Daily News Issue Date: 
March 10, 2014
A report from Amnesty International says Syria is starving Palestinian refugees in Yarmouk camp. (Jerusalem Post)
The Arab League rejects recognizing Israel as a “Jewish state.” (Reuters/AP)
China urges Israelis and Palestinians to make progress on peace. (Xinhua)
Chief Palestinian Negotiator Erekat says the US promised that Israel will free 30 prisoners by the end of March. (Ha’aretz)
A Prague Conference highlights the enormous potential for the Palestinian economy. (PNN)
Desmond Tutu compares Israel’s treatment of Palestinians to apartheid and reiterates his endorsement of “BDS.” (Ha’aretz)
Israeli occupation forces kill a Palestinian man at the border crossing with Jordan. (AP/Ma’an/Ha’aretz)
Israel demolishes more Palestinian houses in the Jordan River Valley. (Washington Post)
A Fatah leader says Hamas should abandon its Muslim Brotherhood agenda. (Ma’an)
Jihadi head Abu Bakir al-Ansari says extremist groups in Gaza are growing. (AP)
A Palestinian from Gaza uses remains of Israeli ordnance to produce works of art. (Ma’an)
Palestinian women join the West Bank anti-riot police. (The National)
Nuns held by an al-Qaeda linked Syrian rebel group are released. (AP/Reuters/New York Times)
Rebels say 120 Hezbollah fighters have been killed in Yabroud. (Times of Israel)
Save the Children says the Syrian war is having a “devastating impact” on children’s health. (New York Times)
UNICEF says the number of Syrian refugees in Turkey has reached 900,000. (Xinhua)
A Qatari-backed bloc will rejoin Syria’s opposition coalition. (Reuters/The National)
The UAE backs Saudi Arabia’s designation of the Muslim Brotherhood as a “terrorist organization.” (AP)
The al-Qaeda linked Abdullah Azzam Brigades apologizes for killing Lebanese civilians. (AP)
A suicide bomber kills at least 45 people at a security checkpoint in Iraq. (New York Times)
PM Maliki accuses Saudi Arabia and Qatar of declaring “war on Iraq.” (Xinhua)
Ziad Asali says Americans must never ask themselves, “Who lost Egypt?” (Huffington Post)
Hussein Ibish argues that the recent visit by Ennahda leader Ghannouchi shows Washington’s inability to understand Islamists as they really are. (The National)
Amer al Sabaileh says the peace talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians need to be dealt with “transparently.” (Jordan Times)
David Landau says PM Netanyahu’s insistence on the Palestinian recognition of Israel as a “Jewish state”  is asking them to become Zionists. (Ha’aretz)
Eric Yoffie says Israel’s fallback plan if peace talks fail is to “reduce occupation.” (Ha’aretz)
Oudeh Basharat asks if Israel will be forever a “foreign implant” in the Middle East. (Ha’aretz)
The Daily Star says Maliki’s accusations against Saudi Arabia and Qatar raise more questions than they answer. (Daily Star)
Abdul Rahman al Rashed says Shiite extremists are exactly like Sunni extremists. (Al Arabiya)
Abdullah Kamal says Egypt’s political conflict is a replay of traditional tensions. (Al Arabiya)
Maryam Saleh says the return of infectious diseases in Syria is Pres. Assad’s fault. (The National)
Mshari Al-Zayidi says there is no difference between ISIS and Al-Nusra. (Asharq al-Awsat)
Rami Khouri says Pres. Bouteflika’s run for another term in office is an affront to common human decency. (Daily Star)
Michael Young says the rift in the GCC is all about Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood. (Now)

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