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A Palestinian boy reportedly killed by Israeli soldiers emerges unharmed. Aaron Miller says successful US diplomacy requires fighting with Israel. The Buffalo News says two states are the only solution. PLO officials say Special Envoy Mitchell is avoiding the region due to US-Israel tensions, but that they are in daily contact with US officials. Islamic Jihad reverses a statement promising not to fire projectiles towards Israel. Tourism is up 50% in the West Bank. Tensions run high in Gaza in spite of a Hamas call for, and Egyptian efforts towards, calm. Hamas says it wants to try PM Fayyad in court for an interview with Ha'aretz. Zvi Bar'el says only another intifada can save Israel's international image. Gideon Levy says everyone knows what Palestinians want, but no one knows what Israeli aims are. A sickly Palestinian man dies after a long delay at an Israeli checkpoint. Giora Eiland says US-Israel tensions arise from American commitment to a two state solution. A senior White House official reaches out to Jewish American leaders. Adel Safty says Arab states should support the Quartet.
The Dallas Morning News says Israel's behavior is unworthy of a US friend. Israel launches air strikes on Gaza. Fatah officials call for more nonviolent protests against the occupation. Israelis consider another major offensive in Gaza. Christians converge on Jerusalem for Good Friday. Israel unveils a new tank defense system. A senior Fatah official is released on bail. A new survey suggests Jewish settlers are becoming more extreme. PM Fayyad predicts Palestinians will establish their state in 2011. A Likud MK says "Hussein Obama will not evict us from Hebron." Ari Shavit says Netanyahu the politician shames Netanyahu the statesman. Former US diplomats meet with Hamas. PA security forces conduct drill in Jenin. Israel says it is planning new gestures towards the Palestinians in response to US demands. Another Israeli journalist faces charges over reporting on Israeli assassinations. Hussein Ibish says a Jewish Israel requires Arab Palestine.
Gary Bass looks at the gradual deterioration of Israeli-French relations. Israeli officials refuse to comment on an American proposal for a 4 months settlement freeze in occupied East Jerusalem. Palestinians say settlers have established yet another outpost. Palestinian Christians are barred from Jerusalem. Israel ends an investigation into the death of a Palestinian. Palestinians accuse Israel of planning to encircle Jerusalem with settlements. Gaza militants say they are preparing for an Israeli attack. Palestinians and Europeans form a committee to aid West Bank projects. Hamas organizes a rally to celebrate Pres. Mubarak's reported recovery. Ahmed Tibi says Land Day is about justice. Ephraim Sneh examines the complexity of Israel's present situation. PA officials arrive in the US for security consultations. A YNet commentary says Iran should be attacked with tactical nuclear weapons and the occupied territories annexed with no political rights for the Palestinians. Settlers plan a new outpost near the first plan Palestinian in the occupied territories. Daoud Kuttab says leaders must be held to their commitments. George Hishmeh says PM Netanyahu's days in office may be numbered. Michael Young critiques the idea that Lebanese and Palestinians can rely on armed struggle.
The LA Times profiles the evolution of a play about an Israeli and Palestinian gay couple. Hamas demands Fatah apologize to the Palestinian people for peace negotiations. Fatah calls for the escalation of nonviolent protests. PM Fayyad joins a Land Day protest. A senior Fatah official arrested at a protest refuses to appear before an Israeli court in solidarity with others. Ha'aretz reports that the US is seeking a four-month settlement freeze in occupied East Jerusalem in exchange for direct negotiations, and editorializes that only a serious Israeli peace proposal can forestall an imposed settlement. French Pres. Sarkozy condemns Israeli settlement activity in occupied East Jerusalem. A Passover-themed YNet commentary compares Pres. Obama to "Pharaoh," a "dictator/king," calls him "hard-hearted" and describes Sec. Clinton as "hysterical." Alon Ben-Meir says the fundamentals of the US-Israel relationship have changed. The pro-Israel lobby presses Congress to soften Obama's tough stance on Netanyahu. Jerrold Kessel and Pierre Klochendler look at possible future scenarios. Scott McConnell says Pres. Obama should and may treat Israel like any other country.
Roger Cohen says the Middle East is starting to change. Israeli ministers reiterate determination to settle occupied East Jerusalem, call US demands "irritating." Rachel Corrie's parents persist in Israel lawsuit. Israeli troops kill Palestinian child, injure several other protesters. A new survey finds 55% of settlers are in Jerusalem. Gaza banks go on strike after Hamas gunmen seize cash in daylight heist. The PA approves $3.9 billion 2007 budget. Akiva Eldar says Israelis are suffering from a plague of darkness. Thousands attend Land Day ceremonies. A court orders more arguments on whether the PLO and the PA are liable for a Hamas terrorist attack. Israel agrees to allow a shipment of clothes and shoes into Gaza. Malcolm Hoenlein says Pres. Obama must do more to mend ties with Israel. British MPs say UK weapons not used in the occupied territories. An Israeli journalist is reportedly being held in secret house arrest for leaking details of Israeli assassinations. Ron Kampeas outlines the present state of the US-Israel confrontation, and analysts say Arab states have failed to take advantage. Tariq Alhomayed says the Arabs must not allow Iranian clients like Hamas to exploit the situation. The Arab News says Pres. Obama should make sure Israel understands the cost of its policies.

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