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Israel vows to intercept the Gaza flotilla. Jacob Dayan insists Israel is a democracy. Israel's entry into the OECD is shrouded in controversy over occupation statistics. Pres. Obama and Pres. Abbas will meet on June 9 to discuss negotiations, state building. In response to PM Netanyahu, Abbas says direct negotiations should begin after borders have been agreed. Hamas dismisses the latest Amnesty International report as "a joke." Details of the Gaza blockade baffle observers. The PA establishes a $50 million fund to help Palestinian settlement laborers find alternative work. The Israeli military issues new rules of engagement. Over 100 Palestinian children report abusive treatment by Israeli soldiers in 2009. Yossi Sarid says Israel is better at boycotting than the Palestinians. PM Fayyad hands out boycott leaflets in the West Bank. The new National Security Strategy document affirms the US interest in Palestinian statehood. Israel establishes a mechanism to "compensate" settlers for the partial moratorium. An extremist rabbi bans women from settlement elections. Aluf Benn calls for an interim agreement based on provisional Palestinian statehood.
Both PM Netanyahu and Pres. Abbas will visit the White House in coming weeks. A new movie follows the fortunes of a Palestinian soccer team in Israel. White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is denounced as an "anti-Semite" by Israeli extremists. Daoud Kuttab says upcoming municipal elections should strengthen the hand of the PA. A Fatah leader says Pres. Obama is preparing to put pressure on Israel. Construction materials continue to enter Gaza. Hamas faces challenges from more extreme groups. Gaza flotilla activists say they are determined. Two Palestinian citizens of Israel are indicted on charges of spying for Hezbollah, and at least one claims to have been tortured. Amnesty International says the US and Europe are shielding Israel for Gaza war crimes. An Israeli judge demands an explanation for why authorities are continuing to build a road in the occupied West Bank in defiance of a court order. Occupation authorities uproot 500 trees. The Knesset Speaker describes the PA settlement goods boycott as "an act of war." Larry Derfner mocks Israeli government claims about living conditions in Gaza. Ahdaf Soueif profiles provocative archaeology in occupied East Jerusalem. Nathan Guttman looks at White House outreach to Jewish Americans.
Yariv Oppenheimer says Palestinians are right not to continue to subsidize settlements. 15 Palestinians are injured in Israeli air raids on Gaza. A UN official says a two state solution is urgently required. Israel will allow hundreds of Arab businesspersons to attend the second investment conference in Bethlehem. Israel continues to impede Palestinian access to Highway 443. Aid agencies urge Israel to ease restrictions on Gaza. PM Netanyahu will visit the White House next week. Lt. Gen. Dayton is stepping down as special security coordinator in the fall. An Israeli extremist is banned from certain parts of Jerusalem and the West Bank. Pres. Abbas says Iran has hijacked the Palestinian cause, calls the second intifada a big mistake and says peace could be achieved in a week. Palestinian officials dismiss Israeli threats of retaliation for the boycott. Ira Lee explains why he's joining the Gaza flotilla. Ghassan Khatib says the purpose of the settlement goods boycott is to draw the distinction between Israel and the occupation. Yossi Alpher says it is an understandable but ill-timed measure.
Special Envoy Mitchell says the US may set a deadline for negotiations. Hamas and Islamic Jihad will boycott upcoming municipal elections. Lebanese PM Hariri says Middle East peace is a global concern. The Christian Science Monitor looks at allegations that Israel discussed selling nuclear weapons to apartheid-era South Africa. Pres. Abbas defends the settlement goods boycott, as Israeli leaders threatened sanctions. Israeli police recommend indicting FM Lieberman. Hamas arrests extremists suspected of torching a UN summer camp, and confronts several dilemmas. UNSG Ban calls for Israeli restraint in Jerusalem. An Israeli court confirms orders to evacuate a Jerusalem settlement project. Yoel Marcus says it's not too late for Israel to make peace. Eldad Yaniv says Zionists are not racists or settlers. An Israeli border guard is indicted for killing an 11-year-old Palestinian child. A prominent Palestinian citizen of Israel may be indicted next week on charges of spying for Hezbollah. Gershon Baskin says international peacekeepers are needed between Israel and Palestinians. Neve Gordon profiles an Israeli protester against the occupation preparing to go to prison. Israel prepares to impose harsh new measures on Hamas prisoners.
Special Envoy Mitchell says the US may set a deadline for negotiations. Hamas and Islamic Jihad will boycott upcoming municipal elections. Lebanese PM Hariri says Middle East peace is a global concern. The Christian Science Monitor looks at allegations that Israel discussed selling nuclear weapons to apartheid-era South Africa. Pres. Abbas defends the settlement goods boycott, as Israeli leaders threatened sanctions. Israeli police recommend indicting FM Lieberman. Hamas arrests extremists suspected of torching a UN summer camp, and confronts several dilemmas. UNSG Ban calls for Israeli restraint in Jerusalem. An Israeli court confirms orders to evacuate a Jerusalem settlement project. Yoel Marcus says it's not too late for Israel to make peace. Eldad Yaniv says Zionists are not racists or settlers. An Israeli border guard is indicted for killing an 11-year-old Palestinian child. A prominent Palestinian citizen of Israel may be indicted next week on charges of spying for Hezbollah. Gershon Baskin says international peacekeepers are needed between Israel and Palestinians. Neve Gordon profiles an Israeli protester against the occupation preparing to go to prison. Israel prepares to impose harsh new measures on Hamas prisoners.

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