Daily News Issue Date: 
April 29, 2014


The New York Times analyses the collapse of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. (New York Times)

Some Israeli politicians are seeking to unilaterally draw new borders. (Reuters)

Peace Now says Israel increased settlement work four-fold during recent peace talks.(AP/Reuters/AFP/Jerusalem Post/Ynet/The National)

Sec. Kerry says he chose the wrong word in describing Israel’s potential future as an “apartheid state.” (AP/New York Times/Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post)

Many Jewish-American groups criticize Kerry’s remarks. (Ha’aretz)

Pres. Abbas says there can be no peace with Israel without first defining the borders of a future Palestinian state. (AFP)

The PLO says its ready to resume negotiations if Israel freezes settlements and releases the fourth batch of prisoners. (Ha’aretz)

The White House says Hamas-Fatah reconciliation is not necessarily a “bad thing.” (Ha’aretz)

Hamas leader Abu Marzouk says the Palestinian unity government will be “technocratic not political.”(Ha’aretz)

Israeli occupation forces demolish a mosque in the West Bank. (Reuters/Ma’an)

Jewish “price tag” extremists vandalize a mosque in northern Israel. (AP/AFP/Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post/JTA)

Officials warn that Jordan’s custodianship of the Al Aqsa Mosque is “in danger.” (Jordan Times)

Israel’s Jerusalem wall splits a Palestinian family. (AP)

Egypt opens the Rafah crossing for two days. (Ma’an)

PM Erdogan says normalization with Israel is a matter of “days or weeks.” (Jerusalem Post/Ynet/Times of Israel)

car bomb in Homs kills 36. (AP/Xinhua)

Militants pose a threat on the eve of national elections in Iraq. (New York Times)

Erdogan calls on the US to extradite his rival, the Muslim cleric Gulen. (Reuters)


Faisal Al Yafai says Kerry is seeking to shock Israel out of its complacency. (The National)

Christopher Fettweis says, to achieve peace, both Israelis and Palestinians must put aside their past. (Los Angeles Times)

The National looks at how the Palestinians view the Holocaust. (The National)

Zeina Barakat defends her visit to Auschwitz with Professor Dajani. (The Atlantic)

Thane Rosenbaum says Israel should welcome Abbas’ recent remarks about the Holocaust. (Ha’aretz)

Sharif Nashashibi says Palestinians should ensure that the PA sticks to its promise and joins the ICC. (Al Arabiya)

Ari Shavit proposes unilateral measures by Israel and the Palestinians. (New Republic)

Richard Cohen says Hamas’ anti-semitism must be repudiated for a lasting peace in the Middle East. (Washington Post)

Akiva Eldar says the peace process has failed due to Israeli recalcitrance. (Ha’aretz)

Matthew Longo, Daphna Canetti and Nancy Hite-Rubin they say peace must address the “daily facts on the ground” for most people. (Christian Science Monitor)

Ha’aretz says Israel must make the history of the Palestinians an integral part of every school curriculum. (Ha’aretz)

The Daily Star asks if Western supporters of the Syrian opposition will actually do something now that Pres. Assad is seeking reelection. (Daily Star)

Anne-Marie Slaughter says the solution to the crisis in Ukraine lies partly in Syria. (Daily Star)

Abdul Rahman Al Rashed says former PM Blair’s speech is a call to save “moderate Islam.” (Al Arabiya)

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