Daily News Issue Date: 
March 6, 2015


The Palestinian Central Council (PCCrecommends halting security coordination with Israel. (Reuters/AP/New York Times/Ma’an/PNN/Ha’aretz/The Media Line)

Israel says ties with the PLO remain unchanged. (Times of Israel)

A Palestinian motorist injures at least seven Israelis in a car attack near a Jerusalem tram stop. (Reuters/AP/Ma’an/PNN/JTA/Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)

Some Palestinian factions praise the Jerusalem car attack. (Ma’an)

PM Netanyahu reportedly considered an agreement with the Palestinians that would have uprooted West Bank settlements and recognized Palestinian claims to Jerusalem. (JTA/Times of Israel/Ynet)

An American official says Pres. Obama wants to make a renewed effort to achieve progress in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. (Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)

The only power plant in Gaza is set to resume operations after a fuel delivery today. (Ma’an)

Israeli forces open fire on Palestinians in southern Gaza. (Ma’an) 

Israel will resume imports of fruits and vegetables from Gaza for the first time since 2007. (Ha’aretz/Reuters)

Dovish Brig. Gen. (ret.) Sedaka has been appointed to liaise with Bedouins in the occupied West Bank. (Ha’aretz)

ISIS militants loot and bulldoze the ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud. (Reuters/New York Times/Washington Post/The National)

Reports that ISIS's most notorious executioner “Jihadi John” was born on their soil has stirred deep unease among Kuwaitis. (Reuters) 

A study says while Twitter has suspended many users linked to ISIS, at least 46,000 accounts still publicize the group’s message. (New York Times)

The future of Syria’s Al-Nusra Front is in question after its military chief was killed in an apparent government air strike. (Reuters/AP)

The UNSC will vote on a US-drafted resolution to condemn the use of chlorine as a weapon in Syria. (Reuters/New York Times)

The EU has stepped up its sanctions against Syria in response to the crackdown by Pres. Assad's regime. (AP)

FM Zarif suggests that a 10-year moratorium on some aspects of the country's nuclear program might be acceptable to Tehran. (Reuters)

The UAE is lining up investors to try to stabilize Egypt’s damaged economy, while building military cooperation. (AP)

BP signs a $12 billion deal to develop a major gas field in Egypt. (AP/Reuters)


Shlomi Eldar says Hamas' focus on rebuilding its tunnels, while ignoring the plight of Gazans, points to the military wing's dominance in the organization. (Al-Monitor)

Adnan Abu Amer says the Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood is accusing Hamas of establishing a secret organization within the kingdom. (Al-Monitor)

Asmaa al-Ghoul says despite Hamas restrictions, Gaza actresses are seeking stages. (Al-Monitor)

George Hishmeh hopes the upcoming Israeli elections will produce a more reasonable Israeli leadership. (Jordan Times)

Haviv Rettig-Gur says the man who will decide Israel’s election is Pres. Rivlin. (Times of Israel)

Roger Cohen says Netanyahu’s obsessive Iran demonization is based on hyperbole and selective history. (New York Times)

Fareed Zakaria says Netanyahu’s speech was “utterly divorced from reality.” (Washington Post)

Charles Krauthammer says Netanyahu offered a real alternative on Iran. (Washington Post)

Michael Gerson says the White House is conceding too much on Iran. (Washington Post)

Ha’aretz says Netanyahu’s Iran proposals deserve serious discussion after the election, even if he loses. (Ha’aretz)

David Ignatius says targeting terrorist leaders is not enough. (Washington Post)

Abdul Rahman Al Rashed says the battle for Tikrit is igniting a sectarian war in Iraq. (Al Arabiya)

David Kenner asks if Shiite militias in Iraq are doing more harm than good. (Foreign Policy)

Raed Omari says Iran has a colonial attitudes towards the Arab world. (Al Arabiya)

The Daily Star says its time for Arab states and the rest of the world to agree on a new approach to solving the conflict in Syria. (Daily Star)



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