Daily News Issue Date: 
April 7, 2015


Palestine’s UN Amb. Mansour calls for the Security Council to adopt a resolution demanding a deadline for a Palestinian state. (AP)

The PA is reportedly providing new documents to the ICC to speed up a preliminary probe into possible Israeli war crimes. (Ma’an)

Palestinian importers say Israel has cut back on lumber shipments to Gaza. (Reuters/Jerusalem Post)

Hamas arrests a radical Salafist sheikh in Gaza, accusing him of membership in ISIS.  (AFP)

A PLO committee slams the arbitrary detention of Khalida Jarrar. (Ma’an)

Israel’s military faces a delicate balance in the occupied West Bank. (New York Times)

SodaStream changes the labels on some of its products to note that they were manufactured in the West Bank. (JTA)

Palestinian refugees are fleeing the horrors of ISIS atrocities in Syria. (AFP)

The UN says the crisis in the Palestinian refugee camp in Yarmouk has worsened since the ISIS invasion. (New York Times/Ynet)

The PA has managed to secure the evacuation of up to 800 Palestinian students from Yemen. (Ma’an)

Warplanes from a Saudi-led air coalition bomb a military base in Yemen controlled by Houthi fighters. (Reuters)

UNICEF says at least 74 children have been killed in Yemen fighting. (AP)

The Red Cross says it aims to fly two planes carrying 48 tonnes of medical help and other aid to Yemen over the next two days. (Reuters/Washington Post)

China calls for a ceasefire in Yemen. (Reuters)

Iraqi forensic teams begin excavating 12 suspected mass grave sites thought to hold the corpses of as many as 1,700 soldiers massacred last summer by ISIS. (Reuters/AP) 

VP Biden will give a major speech on Iraq’s future on Thursday. (AP)

The Lebanese army kills three militants in a raid near the Syrian border. (AP/The National/The Daily Star)

Pres. Obama says he is confident sanctions against Iran could be reimposed if a deal is broken. (Reuters/AP/Times of Israel/Jerusalem Post)

Iranian hardliners stage a protest against the nuclear deal.  (AP)

Sen. Corker is a key player in the Iran nuclear accords. (New York Times)

Hezbollah leader Nasrallah says an Iran deal rules out specter of regional and world wars. (Ha’aretz)

Pres. Erdogan visits Iran amid spat over Yemen. (AP)


Hassan Hassan says ISIS’s Yarmouk offensive has profound implications. (The National)

Daniel Drezner says PM Netanyahu is the least important player on the “Iran chessboard.” (Washington Post)

Eugene Robinson says the Iran agreement may be a turning point. (Washington Post)

The Washington Post says Obama is “walking a tightrope” on the Iran nuclear framework. (Washington Post)

Peter Beinart asks what is the alternative to Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran. (Ha’aretz)

Amos Harel asks if Israel can still scuttle an Iran nuclear deal. (Foreign Policy)

Aaron David Miller says an Iranian nuclear deal is still in the motions of negotiations. (Foreign Policy)

Jamal Khashoggi says “Operation Decisive Storm” has pushed the region to a “different and more progressive future.” (Al Arabiya)

The National says Arab collective strength through unity allows the region to better cooperate with the West. (The National)

Salman Aldossary asks if Obama understands Sunni Arabs. (Asharq al Awsat)

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