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A new television series based in the West Bank provides a unique perspective on life under occupation (1). Ongoing turmoil surrounding Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert dampens the peace effort (2), though some remain hopeful (4). The Muslim holiday of Ramadan begins while the Israeli blockade of Gaza continues (3). Egypt recloses its Gaza border after a brief opening allowed thousands to pass through (5). Al-Qaeda oriented groups train in the Gaza strip (6). Thousands of medical workers in Gaza go on strike in response to the Hamas-run health ministry?s recent spate of firings (8).

CNN correspondent Paula Hancock visits the training facilities and rocket factories of The Popular Resistance Committees in Gaza (1). Israeli security officials are reportedly disturbed by the increase in violence by Jewish settlers in the West Bank (2). A rocket fired from Gaza lands in southern Israel but causes no injuries or damage (4). Protest against the separation barrier in the West Bank town of Naalin continues (10). Jordan restores relations with Hamas following a series of meetings in Amman (11).
An article in the New York Times discusses Raja Shehadah’s recent book “Palestinian Walks: Forays Into a Vanishing Landscape” (1). Palestinian national poet Mahmoud Darwish is buried in Ramallah today (2) while Arab News profiles his remarkable life (5). Israel chooses not to pursue legal action against the tank crew that killed a Reuters cameraman and eight bystanders in Gaza four months ago (3). The Middle East Times notes the marked shift in Hamas’ public stance towards militants who violate the truce with rocket fire into Israel (4).
Israel proposes ideas for the West Bank, the terms of which the Palestinians find unacceptable (1). A recent poll of Israeli citizens finds that three in ten would like former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to return to power after Ehud Olmert steps down (2). Israel announces that it will close its Gaza border crossings with Gaza after a recent rocket attack (3). The impoverished Gaza strip faces a serious cash shortage (4). Israeli settlement activity in the West Bank intensifies (6) (8).
Mahmoud Darwish, respected Palestinian poet, dies after complications from heart surgery at the age of 67, and will be honored with an official funeral (1) (7). The BBC looks at life on the ground in blockaded Gaza (3). Eight Palestinians are killed as an underground smuggling tunnel collapses near the Egypt-Gaza border (5). Israel’s recent decision to build 447 new settler homes around Jerusalem draws criticism from the French EU Presidency (9). Three articles from Bitterlemons.org examine different scenarios for the Annapolis process (10) (11) (12).

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