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Israeli occupation forces arrest 13 Palestinians in Hebron. (Ma’an/Jerusalem Post)

PM Netanyahu says he appreciates Pres. Abbas’ “important words” against the kidnapping of the three Israeli teenagers. (Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post/Times of Israel)

DM Ya’alon updates Sec. Hagel on the kidnapping. (Ha’aretz/JTA)

Quartet Envoy Blair calls on Israel to stop its operation in the occupied West Bank and Gaza. (PNN)

The mother of one of the kidnapped teenagers tells the UN Human Rights Council that every boy and girl deserves to come home to their families. (JTA/Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post/Times of Israel)

The UNSC fails to agree on a statement that would have deplored the deaths of Palestinians in Israeli operations. (Ha’aretz)

Jewish “price tag” extremists vandalize cars in occupied East Jerusalem. (Ha’aretz)

Hamas leader Haniyeh says Israeli threats do not scare Palestinians. (Ma’an)

The Red Cross warns Israeli doctors against force-feeding prisoners. (Ma’an)

A Gaza power plant is expected to shut down after the last shipment of Qatar-donated fuel runs out. (Ma’an)

Sheldon Adelson will donate a total of $25 million to Ariel University which is in a settlement in the occupied West Bank. (JTA/Ha’aretz)

Palestinians are unable to return to the Yarmouk camp in Syria, despite the truce. (AFP) 

Sec. Kerry promises “intense and sustained” support for Iraq. (Reuters)

Kerry urges the Kurds to save Iraq from collapse. (Reuters/AP/New York Times/Washington Post)

The UN says more than 1000 have been killed in Iraq in June. (Reuters/AP)

US Special Forces will face a complex challenge in Iraq. (AP)

A diplomatic note promises immunity from Iraqi law for US advisory troops. (New York Times)

A poll indicates most Americans disapprove of the way Pres. Obama is handling Iraq. (New York Times)

Pres. Sisi says he will not interfere in judicial rulings. (Reuters/AP/New York Times)

Sisi pledges to give up half his salary and property. (Reuters)

A suicide bombing in Beirut kills a security officer. (AP)

Next Tuesday, Turkey’s ruling AKP party will announce its candidate for the August presidential election. (Reuters)


Maher Mughrabi says Israel must end the occupation in for Palestinians to be able to speak out against Hamas. (Ha’aretz)

Oudeh Basharat asks who will protect the Palestinians. (Ha’aretz)

Akiva Eldar says Israel’s reaction to the kidnapping highlights its “surrender” to settlers. (Al-Monitor)

Robi Damelin says the Parents Circle Families Forum is made up of Israeli and Palestinian bereaved parents who pay the consequence of the cycle of violence. (Times of Israel)

Jeffrey Goldberg says Obama did not “break” the Middle East. (The Atlantic)

David Rothkopf says the US can’t fix the Middle East, but it can fix its policy to the region.(Foreign Policy)

Abdul Rahman Al Rashed asks how much support ISIS really enjoys. (Al Arabiya)

Hassan Barari says Maliki has been the key impediment to building an inclusive Iraq. (Jordan Times)

Faisal Abbas says PM Maliki is the new Saddam of Iraq. (Al Arabiya)

The Daily Star says Iran should do something about reducing sectarian tensions in the region, instead of just talking about it. (Daily Star)

H.A. Hellyer says yesterday was a “poignant” day for press freedoms in Egypt. (Al Arabiya)

Faisal Al Yafai says Fouad Ajami was a great scholar of the Middle East but did not empathize with its people. (The National)

Will Inboden remembers Fouad Ajami. (Foreign Policy)

Jamal Al Marri and Salah Al-Saidi debate whether Gulf security is under threat. (Asharq al-Awsat)

Pres. Abbas says there is no evidence Hamas is responsible for the kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers. (Xinhua)
Some analysts think Israel is using a massive operation in the occupied Palestinian territories regarding the teenagers to scupper the agreement between Fatah and Hamas. (Xinhua)
Two Palestinians are killed and 37 are arrested in raids by Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank. (AP/ Ma'an)
The Israeli operation, in its current form, may be nearing its end. (Ha'aretz)
The PA may approach the Security Council over Israel's "aggression." (Ma'an)
Turkish pathologist says a Palestinian detainee was beaten before dying in an Israeli jail. (Ha'aretz)
An Israeli teenager is killed in an explosion near the border with Syria. (Xinhua)
Israeli settlers open fire on Palestinian protesters near Ramallah. (Ma'an)
The Presbyterian Church in the United States votes to divest from some companies doing business in the occupied Palestinian territories. (The Guardian)
Factions agree a cease-fire in the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp in Syria. (AP/BBC)
The Israeli military conducts an airstrike near the border with, or inside, Syria. (Ha'aretz/AP)
Sunni extremists now control much of Iraq's western border. (Washington Post)
The ability of the Iraqi army to turn the tide against Sunni extremists is doubted. (New York Times)
Sec. Kerry urges Iraqis to form a new, inclusive government, and says the whole region is threatened by chaos in Iraq. (New York Times/AP)
Iraqis in Baghdad fear the worst awaits them. (AP)
Kerry is on a surprise visit to Egypt, which experts say signals a breakthrough in bilateral relations. (Xinhua)
Kerry says the US is poised to resume full relations with Egypt, including US aid, while urging more moderate policies. (New York Times/AP)
Three Al Jazeera reporters are sentenced to seven years in prison in Egypt. (AP/BBC)
Noted Middle East scholar Fouad Ajami passes away. (New York Times/AP
Bakir Oweida says, between the kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers and Israel's West Bank offensive, the Fatah-Hamas agreement may be unraveling. (Asharq Al Awsat)
Ben Caspit says the Palestinian agreement was unraveling anyway. (Al Monitor)
Shlomi Eldar says the kidnappings and offensive are forcing Hamas to rethink its strategy. (Al Monitor)
Adnan Abu Amer says Hamas is afraid Israel will deport its leaders. (Al Monitor)
Ben-Dror Yemini says Israel has a partner in Abbas. (Ynet)
Hagai El-Ad says Palestinian suffering goes undocumented in Israel, and when it is recognized it is regarded as a conspiracy. (Ha'aretz)
Rafael Ahren asks if Israel's West Bank offensive is a human rights violation. (Times of Israel)
Ryan Crocker says the US should reengage with the Iraq. (Washington Post)
Murhaf Jouejati says ISIS' advance in Iraq should mean more weapons aid for the Syrian opposition. (Al Monitor)
Abdullah Al-Madani says the GCC should move towards greater union, but Salim Bin Ahmed Sahab disagrees. (Asharq Al Awsat)
Mustafa Akyol says the Kurds are Turkey's best ally. (New York Times)
Israeli soldiers clash with Palestinians during an arrest raid in the occupied West Bank. (AP/Reuters)
Israeli occupation forces detain 30 Palestinians in the West Bank. (Ma’an/Times of Israel)
Israel launches multiple airstrikes in Gaza. (Ma’an/Ynet)
The US calls on both Israelis and Palestinians to show restraint. (Ynet)
Hamas says it is capable of starting another intifada. (Ma’an)
US Amb. to Israel Shapiro visits the families of the kidnapped teenagers. (JTA)
Former Sec. Rice and Sec. Kerry praise each other’s Israeli-Palestinian efforts. (JTA)
FM Bishop says, despite declaring East Jerusalem not occupied, Australia reaffirms its commitment to the two-state solution. (Ha’aretz/AP)
A social media campaign seeks to hijack Arab idol fans. (Ha’aretz) 
The head of the Islamic movement Sheikh Ra'ad Salah is prohibited from leaving Israel. (Ha’aretz)
Mordehai Amihai will be the vice-chair of a UN panel on Palestinian refugees. (Times of Israel)
Kerry denies Pres. Obama has been too passive in Iraq. (AP/Reuters)
ISIS hangs their flags over Iraq’s largest oil refinery. (AP)
Iraqi government officials claim they still control the major oil refinery. (New York Times)
Gen. Dempsey says Iraq has asked the US for air support in countering the Sunni rebels. (Reuters/Washington Post/The National)
PM Erdogan says U.S. air strikes in Iraq could cause heavy casualties. (Reuters)
PM Maliki shows little sign of political compromise. (Washington Post)
Iraqi soldiers express shame for abandoning their posts. (The National)
The UAE recalls its ambassador to Iraq over its sectarian policies. (The National)
King Abdullah of Jordan says Jordan is ready to deal with regional developments. (Jordan Times)
Human Rights Watch accuses Syria's Kurdish parties of abuses. (AP/Reuters)
Moroccan PM Benkirane says women would be better off at home than in the workplace. (New York Times)
The Muslim Brotherhood’s charity work in the UK is under investigation. (The National)
Michael Young says its time for a coordinated response in Iraq and Syria. (The National)
Roger Cohen says the US cannot accept a “jihadi state” in Iraq. (New York Times)
Nicholas Kristof says the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 should be a warning that military force sometimes transforms a genuine problem into something worse. (New York Times)
Paul Whitefield says Americans are, indeed, conflicted on what is happening in Iraq. (Los Angeles Times)
Yochi Dreazen and John Hudson say the US is experiencing “buyers remorse” with Maliki. (Foreign Policy)
E.J. Dionne says Obama sees the contradictions in the Middle East and will not act “rashly.”  (Washington Post)
Eyad Abu Shakra says the US has suddenly decided to “wake up to the threat” represented by ISIS in Iraq. (Asharq al-Awsat)
Frederic Hof says the US should not “beg” Iran to act on Iraq and Syria. (Ha’aretz)
The National says Netanyahu is “exploiting” the kidnapped teenagers. (The National)
The Jordan Times says no child, Israeli, Palestinian or of any other country, should be used as pawn for any purpose. (Jordan Times)
Peter Beinart says Palestinians in the west should speak out against Hamas’ human rights abuses. (Ha’aretz)
Amir Rotem says the Israeli closure of Gaza only perpetuates conflict with the Palestinians. (Ha’aretz)
Gershon Baskin asks who kidnapped the three teenagers. (Jerusalem Post) 
Asmaa al-Ghoul says the kidnapping of the teenagers is “no joke” for the Palestinians. (Al-Monitor)
Akiva Eldar says Netanyahu should engage Pres. Abbas on both diplomacy and security. (Al-Monitor)
Michael Young says Lebanon can parry regional fragmentation. (Daily Star)
The Daily Star says the crescendo of interest in Lebanon’s presidential election has dropped significantly. (Daily Star)
Joyce Karam says the world cup “fever” beats politics in Lebanon. (Al Arabiya)
Andrew Harper says the world must not forget its responsibility to help Syrian refugees. (Jordan Times)
Israeli occupation forces arrest 41 Palestinians in the West Bank. (AP/Reuters/Ma’an/Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post)
Israeli ministers will reportedly increase the pressure on Hamas and will worsen the conditions of Hamas members held in Israeli prisons. (Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post/Times of Israel)
The kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers is spurring debate over the conduct of settlers in the occupied West Bank. (New York Times)
The PA is reportedly taking steps to halt the reconciliation process with Hamas. (Times of Israel)
PM Netanyahu says Israel is operating against Hamas to bring home the kidnapped teenagers. (Ha’aretz)
The EU condemns the kidnapping of the teenagers. (Jerusalem Post)
Norway cancels a conference of PA donor countries. (Ha’aretz)
Israel launches overnight airstrikes on Gaza. (Ma’an/JTA/Ynet)
Israel closes the Kerem Shalom crossing with Gaza. (Ma’an)
The US Consulate in Jerusalem warns American citizens to take precautions andavoid demonstrations during travel in the occupied West Bank. (JTA/Ha’aretz)
The Israel Medical Association will publish a booklet advising doctors on how to treat hunger-striking prisoners. (Ha’aretz)
US forces are being positioned in and around Iraq. (AP/The National)
UNSG Ban warns of “massive” sectarian violence in Iraq. (AP) 
Sunni insurgents push further into a province northeast of Baghdad.(AP/Reuters/New York Times)
PM Maliki is reportedly spending less time focusing on reconciliation with Kurds and Sunnis. (New York Times)
Saudi Arabia warns against foreign intervention in Iraq. (The National)
The New York Times examines the crisis in Iraq. (New York Times)
Turkey imposes a ban on media reporting about the seizure by ISIS of Turkish diplomats.  (Reuters)
Pres. Sisi swears in the new Egyptian government. (AP)
car bomb in eastern Syria kills five. (AP)
Iran and the P5+1 resume nuclear talks. (AP/Reuters/The National)
FM Hague says Britain plans to reopen its embassy in Iran. (Reuters/The National)
Asharq al-Awsat says the future of the Middle East depends on the crisis in Iraq. (Asharq al-Awsat)
Faisal Al Yafai says Pres. Obama’s “no war policy” leaves the US vulnerable. (The National)
Bakir Oweida says averting the partition of Iraq and Syria should be the number-one priority. (Asharq al-Awsat)
Steven Simon says ISIS will fail in Iraq and Iran will be the victor. (New York Times)
Hassan Barari says Maliki has become an obstacle to achieving stability in Iraq. (Jordan Times)
Katrina Vanden Heuvel says there is no equivalence to be drawn between Bush’s 2003 decision to invade Iraq and Obama’s 2011 decision to withdraw US troops. (Washington Post)
Eugene Robinson says Obama’s instincts about Iraq and Syria have been sound from the beginning. (Washington Post)
Aaron David Miller says Obama should break the momentum of the ISIS attacks and press Maliki to be a more inclusive leader. (Foreign Policy)
The Daily Star says  refugees are the only area in which Arab states have experienced true unity of late. (Daily Star)
Amos Harel says Israel's response to the kidnapping is aimed at driving a wedge between Pres. Abbas and Hamas (Ha’aretz)
Yair Ettinger says the kidnapping of the teenagers is turning Israelis against each other. (Ha’aretz)
Marc Goldberg says Israel’s “all-out efforts” to find the teenagers will push more Palestinians towards extremism. (Times of Israel)
Akiva Eldar says Netanyahu is wrong to blame Abbas for the kidnapping. (Al-Monitor)
Smadar Perry says the kidnapping of the teenagers is another failure for Abbas. (Ynet)
Martin Karplus says Israelis and Palestinians should work together to improve their “common homeland.” (Ha’aretz)
Abdel Latif el-Menawy says Sisi should be a man of the people. (Al Arabiya)
Israel’s parliament selects Reuven Rivlin as country’s next president. (Reuters/AP/AFP/Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post)
DM Ya’alon says the formula of land for peace was a mistake. (JTA/Jerusalem Post/Ynet)
Israel’s parliament has given initial approval to a law that would enable force-feedingPalestinian prisoners. (Reuters/Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post)
US lawmakers want Sec. Kerry to explain his decision to continue working with the PA. (JTA/Jerusalem Post/Times of Israel)
US Senators are debating military aid to Israel. (Ha’aretz)
Former NSC Advisor Berger says Hamas should not be allowed to participate in Palestinian elections. (Jerusalem Post)
Hamas calls on its armed wing in the occupied West Bank to target Israeli soldiers and settlers. (Times of Israel)
Hamas says PA forces “assaulted” Hamas-affiliated protesters in Ramallah. (Ma’an)
Jewish Australians express concern about their country’s new stance on occupied East Jerusalem. (Ha’aretz)
Jordan summons an Australian diplomat over the status of occupied East Jerusalem. (Xinhua/AFP/Jordan Times)
Palestinian Professor Dajani who took students to Auschwitz resigns amid controversy. (The Media Line)
The Palestinian Environmental Authority says half of the beaches in Gaza havedangerous levels of contamination and are unfit for swimming. (Ma’an)
Israel prevents Palestinian businessman Munib Masri from entering Gaza. (Bloomberg)
Israeli Gen. Brun is optimistic about the nuclear talks with Iran. (New York Times/Ha’aretz)
Israeli Amb. Dermer derides efforts at a deal with Iran. (Ha’aretz)
six-week offensive by ISIL in eastern Syria has killed 600 fighters and driven 130,000 people from their homes. (Reuters/AP)
Pres. Sissi condemns sexual harassment in Egypt. (AP/The National)
PM Maliki asks the parliament to declare a state of emergency after insurgents seizeMosul (Reuters/New York Times/Washington Post/The National)
Iran and Turkey pledge to work together to fight extremism. (The National)
The Lebanese parliament fails again to elect a new president. (Xinhua)
Corruption plagues Qatar’s world cup preparations. (New York Times)
The Jordan Times says Australia is disregarding international law, by deciding to stop referring to East Jerusalem as occupied area. (Jordan Times)
Zvi Bar’el says the US is being forced to compromise in the Middle East. (Ha’aretz)
Jonathan Cook says elections will be the most difficult test for the new Palestinian government. (The National)
Ha’aretz says Israel should not force-feed Palestinian hunger strikers. (Ha’aretz)
Uri Savir says Pres. Peres’ leadership is not only a reflection of Israel, but more importantly, a projection of what it should aspire to be. (Jerusalem Post)
Hassan Barari says the Syrian presidential election was designed to “rehabilitate and legitimize” Pres. Assad. (Jordan Times)
Seyed Hossein Mousavian and Nassif Hitti say time has come to consider the necessity of establishing a conference on security and cooperation in the Middle East. (Asharq al-Awsat)
Khairallah Khairallah says Hezbollah’s military involvement in Syria harmed whatever was left of Lebanese sovereignty. (Al Arabiya)
The Daily Star says, from the judiciary to the education system, Lebanon needs to overhaul its approach to sexual violence. (Daily Star)
The National says military conscription in the UAE will have many benefits. (The National)

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