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NPR profiles the new Palestinian security services. Sec. Clinton wraps up the latest round of negotiations and Pres. Abbas says talks will continue. There is no indication of an agreement on settlements. Jackson Diehl says the Middle East is not Northern Ireland. The CSM asks what happens next without a deal on settlements and whether Syria can help contain Hamas. Jon Haber says boycotts against Israel are ineffective and unhelpful. Israeli troops assassinate a Hamas leader in the West Bank. The PA may be seeking to gain control of a Gaza crossing. Settlers continue to try to seize a Palestinian home in occupied East Jerusalem. The World Bank says Palestinians are well positioned to establish a state, but need foreign investment. UNRWA asks for more aid from Arab states. DM Barak may use legal loopholes to restrict settlement activity. Yoel Marcus says the settlement issue is up to the United States. Ehud Yaari says peace talks have exposed divisions within Hamas. Israeli and Palestinian women illegally visit the beach together. Jacob Savage compares the Israeli occupation with French rule in Algeria. Michael Weiss says analogies between the Middle East and Northern Ireland, and especially between Hamas and Sinn Fein, are deeply flawed.
Negotiations proceed despite violence but have not made any obvious progress. Special Envoy Mitchell says the parties are tackling tough issues, that the goal is full normalization in the region and that the US is actively pursuing Israeli-Syrian negotiations. The struggle over Silwan highlights tensions in Jerusalem. Israel bombs targets in Gaza. Pres. Abbas meets with Sec. Clinton and says there is no alternative to the talks. Ari Shavit says division of the land may precede a final status agreement. The US reportedly wants borders set in three months. PM Netanyahu reportedly tells Abbas his policy on settlements is unchanged. Yaakov Katz says Hamas is trapped between wanting to disrupt the negotiations but avoid major Israeli retaliation. Jeremy Bowen warns against excessive optimism. Jewish Americans are divided over Israeli artists' boycott of settlements. Zuheir Kseibati takes a dim view of negotiations. The Jordan Times says settlement building may kill the talks. John Whitbeck proposes an alternative model for two states. Ghaith Al-Omari explains his reasons for hopefulness.
No compromise is reportedly reached on settlements. Israeli Amb. Michael Oren says Israelis want peace. The CSM looks at Israeli settlements and why Egypt seeks a major role in negotiations. P. Edward Haley offers four reasons not to be cynical. Sec. Clinton endorses Pres. Abbas, PM Netanyahu. Projectiles are launched against southern Israel from Gaza. Ha'aretz says the settlement freeze issue is a test for Netanyahu. Amira Hass says Palestinians have faced 40 years of building freeze. Some Palestinians say their leadership will have to continue with the talks no matter what happens with settlements. Israel is reportedly considering a prisoner release and expanded PA powers in the West Bank. Special Envoy Mitchell says the settlement freeze must be extended. Calev Ben-Dor says negotiations can be structured differently for better results. Gilead Sher says time is running out for a two state solution. The JTA says the Jewish American right is muted in the face of a potential extension of the freeze. Aaron David Miller says Netanyahu is the key to peace. Robert Danin provides an assessment of Palestinian state building efforts.
Sec. Clinton says a deal on settlements is possible and stresses the importance of negotiations. The Israeli government purchases the @israel twitter identity from a Spanish pornographer. Roger Cohen says most Israelis are uninterested in the peace talks. Residents of a West Bank settlement worry about their future. Israelis are not sure what to expect from their own leadership. The CSM says there is no Israeli consensus on settlements. Palestinians deny there is a crisis in the talks and say they will focus on land, borders and security. A new report says peace is the key to Palestinian economic revival. Israelis complain that a Palestinian “all or nothing” attitude is hampering talks. Israeli authorities in Jerusalem are considering more than 1,000 new settler housing units. A new report says settlers receive 22% more budgetary allocations than other Israelis. Another report says Israeli soldiers are rarely accountable for Palestinian civilian deaths. Nahum Barnea says PM Netanyahu has retreated to a zero-sum mentality. The Israeli military confirms that two Gazans killed in shelling on Sunday were “not terrorists.” Gershon Baskin says a creative deal on settlements is possible. Osama Al Sharif says there is grave danger for the region in not achieving a peace agreement.
PM Netanyahu signals flexibility on settlement building, and says Palestinians must recognize Israel as a “Jewish state.” Pres. Obama says negotiations may first focus on borders. Jackson Diehl asks which leader is bluffing. Ron Grossman urges giving peace a chance. Three Palestinians are killed by Israeli shelling in northern Gaza. Israel is allowing car parts into Gaza. Palestinian negotiators deny infighting. Peace Now says over 2,000 new settlement units will be built when the partial moratorium expires on Sept. 26. Ha'aretz looks at the plight of Palestinian residents of Jerusalem. Settlers vow to keep building no matter what and threaten to topple the Netanyahu government. A Bedouin village in southern Israel is raised for the fifth time in a few weeks. The end of Ramadan shows unmistakable signs of prosperity in the West Bank. The Palestinian labor group launches international campaign to boycott settlement products. The Arab News says Palestinians cannot continue negotiating with settlement construction ongoing.

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