Daily News Issue Date: 
June 4, 2014
The PA says PM Netanyahu has failed to isolate the new Palestinian government. (Ma’an)
The State Department says it will judge the new Palestinian government based on itsactions. (Ha’aretz/Ynet/Jerusalem Post/Times of Israel)
India, China and Turkey endorse the new Palestinian government. (Ha’aretz)
Israeli restrictions prevent the first cabinet meeting for the new Palestinian ministers in Gaza. (Ma’an/Ha’aretz)
Israel officially notifies the PA about its sanctions against the Palestinians. (Ma’an)
Israeli doctors say they will not force-feed Palestinian prisoners. (AP/Ha’aretz)
The PLO says Israel is responsible for the lives of Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike. (Ma’an)
Jordan condemns Israeli actions at the Al-Aqsa mosque, after Israeli police limit Muslim access to the holy site. (Times of Israel)
Allies of Pres. Assad praise the vote of the Syrian presidential election. (AP)
The Syrian presidential election sends a powerful signal of Assad’s control. (Washington Post/The National/AFP)
Sec. Kerry arrives in Lebanon to meet with PM Salam, Speaker Berri and Maronite Patriarch Rai. (Daily Star)
Lebanon appeals for more international support to prevent economic collapse amid the refugee crisis. (Xinhua)
Pres. Sisi tells Egyptians it is now “time to work” to rebuild the economy. (AP)
The White House welcomes Sisi’s election but expresses concerns about the "restrictive political environment." (Reuters)
Gen. Haftar survives a suicide attack in his residence in Benghazi. (AP/Reuters)
Algeria’s FM Lamamra says the Arab Spring has increased the influence and power of terror groups. (AP) 
Turkey restores access to YouTube. (AP/Xinhua)
Rami Khouri says the new Palestinian government offers important new possibilities. (Daily Star)
The National says the focus of the new Palestinian government needs to be the creation of a Palestinian state. (The National)
Yossi Mekelberg says the new Palestinian government was born as a matter of urgent necessity for the Palestinians. (Al Arabiya)
Peter Beinart says many from Netanyahu’s coalition would not pass his litmus test on peace for Hamas. (Ha’aretz)
Ben Caspit says FM Lieberman is offering a plan for open contacts with moderate Arab states. (Al-Monitor)
Ali Ibrahim says Hamas has learned a lesson from Tunisia’s Ennahda party. (Asharq al-Awsat)
Ehud Yaari says Hamas is opting for the Hezbollah model. (Times of Israel)
The New York Times says the significance of the Syrian election is that Assad remains in power and is unlikely to leave anytime soon. (New York Times)
Abdul Rahman Al Rashed believes Sisi will bolster support for Egypt’s closest allies such as Saudi Arabia, and support the Syrian revolution. (Al Arabiya)
The Daily Star says Assad’s “clear-cut victory” is against Syria and the Syrian people. (Daily Star)
Osama Al Sharif says one cannot count on America’s intervention or leadership to resolve the crisis in Syria. (Jordan Times)
Hussein Ibish says Sisi will be judged on performance, not voter turnout or his large mandate. (Now)
H.A. Hellyer says the departure of Egyptian comedian Bassem Youssef from the Arab media scene is sad. (Foreign Policy)
Thomas Friedman says Kurdistan remains the “unsung success story” of the Iraq war. (New York Times)

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