Daily News Issue Date: 
January 5, 2015


Palestinian officials demand an inquiry after the killing of a Gaza teenager by Egyptian forces. (New York Times)

Israel withholds tax revenues from Palestinians and threatens lawsuits against them. (The Guardian/Reuters/AFP)

Israel threatens more punitive measures against Palestinians. (AP)

Israel's responses will not include more settlement activity. (Ha'aretz)

Israel urges the US Congress to halt aid to the PA. (Ha'aretz)

US officials say Palestinian ICC moves will have "implications" for American aid to the PA. (Reuters)

Freezing Palestinian tax revenues is a double-edged sword for Israel. (Ha'aretz)

Pres. Abbas says he may resubmit a recently defeated draft UNSC text to the Security Council. (Xinhua)

Chief PLO negotiator Erekat says Palestine will decide when to submit a new UN resolution in meeting with Arab ministers. (Ma'an)

Jordan was reportedly displeased by the Palestinian UN initiative. (Ha'aretz)

MK Tibi says Israelis should think about the ICC when they "murder Palestinian children." (YNet)

Israeli officials say they're not concerned about facing ICC charges. (Al Monitor)

Israel's Supreme Court rules against the separation wall in the historic West Bank village of Battir. (Ma'an)

Rights groups say there was an 80% increase in detentions of Palestinians by Israel in 2014. (Ma'an)

Hamas and Islamic Jihad hold a joint meeting in Gaza. (Ma'an)

Tourism to Israel sharply decreased after the Gaza war last summer. (Jerusalem Post)

Israel allows a FIFA delegation to cross into Gaza after several hours delay. (Xinhua)

The speaker of Libya's Parliament rejects foreign military intervention. (AP)

The Libyan military says it opened fire on a "suspicious" Greek tanker. (AP)

20 Egyptian Christians are kidnapped by extremists in Libya. (AP/Xinhua)

Two Saudi border guards are killed in an attack near the Iraqi border. (AP/BBC)

Reuters looks at the foreign fighters joining the battle against ISIS. (Reuters)

Lebanon says ISIS seeks bases within the country. (Reuters)

ISIS gained ground among Muslim extremists the world over in 2014. (Los Angeles Times)

The Western-backed Syrian National Coalition elects a new leader. (Reuters)

The "rise and ugly fall" of a moderate Syrian rebel may offer valuable lessons for the West. (Washington Post)

Iyad Madani, secretary-general of the 57-nation OIC, visits Jerusalem and urges other Muslims to follow suit. (AP)

A Kuwaiti MP says he is facing criminal charges after supporting legalizing the sale of alcohol. (AP)

Nida Tunis asks veteran politician Habib Essid to form a new Tunisian government. (AP/Reuters)

Iran's president urges a nuclear deal with the P5+1. (Los Angeles Times)

Former U.S. Congressman Slattery is optimistic about a nuclear deal after visiting Iran. (Al Monitor)

The falling price of oil is squeezing Hezbollah's finances. (Christian Science Monitor)

Yemen's Shiite rebels reject an agreed-upon federal plan for the country. (AP)


Hussein Ibish says Palestinians desperately need a coherent national strategy. (The National)

Ha'aretz says freezing Palestinian tax revenues is a bizarre Israeli response to the PLO UN initiative. (Ha'aretz)

Aaron David Miller says Palestine's "diplomatic intifada" will fail. (Politico)

Avi Issacharoff says both sides experienced "Pyrrhic victories" at the UN. (Times of Israel)

Aaron Magid says the US must stop blaming Abbas for trying to join the ICC. (Ma'an)

Linda Heard asks if the ICC will let down the Palestinians, just as the UN has done. (Gulf News)

Dennis Ross says Palestinians should be pressured to focus on the substance, rather than symbols, of peace. (New York Times)

The Daily Star says Palestinians are right to seek new paths to independence, and should keep on doing so. (Daily Star)

The Wall Street Journal says the US should cut off aid to the PA if Palestinians try to use the ICC against Israel. (Wall Street Journal)

Oudeh Basharat says even the center-left coalition of Herzog and Livni promises a continuation of the occupation. (Ha'aretz)

Amira Hass says that in the West Bank, every flat tire tells a story. (Ha'aretz)

Theodore Sasson asks if Israel's "Jewish state" rhetoric will alienate the Jewish diaspora. (The Forward)

Bruce Riedel asks if a Saudi succession process is about to take place. (Al Monitor)

Hassan Barari says the US is too eager for a nuclear deal with Iran. (Arab News)

The Daily Star dismisses Iran's "empty promises" to the international community. (Daily Star)

Lauren Williams says ISIS has polarized Turkey. (Daily Star)

Diana Moukalled says Jordan may be ISIS' next target. (Asharq Al Awsat)

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