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NEWS: Israeli officials confirm they are not only planning building in the sensitive E1 corridor, but also the extremely controversial Givat HaMatos settlement near Beit Safafa. Israeli media reports suggest construction is aimed more at the United States than at the Palestinians. Leading European states and Australia summon Israel's ambassadors to complain about settlement construction. The US also intensifies its criticism. Palestinians say they might pursue war crimes charges if Israel continues with the settlement plan. Palestinian officials say they're ready to resume negotiations with Israel. Israel arrests settlers suspected of attacks in the occupied West Bank. The UN General Assembly calls on Israel to open its nuclear facilities to international inspection. Hamas' leader Al-Zahar says armed struggle is the only way forward for Palestinians. The UN accuses Syria of violating the 1974 cease-fire terms with Israel. COMMENTARY: ATFP calls on the US to ensure Israel doesn't build in E1. Hussein Ibish says the international community must stop Israel's settlement plan or drop the pretense of pursuing a two-state solution. The New York Times says Netanyahu is making a strategic mistake by planning to build in E1. Reuven Pedatzur says, now that the war is over, Israeli officials must explain their decision to assassinate Hamas commander Jabari. Ha'aretz says Netanyahu is behaving recklessly. Shlomo Avineri explains how Israel might've used the Palestinian UN initiative to its own advantage. Emanuel Rosen says extremists on both sides are leading Israel and the Palestinians towards disaster. Gerson Baskin says the conflict is entering a lose-lose scenario, although it is not too late. Ian Black says it's time for Europe to propose its own peace initiative. Mary Robinson and Martti Ahtisaari say Europe can make its voice heard by boycotting settlement products. Yossi Alpher looks of the lessons of the recent Gaza conflict. The Daily Star says if the West wants peace, it's going to have to stand up to Israel on settlements. Blake Hounshell interviews former PM Olmert. Alon Pinkas says the two-state solution is in big trouble. Michael Koplow says Netanyahu is bluffing about building in E1.
NEWS: Israeli occupation forces raid three Palestinian NGOs in the West Bank. Gaza tunnel smuggling is recovering from the recent conflict. FM Lieberman strongly attacks European criticism of Israel's settlement expansion plans. Extremists target a Jerusalem monastery and Palestinian cars in "price tag" attacks. Jordan says it plans to hold Israeli-Palestinian talks in February. Israel says it plans to withhold Palestinian revenues until at least March. In yet another reversal, a Hamas official insists Mishaal will not run for reelection as Politburo chief. The US plans to give Israel thousands of "bunker buster" bombs. Jordan's Prince Hassan is accused of "normalization" with Israel. The incoming Congress will be without several key members who were both supporters of Israel and advocates of peace. Pres. Abbas is visiting Turkey. Palestinians say they may consider international legal action if Israel persists with settlement expansion plans. Israeli occupation forces are preparing for an anticipated upsurge of violence in the West Bank. COMMENTARY: Harriet Sherwood says, despite Hamas' rhetoric and political gains, there is little to celebrate for the long-suffering people of Gaza. Natasha Mozgovaya says Jewish-American groups are divided on defending Israel's settlement plans. Ha'aretz says too many Israeli election laws invalidate Arab parties and candidates. Sefi Rachlevsky says the "messianic racist revolution that swallowed up Israeli Orthodoxy has now swallowed Likud." Amira Hass says Europe has a final opportunity to impact the course of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Yitzhak Benhorin says Israel's policies are alienating increasing numbers of Jewish Americans. Elias Harfoush says Mishaal's Gaza speech should be regarded as popular pandering, and Hamas needs a real strategy to move forward. Raphael Ahren says Palestinians will play a huge role in determining whether or not they develop an independent state.
NEWS: A new US intelligence report predicts a Palestinian state will be created approximately along the 1967 lines, but possibly without a full peace agreement with Israel, by 2030. PM Netanyahu accuses the international community of "double standards," and claims settlements are no obstacle to a Palestinian state. Hamas calls for Palestinian national unity. The EU, though saying it is "dismayed" by Israeli settlement expansion plans, takes no action. PLO leaders call on the EU to review relations with Israel. Hamas bans Israeli-provided Internet services in Gaza. Approximately half of the Palestinian citizens of Israel may not be planning to vote in the upcoming election. Israeli occupation forces raid the offices of a Palestinian NGO in Ramallah and reportedly assault the staff at a Bethlehem school. Israeli occupation authorities say they will yet again demolish the access road to the West Bank village of Qarawat Bani Hassan. Israel's Foreign Ministry says it's launching a campaign to equate Pres. Abbas with Hamas. FM Lieberman says Palestinian police officers who clash with Israeli occupation troops "should not remain alive." The BBC looks at "unusual careers" for youth in Gaza due to the blockade. Sources say Khalid Mishal is preparing to retract his resignation as Hamas' leader. COMMENTARY: Alan Baker points out that no Palestinian state has been created. Reuven Pedatzur says the recent UN vote was the best in 65 years. Charles Freilich criticizes the policies of both Netanyahu and Abbas. Linda Heard says Mishal's Gaza speech only bolsters Israeli propaganda. Ophir Pines-Paz thinks Abbas has reached the end of the road politically. Frank Jacobs says Israel doesn't have to worry about running out of oil. Frida Ghitis says Israeli leaders need to start making more intelligent strategic decisions.
NEWS: PLO officials say they are launching a campaign to restart negotiations with Israel. Hamas celebrates its anniversary with a fiery speech by Politburo leader Mishaal, who vows never to recognize Israel. Many in Gaza, however, are in no mood to celebrate. The PA says it will allow a Hamas rally in the West Bank. PM Netanyahu says the event proves Israel's security is threatened, and Israeli security officials say Hamas is trying to reactivate "sleeper cells" in the West Bank. Concerns are growing in Israel about the prospects for another Palestinian uprising. Pres. Abbas appeals for urgent Arab financial aid. Arab states promise $100 million a month as a "safety net" for the PA. Many Palestinian political figures call for national unity. Some Israelis are comforted by the Iron Dome missile-defense system, while others see it as insulation from deep-seated problems. PA anti-corruption officials say they are following new leads in the Rashid case. Israeli occupation forces arrest 13 Palestinians in the West Bank. Qatar proposes the Arab League withdraw the Arab Peace Initiative. Israeli authorities say undercover antiterrorism units can only take action against Arabs, not Jewish settlers. The EU is reportedly mulling ways for pressing Israel not to go ahead with its planned E1 settlement expansion. COMMENTARY: ATFP Board member Saliba Sarsar says after the UN vote, Israelis and Palestinians need to look for new paths to reconciliation. Thomas Friedman says Israeli hawks risk self-fulfilling prophecies of danger for Israel. The LA Times says Israel's settlement expansion plans only hurt itself. Ha'aretz says Israel has to stop destroying Palestinian cisterns in the West Bank. Leon Wieseltier says he no longer believes Israel and the Palestinians will achieve peace in his lifetime. Eitan Haber says Mishaal's speech shows prospects for peace are receding. David Myers says there are many important parallels between where Palestinians are today and Zionists were in 1947. Jeffrey Goldberg says Australia's UN abstention shows Israel's international allies are greatly diminishing. James Carroll says everyone concerned about peace and Israel's future needs to oppose the E1 settlement plan. Paul Pillar says Mishaal's recent Gaza speech plays perfectly into the hands of Netanyahu. Peter Beinart worries that a second term Obama administration will choose a policy of "benign neglect" regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The National says Hamas is failing the Palestinian people.
NEWS: Hamas leader Mishaal makes his first visit to Gaza in 45 years. The visit is widely regarded as a sign of Hamas' growing regional acceptance and wider ambitions. Israel is seen as more openly dealing with Hamas, though still within strict limits. Israel reportedly threatens to cancel the ceasefire if the leader of Islamic Jihad visits Gaza. Human Rights Watch says Israel's attack on the Daloo family home in Gaza during the recent conflict, which killed 12 civilians, was unlawful. Palestinian officials say Jordan's King Abdullah II has passed on US assurances that it will not allow Israel to go forward with controversial new settlement plans. Chancellor Merkel reportedly also urges PM Netanyahu not to implement the plans. Even Canada reportedly warns Israel against the plans. 20 are injured in skirmishes between Israeli occupation forces and Palestinian police near Hebron. Israel's Ministry of Education suspends a literature program for fifth graders that includes a novel by Palestinian writer Ghassan Kanafani. A new guidebook is published in Israel to Palestinian villages destroyed after the 1948 war. Palestinian refugees are being increasingly drawn into the war in Syria. Rabbis at a prominent New York synagogue express "regret" for praising the Palestinian UN upgrade vote. COMMENTARY: Ma'an explains why several Pacific islands voted against the recent Palestinian UN upgrade. Sandy Tolan says both Pres. Obama and Israel are walking away from a two-state solution. Menachem Klein says the E1 settlement plan is "recycled and oppressive." Ilan Baruch says Palestinian reconciliation could set the stage for a new phase in the peace process. Alex Fishman says Israel is conducting regular, secret negotiations with Hamas. The Media Line profiles Khaled Jarrar, whose art is based on concrete pieces cut from Israel’s separation barrier.Nathan Jeffay says many Israelis suspect the government's announced E1 settlement plan is a bluff. George Hishmeh asks what's holding Pres.Obama back from confronting Israel. Gil Troy says both Netanyahu and Pres. Abbas are pandering to extremes.

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