

John Glaser says the Syrian and Ukrainian conflicts are not related. (Daily Star)

Alan Philps says the crisis in Crimea is bound to affect the Middle East. (The National)

Alaa Al Aswany says, for the first time, Egyptians are seeing their leader ridiculed on television while still in power. (New York Times)

The Christian Science Monitor says Turkey’s protests represent a spontaneous uprising for individual freedoms and honest government. (Christian Science Monitor)


The Gaza-Israel escalation threatens the current cease-fire. (AP/Reuters/Washington Post/Ma’an/Ha’aretz)

Pres. Abbas calls on Israel to halt the escalation in Gaza. (AFP/Ynet)

FM Lieberman says Israel should retake Gaza. (Xinhua)

Islamic Jihad issues a warning video in Hebrew, urging Israelis to leave the country. (Ha’aretz)

Israel closes the Gaza crossing in response to the rocket attacks. (Xinhua)

A Palestinian official says Egypt is attempting to broker a truce between Israel and Gaza. (Jerusalem Post)

The EU warns of “serious consequences” for Middle East security if Gaza’s problems are not addressed. (AFP)

PM Cameron calls for peace between Israel and the Palestinians. (Xinhua)

Cameron will meet with Abbas in the occupied West Bank to discuss peace talks. (Times of Israel)

Israel passes a law requiring a national referendum to approve any further withdrawal from occupied East Jerusalem. (AP/JTA)

Sec. Kerry says mistrust between Israel and Palestine is higher than ever. (PNN/Jerusalem Post)

Israel may halt prisoner release if peace talks fail with the Palestinians. (Ha’aretz)

Israeli occupation forces order a Palestinian resident in Hebron to remove a Palestinian flag from his house. (Ha’aretz)

Gunmen attack an army bus in Cairo, killing one soldier. (AP/Reuters)

The UAE summons the Iraqi Ambassador over charges of Gulf funding of terrorism. (Reuters/Xinhua)

PM Maliki warns that violence from the Syrian war could spillover into the West. (AP)


Aaron David Miller says Amb. Samuel Lewis was a man of uncommon judgement. (The Jewish Daily Forward)

Eyad Abu Shakra responds to Pres. Obama’s interview with Jeffrey Goldberg about the Middle East. (Asharq al Awsat)

Ha’aretz says Israel keeps its Arab citizens in municipal “ghettos,” rife with poverty and neglect. (Ha’aretz)

Peter Beinart says Kerry’s peace initiative should worry liberal Zionists. (Ha’aretz)

Yossi Klein says Israel avoids “looking into the mirror” to see the 2 million Palestinians in its midst. (Ha’aretz)

The Jerusalem Post says Israel and Jordan need to put the killing of a Jordanian judge behind them.(Jerusalem Post)

The Jordan Times says it is contrary to international law to kidnap nuns in Syria. (Jordan Times)

Andrew Harper says Jordan continues to set a regional example by continuing to accept refugees. (Jordan Times)

The Daily Star says some in the international community are happy with a “shortsighted” calculus of success in Syria. (Daily Star)

Michael Jansen says a devastated Syria divided among jihadist “emirs” is in no one’s interests.  (Jordan Times)

Saleh Muhammad says the Syrian Kurds need greater Western support. (Daily Star)

Michael Young says Lebanon’s vacuum should push all sides to compromise. (The National)

Abdallah Schleifer says the Egyptian army is involved in construction projects that are for the benefit of the general public. (Al Arabiya)

Michael Hanna says the Egyptian state has fragmented during the past three years. (Foreign Policy)

Jeffrey Goldberg says Qatar’s policies have managed to make him sympathetic to  Saudi Arabia.  (Bloomberg)

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