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Pres. Obama tells UN General Assembly that status quo in the West Bank and Gaza is “unsustainable.” (Ha’aretz/Times of Israel/Reuters)

The Palestinian unity government will reportedly take immediate control of Gaza. (AFP/Jerusalem Post) 

PM Netanyahu says Cairo ceasefire talks are aimed at bolstering Israel’s security, not a peace deal with the Palestinians. (AFP)

PLO official Ashrawi says its time for the UK and Europe to recognize the state of Palestine. (PNN)

Despite the truce, Gaza fishermen are still under fire at sea. (AFP)

Israel closes the Jenin checkpoint for Rosh Hashana. (Ma’an)

Obama calls on the international community to rally behind his expanding military campaign to stamp out ISIS and its "network of death." (AP/New York Times/JTA)

US-led air strikes target Syrian oil installations held by ISIS extremists. (AP/Washington Post/The National)

France is considering whether to extend its air strikes to Syria. (AP/Reuters)

King Abdullah of Jordan urges the international defeat of jihadists. (Times of Israel/Jordan Times)

Kurdish forces in northern Syria are pushing back an advance by ISIS extremists towards the border town of Koban. (Reuters)

An Iraqi woman activist, Samira Salih al-Nuaimi, is killed by ISIS. (AP)

An Algerian offshoot of Al-Qaeda beheads a French hostage. (AP)

The World Food Program says more than 1 million Iraqis are receiving emergency food aid. (Reuters) 

The US and France warn their citizens of risk of attacks in Turkey. (Reuters)

The New York Times looks at the threat from the Khorasan group. (New York Times)

The Treasury Department imposes new terrorism sanctions on people and entities that support ISIS. (New York Times)

ISIS’ follows an interpretation of Islam rooted in Saudi religious thought. (New York Times)

UAE confirms first female pilot, Major Mariam Al Mansouri, is leading air strikes against ISIS. (The National)

A raid by the Lebanese army at the Syrian border, kills one militant. (Reuters)

Pres. Rouhani praises cooperation with the US. (New York Times)

Egypt denounces Pres. Erdogan’s negative comments regarding Pres. Sisi. (Xinhua/Ha’aretz)

The EU warns that Al-Qaeda may carry out attacks to assert its relevancy. (Ha’aretz)


Michael Young looks at the legacy of Camp David. (The National)

Roger Cohen says Obama is right to lead on ISIS. (New York Times)

Jeffrey Goldberg looks at Obama’s speech at the UN General Assembly. (The Atlantic)

The National says Arab states are right to join the fight against ISIS. (The National)

The Jordan Times says the fight against ISIS is “our war.” (Jordan Times)

David Rothkopf says behind the scenes at the UN, a more unsettling story emerges of Syria, Iraq, and fighting ISIS. (Foreign Policy)

Dov Zakheim says its time to retool Obama’s anti-ISIS strategy to one of containment. (Foreign Policy)

The New York Times says it is significant that world leaders have realized the need to take action against violent extremists crossing borders. (New York Times)

Michael Young says the Lebanese army is being “sucked” into Syria. (Daily Star) 

Joyce Karam looks at Iran’s relationship with Al-Qaeda. (Al Arabiya)

Eyad Abu Shakra asks if we have entered the “Iranian era.” (Asharq al-Awsat)


Sec. Kerry meets with Pres. Abbas to discuss the situation in Gaza. (AFP/PNN)

Palestinian factions meet in Cairo. (Reuters/Ma’an)

Kerry announces $71 million in humanitarian aid to Gaza. (Ma’an)

Abbas will reportedly submit a resolution to the UNSC seeking a three-year timetable for thewithdrawal of Israeli forces. (Ha’aretz/AP/The Media Line)

Egypt opens the Rafah crossing for students from Gaza. (Ma’an)

Israeli forces release video of raid that killed two Hamas members suspected of abducting and killing the three Israeli teenagers. (Washington Post)

Clashes erupt in the occupied West Bank after the killing of two Hamas members. (Washington Post)

Israeli police clash with Palestinians at the Al Aqsa compound. (Ma’an/Xinhua/JTA/Ha’aretz)

Overnight air strikes hit ISIS-held territory in Syria near the Turkish border. (Reuters/New York Times)

American military officials say the US is carrying out the vast majority of strikes on ISIS. (New York Times)

The US reportedly informed Iran of intent to strike ISIS in Syria. (Reuters)

NSA Rice says there's no plan to commit American ground combat forces to the fight against ISIS. (AP)

The US cannot confirm the death of the Khorasan group leader in Syria. (AFP)

Pres. Erdogan says Turkey is considering a military role against ISIS. (AP)

The British parliament will be recalled to vote on Iraq air strikes. (Reuters)

An Iranian general says 70 Iranian aides were on the ground in Iraq helping the Kurdish forces battle ISIS. (AP)

Extremist Jordanian cleric Abu Qatada is cleared of charges of conspiring in a plot to attacktourists. (Reuters/AP/New York Times/Jordan Times) 

Jordan’s Central Bank says it still supports the Arab Bank which has been found liable in a US court for facilitating terrorism. (Ma’an)

King Abdullah of Jordan outlines Jordan’s future vision at the Clinton Global Initiative. (Jordan Times)


Chemi Shalev analyzes Abbas’ speech at New York’s Cooper Union. (Ha’aretz) 

JTA interviews former Special Envoy Indyk. (JTA)

The Times of Israel interviews Chief Israeli Negotiator Livni. (Times of Israel)

Avi Issacharoff says Hamas may return to conflict since it failed to make significant gains in the Gaza war. (Times of Israel)

Ariv Shavit says the Israeli left must revive Israeli-Palestinian peace. (Ha’aretz)

The Jordan Times says peace with the Palestinians and, by extension, with the rest of the Arab world, will benefit Israelis. (Jordan Times)

Hussein Ibish says, in the long-run, Pres. Assad will not be a beneficiary of airstrikes against ISIS in Syria.  (Now)

Abdul Rahman Al Rashed thanks Pres. Obama for finally “joining” the anti-ISIS coalition. (Al Arabiya)

The National says attack on ISIS is an important first step in a longer battle. (The National)

The Daily Star says Arab countries in the anti-ISIS coalition have been silent. (Daily Star)

Thomas Friedman says the rise of ISIS is triggering some long overdue soul-searching by Arabs. (New York Times)

David Ignatius says Obama’s ISIS strategy is finally taking shape. (Washington Post)

The New York Times says Obama’s Syria’s strategy is not a convincing plan. (New York Times)

The Los Angeles Times asks if Obama’s ISIS escalation is justified. (Los Angeles Times)

David Motadel says “jihadist states” have a history, and it shows they always fail. (New York Times)

Aaron David Miller looks at six fictions related to taking on ISIS. (Foreign Policy)

Rami Khouri looks at three important developments in the Middle East. (Daily Star)


Israel kills two Palestinians in the occupied West Bank accused of kidnapping andmurdering three Israeli teenagers. (Reuters/AP/New York Times/Washington Post/AFP/JTA)

Hamas leader Zahar says the Palestinian delegation will go ahead with indirect ceasefire talks in Cairo. (Reuters/Ma’an/Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)

Pres. Abbas meets with Arab League head al-Arabi in New York. (Ma’an)

Abbas tells American students he will present a new timetable for peace talks with Israel. (AFP/Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)

An American official says Pres. Obama will host PM Netanyahu at the White House on October 1st. (AFP/JTA/Times of Israel)

King Abdullah of Jordan and Pres. Sisi discuss Middle East peace in New York. (Jordan Times)

US jury finds the Arab Bank liable in terror attacks. (AP/New York Time/AFP/Jordan Times)

The US and five Arab allies launch the first air strikes on ISIS fighters in Syria. (Reuters/AP/New York Times/Washington Post)

The Syrian opposition welcomes the US-led air strikes on ISIS strongholds in Syria. (Reuters)

The Syrian regime says the US informed it of planned attack on ISIS, hours before the air strikes. (Reuters)

Gen. Dempsey says the US wanted to make sure that ISIS knew they have no “safe haven.” (AP)

Syrian Kurds want to coordinate with the US-led coalition in the fight against ISIS. (Reuters)

The World Food Program says because of reduced resources, rations for refugees from Syria and elsewhere will also be reduced. (New York Times)

Turkey closes its border to Syrians fleeing ISIS. (Washington Post)

France says it will not stop fighting ISIS extremists in Iraq despite the kidnapping of a French citizen in Algeria. (AP)

After six weeks, US air strikes fail to dislodge ISIS in Iraq. (New York Times)

ISIS extremists kill 40 Iraqi soldiers and parade others who have been captured. (AP)

John Cantlie, a British hostage held by ISIS, warns of “another Vietnam” in a new video. (New York Times) 

Israel downs a Syrian war plane over the Golan Heights. (Reuters/AP/New York Times/AFP/JTA/Ha’aretz)

PM Cameron will meet with Pres. Rouhani in New York. (Times of Israel)


Jonathan Cook says the protest by Israel’s “refuseniks” against the country's abuse of Palestinians sheds light on the mechanisms of occupation, oppression and intimidation. (The National)

Adnan Abu Amer says if Cairo ceasefire talks fail, Hamas will probably not return to war. (Al-Monitor)

The Jerusalem Post interviews Netanyahu. (Jerusalem Post)
Eric Yoffie asks if Jewish American leaders can publicly question Israel’s policies and “survive.” (Ha’aretz)

Jeffrey Goldberg gives his observations about the US-led air strikes against ISIS in Syria. (The Atlantic)

The Washington Post says ISIS is exploiting Obama’s weaknesses. (Washington Post)

Mustafa Akyol says Turkey has to reckon with a possible local backlash from joining the anti-ISIS military campaign. (New York Times)

The Jordan Times says Jordan is fighting the “good fight” against ISIS. (Jordan Times)

James Traub says Obama’s Middle East allies are joining the US-led coalition against ISIS for different reasons. (Foreign Policy)

Diana Moukalled explains why Western women are joining ISIS. (Al Arabiya)

Faisal Al Yafai says Quartet Envoy Blair has forgotten the lesson of his own history in Iraq. (The National)

Hassan Barari asks if a deal with Iran is possible. (Jordan Times)
Fatah and Hamas will meet in Egypt before indirect talks with Israel. (Ma’an/Times of Israel)

The UN reportedly wants international monitors to oversee the reconstruction work in Gaza. (Ha’aretz)

FM Lieberman says the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is “not at the heart” of the Middle East’s problems. (Jerusalem Post)

Local police in Gaza deactivate three tons of unexploded ordnance from Israel's recent military offensive. (Ma’an)

Israeli occupation forces detain 16 Palestinians in the West Bank. (Ma’an/PNN)

Palestinian youth throw rocks at a school bus in occupied East Jerusalem. (JTA)

The Jerusalem district prosecutor’s office is hardening its stance on Palestinian minors. (Ha’aretz)

Israel closes the Ibrahimi mosque in Hebron to Muslims for two days. (Ma’an)

UNRWA calls on the international community to step up its opposition to an Israeli plan to forcibly relocate thousands of Bedouins. (Ha’aretz)

The UN General Assembly will focus on the war against ISIS. (AP)

US Amb. to the UN Power says other nations are pledging support for the fight against ISIS extremists. (AP)

Quartet Envoy Blair says airstrikes are not enough to beat ISIS. (AP)

Iran says it is ready to work with the US on ISIS, but wants more flexibility on its uranium enrichment program in exchange. (Reuters)

ISIS urges Sinai urgents to attack and behead Egyptian security forces. (Reuters)

The number of Syrian refugees in Turkey now totals 130,000. (AP/Reuters)

Syrian Kurdish fighters have reportedly halted an advance by ISIS fighters. (Reuters)

Pres. Erdogan says Turkey will not reveal details of the release of 49 hostages held by ISIS. (AP/New York Times/Washington Post)

Turkey is reportedly accused of colluding with ISIS. (Independent)

The US and Hezbollah are working separately on a common goal: to stop ISIS from moving into Lebanon. (New York Times)

The Jordanian army thwarts an “infiltration attempt” from Iraq. (Jordan Times)

Israel is worried that al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Nusra is gaining control of Syrian side of the Golan frontier. (Washington Post)

FM Zarif hails “new chapter” in Iranian-Saudi relations. (Reuters)

Pope Francis calls on Muslims and all religious leaders to condemn Islamic extremists. (AP)

A FIFA official says the 2022 World Cup will not held in Qatar. (The Guardian)


Rami Khouri says Hamas and Fatah have behaved shamefully. (Daily Star)

Elhanan Miller explains why PM Netanyahu is “shunning” Palestinian society and media. (Times of Israel)

Asmaa al-Ghoul says although support in Gaza is growing for a boycott of Israeli goods, it is hard to envision such a campaign working. (Al-Monitor)

Nathan Thrall critiques US diplomacy on Israeli-Palestinian peace. (New York Times)

Hussein Ibish says, implausible though it sounds, ISIS is replicating some of  Mao Zedong’s key strategies. (The National)

Amer Al Sabaileh says “unclear” American strategy against ISIS could increase risks for the region. (Jordan Times)

Dexter Filkins says Iraq’s Kurds are more interested in breaking away than helping save Iraq from ISIS. (New Yorker)

Henri Barkey looks at how ISIS captured the 49 Turkish hostages in Iraq. (Foreign Policy)

Miriam Awadallah says Pres. Assad’s plan to portray himself to the world as the only alternative to ISIS was vain. (Annahar)

AP interviews Pres. Sisi. (AP)

Jamal Khashoggi says the Muslim Brotherhood keeps repeating the same mistakes. (Al Arabiya)

Tariq Alhomayed looks at noted Muslim cleric Qaradawi’s double standards on the fight against ISIS. (Asharq al-Awsat)


Pres. Abbas says the coming weeks will be crucial for the Palestinian cause. (Ma’an)

Reuters looks at possible successors to Abbas. (Reuters)

PM Hamdallah says no mechanisms are in place to implement the Palestinian reconciliation agreement. (Ma’an)

Despite a UN agreement, hurdles remain for Gaza reconstruction. (The National)


The Israeli government is expected to go forward with construction of the West Bank separation barrier in the vicinity of the historic village of Batir. (Ha’aretz/Ynet/Jerusalem Post)

Israeli jails are filled with Palestinian minors after this summer’s riots. (Ha’aretz)

Israel is preparing a draft law that would allow it to impose a special fee on goods passing through crossing points between Israel and the West Bank and Gaza. (Ha’aretz)

Gaza farmers want guarantees that Israel will not destroy their lands. (Al-Monitor)

A poll indicates that Israelis are more concerned about the peace process and the EU than they are Iran. (Times of Israel)

Israeli bulldozers level land in southern Gaza. (Ma’an)

Ramallah is selected to be among the world’s most “resilient” cities. (Ma’an)

France conducts its first airstrikes against ISIS. (Reuters/AP/New York Times/Washington Post)

Gen. Dempsey says the US appreciates France's airstrike against ISIS extremists. (AP)

Congress gives the final approval to aid Syrian rebels in the fight against ISIS. (New York Times)

Pres. Obama says the Senate vote to authorize arming and training Syrian rebels shows the world that Americans are united in combating ISIS. (AP)

Thousands of Syrian Kurds have begun crossing into Turkey, fleeing ISIS fighters. (Reuters)

Ayatollah Sistani says Iraq needs outside help to fight ISIS. (Daily Star)

ISIS creates a police force in north west Iraq to “implement the orders of the religious judiciary.” (Reuters)

ISIS releases a new video showing a British journalist who says he is a prisoner of the extremists. (AP/Reuters/New York Times)

The US is reportedly tracking threats against the West by Al-Qaeda affiliates in Syria. (Wall Street Journal)

bomb kills two Lebanese soldiers near the Syrian border. (AP)

An American official says Obama is not scheduled to meet Pres. Rouhani in New York, but he is open to such a meeting. (Reuters)


Alan Philps says the Gaza crisis obscures the long quest for Palestinian statehood. (The National)

AP interviews Hamas leader Abu Marzouk. (AP)

Abdullah Erakat asks if Abbas is Israel’s last chance for peace. (The Media Line)

Shlomi Eldar says Israel must help Palestinians in Gaza, regardless of Hamas. (Al-Monitor)

Benjy Cannon outlines five things Jewish-American leaders must know about college students. (Ha’aretz)

David Ignatius looks at James Clapper’s revelations on ISIS. (Washington Post)

Alexander Christie-Miller explains why he thinks Turkey will not fight with the US against ISIS. (Christian Science Monitor)

Ahmad Majdoubeh says the US should stick to diplomacy not militarism in the Middle East. (Jordan Times)

The Daily Star says Obama has proven that he is no strategist. (Daily Star)

Abdul Rahman Al Rashed looks at Pres. Sisi’s foreign policy. (Al Arabiya)

H.A. Hellyer says Libya is not too big to fail, but must be saved anyway.  (The National)

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