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PM Hamdallah convenes the first new PA government meeting in Gaza. (Reuters/AP/Ma’an/PNN/Ha’aretz)

Pres. Abbas says Israel is transforming the conflict into a religious war. (Ma’an)
Egypt says 30 foreign ministers and more than 50 delegations will participate in a Cairo conference on rebuilding Gaza. (Ma’an)
Palestinian Minister of Civil Affairs al-Sheikh says reconstruction materials will enter Gaza next week. (Ma’an)
The US says Israel must play a role in rebuilding Gaza. (PNN/Ha’aretz/AFP)
Israeli occupation forces seize three acres of farm land near Bethlehem. (PNN)
Israel is increasingly targeting Palestinian children and teenagers in crackdowns on protests. (The National)
The City Council of Lille is freezing its sister city agreement with Safed to press Israel to end the conflict with the Palestinians. (Ha’aretz)
The US-led coalition targets positions of ISIS near the Syrian border town of Kobani. (AP/Washington Post)
ISIS extremists seize more than a third of Kobani, despite airstrikes. (Reuters/New York Times)
The US and its allies are frustrasted by Turkish inaction on Syria. (AP/New York Times)
Turkish FM Cavusoglu says a ground operation in Kobani is unrealistic. (Reuters)
Pres. Obama says the US will keep making progress against ISIS in Syria and Iraq. (AP)
King Abdullah of Jordan meets with Gen. Allen in Amman. (Jordan Times)
The US is stepping up its fight to block ISIS volunteers from travelling to Syria and Iraq. (New York Times)
UNHCR says more funds are needed for the million of Syrian refugees in Turkey. (Reuters)
The UN says Jordan is refusing to let Syrian refugees cross the border. (New York Times)
Families are torn apart as more Western girls and women join jihadists in Syria and Iraq. (Reuters)
Iran reportedly denies entry to an American member of the IAEA. (Reuters/AP)
A suicide bombing in Yemen kills at least 50 people. (AP)
Hussein Ibish says Hisham Melhem is right about the collapse of Arab societies, but there is a need and basis for hope. (Now)
Faisal Al Yafai says frustration and alienation alone cannot explain the allure of jihad. (The National)
Asher Schechter imagines what a one-state Israel would look like. (Ha’aretz)
The Daily Star says Turkey is manipulating the battle of Kobani as part of a geopolitical struggle. (Daily Star)
The New York Times says Turkey’s refusal to fight ISIS is hurting the Kurds. (New York Times)
Sinan Ulgen says by refusing to aid the Syrian Kurds, Turkey's leaders are alienating allies and derailing the peace process at home. (New York Times)
Michael Young says the US must accept that for three years they neglected Syria and allowed the situation to deteriorate to the point where they have to intervene today.  (Daily Star)
Abdul Rahman Al Rashed says the US must choose between Iran and the rest of the Arab world in the fight against ISIS. (Al Arabiya)
UAE FM bin Zayed says defeating extremism will be a long and complex ideological struggle. (The National)
Manal Omar says the US-led coalition should defeat  both ISIS and Pres. Assad. (Foreign Policy)
Firas Maksad says the Druze community in Syria is influential because it is equidistant from the dictatorship and extremist opposition groups. (Foreign Affairs)
Joyce Karam says VP Biden should apologize to the people of Kobani. (Al Arabiya)

Michael Young says Lebanon can serve as a model for the Arab world. (The National)

Palestinian protesters and Israeli police clash at the Al Aqsa mosque. (AP/Ma’an/PNN/Ha’aretz)
PM Netanyahu orders a clampdown on Palestinian protests in Jerusalem. (The National)
The EU will reportedly reassess its ties with Israel if there is no movement on peace with the Palestinians. (Times of Israel)
FM Lieberman says Sweden’s possible recognition of Palestine does not advance peace. (Times of Israel)
Egypt reopens the Rafah crossing. (Ma’an)
Gaza’s farming and livestock is destroyed by the recent war with Israel. (Ha’aretz)
The State Department is bringing 30 Palestinian and Israeli youth basketballcoaches to the US to foster understanding. (JTA)
Israel fires artillery into Lebanon in response to an Hezbollah attack. (AP)
Hezbollah says the border attack which wounded two Israeli soldiers was a message that the group remains ready to confront Israel. (Reuters/New York Times/Ha’aretz) 
ISIS extremists shoot down an Iraqi military attack helicopter, killing two pilots. (AP/New York Times)
Iraqi Sunni tribesmen are joining Shi’ites in the war against ISIS. (The National)
Turkish inaction on ISIS is reportedly frustrating the US. (New York Times)
US-led airstrikes are pushing ISIS extremists back to the edges of the Kurdish town of Kobani. (Reuters/Washington Post)
Several Syrian rights groups call on the international community to save Kobani. (AP)
Canada’s parliament authorizes airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq. (AP/Reuters)
Investigators in Syria are searching for paper trails that could help build cases for war crime prosecutions. (New York Times)
Sec. Kerry is facing mounting domestic American political pressure regarding the P5+1 nuclear talks with Iran. (AP)
Rami Khouri says the Swedish move to recognize Palestine is both symbolic and substantive. (Daily Star)
David Stavrou says Sweden is not against Israel. (Ha’aretz)
J.J. Goldberg says Hamas knows it lost this summers war. (Jewish Daily Forward)
The Media Line interviews Palestine’s Mission Chief to the US, Maen Areikat. (The Media Line)
Ephraim Sneh says the current Israeli government does not want peace if the price is the evacuation of even a few settlements. (Al-Monitor)
Osama Al Sharif looks at Pres. Abbas’ diplomatic options. (Jordan Times)
Yossi Mekelberg looks at the rift between Pres. Obama and Netanyahu. (Al Arabiya)
Ron Kampeas says the US has no clear path back to Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. (JTA)
Shmuel Rosner says even though Israel has many enemies it must be open to legitimate criticism. (New York Times)
Anshel Pfeffer says Hezbollah’s border attack against Israeli soldiers was a forlorn attempt to redeem itself with the Lebanese public. (Ha’aretz)
Fredrick Logevall and Gordon Goldstein ask if the war in Syria will be Obama’s Vietnam. (New York Times)
The Washington Post says US-led airstrikes against ISIS are failing. (Washington Post)
Abdul Rahman Al Rashed says Hezbollah drew ISIS and Al-Nusra into Lebanon. (Al Arabiya)
Steven Cook says Turkey is still not ready for a war against ISIS. (Foreign Policy)
The National says Turkey is playing a “dangerous game” on ISIS. (The National)


American officials condemn PM Netanyahu’s “American values” comment. (JTA/Ha’aretz) 

Sec. Kerry will attend Gaza reconstruction talks in Cairo. (Ha’aretz)

The PA approves a proposal for Gaza reconstruction. (Ma’an)

Hamas calls on Palestinians in Gaza to welcome PM Hamdallah and the unity government cabinet to the Strip. (Ma’an)

Families in Gaza weigh the prospect of moving from tents into cramped temporary trailers. (New York Times)

The US Supreme Court will decide whether US passport holders can have “Jerusalem, Israel” listed as their place of birth. (Ha’aretz)

An explosion near the Lebanese border wounds two Israeli soldiers. (AFP/Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)

Kurdish anti-ISIS protesters clash with police in Turkey and force their way into the European Parliament. (AP)

Pres. Erdogan says the Syrian border town of Kobani is about to fall to extremists from ISIS. (AP)

The US-led anti-ISIS coalition reportedly struck more targets in Syria. (New York Times/The National)

An American fighter has joined Kurdish forces in the battle against ISIS. (Reuters)

Dutch F-16s carry out their first airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq. (AFP)

The US military has begun using Apache helicopters against ISIS. (Reuters)

The Pentagon has spent up to $1.1 billion on operations against ISIS. (AP)

The US says Arab and European countries have carried out 10 percent of the airstrikes against ISIS. (The National)

ISIS extremists are using water as a weapon in Iraq. (Washington Post)

VP Biden will apologize to Saudi officials over remarks regarding ISIS. (New York Times)

The Egyptian army kills 16 militants from Ansar Beit al-Maqdis in Sinai. (Reuters/Times of Israel)

Pres. Rouhani calls for more academic freedom in Iran’s universities. (AP)


Peter Beinart says without a two-state solution, Americans will question Zionism.  (Ha’aretz)

Raphael Ahren looks at the views of northern European countries on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. (Times of Israel)

Frederick and Kimberly Kagan say US strategy against ISIS needs more boots on the ground. (Los Angeles Times)

Stephen Blackwell says China can’t avoid playing a role in the containment of ISIS. (The National)

Gopal Ratnam says the substance of Biden’s remarks about ISIS funding match up with what the US intelligence community has known for some time. (Foreign Policy)

Jamal Khashoggi says liberal democracy is the solution for Yemen and other Arab republics. (Al Arabiya)

David Ignatius reviews Leon Panetta’s new book. (Washington Post)


The Palestinian unity government will hold its first Cabinet meeting in Gaza this week. (AP/Ma’an/Jerusalem Post)
The Palestinian unity government releases its $4 billion reconstruction plan for Gaza. (PNN)
PM Netanyahu says White House criticism of Israeli settlements is “un-American.” (AP/JTA/Ha’aretz)
Palestinians in Gaza make a rare visit to Jerusalem’s Al Aqsa mosque for Eid al-Adha. (AFP/JTA/The National)
Israel’s Foreign Ministry protests to the Swedish government over its decision to recognize the Palestinian state. (Ha’aretz/Ynet/Jerusalem Post)
PLO official Ashrawi criticizes Israeli reaction to Sweden’s decision to recognize Palestine as a state. (Ma’an/PNN)
An Israeli court says the PA must compensate victims of a terrorist attack in 2001. (Ha’aretz)
Extremist jewish settlers uproot dozens of olive trees in the occupied West Bank. (Ynet)
Kurdish forces defend a Syrian town from ISIS near the Turkish border. (AP/Reuters/The National)
Former Pentagon Chief Panetta says fight against ISIS will be difficult and could last decades due to decisions made by Pres. Obama. (AFP)
Hezbollah kills 16 militants from the Al-Nusra Front. (Reuters/New York Times)
ISIS’ ammunition is shown to have origins in US and China. (New York Times)
VP Biden calls the crown prince of the UAE to clarify that he did not mean to imply that the Gulf ally was supporting al-Qaeda fighters in Syria. (AP/Reuters/Washington Post) 
The US is trying to counter ISIS’ efforts to lure alienated young American Muslims. (New York Times)
Qatar comes under further attack for allegedly funding extremists. (Washington Post)
Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah says religious extremism is a perversion which must be eradicated. (Times of Israel)
IMF Chief Lagarde will attend Egypt’s investors conference. (AP)
Hussein Ibish says the US must ensure that Israel does not follow through on the plans for a game-changing new settlement. (The National)
Tala Haikal says the anti-ISIS coalition must emphasize rescuing women and girls. (The Hill)
Ali Jarbawi looks at Pres. Abbas UNGA speech. (New York Times)
Haviv Rettig Gur asks if this is the beginning of the end of the Abbas era. (Times of Israel)
Roger Cohen says slaughter in the Middle East cannot be an alibi for Israel to avoid self-scrutiny. (New York Times)
The National says “choking” ISIS funding is a vital strategy. (The National)
Abdul Rahman Al Rashed says Biden is echoing the statements of Iran and the Assad regime on ISIS. (Al Arabiya)
Tariq Alhomayed says Saudi Arabia and the UAE are acting in the interest of regional stability. (Asharq al-Awsat)
Khaled Almaeena says the Muslim world must protect its youth from ISIS and other extremist ideologies. (Al Arabiya)
Rami Khouri assesses the fragmentation of Arab states. (Daily Star)
Fayez Sara says international aid for the Syrian people is “too little and too late.”(Asharq al-Awsat)
Sweden will recognize the State of Palestine. (Reuters) 
The British parliament will vote on whether to recognize the State of Palestine on October 13. (Ha’aretz)
The EU says new settlement plans in occupied East Jerusalem pose a threat to peace and its relations with Israel. (Reuters/AFP)
Sec. Kerry will meet with Pres. Abbas in Cairo later this month. (Ha’aretz)
PM Netanyahu says a Palestinian push to try Israeli officials for war crimes at a UN tribunal would end any chance of reaching a peace deal. (JTA)
Abbas will ask donor countries for $4 billion for Gaza reconstruction. (AP/AFP)
Palestine’s UN Amb. Mansour says if UN does not an impose a deadline to end the occupation, Palestine will join the ICC. (Ha’aretz)
Palestinian officials call on the US to pressure Israel. (The Media Line)
Israeli police are on high alert to avert possible clashes as Jews and Muslims prepare to observe their major holidays. (AP/AFP/Times of Israel)
Workers in all hospitals in Gaza launch a partial strike in protest against failure to pay salaries for the last five months. (Ma’an) 
Israeli occupation forces detain six Palestinians, including three children in East Jerusalem. (Ma’an)
The Global AgeWatch Index says the occupied West Bank and Gaza is the third worst place to grow old. (Times of Israel) 
Ayatollah al-Sistani calls upon PM al-Abadi to create a national security force that doesn't promote sectarianism. (AP)
Kurdish fighters defending a Syrian border town warn of a likely massacre by ISIS extremists. (Reuters)
Australia authorizes special forces troops to go to Iraq. (Reuters)
VP Biden says the US-led coalition against ISIS will face a “long fight.” (Reuters)
ISIS presses offensives in Syria and Iraq. (Washington Post)
poll indicates two out of three Americans back US airstrikes in Iraq and Syria. (AP) 
Protests erupt in Homs over a bombing that killed dozens of Syrian children in a school. (New York Times)
Yazidis in Iraq hope to return to their homes. (AP)
King Abdullah of Jordan says Russia is vital in dealing with regional challenges. (Jordan Times)
Former Palestinian PM Fayyad proposes structural changes to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. (Foreign Affairs)
The National says Palestinians need to the win the “PR war” against Israel. (The National)
The New York Times says Netanyahu’s commitment to the two-state solution is hard to square with the pursuit of further settlements. (New York Times)
Barak Ravid looks at Netanyahu’s recent trip to the US. (Ha’aretz)
Ron Kampeas looks at Netanyahu’s relationship with Peace Now. (JTA)
Elhanan Miller looks at changes in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan. (Times of Israel)
Ami Ayalon says Israel should create a Marshall plan for Gaza. (Al-Monitor)
Yossi Sarid says Israel is “killing” Palestinian culture. (Ha’aretz)
The New York Times says ISIS stands alone in its deliberate, systematic and public savagery. (New York Times)
Colum Lynch says women and children are for sale under ISIS. (Foreign Policy)
Alan Philps says Iraq’s army needs leadership. (The National)
David Ignatius says foreign nations are treating Syria as a “playground.”(Washington Post)
Ahmed al-Attar says the success of the anti-ISIS coalition will rest on the ability to motivate local populations into turning away from ISIS. (The National)

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