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NEWS: While the PA says it's canceling tax increases to meet the demands of protesters, union leaders say demonstrations will continue. Protests in Ramallah continue, and focus on criticism of Palestinian leaders, especially PM Fayyad. Israeli officials say the US has refused a request by PM Netanyahu to meet Pres. Obama next month, although the White House plays down the report. Netanyahu orders the release of Palestinian tax revenues to the cash-strapped PA. Hamas leader Hanniyeh is visiting Egypt. Six Jewish Israeli teenagers are charged in an attack on a Palestinian man in Jerusalem. Israel is ranked the second-best educated country in the OECD. Hamas sentences a man in Gaza to death for collaboration with Israel. Palestinians who have fled Syria protest against conditions in a Lebanese refugee camp. The US is reportedly attempting to dissuade Palestinians from seeking non-member observer state status at the UN in September. COMMENTARY: Daniel Levy says Israel really does have to confront the choice between continuing the occupation and becoming a single, democratic state. Saud Abu Ramadan says both a free-trade agreement with Egypt and continued smuggling through tunnels would benefit Hamas. Amira Hass says the PA serves everyone except its own public. Oudeh Basharat says Israeli journalists show more sympathy for tomatoes than they do for Arabs. Moshe Arens says the US-Israel relationship doesn't depend on individual politicians. Steve Caplan says attempts to boycott Israeli academics and scientists are hypocritical and counterproductive. Ron Kampeas says US-Israel tensions regarding Iran are boiling over. David Amitai says Israel's Jews and Arabs are united by food, if nothing else. Mairav Zonszein says a new study shows violence begets violence among Israeli and Palestinian children.
NEWS: PM Fayyad announces new economic measures in response to Palestinian protests at the rising cost of living in the occupied West Bank. The protests have focused on the PA leadership, and are beginning to turn violent, but no injuries are reported yet. Palestinian leaders are looking for ways of improving the economic situation. Pres. Abbas says Israeli restrictions are impeding an effective response to the economic crisis. The PA says it is working to facilitate the creation of an industrial zone in Jenin. Palestinians say Israel intends to confiscate land near Nablus for a new settler bypass road. Israeli officials complain about US policy towards Iran. PM Netanyahu suggests the United States has no right to restrain Israel from attacking Iran. UN officials criticize both the blockade of Gaza and rocket attacks against Israel. Israel is creating a new police unit to combat “price tag” violence against Palestinians. Hamas says it has agreed to create a joint security committee with Egypt. Israel instructs its diplomats to raise the issue of Jewish refugees from the Arab world in Israel to “counteract” the Palestinian refugee issue. India reiterates its support for Palestinian independence. Israeli and Palestinian women launch a joint business in handicrafts. The tax exempt status of the Zionist Organization of America has reportedly been revoked. COMMENTARY: Akiva Eldar says a new study demonstrates that Palestinian citizens of Israel and Palestinians living under Israeli occupation have developed separate narratives, and, in a separate column, he argues that those who have given up on the two-state solution are surrendering to defeatism. The Jerusalem Post claims that Palestinians and other Arabs are not only responsible for the Palestinian refugee problem, but also for Jewish refugees in Israel from the Arab world. Sophie Claudet and Saleh Jadallah doubt Pres. Morsy will adopt substantially new policies towards Gaza.
NEWS: A new UN report details poverty in Gaza. Palestinians continue to protest rising prices, as truck drivers block streets. Israeli officials rule out Palestinian requests to modify the Paris Protocol to ease economic woes. The PA says public employees will receive half pay on Wednesday. Protesters call on Pres. Abbas to resign. PM Fayyad says the protests demonstrate the PA's commitment to freedom of expression. A rocket fired from Gaza hits a house in southern Israel, causing damage but no injuries. Israel will compensate a Palestinian family which lost two sons in the 2009 Gaza war. Israel's Cabinet votes to upgrade the status of a school in a West Bank settlement to that of an officially recognized “university.” Palestinian children in occupied Hebron face serious challenges in returning to school. Some Palestinians in Jordan are threatened with losing their citizenship. Palestinian refugees in Lebanon suffer from long waits for medical care. COMMENTARY: Saud Abu Ramadan argues Salafist militants in Gaza are trying to drag Hamas into a war with Israel. Adam Gonn says there's a direct connection between a potential renewed Palestinian UN bid and the urgent need for economic relief. Amira Hass says Palestinians should remember their problems mainly stem from the occupation. Hagai Segal says the settlers have won the battle for the West Bank against Israeli moderates and the Palestinians. Alon Liel says Israel is repeating its “low stool” diplomatic tactics used against Turkish officials with US Amb. Shapiro. Salman Masalha says it's ridiculous that anybody involved in the Oslo Accords ever got a Nobel Peace Prize. Eric Yoffie says it won't matter much to Israel whether Pres. Obama is reelected or Mitt Romney wins the presidency. Robert Turner says the new UN report shows the urgent need to lift the blockade of Gaza. The National encourages the Palestinians to seek greater recognition at the UN. Tariq Alhomayed says it is political buffoonery for Arabs to allow Hamas and Hezbollah to thrive while the PA is on the brink of bankruptcy. Dan Ephron profiles Israel's powerful and growing settler movement.
NEWS: Palestinian protests against high prices continue. Palestinian taxi drivers clog roads as part of the protests. PM Fayyad says he is ready to resign if need be. Hamas says it will pursue Salafists in Gaza from “street to street.” Seven more Palestinians are killed in Syrian government shelling of the Yarmouk refugee camp. A Palestinian man is assaulted in Jerusalem in another suspected hate attack. House Intelligence Committee Chair Rogers confirms the US-Israel dispute over Iran policy. DM Barak says Israel reserves the right to take action on its own against Iran. A new poll suggests that most Jewish Israelis are optimistic about the future but Palestinian citizens are concerned. Pres. Morsy meets with Pres. Abbas. An Israeli oil company is asking the PA for permission to drill in the occupied territories. PM Netanyahu and US Amb. Shapiro reportedly had a harsh exchange of views on Iran last month. COMMENTARY: Hussein Ibish argues that the new Israeli campaign on Jewish refugees and migrants to Israel from the Arab world is cynical and unhelpful. Ahmad Majdoubeh says if there is a "Palestinian Spring" at hand, it's because of the divisions between Fatah and Hamas. Dominique Moisi says Palestinian and Jewish citizens have found a way to work together in medicine. George Hishmeh says the United States should work to build a nuclear-free Middle East. Ithamar Handelman-Smith says all of Israeli society is responsible for the attempted lynching of a Palestinian in Jerusalem. Khaled Diab says the plight of Bedouin children represents the threat Israel's occupation poses to all Palestinian students. Yoaz Hendel says the United States is naturally placing its own interests ahead of its friendship with Israel. Stuart Eizenstat and Lester Crown both say Pres. Obama has demonstrated his commitment to Israel's security "in countless ways." Eshkol Nevo says Jewish Israeli "price tag" violence is not just a disgrace, it's a national security threat. Chris McGreal says the DNC reversal on Jerusalem demonstrates what a low priority Middle East peace talks now are for the United States. Yossi Verter says Barak now opposes an attack against Iran. Eyal Chowers says the 1937 Peel Commission report still has much relevance for Israel and the Palestinians. Henry Siegman says Israel has destroyed the two-state solution and only serious Palestinian masures can revive it.
NEWS: Six Palestinian militants are killed by Israeli airstrikes in Gaza. The UN says Palestinians are slipping deeper into poverty. The PA financial crisis continues to deepen. Palestinian sources tell Xinhua some factions in the West Bank, without naming them, are inciting people to protest against PM Fayyad. President Abbas says the “Palestinian spring” has begun. Hamas is trying to regain its popularity in Gaza. The PA says it has arrested suspects in the assassination of a senior security official in Jenin. Hamas is training its diplomats in preparation to challenge the PLO internationally. Israel agrees to pay damages to the family of a Palestinian detainee left to die on a highway. Three French magistrates investigating his death are planning to exhume the body of the late Pres. Arafat. Following a controversy, the Democratic Party platform restores language saying Jerusalem is Israel's capital. A new study suggests gaps may be growing between Palestinian citizens of Israel and those living under occupation. COMMENTARY: Rami Livni says Israel must end the occupation, not for the Palestinians but for itself. Anshel Pfeffer says there are further signs that Israel will not be attacking Iran any time in the foreseeable future. Yariv Oppenheimer says everything Israel has constructed in the occupation is reversible. The Jerusalem Post says Israel must be tough with the Palestinians regarding electricity payments. Douglas Bloomfield says a lot of Israeli rhetoric about attacking Iran may be designed to make the reelection of Pres. Obama more difficult. Asharq Al-Awsat interviews Ghazi Hamad, "Deputy Foreign Minister" for Hamas, about the organization's diplomatic initiative. Crispian Balmer says that Israel is backing down from threats against Iran after being rebuked by the United States. Alon Pinkas says in spite of PM Netanyahu's mistakes, there is no “crisis” with the United States. Laura Rosen outlines the process whereby the DNC platform reintroduced Jerusalem into its text. Daniel Seidemann and Josh Rogin separately also examine the controversy. Aaron David Miller says the controversy is silly and irrelevant.

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