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Reports suggest scores of people, including many Hamas members, were killed by Egyptian security forces in Sinai recently. (YNet)

Egypt's Sinai offensive may have been launched in consultation with Israel. (Jerusalem Post/Times of Israel)

Hundreds of Palestinians have been arrested in the West Bank by Israeli occupation forces in the past two weeks. (Times of Israel)

Israeli Cabinet ministers call for increased settlement construction to offset the prospects of Palestinian independence. (Jerusalem Post)

International experts are said to be making significant progress on a plan for Palestinian economic revival. (AFP)

The ouster of former Pres. Morsi has created an unprecedented crisis for Hamas. (Jerusalem Post/Al Jazeera)

Smuggling into Gaza is reported to have ground to a virtual standstill. (Times of Israel)

Palestinians in Gaza say they feel "held hostage" to upheavals in Egypt. (The National)

Some Fatah officials suggest Palestinians in Gaza overthrow Hamas as Egyptians ousted Morsi. (Jerusalem Post)

Israeli military officials report a steep decline in anti-Israeli attacks in the occupied West Bank. (Times of Israel)

Confrontations erupt between Israeli occupation forces and Palestinians at a refugee camp south of Hebron. (PNN)

Israel is expecting an influx of Palestinians from the West Bank in the occupied East Jerusalem during the holy month of Ramadan, but many are frustrated due to various restrictions. (Xinhua/Jerusalem Post)

Israel confirms it is holding a Palestinian man who disappeared in Egypt. (Los Angeles Times)

Israel is deploying a new army unit along the frontier with Syria. (Xinhua)

Smugglers shoot and kill an Egyptian security officer near the Sinai border with Israel. (Ma'an)

Israel is streamlining its military due to budget cuts. (Ha'aretz)

Ilan Halevi, a Jewish member of the Palestine Liberation Organization, dies in Paris. (Ha'aretz)

Outgoing Israeli Amb. Oren praises Pres. Obama as "a true friend of Israel." (Ha'aretz)


Mohammed Suliman says Hamas is pretending to be optimistic in spite of the upheaval in Egypt, but it sees the disaster coming. (Al Monitor)

Abeer Ayyoub says Hamas may be in crisis over Morsi's ouster, but Islamic Jihad is unfazed. (Al Monitor)

Avirama Golan says a Jewish extremism in Israel comparable to Islamism in the Arab world is running wild. (Ha'aretz)

Eldad Beck says Israelis should welcome the dramatic changes in Egypt. (YNet)

Ha'aretz says the Israeli extreme right is again attacking legitimate NGOs they don't like. (Ha'aretz)

Ilan Baruch says PM Netanyahu can learn from the fall of apartheid in South Africa, but only once he accepts occupation is unsustainable. (Ha'aretz)

Douglas Bloomfield says Israel's diplomacy is dysfunctional and its foreign service demoralized. (Jerusalem Post)

Paul Scham says former Pres. Morsi's ouster could have a big impact on internal Palestinian politics. (Middle East Institute)

Gideon Levy says the IDF is wrong to encourage young people to join the military in order to become snipers and assassins. (Ha'aretz)

Alex Fishman says Israel's military is restructuring itself in preparation for future wars. (YNet)

Gershon Baskin says Ramadan is a good time for Israelis and Palestinians to seek understanding and reconciliation. (Jerusalem Post)

J.J. Goldberg says there is growing resistance to the candidacy of a noted anti-Arab racist for Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel. (The Forward)

Zack Parker asks why the Israeli government has reinstated funding for an extremist settlement yeshiva. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

Shlomi Eldar interviews Egyptian activist Hiba Hamdi Abu Sayyaf, who specializes in dialogue with Israelis. (Al Monitor)


Sec. Kerry's planned Middle East trip is in doubt because of his wife's illness. (AFP)

An Israeli court orders a new investigation into the wounding of an American by Israeli occupation forces during a 2009 West Bank protest. (Ha'aretz)

The trial of two Palestinian nonviolent women protesters is considered politically charged on all sides. (Jerusalem Post)

Egypt opens the Gaza border allowing stranded Palestinians to cross at last, for at least two days. (Reuters/Xinhua/Ma'an)

Unrest in Egypt is causing significant hardships in Gaza. (The Media Line)

Hamas calls PLO accusations it interferes with Egyptian domestic affairs "incitement." (Ma'an)

Mossad agents reportedly detain a Palestinian man in Sinai. (Ma'an)

Israel confirms it is holding a Palestinian man who disappeared in Egypt for “security crimes.” (AP)

Israel denies any involvement in a deadly explosion in Beirut yesterday. (Xinhua)

PM Netanyahu appoints Ron Dermer Ambassador-designate to the United States. (New York Times/JTA)

Netanyahu also appoints a new set of senior aides. (Times of Israel)

Israeli doctors give American officials tips on force-feeding hunger striking prisoners. (Ha'aretz)

Protesting Palestinian youths smash holes in Israel's West Bank separation barrier. (Ma'an)

Tourism has surged in Israel following the rapprochement with Turkey. (Xinhua)

Israel is offering military aid and other inducements to African states to accept returning migrants. (Xinhua)

Israeli extremists enter the sensitive Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem. (Ma'an)

A leading candidate for new Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel has a history of supporting "Temple Mount" activism. (Al Monitor)

Another Palestinian is killed in fighting in a refugee camp in Syria. (Ma'an)

Israel is reportedly considering a deal that would allow Russian troops to join UN peacekeepers in the Golan Heights. (Jerusalem Post)

Up to 1 million Palestinians are expected to visit occupied East Jerusalem during the holy month of Ramadan. (YNet)

FIFA says Mohamed Assaf could sing together with Shakira in the opening ceremony of the World Cup in Brazil next year. ( Al Arabiya)


Udo Kock and Christoph Duenwald say saving the Palestinian economy must be a priority for everyone. (Ha'aretz)

David Pollock says Ramallah has emerged the winner over Gaza from the changes in Egypt. (WINEP)

Ben Caspit says Israel is concerned by American "hesitancy" over Egypt. (Al Monitor)

Ha'aretz says the new government's obsession with legally defining Israel as a "Jewish state" is a sign of deep insecurity. (Ha'aretz)

Alan Baker says the parties need a "code of conduct" to create conditions conducive to resume negotiations and peace. (Jerusalem Post)

Daniel Tauber says Netanyahu has actually put forward a very coherent vision of peace. (Jerusalem Post)

Ben Sales profiles Jewish Israeli extremists planning to rebuild a "Third Temple." (JTA)

Jonathan Cook says Israel's treatment of Palestinians, including its own citizens, deserves to be named "apartheid." (The National)

Kadri Gursel says efforts by Turkish officials to blame unrest on "the Jewish Diaspora" are undermining rapprochement with Israel. (Al Monitor)

Gershom Gorenberg says Israeli annexationists keep trying to distort Jewish and Arab demographics, but to no avail. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

Elisheva Goldberg adds Israeli annexationists are attached to implausible ideas of mass Jewish immigration to Israel. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)


Three Palestinians and a Syrian are killed in clashes at the Yarmouk refugee camp in Syria. (Ma'an)

Some American officials are reportedly urging Sec. Kerry to craft a set of "American principles" for resumed Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. (Jerusalem Post)

Palestinian officials say they have held direct talks with PM Netanyahu about resuming negotiations, but Netanyahu denies this. (Xinhua/Times of Israel/Ma'an)

Israeli political figures meet with Palestinian officials in Ramallah. (YNet)

An Israeli court ruling will allow settlers to access the Palestinian Land Registry for ownership details for the first time since the occupation began. (PNN)

The PA says it's going to overhaul many of its policies regarding children's rights. (Ma'an)

Israeli officials urge Pres. Obama not to repeat his "naïve" approach to Egypt. (Jerusalem Post/Reuters)

Hamas condemns the deadly government crackdown on Muslim Brotherhood protesters and rioters in Egypt. (AP/Xinhua)

Gaza's fuel crisis is intensified after the border closure by Egypt. (Al Monitor)

Israeli officials say they fear Arab citizens of Israel may be targeted by extremists in Sinai. (YNet)

Masked demonstrators in Ramallah calling themselves "Tamarod" demand a third intifada against Israeli occupation. (Ma'an)

A Palestinian citizen of Israel is sentenced to 30 months in prison for joining rebels in Syria. (AP)

A play about Rachel Corrie is being performed in Israel and in Hebrew. (AP)

Israeli officials say they're going to have a secret meeting about a secret prisoner. (AP/Xinhua)

The ICC is considering launching an investigation into the deadly 2010 Gaza flotilla incident. (Ha'aretz)

Israel launches a new "cyber war room." (Xinhua)

Israel is going to launch a controversial ID program featuring biometric data. (Los Angeles Times)

Israeli officials say they're going to ease travel restrictions on Palestinians in the occupied West Bank during Ramadan. (PNN)

The World Bank says Kuwait is donating $50 million for Palestinian development. (PNN)

Israelis carve a giant peace sign in the occupied Golan Heights near the frontier with war-torn Syria. (Christian Science Monitor)

Israeli journalism students are studying the occupied West Bank. (The Media Line)


J.J. Goldberg says if Netanyahu could make up his mind about peace, Kerry might stand a chance of success. (The Forward)

Ben Birnbaum says Netanyahu's political future may depend on acting to save the two-state solution. (The New Republic)

David Rubin says Israel should annex the West Bank and offer citizenship to its Palestinian residents. (Jerusalem Post)

Moshe Arens says a two-state solution is not a win-win scenario, but a net loss for Israel. (Ha'aretz)

Mira Sucharov says there are some key questions Salon didn't ask Israeli annexationist leader Dayan. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

The BBC looks at the impact of the upheaval in Egypt on Israel and Hamas. (BBC)

Akiva Eldar says the upheaval in Egypt gives Israel a chance to make peace with the Egyptian people. (Al Monitor)

Bradley Burston continues to explore why it can be difficult to tell the difference between Likud and Hamas. (Ha'aretz)

Mazal Mualem interviews MK Calderon, who says the biggest threat in Israel now is the "messianic-temple movement." (Al Monitor)

Yaron London says there's no major difference between Israel's ultra-Orthodox parties and the Muslim Brotherhood. (YNet)

Heribert Adam says Israeli and Palestinian leaders should emulate Nelson Mandela. (Ha'aretz)

Dana Evan Kaplan says Mandela often made Jewish South Africans quite uncomfortable. (The Forward)

Tania Hary looks at the challenges facing Palestinian musicians, especially in Gaza. (Ha'aretz)


Palestinian officials think Sec. Kerry is close to finding a way to revive negotiations with Israel, but that US mediation alone won't be sufficient to bring peace. (AP/Jerusalem Post)

Kerry will reportedly return to the region this week for more talks. (AFP)

Pres. Abbas says Jews around the world should "hear the Arab point of view." (AP)

A fifth of a new park in southern Jerusalem is scheduled to be built on Palestinian land. (Ha'aretz)

Israeli officials say they want to maintain good relations with the new Egyptian authorities. (Xinhua)

Hamas insists it is "unafraid" of the upheaval in Egypt. (Ma'an)

Hamas asks Egypt to reopen Gaza border crossings. (Jerusalem Post)

Gaza residents suffer as Egypt closes smuggling tunnels. (Xinhua)

Smugglers reportedly resume bringing fuel into Gaza. (Ma'an)

Hamas says it has broken up a counterfeiting ring in Gaza. (AP)

Journalists are outraged as an Arab cameramen is strip-searched by Israeli forces at an American embassy function. (AP)

The Israeli military issues guidelines to its troops on conduct during Ramadan. (Xinhua)

Amnesty International calls on Israel to stop "bullying" Palestinian activists. (PNN)

FIFA says Israel must ease restrictions on movement for Palestinian soccer players. (PNN)

An Israeli soccer fan remains in detention on charges of assaulting a Palestinian with a group of other hooligans. (Xinhua)

A women's co-op is working to revive Hebron's old city. (Ma'an)

Israeli settlers, especially in Hebron, find themselves at odds over issues such as rent. (Ha'aretz)

Israeli doctors continue to treat injured Syrians. (Christian Science Monitor)

The Israeli military sees a new threat from Syria: terrorist attacks along the frontiers. (Ha'aretz)

Pro-Israel activists in the United States are trying to build networks to counter BDS. (Times of Israel)

Palestinians find PA "passports" don't help much in international travel. (The Media Line)


ATFP intern Natan Odenheimer says, if he stands for peace, Arab Idol winner Mohammad Assaf can be a hero to Israelis too. (Common Ground News)

The PLO issues a new report on ongoing Israeli settlement activity in the occupied Palestinian territories. (PLO)

Oudeh Basharat says PM Netanyahu's demand Palestinians recognize Israel as a "Jewish state" is unprecedented and absurd. (Ha'aretz)

The Washington Post says Kerry should realize a final status agreement between Israel and the Palestinians is not possible and focus on interim measures instead. (Washington Post)

Alon Pinkas says Israel needs to act quickly in dealing with the new Egyptian government, not be ambivalent or idle. (YNet)

Yaakov Lappin says Israel and Egypt must cooperate on suppressing terrorism in Sinai. (Jerusalem Post)

Vita Bekker says most Israelis will probably be glad to see the ouster of former Pres. Morsi. (The National)

Oren Kessler says Israel is quietly optimistic about changes in Egypt. (Foreign Policy)

Shlomi Eldar says Hamas finds itself isolated after Morsi's ouster, and Hazem Balousha says it's trying to keep a low profile on the issue. (Al Monitor)

Gideon Levy says racism in Israeli soccer is out of control. (Ha'aretz)

Dalia Hatuqa says Palestinian children working in Israeli settlements are exploited. (Al Jazeera)

Jay Ruderman and Gur Alroey say Israel is taking Jewish Americans for granted. (Ha'aretz)

Yishai Fleisher says an increasing number of Jewish Americans are alienated from Israel. (YNet)

Ron Kampeas notes mainstream Jewish American organizations criticized Israeli economic minister Bennett's rejection of a two-state solution. (JTA)

Jessica Purkiss looks at the ordeal of a Palestinian journalist facing trial by Israel. (Al Jazeera)

Mazal Mualem interviews extremist Israeli MK Kalfa, who vows to do everything possible to undermine peace. (Al Monitor)

Salon interviews extremist Israeli leader Dani Dayan, who declares there will "never be a Palestinian state." (Salon)


A new poll shows 62% of Israelis and 53% of Palestinians support a two-state solution. (PNN/Times of Israel)

Sec. Kerry is reportedly eager to return to the region to resume Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts. (AP)

A Hamas committee acquits one of its members in the death of an Islamic Jihad cadre. (Ma'an)

Pres. Abbas is visiting Lebanon for three days to discuss Palestinian refugees and other matters. (Ma'an)

Al-Quds University signs an agreement with the EU and UNDP to preserve Palestinian cultural heritage in Jerusalem's Old City. (Ma'an/PNN)

Exuberant fans greet Arab Idol winner Mohammed Assaf at a free concert in Ramallah. (Christian Science Monitor)

Gaza residents face growing crime, drug addiction and other social ills. (Xinhua)

A right-wing Israeli MK vows that one day he will return to his former home in an evacuated Gaza settlement. (Jerusalem Post)

The Palestine Monetary Authority issues disappointing overall economic performance results for June, particularly in Gaza. (PNN)

90% of Palestinian sewerage in the occupied West Bank is flowing into the ground untreated, in part because of the lack of cooperation between the parties. (Ha'aretz)

Gaza's polluted beaches provide a respite from summer heat, but also an indicator of broader problems. (Al Monitor)

Racism remains a huge problem in Israeli soccer. (Ha'aretz)

A candidate for Israel's new Sephardi Chief Rabbi will be questioned about alleged anti-Arab racist comments. (Times of Israel)

Israel arrests three Palestinians accused of involvement in a drive-by shooting. (Jerusalem Post)

Israelis and Palestinians express nervousness about unrest in Egypt. (Times of Israel/The Media Line)

Israel is witnessing a sharp decline in migrants from Africa. (Xinhua)


ATFP intern Miriam Awadallah says Kanye West will have to step aside, Assaf is now her new idol. (Sharnoff’s Global Views)

Shaul Arieli says Israel cannot live by the sword alone and must recognize the Palestinian right to statehood. (Ha'aretz)

Ari Harrow makes a right-wing Israeli case against peace with the Palestinians, calling it "realism." (Jerusalem Post)

Shlomi Eldar says Kerry's efforts are probably in vain. (Al Monitor)

Oren Kessler agrees Kerry is trying to kickstart a peace process nobody wants. (Foreign Policy)

Alan Elsner says cautious optimism is the only reasonable response to Kerry's initiatives. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

Paul Pillar also says Kerry deserves applause but judgment on the outcome should be withheld. (The National Interest)

Elliott Abrams questions what can be accomplished if Israeli-Palestinian negotiations actually resume. (CFR)

Musa Keilani says everyone wants a two-state solution but Israel's policies must change for that to be accomplished. (Gulf Today)

Matthew Duss says a two-state solution is still essential to the American national interest. (Center for American Progress)

Ido Kenan says a wide range of Israelis are protesting a government decision to shut down a Palestinian children's festival in occupied East Jerusalem. (Ha'aretz)

Yossi Verter says PM Netanyahu has completely lost control of his own Likud party. (Ha'aretz)

Mazal Mualem interviews MK Zandberg, who endorses a boycott of settlement goods. (Al Monitor)

Stewart Ain interviews MK Koll, who says there is no alternative to a two-state solution. (Jewish Week)

Ben Caspit says Israel is cautiously optimistic that the difficulties facing the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt will also damage Hamas. (Al Monitor)

The Israeli human rights group B'Tselem describes the ordeal Palestinian workers face going to their jobs in Israel. (B'Tselem)

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