Daily News Issue Date: 
April 8, 2015



A Palestinian stabs two Israeli soldiers outside a settlement in the occupied West Bank. (AP/New York Times/Ma’an/JTA/Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)


The IDF raids the home of the Palestinian assailant. (Times of Israel)


France is preparing a draft UNSC resolution to propose a Palestinian state. (Ynet/Al-Monitor/The Media Line)


Israeli occupation forces assault two guards at the al-Aqsa Mosque compound. (Ma’an)


A Syrian Minister says a military operation is needed to expel ISIS from the Yarmouk refugee camp. (AFP/The National)


Warplanes from a Saudi-led coalition strike an airbase north of Aden. (Reuters)


Iran sends two warships to the Gulf of Aden. (The National)


Jordan circulates a draft UN resolution aimed at ending the fighting in Yemen. (AP)


Saudi Shiites are worried about a backlash from the war in Yemen. (Washington Post)


Def. Sec. Carter says al-Qaeda is making "great gains" on the ground amid the chaos in Yemen. (AP/New York Times)


The World Health Organization says more than 560 people have been killed in Yemen. (AP)


Arab states want the UNSC to "blacklist" the son of Yemen’s former Pres. Saleh. (Reuters)


After the victory over ISIS in Tikrit, the next battle in the Anbar province probably requires a new template. (New York Times)


Moody’s raises Egypt’s credit rating, saying macroeconomic performance has improved and external vulnerabilities have been reduced. (AP)


A poll indicates 31% of Republicans support an Iran nuclear deal. (Reuters/Ha’aretz)




Ghaith al-Omari asks if the PA has already collapsed. (The Hill)


Uri Savir says PM Netanyahu’s electoral win has left Palestinians fearing they have no option left but a nonviolent intifada. (Al-Monitor)


Ahmad Melhem asks if Qatar-Israel relations will threaten PA”s relevance in Gaza. (Al-Monitor)


The New York Times says Israel’s demands are unrealistic and, if heeded, could scuffer any nuclear deal with Iranl. (New York Times)


David Ignatius looks at Pres. Obama’s “delicate path” ahead on Iran. (Washington Post)


Ruth Marcus says Obama needs Congress’s buy-in on Iran. (Washington Post)


Abdul Rahman Al Rashed looks at Obama’s apologies to Iran and criticism of Arabs.  (Al Arabiya)


Peter Beinart says Obama and Netanyahu see Iran differently because they see their own countries differently. (Ha’aretz)


David Horovitz says Obama didn’t sign a bad framework deal with Iran, he left it unsigned, open to a more worrying interpretation. (Times of Israel)


Avi Shilon says Netanyahu should embrace the Iran deal as his greatest achievement.(Ha’aretz)


Khaled Almaeena says Saudi action was needed against the Houthis. (Al Arabiya)

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