Daily News Issue Date: 
February 5, 2015


Israel withholds tax revenues from the PA for the second month in a row. (JTA/The Media Line/Jerusalem Post)

The PA urges the EU to pressure  Israel to release withheld tax revenues. (Times of Israel)

An unnamed international diplomat says Pres. Abbas may halt security cooperation with Israel unless the state of Palestine is established. (Jerusalem Post)

Nikolay Mladenov, currently UN Iraq envoy, will replace Robert Serry as UN Mideast envoy. (Ha’aretz)

Three Palestinian security officers are injured in armed clashes with gunmen in Balata refugee camp in the occupied West Bank. (Ma’an/Times of Israel)

Hamas leader Zahhar says there will be no new prisoner swap with Israel until all prisoners from the Shalit deal are released. (Ma’an/Jerusalem Post)

Israeli occupation forces raid a Palestinian high school in the West Bank. (Ma’an)

PM Netanyahu rejects the criticism over his upcoming Congress speech and says his duty is to warn about Iran. (Ha’aretz/Times of Israel)

Israeli officials fail to calm a furor created by Netanyahu’s planned speech to Congress and quell a “Democratic revolt” that has dozens threatening a boycott. (Politico/Times of Israel/JTA/Ha’aretz)

bipartisan group of American lawmakers demands that the UN enforce all Security Council resolutions. (JTA)

The UN will appoint a panel to investigate the killing of one of its peacekeepers by Israeli troops near the Israel-Lebanon border. (New York Times/Times of Israel/Jerusalem Post)

Hundreds of Palestinians rally in solidarity with Jordan against ISIS. (Ma’an)

Jordanian fighter jets carry out new airstrikes in Syria, after King Abdullah vows to wage a “harsh war” against ISIS. (AP/Reuters/The National/Jordan Times)

The UN says ISIS is systematically killing, torturing and raping children and families of minority groups in Iraq. (AP)

ISIS has executed three Chinese militants who tried to flee. (Reuters)

Foreign fighters reportedly keep joining ISIS in large numbers despite the American-led bombing campaign. (Daily Beast)

Fox News website posts the unedited ISIS execution video of a Jordanian pilot. (New York Times)

PM al-Abadi says Baghdad’s decade-old curfew will end on Saturday. (Reuters/AP)

Peter Greste, an Al-Jazeera journalist who was detained in Egypt, arrives home in Australia. (Reuters/AP)

One person is killed in an attack on a restaurant north of Cairo. (Reuters)

Al-Qaeda in Yemen says a senior cleric was among four people killed in a recent US drone strike in the country's south. (AP)

American officials have praised the Saudi government for cracking down on terrorism, but suspicions of a past, tacit alliance with Al Qaeda have resurfaced again. (New York Times)

Houthi leaders and former Pres. Saleh reportedly strike a power-sharing deal in Yemen. (Asharq al-Awsat) 

Sec. Kerry will meet FM Zarif in Germany on Saturday. (AP)

Pres. Rouhani accuses the West of distorting Iran’s nuclear policies. (New York Times)


Ha’aretz says Israel is obliged to investigate military conduct during last summer’s Gaza war. (Ha’aretz)

Gideon Levy says getting the head of the UN panel fired won't change the outcome of its probe into possible war crimes committed in Gaza. (Ha’aretz)

Roger Cohen says Israel’s future is on the line in the March 17 elections. (New York Times)

Barnett Rubin says Netanyahu and Speaker Boehner are wrong to think they know what Iran wants. (Washington Post)

The Jordan Times says Jordanians are once again brought together as one by a tragic act of savagery. (Jordan Times)

David Kenner profiles the men who support ISIS in Jordan. (Foreign Policy)

Benjamin Fishman says Jordan can play a leading role in coordinating a more aggressive strategy to counter ISIS’ messages and appeal. (Al Arabiya)

Michael Young says ISIS has a reached a decisive turning point with the murder of the Jordanian pilot. (Daily Star)

Joyce Karam says, by murdering the Jordanian pilot, ISIS has effectively hastened its own demise. (Al Arabiya)

Alan Philps says the horrific burning of a Jordanian pilot by ISIS is testing the cohesion of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. (The National)

Matthew Levitt looks at the search for the late Hezbollah military commander Imad Mughniyeh. (The Hill)

The New York Times asks if anyone will be held accountable for abuses at the Abu Ghraib prison. (New  York Times)

Michael Young says the US should be careful not to emulate traditional British policies in the Middle East. (The National)

Jamal Khashoggi says the Middle East needs Saudi-American-Turkish cooperation. (Al Arabiya)

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