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Israel issues tenders for 283 new homes in a West Bank settlement. (AFP/Times of Israel)

The Obama administration is considering taking further action regarding Israel’s expropriation of 1,000 acres of West Bank land. (Ha’aretz)

Sec. Kerry speaks with Israeli and Palestinian leaders about peace prospects in the region. (JTA)

A Fatah official says a draft of ICC indictment against Israel is ready for submission. (Ha’aretz)

The reconstruction of Gaza will cost an estimated $7.8 billion. (Ma’an)

The PA is working to implement a three-stage plan to solve the water crisis in Gaza. (Ma’an)

An Egyptian official says an Israeli delegation will arrive in Cairo within a week to continue indirect talks with the Palestinians. (Ma’an)

Hamas leader Haniyeh says the group will not be disarmed as a condition for ending the blockade of Gaza. (AP/Ma’an)

Hamas leader Meshaal reportedly agreed to accept a Palestinian state within the 1967 bordersduring a recent meeting with Pres. Abbas. (Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post)

The murder of the three Israeli teenagers was reportedly set in motion by Hamas operatives from a local Palestinian clan. (New York Times/Ma'an)

The EU paid €15.5 million toward to the early payment of PA salaries and pensions in August. (PNN)

Palestinian citizens of Israel fear rising discrimination after Gaza war. (JTA)

David Makovsky, a member of the State Department’s Middle East peace team, is returning to his think tank position. (JTA)

Kerry and Def. Sec. Hagel urge a broad international coalition against IS. (AP/Reuters/New York Times)

IS extremists kidnap 50 Iraqi men. (AP/New York Times)

The UN says discrepancies and questions still surround Syria's chemical weapons declaration. (Reuters/New York Times)

The Al-Nusra Front tells Lebanese Sunnis they must support its cause or pay the price. (Reuters)

Some Lebanese Christians are beginning to arm as Middle East tensions mount. (AP/Times of Israel)

Prominent Arab Spring activists in Egypt and Bahrain turn to hunger strikes in prisons. (New York Times)


ATFP’s Tala Haikal says Iraqi Kurds will need more than weapons to protect their relative prosperity and an independent future. (Daily Star)

Hussein Ibish, Bessma Momani, Eric Margolis and Janice Stein discuss the rise of The Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. (Video: TVO's The Agenda with Steve Paikin)

Amir Taheri says it is useless to debate who won the war in Gaza. (Asharq al-Awsat)

Ben Caspit says ignoring the Arab Peace Initiative will be costly for PM Netanyahu. (Al-Monitor)

Hana Salah says young Palestinians from Gaza are willing to risk the dangers of illegally immigrating to Europe. (Al-Monitor)

The Daily Star says as long as Israel maintains its position toward the peace process, nothing is going to change. (Daily Star)

Yoel Marcus compares Netanyahu to Pres. Putin. (Ha’aretz)

Aaron David Miller says IS could kill the two-state solution. (Foreign Policy)

David Ignatius looks at Pres. Obama’s IS strategy. (Washington Post)

Abdul Rahman Al Rashed says eradicating ISIS cannot be accomplished simply with air strikes. (Al Arabiya)

Alan Philps says Britain is trying to avert a wave of militants volunteering for jihad in Syria and Iraq. (The National)

H.A. Hellyer says the west’s analysis of the Middle East is far too simplistic. (The National)

Ahmad Majdoubeh says Arab states must meet people’s demands. (Jordan Times)

Palestinian Chief Negotiator Erekat submits a proposal to end the Israeli occupation to Sec. Kerry. (AFP)
Israel plans to build 2200 new housing units in occupied East Jerusalem. (PNN/Times of Israel)
Israel has agreed to dismantle a bridge at a Jerusalem holy site. (AP/Xinhua/JTA/Ha’aretz)
Pres. Abbas reportedly rejected an Egyptian proposal to resettle Palestinian refugees in Sinai. (Times of Israel)
King Abdullah of Jordan calls for the resumption of peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians. (Jordan Times)
The US is open to a new UN resolution on Gaza but only if it contributes to sustaining the Israeli-Palestinian cease-fire. (AP)
More than 200,000 Palestinian laborers in Gaza are unemployed. (Ma’an)
Palestinians in Gaza await the reopening of the airport. (The National)
Israeli occupation forces detain nine Palestinians across the West Bank. (Ma’an)
UNRWA will begin the evaluation and assessment of damages to the homes of the displaced across Gaza. (Ma’an)
The alleged “mastermind” behind the kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers is indicted. (Times of Israel/Jerusalem Post)
The Israeli military attacks a Syrian army position after a mortar strikes Israel. (JTA/Ha’aretz)
Pres. Obama and PM Cameron call on NATO to confront IS. (New York Times)
An Iraqi soldier describes his capture by IS extremists. (New York Times)
In northeast Syria IS is building a government. (Reuters)
The UAE calls for a unified effort to root out radical militancy in the Middle East. (Reuters/Xinhua) 
Iran and the US meet in Geneva for bilateral talks. (Reuters)
The UN says 250,000 people have fled militia fighting in Libya. (AP)
Ali Jarbawi looks at the lessons Israel should learn from the latest Gaza war. (New York Times)
Asmaa al-Ghoul says Palestinians in Gaza are haunted by war. (Al-Monitor)
Gregg Carlstrom says PM Netanyahu is now facing a war within his own government. (Foreign Policy)
Chemi Shalev asks if Abbas’ peace talks deadline is the last chance for the two-state solution. (Ha’aretz)
Gideon Levy says Israel’s “settlement disease” is terminal. (Ha’aretz)
Michael Young says Obama’s “foreign policy failures” will haunt the Middle East for years. (The National)
Hassan Hassan says in Syria, both the regime and the opposition view IS as a serious threat. (The National)
The Daily Star says the US has no Syria plan. (Daily Star)
Dennis Ross says if IS is a “cancer,” as Obama has correctly called it, the US cannot avoid attacking its presence in Syria. (Politico)
Joyce Karam says IS murdered American journalist Stephen Sotloff because it is bruised and desperate for American targets. (Al Arabiya)
The Los Angeles Times asks if there is a mismatch between Obama’s words and deeds on IS. (Los Angeles Times)
Michael Young says the Sunni moderates have much work to do in Lebanon. (Daily Star)


The US and the EU call on Israel to reverse its appropriation of West Bank land. (JTA)

Sec. Kerry calls PM Netanyahu to protest land appropriation. (Ha’aretz/Ynet)

Peace Now says Israel’s land appropriation is intended to consolidate control over the occupied West Bank. (Ha’aretz)

Kerry willl meet with Palestinian negotiators. (AFP)

delegation from the Arab League will visit Gaza. (Ma’an)

An Egyptian official says no date has been set for renewed Gaza ceasefire talks. (Ma’an)

Palestinians are considering new international initiatives. (New York Times)

Pres. Abbas reportedly accused Hamas leader Meshaal of scheming to overthrow him in a meeting in Qatar. (Ha’aretz)

The New York Times looks at the significance of the Erez crossing. (New York Times)

Palestinians in Gaza demand the right of passage to the West Bank. (Ha’aretz)

The Israeli navy detains two Palestinian fishermen off the coast of Gaza. (Ma’an)

Israeli occupation forces demolish a house and a water well in Hebron. (Ma’an)

The Washington Post looks at what happened this summer to the Abu Khdeir’s  Palestinian-American family. (Washington Post)

John Edwin Mroz, an American official negotiating with the PLO, dies at 66. (New York Times)

Israel signs a 15-year natural gas deal with Jordan. (Ha’aretz)

Pres. Obama has ordered an increase of 350 troops in Baghdad to protect the US embassy. (Reuters/AP)

Australian PM Abbott does not rule out sending combat troops in Iraq. (Reuters)

Human Right Watch says IS militants killed 770 Iraqi troops in June. (AP)

Yazidi girl tells the story of her escape from IS kidnappers. (Reuters)

Pope Francis tells Iraqi Christians that they are the "heart" of the church. (AP)

IS extremists release a video purportedly showing the beheading of a second American journalist,Steven Sotloff. (Reuters/AP/New York Times/The National)

Syrian government forces escalate their assault on a rebel-held district in Damascus. (Reuters/The National)


Rami Khouri looks at Abbas’ new international initiative. (Daily Star)

Osama Al Sharif says Hamas and Abbas are already fighting. (Jordan Times)

Shlomi Eldar says Abbas needs Hamas. (Al-Monitor)

Ron Kampeas says the Obama administration is retreating from Middle East peace endeavors. (JTA)

David Horovitz says there are no “quick fixes” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. (Times of Israel)

Eric Yoffie says Israel’s land appropriation is “foolish, ill-timed and self-destructive.” (Ha’aretz)

Hussein Ibish says IS is trying to raise a loyal generation of citizens of its “caliphate” through endoctrination and brainwashing. (Now)

Thomas Friedman says to defeat ISIS you have to address the context out of which it emerged. (New York Times)

Shane Harris and Kate Brannen say Sotloff’s murder proves that IS isn’t interested in negotiating. (Foreign Policy)

Amos Yadlin says IS is not an existential threat to Israel. (Ynet)

Mshari Al-Zaydi says Egypt is now free to play its natural role as the leading Arab country once more. (Asharq al-Awsat)

Mohammed Fahad al-Harthi says the government priorities of the Arab world should shift toward a development-based agenda. (Al Arabiya)


Israel seizes 1,000 acres of West Bank land for a Jewish settlement bloc near Bethlehem. (NewYork Times/PNN/The National)

The US urges Israel to reverse its latest land expropriation. (AFP/JTA)

UNSG Ban is alarmed by Israel’s decision to seize the land. (New York Times/Xinhua/PNN)

FM Lieberman says Israel stands behind its decision to appropriate the land. (Ha’aretz)

Finance Minister Lapid warns Israel is eroding its international support through such expropriations. (AFP/Ha’aretz/Ynet)

Pres. Abbas will present a plan to the Arab League for determining borders with Israel and ending the occupation of the West Bank within three years. (Ha’aretz/Times of Israel/Jerusalem Post/The National)

poll suggests a significant rise in the popularity of Hamas among Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. (Reuters/AP/Times of Israel)

A high-level Egyptian delegation arrives in Ramallah to address Fatah-Hamas tensions. (Times of Israel)

Egypt says it will open the Rafah crossing only if PA troops guard it. (Ha’aretz)

Israeli warships open fire at Palestinian fishermen off the coast of Rafah. (Ma’an/PNN)

Palestinians schools educate students to avoid Israeli products. (The Media Line)

Israeli children return to school after the Gaza war. (AP)

The murder of the Palestinian teenager Mohamed Abu Khdeir shakes his school’s faith in coexistence. (Ha’aretz)

bombing in Sinai kills 11 police officers. (AP)

The World Food Program says 4.1 million people in Syria received food rations in August. (Reuters/AP )

The Al-Nusra Front issue a set of demands for the release of 45 UN peacekeepers. (AP/JTA/The National)

The US carries out airstrikes against IS fighters near the formerly besieged Shi’ite town of Amerli. (Reuters)

Iranians play a key role in breaking the IS seige of Amerli. (Reuters/Washington Post)

Chancellor Merkel says arming the Kurds in Iraq is in Germany’s interest. (AP)

The New York Times looks at why Kurdish fighters failed initially against IS militants. (New York Times) 

Former PM Maliki pledges to turn Iraq into “a big grave” for IS militants. (AP)

IS extremists are reportedly using cluster bombs. (New York Times)

The UN Human Rights Council will send a team to Iraq to investigate possible war crimes by IS extremists. (New York Times)

Amnesty International accuses IS extremists of committing war crimes in Iraq. (AP)

HH Prince Zeid assumes his position as UN Human Rights Commissioner. (Jordan Times) 


Hussein Ibish says Palestinians should redefine the concept of martyrdom to promote effective non-violent resistance to occupation. (The National)

The National says Israel should be “held accountable for its land grab.” (The National)

The Daily Star says Israel’s latest land expropriation is a “war crime.” (Daily Star)

Ha’aretz says Netanyahu’s government is not serious about peace with the Palestinians.  (Ha’aretz)

Nabila Ramdani says Israel’s actions in Gaza must not be forgotten. (The National)

Khairallah Khairallah says Hamas has perfected the art of celebrating defeat. (Al Arabiya)

Akiva Eldar says Netanyahu will accept a major PA role in Gaza only if the unity government is dissolved. (Al-Monitor)

Uri Savir says an economic federation between Israel, Palestine and Jordan might facilitate the establishment of a Palestinian state. (Al-Monitor)

Abdul Rahman Al Rashed asks if Gulf countries are coming together out of fear of ISIS. (Al Arabiya)

Hassan Barari says PM-designate Abadi’s task of forming an inclusive government is far from easy. (Jordan Times)

Diana Moukalled says everyone should feel sympathy for ordinary Syrian soldiers who are the victims of ISIS. (Asharq al-Awsat)

Andrew Hammond says the UAE’s airstrikes in Libya represent a new and dangerous phase in its struggle with Qatar. (Foreign Policy)


Pres. Abbas says Israel must clarify what its borders are, and blasts Hamas for maintaining a "parallel" government in Gaza. (Ma’an/Jerusalem Post)

Hamas leader Meshaal says Hamas will go back to war against Israel if the upcoming long-term ceasefire talks fail. (Ha’aretz/Times of Israel/Jerusalem Post)

The US is reportedly planning to present a comprehensive proposal for the demilitarization of Gaza to the UNSC. (Times of Israel)

Palestinians in Gaza are slowly returning to their normal routines. (Ma’an/The Guardian)

Palestinian fishermen in Gaza say they are already seeing the benefits of an extended fishing zone. (Ma’an)

Many children in Gaza are left orphaned by the conflict. (Ma’an)

Israel’s attacks on Gaza caused $40.4 million worth of damage just to religious sites and cemeteries. (Ma’an)

The new school year in Gaza will start on September 14th. (Ma’an)

Islamic Jihad says 121 of its fighters were killed in Gaza. (Times of Israel)

Many Israelis used an app to track the Gaza conflict during the latest round of hostilities. (New York Times) 

Israel approves plans to build another Yeshiva in occupied East Jerusalem. (Ma’an)

Israeli police say they have found the body of a 23-year-old American student who went missing inJerusalem. (Reuters/New York Times/Washington Post/JTA)

PM Netanyahu meets with members of Congress. (JTA)

A poll indicates that Americans sympathize with Israel more than with the Palestinians. (Ha’aretz)

An armed group detains 43 UN peacekeepers, and another 81 are trapped, during fighting in Syria. (AP/Reuters)

Pres. Obama downplays the prospect of imminent US military action in Syria. (AP) 

The UN says the war in Syria has driven a record 3 million people out of the country. (AP/Reuters/New York Times)

video shows IS fighters executing Syrian soldiers. (Reuters/New York Times/The National)

The Wall Street Journal looks at IS’ extensive criminal finances and racketeering. (Wall Street Journals)

A captured IS laptop includes lessons for making bubonic plague bombs and missives on using weapons of mass destruction. (Foreign Policy)

The US has delivered a shipment of weapons to Lebanon. (AP)

A powerful Islamist militia in Tripoli says it agrees with a UN call for a Libyan ceasefire. (AP)

FM Zarif expresses optimism on nuclear talks. (Reuters)


Asmaa Al Ghoul says Israel gained the upper hand in the final days of the Gaza war. (Al-Monitor)

Naomi Shihab Nye desrcibes growing up in Ferguson and Palestine. (Washington Post)

Peter Millett says UNRWA will have to rebuild “shattered lives” in Gaza. (Al Arabiya)

The CSM says Israel should seek a lasting peace with the Palestinians, not merely prolonged quiet. (Christian Science Monitor)

Lara Friedman says Israeli settlement activity would greatly strengthen Hamas. (Jewish Daily Forward)

Neri Zilber says Hamas did not win the Gaza war. (Politico)

Zvi Bar’el says the Gaza war was a distraction from the main issue in the Middle East today: IS. (Ha’aretz)

Peter Beinart says Palestinians are invisible to many Jewish Americans. (Ha’aretz)

David Ignatius asks if Saudi Arabia can help fight IS. (Washington Post)

Steven CookJacob Stokes and Alexander Brock say Obama's attempt to disengage from Middle East’s conflict has intensified regional rivalries. (Foreign Policy)

Winston Harris asks if Kurds can achieve independence. (Small Wars Journal)

The National says Gulf states must not forget Pres. Assad’s brutality. (The National)

The Daily Star says world leaders must take “meaningful action” against the Syrian regime. (Daily Star)

Abdallah Schleifer says Egypt is preparing for a worst-case scenario in Libya. (Al Arabiya)

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