Daily News Issue Date: 
December 31, 2014


Palestine's latest UN resolution fails to garner nine votes, which would have raised the question of a US veto, in the Security Council. (New York Times/Reuters/Los Angeles Times/BBC)

The US reconfirms its support for peace based on the 1967 borders. (Ha'aretz)

US and Israeli intervention led to the Palestinian defeat. (The Guardian)

Jewish-American groups credit Pres. Obama for engineering the defeat. (Ha'aretz)

Palestinians say Australia may have damaged its relations with the Arab world by voting against the resolution. (The Guardian)

Palestinians plan their next steps. (AP)

Some in the Palestinian leadership are reportedly urging Pres. Abbas to seek ICC membership, possibly in the next day or two. (Ha'aretz/Times of Israel)

Hamas again condemns the PLO's UN initiatives. (Ma'an)

Israel says it is "satisfied" by the UN vote, but reiterates its criticisms of the Palestinians and Europe. (AFP/Ha'aretz)

Israel's UN envoy was absent during the vote. (Ha'aretz)

An Israeli settler runs over a Palestinian child walking to school in Tuqu. (Ma'an)

Israeli settlers set a Palestinian home on fire while the family inside sleeps. (Ma'an)

Israeli police arrest suspects accused of vandalizing a Jerusalem abby. (AP)

Fatah is preparing to celebrate its 50th anniversary in Ramallah. (Ma'an)

US forces in Iraq are training new troops to combat ISIS, beginning in February. (New York Times)

Iran denies reports the US offered it a prisoner swap. (AP)

Russia says US sanctions may hurt talks on Syria and Iran. (AP)

International calls emerge for the release of Bahrain's leading opposition figure. (New York Times/AP)

Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah is admitted to hospital for tests. (AP/Xinhua)

Tunisia's new secular president, Beji Caid Essebsi, is sworn in. (Ha'aretz/BBC)

slowdown in aid from the Gulf threatens Egypt's economic recovery. (Al Monitor)


Itamar Eichner describes how the Palestinian UN draft was defeated. (YNet)

Raphael Ahren says the Palestinian defeated the UN is good news for Likud MK's. (Times of Israel)

The Daily Star says Fatah has been brought down by a "simple failure to show moral leadership and address core grievances.". (Daily Star)

Adnan Abu Amer says the rapprochement between Egypt and Qatar has rattled Hamas. (Al Monitor)

Jay Michaelson says "pinkwashing" Israel on gay rights is incredibly wrong. (The Forward)

Javier Solana says an international course correction on Syria must begin in Aleppo. (GulfNews)

Colum Lynch says fear of angering Pres. Assad has left a gap in the UN Syria relief program. (Foreign Policy)

Michael Young says Lebanon faces a familiar set of old problems. (The National)

Ali Ibrahim wants to know who's setting Libya's oil on fire. (Asharq Al Awsat)

Ali Mamouri thinks Basra may be moving towards independence. (Al Monitor)

The Gulf News says defeating extremism will be the priority in the Middle East in 2015. (GulfNews)

Alastair Sloane looks at how the war on terror became a lucrative business. (The Daily Star)

Mohammed Fahad Al-Harthi sees improved Gulf relations with Egypt and Qatar as a positive sign for Arab unity. (Arab News)

Aaron David Miller lists five reasons why 2015 is going to bring positive changes to the Middle East. (Foreign Policy)

Joseph Kechichian says Middle Eastern states will survive the challenge from pseudo-states and substate actors. (Gulf News)

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