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An Israeli group gives young Palestinians from the West Bank trips to the beach. Israel is pressuring Egypt to help start direct talks, and analysts say the next two weeks are decisive. The EU's foreign policy chief calls for the opening of Gaza borders and is asked by Palestinians to send observers to Jerusalem. An Israeli soldier convicted of shooting a British protester is granted early release. Israel is set to deploy a new anti-rocket system. Israel arrests Hamas members accused of shooting a police officer. Israel denies presenting Egypt with the map of a potential Palestinian state. Residents of the Silwan neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem say their children live in fear. Gershon Baskin says settlement building is suicidal for Israel. David Newman says Israel needs to revise its security approach. The first internationally-funded development project for Gaza since the Hamas takeover is launched. Carlo Strenger says existential anxiety is why Israel keeps moving to the right. The David Project hires a veteran pro-Israel activist.
Hamas enforces a ban on water pipes in Gaza, especially for women. Egyptian Pres. Mubarak urges direct negotiations, and analysts say the parties are preparing for them, but Egyptian officials express pessimism. Israel destroys Palestinian structures in the Jordan Valley. The EU and PA launch a program to rebuild the Gaza economy. A Gaza family struggles to survive in a tent. PM Netanyahu says African immigration is threatening Israel's Jewish character. Akiva Eldar says he wouldn't accept a loyalty oath. Alon Ben-Meir says PM Fayyad deserves all possible support. The PA is moving to end a telecommunications monopoly. The BBC profiles the house-by-house struggle over Jerusalem. A woman in Gaza is killed by Israeli shelling. A controversial nine-year-old video surfaces of PM Netanyahu speaking candidly, and The National says it shows that he is not held back by extremists but is one of them. Raghida Dergham says a regional war might serve Israeli and Iranian interests at Arab expense. Rami Khouri says direct talks are likely to fail. The Arab News says Israel must have defined borders. Hussein Ibish says any solution must reflect the basic interests of all parties.
Israel's handling of a Libyan aid ship implements lessons from the Gaza flotilla attack, and the committee investigating it demands documents. A crossing in southern Gaza is due to expand. PLO officials reiterate there will be no direct talks without further progress and call other suggestions “an insult.” Occupation forces demolish two Palestinian homes near Hebron. The Arab League chief is optimistic about negotiations. Future applicants for Israeli citizenship may have to swear allegiance to a “Jewish state.” West Bank economic growth is reflected in expanded car dealerships. Settlers are pushing for a one-state solution with the West Bank. FM Lieberman calls for complete Israeli disengagement with Gaza. Settlers in Jerusalem recruit Israeli children to fight police in the event of the enforcement of a long-delayed court-ordered eviction. 46% of Israelis think Pres. Obama is pro-Palestinian. Israel tells the UN the West Bank is outside its boundaries. Seth Friedman says Israel's hand must be forced on home demolitions. The Independent profiles a Gaza travel agent. Support for Israel among Americans remains very strong. George Hishmeh asks if US policy is stuck until the November elections.
The New York Times looks at diminishing hopes for negotiations, and says settlement building has continued apace in spite of the partial moratorium. A Jerusalem home demolition leaves a Palestinian mother and four children homeless. Fatah says conditions are not right for direct talks. A Libyan aid ship to Gaza docks in Egypt and will ship its supplies overland. Israeli police suspect an alleged Jewish terrorist has killed four Palestinians. Ha'aretz says Israeli security is increasingly challenged by Jewish terrorism. Gideon Levy says PM Netanyahu is not being honest with the Israeli public. Special Envoy Mitchell arrives in the region to push for direct negotiations. A former Israeli official says Israel knows it cannot stay in the West Bank. Israeli soldiers are convicted for shooting a bound Palestinian prisoner. British Jews overwhelmingly support a two-state solution. Joseph Kechichian says Lebanon must treat Palestinian refugees better. Daoud Kuttab looks at threats to Palestinian residents of Jerusalem. Raja Kamal outlines problems facing Palestinian citizens of Israel. The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists looks at a new film about Palestinian nonviolent protests against the occupation.
The New York Times profiles the suffering of the people of Gaza under the blockade. Michael Singh says peace in the Middle East will be difficult, but is a win-win scenario. A Palestinian woman is killed and five others injured by Israeli shelling in Gaza, and a 13-year-old boy is shot. The Knesset revokes key parliamentary privileges of a Palestinian MK. The US expresses concern over Israel's destruction of six Palestinian buildings in occupied East Jerusalem. Israeli police are delaying the court-ordered evacuation of settlers in Jerusalem. Bradley Burston says Israelis need a Gandhi of their own. The Jerusalem municipality honors convicted spy Jonathan Pollard. Israel tells a Hamas leader to leave Jerusalem or face jail. Nahum Barnea says the ball is now in Pres. Abbas' court, but PM Netanyahu faces grave difficulties. Israel considers allowing Israelis to visit West Bank cities again. The Forward says it's not too late for a two-state solution. Saad bin Tefla says Netanyahu's strategy is succeeding. Ian Buruma says Jewish suffering is no excuse for Israel's behavior. Yossi Alpher says the warmth following the Obama-Netanyahu meeting may be short-lived.

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