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Two Palestinians storm a synagogue in West Jerusalemkilling four people. (New York Times/AP/Washington Post/Ma’an/Ha’aretz/JTA)

Israeli police says the victims of the synagogue attack are American and British citizens. (JTA/Ha’aretz/Ynet/Jerusalem Post)

Pres. Abbas condemns the Jerusalem synagogue attack. (Ma’an/JTA)

Sec. Kerry condemns the Jerusalem synagogue attack. (AP/Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)

PM Netanyahu blames Abbas for the attack and calls for an emergency meeting. (Times of Israel/Ynet)

Economy Minister Bennett says Abbas is one the “biggest” Palestinian terrorists. (Ha’aretz)

Shin Bet Chief Cohen says Abbas is not encouraging terrorism. (Jerusalem Post)

Hamas praises the attack. (Ma’an/PNN)

Israeli forces detain 12 relatives of two Palestinian men who had earlier attacked a synagogue in Jerusalem. (Ma’an)

Reuters looks at the chronology of major incidents in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and the occupied West Bank since June. (Reuters)

The EU deplores Israeli plans to build new settlements on occupied Palestinian territory. (AFP/Ha’aretz/Ynet)

Jewish extremist settlers attack a Palestinian school in the occupied West Bank. (Ma’an)

Hamas leader Radwan calls to dismantle the Palestinian unity government. (Times of Israel)

Sweden says it is not considering opening an embassy in Ramallah. (AFP)

Egypt will expand its buffer zone to a town bordering Gaza. (New York Times)

A Syrian military airstrike kills 13 people in Aleppo. (AP)

FM Cavusoglu says Turkey could face an influx of 2-3 million additional Syrian refugees. (Reuters)

Iraqi security forces reportedly enter the Baiji refinery for the first time since ISIS captured it. (Reuters)

The Iraqi government says ISIS extremists have stolen more than one million tonnes of grain and taken it to Syria. (Reuters)

Saudi Arabia fears ISIS wants a sectarian war in the Kingdom. (Reuters)

ISIS extremists delay deadline for executing seven Lebanese soldiers. (The National)

Britain urges Iran to show more “flexibility” in nuclear talks. (Reuters)


Avi Issacharoff looks at the Hamas connection to the Jerusalem synagogue terror attack. (Times of Israel)

Anshel Pfeffer says that what is happening in Jerusalem is not a third intifada. (Ha’aretz)

Elhanan Miller says Hamas and Fatah are using the Legislative Council to settle political scores with Abbas. (Times of Israel)

Nahum Barnea says Netanyahu is preparing for an election. (Ynet)

Salman Masalha says Palestinian citizens of Israel have rights and responsibilities. (Ha’aretz)

Hassan Barari says the Obama administration has finally understood that its Syria strategy is not working. (Jordan Times)

Faisal Al Yafai says Iran has steadily expanded its influence across the Arab world - a deal on its nuclear programme will not change that. (The National)

Abdallah Schleifer looks at the current situation in Libya. (Al Arabiya)


Palestinian bus driver is found hanged inside his vehicle in Jerusalem. (Reuters/Ma’an/PNN/JTA)

A Palestinian man is shot by Israeli troops at the Gaza border. (New York Times)

Israeli police says a man was stabbed in Jerusalem by a Palestinian assailant. (AP/Ma’an/JTA/Times of Israel)

PM Netanyahu accuses Pres. Abbas of incitement in Jerusalem. (JTA)

Palestinian youth are driving the “Children’s Intifada” in occupied East Jerusalem. (Washington Post)

The EU will reportedly recall its envoys if Israeli settlements threaten the two-state solution. (PNN/Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)

EU Foreign Policy Chief Mogherini says recognizing the State of Palestine is not enough. (Jerusalem Post)

FM Lieberman says Israel will never agree to limit settlement activity. (AFP/Ha’aretz)

German FM Steinmeier says the Israeli-Palestinian conflict must not become a religious conflict. (Ha’aretz)

Israel will step up the demolition of Palestinian homes implicated in attacks against Israelis in the occupied West Bank. (AP/JTA)

A UN Gaza inquiry team is in Jordan to listen to the testimonies of families and civil society organizations. (Ha’aretz)

Netanyahu reportedly told King Abdullah of Jordan to exercise his authority to prevent disturbances at holy sites in occupied East Jerusalem. (Times of Israel/The National)

Israeli occupation forces detain six Palestinians protesting at the Al-Aqsa Mosque. (Ma’an)

Israel’s Foreign Ministry says Norwegian doctor Gilbert is banned from Israel, not from Gaza. (Ha’aretz)

Israel will reportedly only order half of the F-35 fighter jets previously considered. (Ynet) 

The White House confirms the murder by ISIS of American aid worker Peter Kassig. (AP/The National) 

Pres. Obama calls ISIS beheading “pure evil.” (AP/Reuters/New York Times)

UK and French citizens are believed to have participated in the Kassig beheading video. (Reuters/AP)

Def. Sec. Hagel says the US military is accelerating its efforts to train and advise Iraqi forces fighting ISIS extremists. (AP/Reuters))

Gen. Dempsey says the tide is turning against ISIS in Iraq. (New York Times/The National)

A car bombing in Baghdad kill 14 people. (AP)

Sec. Kerry heads to Vienna for another round of nuclear talks with Iran. (AP)

Saudi Arabia, UAE and Bahrain resolve their dispute with Qatar and agree to return their ambassadors. (Reuters/The National)

The International Union of Muslim Scholars rejects its designation by the UAE as a terrorist group. (Reuters)


David Horovitz looks at the challenges Netanyahu must face. (Times of Israel)

Tony Karon says Netanyahu is steering Israel towards becoming an apartheid state. (The National)

Oudeh Basharat says Israel’s right wing is winning. (Ha’aretz)

Moshe Arens says Palestinian citizens of Israel must prove they are “law-abiding” citizens. (Ha’aretz)

Yaron Friedman says by supporting popular struggle, Abbas risks losing control over the West Bank. (Ynet)

Uri Savir says Fatah might stop objecting to an intifada and even take the lead in one. (Al-Monitor)

Helena Gröndahl Rietz explains why Sweden recognized the State of Palestine. (Jordan Times)

Hussein Ibish says the anti-ISIS mission will expand after difficult choices. (The National)

Roger Cohen says the nightmare of ISIS lies less in the barbaric images of beheadings than in the sense of powerlessness they provoke. (New York Times)

The Daily Star says Obama’s casual indifference to Pres. Assad’s future translates into indifference to millions of Syrians. (Daily Star)

H.A. Hellyer says history will stand in judgment over the international community for how it let Iraq go through an intervention and how it let Syria go without one. (Al Arabiya)

Amer Al Sabaileh asks if its time for a Geneva III peace conference for Syria. (Jordan Times)

Abdul Rahman Al Rashed says UAE’s terror list is an important step in combating extremist groups. (Al Arabiya)

The National says a united GCC is an asset to the region. (The National)

Caleb Lauer asks if Pres. Erdogan is channeling the late Pres. Ataturk. (The National)

Tariq Alhomayed looks at Hezbollah’s recent attempt to recruit Lebanese youth. (Asharq al-Awsat)

Sara Khorshid says suppression of freedom of expression under Pres. Sisi is regressing to 1960’s levels. (New York Times)

Mona Eltahawy looks at the phenomenon of female genital mutilation in Egypt. (New York Times)

Israel lifts all age restrictions for Muslim men who want to pray at the Al-AqsaMosque. (AP/AFP/JTA/Ha’aretz)
Sec. Kerry says Israel and the Palestinians have pledged to take concrete steps to calm tensions around Jerusalem's holiest sites. (Reuters/AP/New York Times/AFP/Ha’aretz)
Palestinian despair is fueling clashes in occupied East Jerusalem. (AFP)
Palestinian boy is critically wounded during a protest in occupied East Jerusalem. (Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)
Ten Palestinians are injured during clashes with Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank. (Ma’an/Times of Israel/Jerusalem Post)
FM Steinmeier will meet with Israeli and Palestinian leaders. (AFP)
Hamas warns of renewed violence unless Israel allows the reconstruction of Gaza. (AFP)
Israel denies a request by Colombian FM Maria Angela Holguin to visit Ramallah. (Ha’aretz)
Israel has reportedly imposed a life ban on Norwegian doctor and activist Mads Gilbert from entering Gaza. (Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)
The Knesset approves a bill that would shut down a free Israeli daily owned by American billionaire Sheldon Adelson. (JTA)
Spain’s Parliament will hold a vote next week on a resolution to recognize the State of Palestine. (Ha’aretz/Ynet/Jerusalem Post)
France’s Federation of Jewish Organizations says recognizing the State of Palestine risks worsening anti-semitism in France. (JTA)
Jordan has not yet returned its Ambassador Walid Obeidat to Israel. (Jerusalem Post)
ISIS leader al-Baghdadi allegedly called for attacks against the rulers of Saudi Arabia. (Reuters/AP/New York Times)
Gen. Dempsey says US troops' role in Iraq could expand. (Reuters/AP/New York Times)
The UN says ISIS commanders are liable for war crimes on a "massive scale.” (Reuters/AP)
Airstrikes by the US-led coalition against ISIS are angering Syrian civilians. (New York Times)
An Iraqi army officer says government forces are within a kilometer from the Baiji refinery.  (Reuters)
Iraq’s central government and Kurdistan reach an interim agreement over oil exports and budget payments. (New York Times)
The UK will introduce new tough laws to deal with jihadists fighting in Iraq and Syria. (Reuters)
Avi Issacharoff says the PA is currently working with Israel not Hamas. (Times of Israel)
Ben Caspit says Israeli security officials still see Pres. Abbas as key to stability. (Al-Monitor)
Asher Schechter says the Al-Aqsa Mosque is a “powder keg.” (Ha’aretz)
Ha’aretz says Israel’s failures in the Gaza war require an investigation. (Ha’aretz)
Adnan Abu Amer says Hamas is worried about Ennahda’s election loss in Tunisia. (Al-Monitor)
Gopal Ratnam interviews former Iraqi DM Abdul Qader Obeidi. (Foreign Policy)
Osman Mirghani says there is a lost generation of youth disillusioned by their circumstances and societies. (Asharq al-Awsat)
Abdul Rahman Al Rashed says Syrian refugees should be given the opportunity to live with “temporary identities” and have jobs. (Al Arabiya)
Lauren Wolfe says millions of Syrians are struck without enough food and medical supplies. (Foreign Policy)
Khaled Almaeena says the Arab world cannot absolve itself of blame for the current impasse, nor can it deny its responsibility for the social ills. (Al Arabiya)


Israel approves plans to build 200 new homes in a settlement in occupied East Jerusalem, drawing US criticism. (AP/AFP/JTA/Times of Israel)

Israeli occupation forces arrest 27 Palestinians in East Jerusalem. (Ma’an)

Sec. Kerry will meet with Pres. Abbas on easing regional tensions. (AFP/Times of Israel)

State Department says Kerry will also meet with PM Netanyahu and King Abdullah of Jordan in Amman. (Jerusalem Post)

Israel says it will not cooperate with a UN inquiry into its 50-day war in Gaza this summer. (AFP/JTA/Times of Israel)

Israel reinstates its policy of demolishing the homes of “terrorists.” (Ha’aretz)

Israeli police will install facial-recognition scanners at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound. (Ha’aretz)

Islamic Jihad says Israel should expect a response to its “settler terrorism.” (Ma’an)

Sweden signs an agreement with UNDP to step up financial support for the reconstruction of Gaza. (Ma’an)

Israeli Chief Negotiator Livni and Opposition leader Herzog hold a meeting with leaders of the Arab community. (Ynet)

Some Jewish American groups accuse Abbas of incitement. (JTA)

Forbes says Hamas is the second richest “terror group” in the world. (Times of Israel)

Palestinian filmmakers are fighting for funding to tell their own personal stories. (The Media Line)

PM al-Abadi removes 36 military commanders. (New York Times)

France is considering sending fighter jets to Jordan to strike ISIS extremists in Iraq. (Reuters)

Reuters profiles members of a Shiite militia who are defending the Baiji refinery from ISIS. (Reuters) 

Syria’s moderate rebels in the south are emerging as the West’s last hope, as other moderate rebels are crushed elsewhere. (Reuters)

Turkish Kurds are informally patrolling Turkey’s border with Syria. (AP)

Militants kill five Egyptian troops in Sinai. (AP)

A series of bombs explode near the Egyptian and UAE embassies in Tripoli. (Reuters/AP/The National)

Pres. Sisi issues a law that would allow the deportation of non-Egyptians convicted of crimes to their home countries. (New York Times/The National)

Egyptian authorities are detaining journalists for talking politics in Cairo cafes. (New York Times)

Lebanon’s politics are paralyzed by the surrounding regional conflicts. (Reuters)


Hussein Ibish says a new Palestinian poll suggests most want peace, not another uprising.  (Now)

The Jordan Times says Hamas and Fatah are back to their “old routine.” (Jordan Times)

The Daily Star says Palestinians must reclaim their future. (Daily Star)

El Hassan bin Talal says competing claims to Jerusalem as the capital for both Israel and Palestine reflect the need for a new architecture of waging comprehensive peace. (Jordan Times)

Yudith Oppenheimer says Jerusalem’s Arab neighborhoods cannot be erased from the map or history. (Ha’aretz)

Ari Shavit says Jewish settlers, Palestinian leadership and the international community must be blamed for the breakdown in Israeli-Palestinian relations. (Ha’aretz)

Ahmad Melhem asks if Palestinian attacks on Israelis are “lone wolf” attacks. (Al-Monitor)

Jack Khoury says Palestinians are in no hurry to end their security coordination with Israel. (Ha’aretz)

Chris Doyle says its time for a credible inquiry into Israel’s war on Gaza. (Al Arabiya)

Raphael Ahren says Israel’s fate at the UNSC may hinge on an increasingly critical Europe. (Times of Israel)

Akiva Eldar says Netanyahu’s ultimate goal is to perpetuate the occupation and bring the Palestinians to heel. (Al-Monitor)

George Hishmeh says Netanyahu must reshuffle his cabinet or quit. (Gulf News)

David Ignatius says sectarianism and corruption are sabotaging Iraq. (Daily Star)

Alan Philps says cooperation between the US and Iran in the fight against ISIS does not necessarily bode well for Iraq. (The National)

Joyce Karam says Baghdadi’s “ruthless, invisible and decisive leadership” of ISIS earned him the title of most powerful Jihadist today. (Al Arabiya)

Eyad Abu Shakra says the alliance of minorities in Syria is counterproductive. (Asharq al-Awsat)

Tariq Alhomayed asks what will follow the Nov. 24 deadline to reach a comprehensive deal on Iran’s nuclear program. (Asharq al-Awsat)


Extremist Jewish settlers torch a mosque in the occupied West Bank. (AP/Ma’an/PNN/Ha’aretz/Times of Israel/The National)

Israeli police arrest a paramilitary border policeman over the fatal shooting of a Palestinian teenager in the occupied West Bank in May. (Reuters/New York Times/Ma’an/Ha’aretz)

PM Netanyahu calls on Palestinian citizens of Israel to shun “propaganda and incitement” and “respect the law.” (JTA/Ha’aretz)

Pres. Abbas will meet with Sec. Kerry to discuss the upsurge in violence in occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank. (Ynet)

Israeli officials are worried that tensions in the occupied West Bank could threaten Israel-PA coordination on Gaza. (Ha’aretz)


French lawmakers will vote on Nov. 28 on a proposal to recognize the State of Palestine. (AFP/Times of Israel/Jerusalem Post)


AP looks at key recent events in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. (AP)


The New York Times looks at the emergence of an “improvised intifada” in occupied East Jerusalem. (New York Times)


The Palestinian Prisoner’s Society says Fatah leader Barghouthi was moved to solitary confinement. (Ma’an/Ha’aretz/Ynet)

 A Hamas co-founder Muhammad Salih Taha dies in Gaza. (Ma’an/Times of Israel)


The New York Times profiles the Palestinian Qalandiya cultural festival. (New York Times)


The Friends of the Israel Defense Forces Gala raises a record-breaking $33 million. (Variety)


Kerry will meet will King Abdullah of Jordan in Amman. (AFP/Reuters)


The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says the US-led anti-ISIS coalition has killed 860 people. (AP)

Support for Pres. Assad is reportedly weakening in his Alawite base. (Washington Post)

Kurdish forces block a road ISIS extremists were using to resupply their forces in a Syrian town on the Turkish border. (Reuters)

The UN says Iraq needs a wheat planting boost to feed the displaced people and help farmers salvage next year's harvest. (Reuters)

A suicide bomb kills 23 people in Baghdad. (Reuters)

The largest American business delegation visits Egypts and meets with Pres. Sisi. (AP)



Rami Khouri says Jerusalem today is more than a major symbol of identity and sovereignty for Israelis and Palestinians. (Daily Star)

Amira Hass says Palestinians are not yet ready for another intifada. (Ha’aretz)

Yossi Mekelberg says what happens in Jerusalem has far reaching implications beyond its borders. (Al Arabiya)

Shlomi Eldar looks at how Hamas is using the escalation in the Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound to its advantage. (Al-Monitor)

Zvi Bar’el says, according to Netanyahu, Israeli Arab citizenship is conditional on behavior. (Ha’aretz)

Raphael Ahren says the UN has not yet answered how rockets got into its schools in Gaza. (Times of Israel)

Peter Beinart says the new Jewish American struggle is between “hawks and ultra-hawks.” (Ha’aretz)

Ron Kampeas says, despite showing a united front, tensions remain between Israel and the US. (JTA)

David Ignatius makes a checklist for American success in Iraq. (Washington Post)

Thomas Friedman says there are many conflicting dreams and nightmares playing out among America’s Middle East allies in the war on ISIS. (New York Times)

Emad Kiyaei says the US can defeat ISIS only with the help of Iran. (Foreign Policy)

Rym Ghazal says women warriors who are fighting against ISIS extremists deserve credit. (The National)

The Jordan Times says there might be an opportunity for peace in Syria. (Jordan Times)

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