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The Palestinian death toll in Gaza reaches 1389. (Ma’an/PNN/The National)

Three more Israeli soldiers are killed in Gaza. (Ynet)

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Pillay says Israel and Hamas are committing war crimes. (AP/Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post)

PM Netanyahu says he will not accept any ceasefire until all tunnels are destroyed. (Reuters/AP/New York Times/JTA/Ha’aretz)

Pres. Abbas declares Gaza a “humanitarian disaster zone.” (Ynet)

The Palestinian delegation led by Abbas will arrive in Cairo today. (Ynet/Jerusalem Post)

Israeli shelling killls at least 15 Palestinians sheltering in a UN-run school and another 17 near a street market. (Reuters/AP/JTA)

An International outcry erupts after Israel attacks a market and a UN school. (The National)

UNSG Ban says all available evidence suggests that Israeli artillery hit the UN school. (New York Times/Washington Post/AFP)

Pres. Obama takes a tougher line on Gaza casualties. (AP/Times of Israel)

PM Cameron expresses concern over civilian casualties while calling for an immediate cease-fire. (Ha’aretz)

Sec. Hagel expresses concern over the rising Gaza death toll. (Times of Israel)

The PA will reportedly accede to the Rome Statute of the ICC. (Times of Israel)

Palestinian militants launch 10 rockets toward Sderot from Gaza. (Ma’an/Ynet)

Israel mobilizes 16,000 additional reservists. (AFP/Ynet/Times of Israel)

Hamas calls for a “Day of Rage” on Friday in the occupied West Bank. (Daily Star)

Hamas airs a video of a cross-border tunnel raid on the Israeli army. (Washington Post)

Experts say Netanyahu’s quest for demilitarizing Gaza can only get him so far. (New York Times)

Some Arab leaders view Hamas as worse than Israel. (New York Times)

Five Latin American countries pull out their ambassadors from Israel. (JTA)

The US resupplies Israel with munitions. (Reuters/AFP)

Former Palestinian soccer player Ahed Zaqout is killed by an Israeli bomb. (Ha’aretz/Reuters)

Israeli troops use dogs and robots to track tunnels in Gaza. (Reuters)

Anti-Semitic incidents in Britain have risen to a near record level since the start of the Israeli assault on Gaza. (Reuters)

A Hezbollah commander is killed in Iraq. (Reuters)

Iraqis are angry and sad as IS militants destroy national relics. (New York Times)

Libyan militias fighting for the control of Tripoli's airport agree to a temporary ceasefire. (Reuters)


Aaron David Miller says the Gaza conflict is the “poster child” for America and Europe’s inability to ‘fix’ the Middle East. (Ha’aretz)

Ari Shavit says Hamas is “bursting” Israel’s bubble. (Ha’aretz)

Gershon Baskin says there is no military solution for the problem of Gaza or the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. (Jerusalem Post)

J.J. Goldberg says Israel’s right and Hamas are blocking a ceasefire. (Jewish Daily Forward)

Joyce Karam says Israel seems to be acting with little to no restraint in the Middle East. (Al Arabiya)

Linda Gradstein says it is not clear if Hamas is stronger or weaker today. (The Media Line)

Alan Elsner says American Jews should look beyond the fighting to a better future for both  Israelis and for the long-suffering population of Gaza. (Ha’aretz)

Gershom Gorenberg looks at Netanyahu’s hostility towards Sec. Kerry. (Ha’aretz)

Yossi Mekelberg says Israel’s “propaganda machine” is backfiring. (Al Arabiya)

Michael Young says Obama’s foreign policy reflects America’s lack of interest in the world. (The National)

Michael Young says Iran and Saudi Arabia appear to be aiming to contain any Sunni-Shiite confrontation in Lebanon. (Daily Star)

Hassan Hassan asks if Pres. Assad takes over Aleppo does that mean the Syrian war is over. (Foreign Policy)

Abdallah Schleifer says jihadists are threatening Egypt and Libya. (Al Arabiya)

Karim Mezran says the international community should not abandon Libya. (New York Times)


Israel kills at least 19 more Palestinians sheltering at another UN-run school in Gaza. (Reuters/New York Times/Washington Post/AFP/JTA/The National)

Gaza’s Ministry of Interior calls on UNRWA to condemn the latest deadly shelling of a UN school. (Ma’an)

UNRWA Commissioner General Krahenbuhl condemns Israel’s strike on a Gaza school. (AFP)

UNRWA says it has found more rockets at one of it’s schools. (Reuters/JTA/Jerusalem Post)

Rockets from Gaza are fired at various areas of Israel. (Jerusalem Post)

Israel announces a four-hour humanitarian ceasefire. (Ma’an/PNN/Ha’aretz/Ynet/Times of Israel)

The Palestinian death toll in Gaza reaches 1,296. (Ma’an)

Israel intensifies its assault on Gaza. (Reuters/The National)

The number of displaced people in Gaza is increasing daily, and is now close to 400,000. (Ha’aretz)

Israel and Hamas are quarreling over the casualty list in Gaza. (The Media Line)

Hamas reportedly executes 20 Palestinians in Gaza for collaborating with Israel. (Jerusalem Post)

Pres. Sisi reportedly told Pres. Abbas to come to Cairo with a unified Palestinian position on the ceasefire. (Ynet)

Israel’s Foreign Ministry is considering drafting a UNSC resolution for an end to the war. (Ha’aretz)

Hamas calls on Hezbollah to join the fight against Israel. (Times of Israel)

The loss of shelter and electricity worsens a crisis for Palestinians fleeing Gaza. (New York Times/The Media Line)

US and Israeli officials deny account of a tense conversation between Pres. Obama and PM Netanyahu.(JTA/Times of Israel)

Israel’s Amb. to the US Dermer says criticism of Sec. Kerry is not coming from Netanyahu. (AP)

Former Pres. Peres calls on the Israeli government to seek a diplomatic solution to the Gaza crisis. (JTA/Ynet)

A poll indicates majority of Jewish Israelis back the Gaza war despite rising deaths on both sides. (Washington Post/JTA)

Palestinians living in the occupied West Bank are increasingly worried about what’s happening in Gaza. (Washington Post)

Bombs in Aleppo kill 13 pro-Assad forces. (Reuters)

Human Rights Watch says the Syrian government is still indiscriminately bombing civilians with explosives-filled barrels. (AP)

PM Maliki offers aid to those displaced by IS. (AP)


Prince Turki Al-Faisal says Israel's actions in Gaza trample hopes of an Arab Peace Initiative. (Al-Monitor)

Rep. Keith Ellison says the Israeli-Palestinian conflict must be resolved with a final status agreement, and ending the violence and the blockade is a first step. (Washington Post)

Asmaa al-Ghoul gives a firsthand account of the human suffering in Gaza. (Al-Monitor)

Sholto Byrnes says Israel does not want peace with the Palestinians. (The National)

David Horovitz explains why Netanyahu is disinclined to order a full-scale ground offensive.  (Times of Israel)

Aaron David Miller says Hamas has so far weathered the Israeli barrage. (Foreign Policy)

Elhanan Miller says by working closely with Qatar on the Gaza conflict, the US has sent Israel the wrong message. (Times of Israel)

Jacques de Maio urges an end to the killing in Gaza. (Ha’aretz)

Nahum Barnea says now Israel sees Abbas as the “savior.” (Ynet)

Peter Beinart debunks myths and facts about Gaza. (Ha’aretz)

Carmelia Entekhabi-Fard says Palestinians need more negotiators not arms. (Asharq al-Awsat)

Prince El Hassan Bin Talal says religious leaders are uniting in a joint appeal against acts of violence in Mosul and across the region. (Al-Monitor)

Ali Ibrahim says crises in the Arab world have been proliferating and competing with one another since 2011. (Asharq al-Awsat)

Zana Gulmohamad says IS’s most effective wars are waged online. (The National)

Eyad Abu Shakra says IS violations are an Islamic responsibility. (Al Arabiya)


The Palestinian Ministry of Health says more than 102 Palestinians have been killed in the last 14 hours, bringing the death toll to over 1200. (Ma’an)

The Israeli military says five more of its soldiers have been killed. (Ma’an/JTA/Times of Israel)

PM Netanyahu warns of a protracted war in Gaza. (Reuters/AP/New York Times/Washington Post)

Israel escalates its military campaign against Hamas. (AP)

PLO official Yasser Abed Rabbo says all Palestinian factions are prepared to announce a unilateral 72-hour cease-fire. (Times of Israel/Jerusalem Post/Ynet/AFP)

Gaza’s sole power plant is knocked out by an Israeli airstrike. (Reuters/Ma’an/JTA/The National)

The Al-Quds Brigades claim responsibility for a number of rockets fired into Israel over the course of the day.(Ma’an)

Israel and Hamas trade blame for the deaths of nine Palestinian children in Gaza. (AP)

Israel strikes the house of Hamas leader Haniyeh. (Reuters/New York Times/Washington Post)

The Obama administration is accusing some in Israel of launching a "misinformation campaign"against Sec. Kerry. (AP/Ha’aretz) 

Israel’s Amb. to the US Dermer says attacks on Kerry are “unwarranted.” (JTA)

US lawmakers are pressing the Obama administration to take no action that puts pressure on Israel to halt its military campaign. (AP/Times of Israel)

UNSG Ban reinforces the Security Council's call for an immediate and unconditional humanitarian ceasefire. (AP)

Palestinian doctors save a newborn from her dead mother's womb in Gaza. (AFP)

A poll indicates 90% of Jewish Israelis believe the Gaza operation is justified. (Ynet)

Two Jewish Israeli settlers attempt to kidnap a Palestinian child in occupied Jerusalem. (Ma’an)

The US is confirming that a 15-year-old American citizen is being held by Israeli authorities for his alleged role in protests in occupied East Jerusalem. (AP)

Eid celebrations stay low-key in the occupied West Bank. (The Media Line)

An IS video wages a psychological war on Iraqi soldiers. (Reuters)


Roger Cohen says Hamas is a product of an untenable situation that Israel has reinforced rather than sought to resolve. (New York Times)

Asmaa Al-Ghoul gives a firsthand account of life inside Khan Younis. (Al-Monitor)

David Ignatius says Kerry made a “significant mistake” in how he’s pursuing a Gaza ceasefire. (Washington Post)

David Brooks says the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has become just a stage on which the regional clashes in the Arab world are being expressed. (New York Times)

Nahum Barnea says Israel’s decision makers never imagined that after 10 days of fighting on the ground, the Israeli military death toll would cross the 50 mark. (Ynet)

Akiva Eldar says the Israeli public believes Netanyahu’s “existential threat” warnings. (Al-Monitor)

Steven Cook says a decade of American and Israeli missteps have undermined Pres. Abbas’ message of moderation. (Times of Israel)

Ha’aretz says Pres. Obama is not Israel’s enemy. (Ha’aretz)

Emily Hauser says Gaza is a trigger for Jewish American tension. (Ha’aretz)

Mohamad Bazzi says Israel must heed the lessons of history over Gaza. (The National) 

Suleiman Gouda says the emptying of Iraqi Christians in Mosul demonstrates the plight of Christians in the Arab world. (Asharq al-Awsat)

Keith Johnson says IS is the newest “petrostate.” (Foreign Policy)

Diana Moukalled says in Lebanon everybody has become either a defector or a deserter. (Asharq al-Awsat)


The Palestinian death toll in Gaza reaches more than 1000. (Times of Israel)

Israel eases its assaults in Gaza and Palestinian rocket fire declines. (Reuters/New York Times)

Israel strikes three targets in Gaza, killing two Palestinians. (AP/Ma’an/Ha’aretz))

The Security Council agrees on a statement calling for "an immediate and unconditionalhumanitarian cease-fire." (AP/Reuters/Washington Post/AFP/JTA)

Pres. Obama tells Netanyahu he wants an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. (AP/Washington Post/JTA/Times of Israel)

Sec. Kerry is finding it hard to secure a truce in Gaza. (New York Times)

PM Netanyahu says Israel must not compromise security for the sake of public relations. (AP)

Kerry’s ceasefire proposal is leaked to the media. (JTA/Times of Israel)

Hamas says Israel has reached only a fraction of its tunnels. (Jerusalem Post)

Israel confirms firing a mortar into a UN school being used as a shelter, but denies killing anyone there. (New York Times/AFP)

The Israeli military says the bloodiest battle in Shujaiyeh could have been “much worse.” (Ha’aretz)

Hamas sees the hostilities with Israel as a fight for its existence. (New York Times)

Hamas leader Meshaal demands that Israel end its occupation. (AP/Ma’an/Jerusalem Post)

A Pentagon official Lt Gen Flynn says destroying Hamas is not the answer. (The National)

Palestinian official Shtayyeh says Israeli aggression will not bring peace to the region. (AP)

Palestinian citizens of Israel are caught in the middle of the Gaza war. (AP/Times of Israel)

Egypt’s army destroys 13 more tunnels connecting Sinai to Gaza. (AFP/The National)

Palestinians in Gaza see no joy in the Eid holiday. (Reuters/Ma’an)

Pres. Assad makes a rare appearance, praying in public. (AP/Daily Star)

Iraqi police find the corpses of 15 people, including three women, shot in the head. (Reuters)

France will facilitate asylum for Iraq’s Christians. (Reuters)


ATFP Board Member Saliba Sarsar and ATFP Youth Outreach Coordinator Tala Haikal say Gaza, Syria, and Iraq are pained by that same disease of extremism and conflict. (Huffington Post)

Hussein Ibish interrogates the relationship between intention and predictable effect in the deaths of civilians. (The National)

The Daily Star says a ceasefire in Gaza is not enough. (Daily Star)

Raghida Dergham says, with Hamas’s help,  Israel is killing the peace process. (Al Arabiya)

Jeffrey Goldberg asks why Israel is “losing a war it’s winning.” (The Atlantic)

Sharif Abdel Kouddous explains how Gaza’s residents surveyed the damage during a recent lull in fighting. (Foreign Policy)

The CSM says despair is so great among Israelis and Palestinians that despair itself needs to be addressed. (Christian Science Monitor)

Samir Atallah says Kerry is facing a political dilemma in the Middle East. (Asharq al-Awsat)

Avi Issacharoff says Kerry’s mistakes are strengthening Hamas’ resolve. (Times of Israel)

David Horovitz says Kerry’s ceasefire proposal empowers Hamas. (Times of Israel)

Nahum Barnea says tensions between the US and Israel are benefiting Hamas. (Ynet)

Amos Harel says Netanyahu is facing a moral dilemma with Hamas between deterrence or a decisive victory. (Ha’aretz)

J.J. Goldberg explains how the Gaza tunnels work. (Jewish Daily Forward)

Amira Hass says Israel’s moral defeat will haunt the country for many years. (Ha’aretz)

David Grossman says Israelis must choose peace with the Palestinians. (New York Times)

Rami Khouri says people should look to the roots of the Gaza conflict. (Daily Star)

Sharif Nashashibi says the scale of contemporary tragedies in the Arab world is unprecedented. (The National)

Amer Al Sabaileh says those who believe in the concept of a civic state in the Arab world are under threat. (Jordan Times)

Rafe Al-Essawi and Atheel al-Nujaifi say Iraq’s Sunnis can defeat IS. (New York Times)


Sec. Kerry proposes a two-stage plan to halt the fighting in Gaza. (New York Times/Washington Post/JTA/Ha’aretz)

Israel’s Security Cabinet convenes to discuss Kerry’s proposal. (Jerusalem Post/Times of Israel)

The Palestinian death toll reaches 800. (Reuters/AFP)

The Israeli army says one of its soldiers has been killed, bringing the total number to 33. (Ma’an/Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post)

Two Palestinians are killed in the occupied West Bank amid protests against the Gaza war. (Washington Post/Ma’an/PNN/Ha’aretz)

Palestinians clash with Israeli police at the Al Aqsa Mosque. (Ma’an)

Israel kills a senior Islamic Jihad militant and his two sons. (AP/New York Times)

Palestinian militants from Gaza resume rocket fire into Israel. (Ynet)

Pres. Abbas says he hopes a ceasefire can be agreed in Gaza. (AFP)

King Abdullah of Jordan reaffirms Jordan’s stand with the Palestinian people. (Jordan Times) 

FM Davutoglu flies to Qatar to help efforts for a cease-fire. (AFP) 

The World Health Organization calls for a humanitarian corridor to be set up in Gaza. (Reuters) 

Gaza will face a “daunting” reconstruction after a ceasefire. (Reuters)

Israelis rally behind their army in the Gaza war. (Reuters)

Palestinians in Gaza are reportedly blaming Israel, not Hamas, for the war. (Ha’aretz)

Palestinians in the occupied West Bank hail the Hamas fight against Israel. (New York Times)

Egypt is reportedly taking a hard line over its border with Gaza. (AP)

poll indicates young Americans are unsupportive of Israel’s Gaza war. (JTA/Ha’aretz)

Pres. Obama says the FAA decision on flights to Israel was based on purely safety considerations. (JTA)

German airlines cancel more flights to Tel Aviv. (AP)

Jordan shoots down an “aerial target” near the Syrian border. (AP)

The growing power of IS in Syria is testing the Syrian army’s strategy. (Reuters)

Ayatollah al-Sistani urges political leaders to refrain from clinging to their posts. (Reuters)


The New York Times says the carnage in Gaza must be stopped. (New York Times)

The Jordan Times says the war in Gaza must be ended. (Jordan Times)

Amir Taheri says Gaza is a “half-finished war.” (Asharq al-Awsat)

Ahmad Majdoubeh says the tide is turning against Israel thanks to its own “reckless and criminal actions.” (Jordan Times)

H.A. Hellyer says Pres. Sisi is pondering his next move in the Gaza crisis. (The National)

Abdallah Schleifer says Egyptian commentators have been cruel to the people of Gaza. (Al Arabiya)

Yoel Marcus is impressed with PM Netanyahu’s handling of the war. (Ha’aretz)

The Daily Star says Moscow has been silent as Israel carries out its military offensive against Gaza. (Daily Star)

Gavi Barnhard and Adam Rasgon contrast demonstration on the Gaza war in the West and the Arab world. (WINEP)

Daniel Byman says Israel has no choice but to rely on deterrence. (Foreign Policy) 

S. Daniel Abraham says Israel must “demilitarize Hamas.” (Ha’aretz)

Bakir Oweida says from Gaza to Mosul the killing of innocent civilians continues. (Asharq al-Awsat)

David Ignatius says there are reasons for hope in the Middle East. (Washington Post)

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