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NEWS: Human rights groups say there has been another spike in Israeli settler violence. Israel releases a hunger-striking Palestinian detainee. Pres. Abbas is going to Saudi Arabia to seek increased aid for the PA. The residents of occupied East Jerusalem are suffering serious water shortages. Pres. Peres says settlements are a threat to Israel's future. The head of the European Commission says a two-state solution is the only way to achieve peace. Hamas is increasingly pinning its hopes on Muslim Brotherhood rule in Egypt. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe denies observer status to the Palestinian Authority. UNSG Ban says the peace process is “at a dangerous standstill.” Souad Mekhennet describes the interaction of Jews and Arabs in Israeli hospitals. COMMENTARY: The New York Times says the Levy Committee report is “a potentially disastrous blow” to peace. Bloomberg says PM Netanyahu should reject its recommendations. Hussein Ibish says it raises impossible quandaries about the occupation for Israel. Bradley Burston looks at the dangers of Israel saying there is no occupation in the occupied territories. Eric Yoffie says it's a good thing the report was issued after the divestment vote of the Presbyterian Church. Michael Sfard says the report's ideas would soon enough collide with a very different reality. Boaz Okon agrees the report cannot change reality. The National says Israel should be looking for ways to make peace, not issuing ridiculous reports denying the occupation. Stuart Reigeluth says the EU should condition trade with Israel on progress towards peace. Yossi Melman says Israel considered but decided not to assassinate the late Pres. Arafat in the period leading up to his death. Jon Haber derides claims that the boycott movement against Israel is growing or that it can “win by losing." Aaron David Miller dissects the errors that led to the failure of the 2000 Camp David summit.
NEWS: Former PM Olmert is acquitted of major corruption charges, but convicted on “breach of trust.” The population of Israeli settlers in the occupied territories is booming under PM Netanyahu. Netanyahu refers a report asserting broad Israeli authority over the occupied territories, and which denies there is any occupation, to his ministerial committee on settlement affairs. The US criticizes the report. Israel's Air Force bombs southern Gaza with no injuries reported. Hamas demolishes more homes in Gaza it says are built on government land. Palestinian businesses are reaching out to new markets in Jordan. An Israeli oil well project straddles the border between Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. A new poll suggests young Jewish Americans may be growing more, rather than less, attached to Israel. The UN says Israel has dramatically increased the demolition of Palestinian homes. The PA says it plans to hold local elections on October 20. COMMENTARY: Adam Gonn says Pres. Abbas' participation in a conference in Tehran is not intended to appease Ahmadinejad. Alex Fishman says Abbas is only undermining his own credibility by going to Tehran. Aeyal Gross critiques claims by the Levy Committee Report that there is no occupation in the occupied Palestinian territories. The Jerusalem Post says it also thinks there is no occupation in the occupied territories. Gershon Baskin says peace cannot be achieved at the expense of either Israelis or Palestinians. Kenneth Bandler says Israeli government efforts to promote employment among Palestinian citizens of Israel should be supported by everybody. Robert O. Freedman says there are solid grounds for stronger ties between Israel and Russia. Dimi Reider says closer Israeli-Russian ties are based on growing shared, and disturbing, values. Osama Al Sharif says the late Pres. Arafat's death continues to haunt friend and foe alike.
NEWS: An Israeli government committee report claims Israel is not the occupying power in the occupied Palestinian territories and recommends sweeping expansions of Israeli territorial claims and authority. Pres. Abbas says the PA will exhume the body of the late Pres. Arafat and invite Swiss experts to take samples for testing. PM Fayyad urges Arab states to fulfill their pledges to the PA. An Israeli court sentences two police officers to 30 months in prison over the death of an injured Palestinian detainee they abandoned. In a meeting with Abbas, Sec. Clinton reiterates the importance of the Palestinian issue. Abbas accuses Hamas of obstructing national unity. Palestinian officials say Abbas turned down an offer from PM Netanyahu to release some prisoners in preparation for resumed negotiations. PA anti-correction officials say more indictments are in the works. The PA says Abbas' upcoming visit to Iran for a conference is “not friendly” and urges Iran "to stop calling to wipe Israel off the map and start calling to add Palestine to the map.” An opinion presented to European governments uphold the legality of boycotts against settlement activity. An Israeli prosecutor reportedly tells British jurists that every Palestinian child “is a potential terrorist.” COMMENTARY: Jeff Barak says Netanyahu has to choose between statesmanship and political survival. Nasser Laham says Abbas needs to decide whether to "fight or negotiate." Ben Lynfield says because of the occupation, East Jerusalem is in an economic tailspin. David Ignatius says the Arab uprisings have left Israel with impossible quandaries. Uri Avnery explains why he thinks Israel, in fact, poisoned Arafat. A new book claims that Israel, not the MEK, was responsible for assassinating Iranian scientists. Emanuel Stoakes says the Israeli-Palestinian conflict must end for the sake of children. Jeffrey Goldberg says the new Israeli Levy Committee report shows the Israeli right wants Palestinian land, but not the Palestinian people on it.
NEWS: The ATFP/APN joint Israeli-Palestinian internship program is profiled by the Times of Israel. The debate on national service highlights questions about Israeli identity. By a close vote, the Presbyterian Church decides not to divest in firms involved in Israel's occupation. Palestinian officials say they want more information before commencing an autopsy of the body of the late Pres. Arafat, as his relatives urge exhumation. An Israeli counterterrorism analyst claims polonium was planted on Arafat's effects some time following his death. Another Palestinian hunger striking prisoner is reportedly in critical condition. Young Israeli Jews and Arabs are connected by boxing. The World Bank pledges $22.3 million to help alleviate the PA financial crisis. Israel is going to produce another communications satellite. Palestinians in the occupied territories are increasingly turning to solar power for energy independence from Israel. Israel is set to acquire 20 advanced F-35 stealth fighter jets. COMMENTARY: Hussein Ibish says a recent Al Jazeera report suggesting Arafat was murdered by polonium poisoning is groundless. Hirsh Goodman says Israel should drop its hostile attitude towards international and multilateral agencies. Yaakov Katz says Israel is much more prepared now for another war with Hezbollah. Jennifer Lipman says the IOC should agree to a minutes silence to honor the Israeli athletes slain during the 1972 Olympics. Michael Young says Israel's policies are still defined by extremist attitudes of the late PM Shamir. The Arab News says Palestine is still being held hostage by the occupation. Gershom Gorenberg says it's a myth that Israel offered to exchange the occupied territories for peace in 1967. Shayna Zamkanei says Mosab Hassan Yousef's zealous evangelical Christian attitudes are not helpful to Israel.
NEWS: Palestinians may exhume the body of the late Pres. Arafat after media claims traces of polonium were found on some of his possessions, but say they want more information first. Israeli officials deny Arafat was poisoned and say they had nothing to do with his death. Hamas says Hanniyeh will meet with Pres. Morsy in Egypt. Israel reaches a plea bargain with a journalist over classified information. Israel's Council of Higher Education rejects an application for higher status from a settlement college. Palestinian protesters demand an end to negotiations with Israel, this time without any disruption from security forces. UN officials say Hamas must allow the Palestinian election commission to conduct voter registration in Gaza. Reports say Jordan is discriminating against Palestinians fleeing from Syria. Palestinian officials downplay prospects for the upcoming meeting between Pres. Abbas, Sec. Clinton and Pres. Hollande. Israeli settlements are badly damaging the Palestinian economy in the Jordan Valley. Reuters looks at the collapsing West Bank economy. COMMENTARY: Thomas Friedman looks at the implications of the victory of Morsy for Egyptian-Israeli relations. Ephraim Sneh says bold action on the Israel-Palestine conflict is needed to stem the tide of Islamism. Bradley Burston says, following the legacy of the late PM Shamir, Israel is burying itself via the settlements. Alex Fishman says new conspiracy theories about the death of Arafat are designed to provide a narrative of a more “dignified death” for the national leader. Peter Joseph says Israel's new coalition government could still produce significant breakthroughs. Alan Phillips says theories about polonium poisoning of Arafat are problematic for both Israel and Fatah. George Hishmeh says the US seems more interested in appeasing Israel with tough talk on Iran rather than doing anything to deal with the civil war in Syria. The Daily Star says the cause of Palestine has been forgotten in the Arab uprisings. Benny Morris says Israel is likely to attack Iranian nuclear facilities.

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